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Steven Seagal Movies (2003 - 2021) The Good, The Bad & The Ugly


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His interview with Piers Morgan showed what a foul human being Seagal actually is.

I would try to separate the art from the man if the art was worthwhile but he only makes garbage now.

I'll always have a soft spot for a lot of his early films but now, no. Not worth it.

He thinks he's above the law but he's not above mine.

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20 hours ago, DragonClaws said:

Never knew about the Hong Kong choreogrpaher Yuen Tak, working on a Steven Seagal DTV feature. I'd have been even more dispointed with Out Of Reach, if I'd known he was hired to direct the action.

On 10/24/2017 at 1:32 AM, DrNgor said:

Why would you hire Yuen Tak, the guy who did Dragon From Russia and Mahjong Dragon, to choreograph Seagal throwing people into walls?

That's what happened in all the fights, expect the final fight. Just see it for yourself. I will never watch it again.

I saw force of execution yesterday. Good film. I liked the fight scenes. He has 4 fight scenes. Some doubles visible, but he did most himself. I recommend it. I will next watch a good man. 

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One Armed Boxer

@LoBo....are you in any kind of trouble?  I always thought that if I ever came across someone that seemed to be willingly watching all of Seagal's DTV output, it's most likely code for "Help me, I'm in danger."


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7 hours ago, LoBo said:

I saw force of execution yesterday. Good film. I liked the fight scenes.

There's a guy in the trialer, who performs some nice kicks, think his names Ben Foster?.




7 hours ago, LoBo said:

He has 4 fight scenes. Some doubles visible, but he did most himself. I recommend it. I will next watch a good man. 

I've read elswhere on the internet, that they schedules for these movies are often that short, they dont always have time to film Seagals fights/scenes. Not sure how true this is?, I think he uses a lot of double becuase he cant pull of certain moves anymore.

Or maybe it's both of the above?, lack of time and finding it harder to perform the choreography.



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Yes, his name is Bren Foster. He does most of the fight scenes in the film. He does mostly kicking. 

In that film Steven was doubled for some Simple kicks and I think punches. Stuff he could do himself I believe. Yes, very short schedules. I think over 20 days or something. Also, he is not on set on all shooting days. They only have him for so many days. Some films he has a starring role like for ex maximum conviction or absolution. In other films he has more of a supporting role like force of execution or a good man.

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1 hour ago, LoBo said:

Some films he has a starring role like for ex maximum conviction or absolution. In other films he has more of a supporting role like force of execution or a good man.

Then you have the Distributors who misleadingly put his face and name all over the cover of a DVD/Blu-Ray, regardless of wether he's the star or not.

The up-coming Gunfighter is another another generic DTV project I assume?, think he was working on this before Attrition?.

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Yes, they do that. No, gunfighter hasn't begun shooting yet. Over at the Steven Seagal forum they're unsure if his still in it. I seem to remember this is supposed to be a western film. I hope he does. It would be a change of pace from his usual modern set films.

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4 hours ago, LoBo said:

Yes, they do that. No, gunfighter hasn't begun shooting yet. Over at the Steven Seagal forum they're unsure if his still in it. I seem to remember this is supposed to be a western film. I hope he does. It would be a change of pace from his usual modern set films.

I was under the impression it was set in present times, with kind of Walking Tall/The Last Stand kind of premise.

With the quality of the physical action in his recent movies, he'd be better doing a full blown gunplay flick.

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Yes, I was wrong. I read it is supposed to be a modern day version of high noon. So probably kind of like a western like desperado is.

If you've seen absolution or end a gun, it still shows he can do fight scenes.

Edited by LoBo
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On 25/10/2017 at 4:52 PM, LoBo said:

If you've seen absolution or end a gun, it still shows he can do fight scenes.

I might give those a chance if they turn up on T.V, it's been a good few years maybe a decade, since I purchased one of his new movies.


Looking at the DVD cover below, I was trying to figure out what was odd about it. Then it came to me, he's not wearing any sunglasses. At least not on the mian image.



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I see. If you give one of his later films recommend here, you will see several of them have good and brutal fights like his first few films. 

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17 hours ago, LoBo said:

I see. If you give one of his later films recommend here, you will see several of them have good and brutal fights like his first few films. 

A lot of his DTV stuff is pretty brutal, its how they stage and capture it, thats often the problem.



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11 minutes ago, LoBo said:

I see. 

The fight I posted above, wasn't the worst I've seen, even with the heavy doubling. It's just how they move the camera about, which might not just be bad film making. It's sometimes done to mask a poorly executed move, or to cover up a body double etc. Sadly a lot of Seagals DTV camera operators, must have gone to the Paul Greengrass school of filmaking.

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From his forum about his newest film attrition: 

Just had contact with Mathieu Weschler. Editing is done and he delivered his cut to the producers.
The movie is now going to the AFM for buyers.

Trailer will be coming soon.
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On 10/6/2017 at 4:10 AM, Fist of the Heavenly Sky said:

Perhaps not the best thread to ask this question, but what would be the perfect gateway movie(s) for getting into the Seagal filmography?

ABOVE THE LAW as it basically introduces Seagal and Aikido to the audience, and is a terrific film.

On 10/6/2017 at 7:48 AM, One Armed Boxer said:

Hands down it's 'Out for Justice'.  All of his Aikido skills are on display, it's ridiculously violent, and the script is a hoot.

'Under Siege' is his most commercial movie, but he does surprisingly little martial arts in it.  In terms of entertainment value, the sequel is superior.

If it would be anyone, then it has to be Vern.  I picked up his book 'Seagalogy: A Study of the Ass-Kicking Films of Steven Seagal' back when it hit the shelves in '08, and it was a hugely entertaining read, actually analysiing each and every one of Seagal's movies up to that point.  He released an updated version in 2012, but even since then the big man has released a further 12 movies, he's cranking them out at a rate which is too difficult to keep up with.



Not in any way a good movie, but for the sheer bizarreness of it, 2004's 'Out of Reach' is hard to beat.  Featuring Seagal as a bird loving ex covert agent who has a pen pal friendship with a Polish girl, once she gets kidnapped by a human trafficking ring, it turns out he also has a psychic connection with her.  This movie probably holds the record for the amount of times Seagal's voice is dubbed by someone trying to sound like Seagal, and he frequently has a body double even for shots in which he's just walking away from the camera.  It's weird, and something about it rendered me unable to turn it off.  

I had no idea this book even existed until @Karlos put it into my hands. It's full of great info and also laugh out loud funny too.

You nailed it in your description of OUT OF REACH. It pretty much had me thinking WTF? the entire time in every way imaginable.

On 10/6/2017 at 8:06 AM, DragonClaws said:

After asking that queestion, I then realized that knowone's going to want to admit to seeking out all his DTV work.

Sounds like a fun read, regarding the Steven Seagalogy book.

I watched this one with the girlfriend and we couldn't stop laughing at it. Just the fact he has a pen pal, and on top of that she's a young kid.

I've never understood the random body doubling, when its not even for a fight scene. He can often be billed as a star, when he's only in a movie for a small amount of time, like in the film Against The Dark for example. I sometimes wonder if he justs sit at home infront of a Green Screen at times. Then sends out multple clips to different producers, and they just insert them into a movie. I'm only joking when I say this, but when you consider movies like Out Of Reach, its not so far fetched.


Out Of Reach(2004)


I'm embarrassed to admit that until a year or so ago, I've watched them all. I kept hoping that somehow his ego would get out of the way long enough for him to realize he was releasing shit, and allow a decent director to actually reel his ridiculous improvisational ramblings in, and give a solid performance again. But I don't have endless patience, and my time is too important to me to continue watching 100 minutes of crap, hoping for 30 seconds of cool action. Shit, I could be watching THE STREET FIGHTER for the 100th time instead! Guaranteed good times there.

Definitely read the book @DragonClaws. You'll love it. Make sure to pick up the extended version though (the one pictured above).

The pen pal... creepy. Just... creepy.

I think the random (non-stunt/action) body-doubling is most likely a matter of sheer laziness, but scheduling and re-written plots may have also played a part in it.

On 10/6/2017 at 8:11 AM, One Armed Boxer said:

Yep, 'Out of Reach' is 'The Room' of Seagal's filmography, hilarious from start to finish.

It's been almost a decade since I read Vern's book, but if I remember correctly, apparently in a lot of Seagal's early DTV work he was pitched a completely different type of movie from the ones that ended up being released.  So in some cases, in order to fit into the re-jigged plot that got hastily put together in post-production, the producers needed extra dialogue or shots of Seagal, hence the constant voice/body doubling that was so blatant in those early DTV efforts.  Sounds like a modern day case of Godfrey Ho/Richard Harrison shenanigans.:smile

"Why arh you saying dat One Ahmed Boxa? I nevah hit you. You aw tearwing me apaht!" :xd:

Yes, you're remembering correctly. But come on Seagal/film producers... do a freakin' Skype session to record the additional needed lines! Sloppy and piss-poor film-making right there.

On 10/6/2017 at 10:23 AM, DragonClaws said:

Thanks for sharing that bit of information.

That explains a lot, Seagal should have teamed up with Issac Florentine a long time ago.


He might be taking a break from movies soon?, so he can get into fighting shape for this....


Florentine strikes me as the kind of stand-up guy that would never work with Seagal, not knowing everything we now know about him as a disgraceful, vile person.

I'd be less surprised if I found out that Seagal ate every single George Foreman grill to ever roll off the production line, than if this fight actually happened!

On 10/11/2017 at 3:22 PM, DragonClaws said:



One of the few Seagal movies from the past fourteen years that I was actually curious to see, but never got round to watching.

Anyone have any thoughts on this title?.


One of his better films from this time period, and worth watching. Bren Foster does the best action in it though.

On 10/11/2017 at 5:02 PM, One Armed Boxer said:

I haven't seen this one @DragonClaws...but interestingly at 0:52 I believe there may be one of the first sightings of what would soon become the permanently affixed orange tinted shades, so a historically significant movie in that regard.

I wish he'd trade those glasses in, even if it meant bringing back his Eskimo jacket in trade!

On 10/11/2017 at 10:53 PM, ShaOW!linDude said:

For me, Above The Law (Seagal's initial film) and Marked For Death (his 3rd with nice occult plot to it) are his best. Out For Justice just disappointed the crap out of me except for how he finishes off the villain. I think it was the beret. That just looked goofy on him. 

Really dude? OUT FOR JUSTICE disappointed you?:ooh: He hardly wears that beret at all, and the movie chugs along at a great pace and features unforgettable Seagal dialog and fights. Plus... there's a puppy in it too. :angel:

On 10/13/2017 at 8:13 AM, kami said:

I would start my expedition into the realm of Steven Seagal with "Out for Justice". It's a straight-forward urban action movie with great and very violent action but has already enough of those strange Seagal-moments that make his films stand out of the action crowd. Regarding his DTV-movies, I literally watched them all (including last years heap of garbage) and I consider "Belly of the Beast", "Pistol Whipped", "Urban Justice" and "A Dangerous Man" the best of them. Crazy films like "Today You Die", "Mercenary for Justice", "Submerged" or "Out For A Kill" are also highly entertaining. But best to forget everything he made since 2010, the movies get cheaper and more boring every year.

Yeah, think you nailed it @kami.

On 10/13/2017 at 4:10 PM, LoBo said:

I recommend the keeper, born to raise hell, maximum conviction, absolution and end of a gun. Driven to kill was ok. Only boxing. No Aikido

You're taking the piss here, right? :tongueout

On 10/13/2017 at 4:21 PM, DrNgor said:

The Video Movie Guide 1997 (what some referred to as an unpretentious alternative to the Leonard Maltin Movie Guide, even though they practically dismissed Euro-horror and Eurosploitation films almost out of pure instinct) gave Out for Justice four-and-a-half out of five stars and said it was the best martial arts film out of them all. Keep in mind they gave the first POLICE STORY (well, the dubbed POLICE FORCE verson) a BOMB/Turkey rating.

MAXIMUM CONVICTION didn't "wow" me very much, with its finale consisting of Seagal manhandling Michael Paré for 30 seconds before pushing him into a proximity mine.

DRIVEN TO KILL (aka RUSLAN) was pretty good.

KILL SWITCH had some of the longest Seagal fights, even though they were filmed in a way that it was clear he was using a double for most of the fights. It's also a spectacularly-unpleasant film.

In my humble opinion, based on what you wrote above, I'd have to say that that reviewer's taste is in his ass! Even though I'm a big fan of OUT FOR JUSTICE, 4 1/2 out of 5 stars, and POLICE STORY a bomb?! :coveredlaugh Doh!

On 10/23/2017 at 4:29 PM, Karlos said:

His interview with Piers Morgan showed what a foul human being Seagal actually is.

I would try to separate the art from the man if the art was worthwhile but he only makes garbage now.

I'll always have a soft spot for a lot of his early films but now, no. Not worth it.

He thinks he's above the law but he's not above mine.

Damn, how could that much douchebaggery be contained on one set at the same time? :neutral:

@Karlos, well said brother. I feel the same way. 

When he was just full of himself and a liar it was easy to ignore and still enjoy his films. But then his films began to suck more and more, and we found out that besides his tall tales and enormous ego he is also a disgusting, woman abusing predator. Where's his "samurai honor" when he's up to that evil shit? :tinysmile_angry2_t:

On 10/24/2017 at 2:56 PM, LoBo said:

Yes, his name is Bren Foster. He does most of the fight scenes in the film. He does mostly kicking. 

In that film Steven was doubled for some Simple kicks and I think punches. Stuff he could do himself I believe. Yes, very short schedules. I think over 20 days or something. Also, he is not on set on all shooting days. They only have him for so many days. Some films he has a starring role like for ex maximum conviction or absolution. In other films he has more of a supporting role like force of execution or a good man.

Good info.

On 10/26/2017 at 8:58 AM, DragonClaws said:

A lot of his DTV stuff is pretty brutal, its how they stage and capture it, thats often the problem.



This is one of his better action scenes in recent decades. The camera work is terrible, but at least there's more of a mix in techniques/action than in much of his work, with him finally even getting hit (even cut!), and knocked down.

A pet peeve of mine though is when people fight, but their hair doesn't get messed up. :tongue: I know that might sound silly, but these sort of details can make a big difference. Look at Seagal's hai at the end of this fight- not a strand out of place! This was really annoying during the climactic boxing match in IP MAN 2 as well. Donnie's hair looked ready for a GQ cover shoot after going round after round with Darren Shahlavi. When I see a fight, I want to see evidence of the injuries from the strikes, sweat, and messed up hair and clothing. An example of it being done right is this fight from GROSSE POINTE BLANK (1999) where John Cusack fights Benny "The Jet" Urquidez (Cusack's actual kickboxing coach) for under a minute, but looks like a sweaty, red-faced mess when it's over. If you haven't seen the movie, don't watch this clip as it's a major spoiler...  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=htH2PhWZawQ

On 10/29/2017 at 3:34 PM, DragonClaws said:



That's my favorite thing I've seen him in for the past few years. Thanks for posting it!

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One Armed Boxer
On 10/30/2017 at 6:34 AM, DragonClaws said:



That was pretty funny.  Seagal was also in an Orange TV commercial that used to get shown before a movie played in UK cinemas during the mid-00's, requesting the audience to turn their phone off during the screening.  It contains one of his best performances - 


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3 hours ago, One Armed Boxer said:

Seagal was also in an Orange TV commercial that used to get shown before a movie played in UK cinemas during the mid-00's, requesting the audience to turn their phone off during the screening.

Heh...an account by August Ragone, a well-known Godzilla expert in fan circles, says that during the Hollywood premiere of Godzilla: Final Wars, Seagal sat across the aisle from him and he (Seagal) spent the first 15 or 20 minutes on the phone before just getting up and leaving the film.

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On 23/10/2017 at 6:29 PM, Karlos said:

His interview with Piers Morgan showed what a foul human being Seagal actually is.

I would try to separate the art from the man if the art was worthwhile but he only makes garbage now.

I'll always have a soft spot for a lot of his early films but now, no. Not worth it.

He thinks he's above the law but he's not above mine.

While I don't want to comment on the current plethora of scandals in Hollywood, Seagal has been subject to at least two accusations of being a general sleaze, albeit not an actual rapist or molester. I'm personally weighing my options of whether to continue following the guy's career, or just wash my hands of him.

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22 hours ago, KUNG FU BOB said:

embarrassed to admit that until a year or so ago, I've watched them all. I kept hoping that somehow his ego would get out of the way long enough for him to realize he was releasing shit, and allow a decent director to actually reel his ridiculous improvisational ramblings in, and give a solid performance again. But I don't have endless patience, and my time is too important to me to continue watching 100 minutes of crap, hoping for 30 seconds of cool action. Shit, I could be watching THE STREET FIGHTER for the 100th time instead! Guaranteed good times there.

Will you be giving Attrtion a try?if it gets some positive feedback/reviews?.

22 hours ago, KUNG FU BOB said:

Definitely read the book @DragonClaws. You'll love it. Make sure to pick up the extended version though (the one pictured above).

It's a book I'd love to read, wonder if there will release an extended edtion? with the rate in which his filmshave been released, since the boook came out.


22 hours ago, KUNG FU BOB said:

One of his better films from this time period, and worth watching. Bren Foster does the best action in it though.

Appreciate the feedback, I will give it a chance if I catch it on the Sony channel one night.


22 hours ago, KUNG FU BOB said:

That's my favorite thing I've seen him in for the past few years. Thanks for posting it!

Probably features his single best fight in the last ten years.


18 hours ago, One Armed Boxer said:

That was pretty funny.  Seagal was also in an Orange TV commercial that used to get shown before a movie played in UK cinemas during the mid-00's, requesting the audience to turn their phone off during the screening.  It contains one of his best performances - 

Thanks for posting this, brngs back some memories. Too bad that two of Seagals best on-screen appearances from the last decade, involved him acting in adverts. Or should I ay, just being himself in adverts?.


22 hours ago, KUNG FU BOB said:

Damn, how could that much douchebaggery be contained on one set at the same time? :neutral:

@Karlos, well said brother. I feel the same way. 

When he was just full of himself and a liar it was easy to ignore and still enjoy his films. But then his films began to suck more and more, and we found out that besides his tall tales and enormous ego he is also a disgusting, woman abusing predator. Where's his "samurai honor" when he's up to that evil shit?


14 hours ago, DrNgor said:

While I don't want to comment on the current plethora of scandals in Hollywood, Seagal has been subject to at least two accusations of being a general sleaze, albeit not an actual rapist or molester. I'm personally weighing my options of whether to continue following the guy's career, or just wash my hands of him.

It's hard to say whats real and whats not when it comes to Hollywood media reports etc, there's lots of politics, agendas, cliques and two faced-ness in that world. That said, I dont know if he was guilty of the stuff people have accused him off?. Really surprised fans havent washed there hands on him already, with the lack of decent movies for such a long period of time. Before you even get to all the other stuff, that appears to follow him around.


Steven Seagal travesl to Siberia in search of diamonds... and his long lost acenstors(2015).

Link- http://siberiantimes.com/other/others/news/n0347-steven-seagal-travels-to-siberia-in-search-of-diamondsand-his-long-lost-ancestors/




Edited by DragonClaws
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7 hours ago, DragonClaws said:

It's hard to say whats real and whats not when it comes to Hollywood media reports etc, there's lots of politics, agendas, cliques and two faced-ness in that world. That said, I dont know if he was guilty of the stuff people have accused him off?. Really surprised fans havent washed there hands on him already, with the lack of decent movies for such a long period of time. Before you even get to all the other stuff, that appears to follow him around.

As I was telling my wife, I'm sure Hollywood has more than its fair share of people who use their power for their own salaciousness, with some of their targets who are repulsed and others who simply shrug and *accept* it as part of the game. And I'm sure there are some actresses who deliberately seduce others to further their own aims. 

I don't know if he's guilty, but I find it interesting that he has been singled out among hundreds of male stars who are in the industry.

I wouldn't wash my hands of his work simply on the grounds that many of his recent films blow, if only because I still hold out hope that he has one more Marked For Death in him, or at least Belly of the Beast.

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Calling Seagal a piece of shit is an insult to feces. And I'm honestly stunned that people are watching anything he's been in after Fire Down Below. He's a joke, his fighting skills are a joke and his movies are joke.... and not the funny kind. Just go away, Steven.

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17 hours ago, DrNgor said:

I don't know if he's guilty, but I find it interesting that he has been singled out among hundreds of male stars who are in the industry.

Rush Hour director Brett Ratner has also been exposed, and there will be more people linked to this. Wether or not there other people are exposed, is another question.


17 hours ago, DrNgor said:

I wouldn't wash my hands of his work simply on the grounds that many of his recent films blow, if only because I still hold out hope that he has one more Marked For Death in him, or at least Belly of the Beast.

Belly Of The Beast will look like a classic now, when compared to the dozens of films that followed it.


17 hours ago, DrNgor said:

As I was telling my wife, I'm sure Hollywood has more than its fair share of people who use their power for their own salaciousness, with some of their targets who are repulsed and others who simply shrug and *accept* it as part of the game. And I'm sure there are some actresses who deliberately seduce others to further their own aims.

There's alwaysbeen this dark side of Hollywood, its nothing new, they've had what they call Hollywood fixers, since the 1950's. People stars pay to cover up anything they dont want the public to know about. It's a sad and twisted part of the entertianment industry.

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