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Help with my next subs project, Black Panther, 1969 Cathay Pictures


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So, edited out the commercials of the only copy and enhanced the image as best we could, but can anyone give me plot details? A little more than what is on the Cathay site? I tried to google translate the synopsis from Chinese, but it came back gibberish, so if any native speaker/reader can help, that would be great.

因不滿大總管劉瑾御國,近百名忠良密謀連署,沒想到事蹟敗露,反被劉瑾先下手。近百人具名的花 名冊被經辦的 書吏‧郭濟民帶走,但他卻遭到惡霸侯大方(王琛)殺害,妻子‧小銀鈴(容蓉)被抓走,其子‧郭 小龍(孟元文 )幸好被大俠‧任中龍(張沖)所救,安頓於陳老頭(梁銳)家。 周玉蓮(江虹)因家父曾於花名冊上簽字,所以特地前來拜託任中龍幫忙。任中龍得知錦衣衛收買黑 白紅三使者做 打手,其中以黑使者最為厲害,因此他猜測小銀鈴應是被黑使者擄走。任中龍回到陳家,發現陳老頭 和其妻被殺, 小龍下落不明,依據地上的血跡,任中龍認為兇手是侯大方,但其實侯大方也是遭人嫁禍。任中龍認 為事有玄機, 跑到玉蓮家卻發現一個人影也沒有,他四處張望,竟找到了進入密室的機關。 任中龍在密室發現小銀鈴和小龍遭到黑使者嚴刑逼供,急忙上前解救,打鬥時劃破黑使者的幪面,赫 然發現黑使者 竟是周玉蓮,也正是小銀鈴的親妹妹。原來兩姐妹因父母雙亡,從小被迫分離,玉蓮因難捱窮困,一 時起了貪心, 才會以黑使者的身分替錦衣衛辦事。 紅白使者和錦衣衛的統領‧冷寒冰(田青)相繼趕到,小銀鈴因抵死不透露花名冊的下落而遭到刑求 ,玉蓮忍無可 忍決定背叛師門,和任中龍聯手對付冷寒冰。最後,冷寒冰被玉蓮一刀刺死,玉蓮和小銀鈴相擁而泣 ,小銀鈴從小 龍攜帶的月琴裡拿出花名冊交給任中龍,任中龍認為花名冊只會害得愛好名利的人爭奪不休,於是並 將花名冊放火 燒了。

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Chen Hung Lieh

Here's my attempt, but I'm not Chinese, so it might contain translation errors. It was not easy and I needed the help of translation software. Some little points are still unclear to me, so I left them out. The chinese text actually doesn't mention "a black panther", but anything like a "Black emissary (黑使者)" instead, I don't know if black emissary is translated well, so I replaced it with "Black Panther". I hope it is sufficient enough to understand the main plot a little (sorry for my poor english):

Nearly hundred of loyal and honest officials bearing a grudge against the high court official Liu Jin and plan to overthrow him. Unexpectedly they fail and are exposed by Liu Jin's right-hand man/woman. The list of their names has fallen into the hands of the court clerk Guo Jimin (Yi Fung). After Guo Jimin has taken the list away, he encounters a local tyrant named Hou Dafang (Wong Sam) and gets killed by him. His wife Xiao Yinling (Doreen Chien Rong-Rong) is being arrested, his child Guo Xiaolong (Meng Yuen-Man) luckily was rescued by the great swordsman Ren Zhonglong (Paul Chang Chung) and finds shelter in the family of an old man called Chen (Leung Yui). Because Chen has signed the name list before, Zhou Yulian (Kong Hung) comes especially to ask Ren Zhonglong for help. By this, Ren Zhonglong learns that the most fierce among three imperial guards on the chase for the name list is called "The Black Panther". So he concludes that Xiao Yinling must have been caught by Black Panther. When Ren Zhonglong returns to the Chen family, he discovers Chen and his wife both has been killed and Guo Xiaolong disappeared to an unkown place. According the blood stains on the ground Ren Zhonglong at first believes that Hou Dafang was the killer, however, it turns out that Hou Dafang served as a scapegoat for someone else. In order to get the bottom of this mystery, he runs to Zhou Yulian's House, but finds not a single person. After looking around he finds and enters a secret chamber. In this chamber he eventually finds Xiao Yinling and Guo Xiaolong being tortured by Black Panther to make them reveal the whereabouts of the name list. He rushes to rescue them and during the fight he cuts the covered face of Black Panther. Shocked, he discovers not only Black Panther is in fact Zhou Yulian, she's also the younger sister of Xiao Yinling. Their parents died early and they were forced to separate from each other since childhood. In order to escape her poor and poverty-stricken life, Yulian hired herself as an imperial guard by taking over the identity of Black Panther. In the meanwhile imperial guard commander Leng Hanbing (Tin Ching) reached the scene. Because Yinling still refuse to reveal the whereabouts of the name list, Hanbing tortures her to make her confess. Yulian can't bear to watch her sister being tortured anymore, so she make up her mind and rebels against her own master. She teams up with Ren Zhonglong in order to finish Leng Hanbing. Later Leng Hanbing get stabbed to death by Yulian. Yulian and Yinling embrace each other in tears. Yinling pulls out the name list from Xiaolong's four-stringed guitar and hands it over to Ren Zhonglong. Zhonglong believes that the name list will cause endless struggles between greedy people, so he decide to burn down the list to ashes.


By the way, I have subbed two Cathay movies (The Haunted & The Spirits) by translating the chinese subs of Hoker Records DVD's, if you are interested in the srt.files (for free), send me pm. However, they're no swordplay (just a very little bit), they are ghost movies inspired by Pu Songling short stories.

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Yes, I am very interested! You speak Mandarin as well? Thanks for all the help BTW!

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Chen Hung Lieh
1 hour ago, NoKUNGFUforYU said:

Yes, I am very interested! You speak Mandarin as well?

Good, I will send you pm.

My Mandarin speaking/listening skills are totally useless, forget it. Some fragments I might understand, in case they speak not too fast (but in most cases they do^^). I can better read/identify chinese characters, the advantage of characters is that you can't mix up the syllables, which very often sounds similar to each other.

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