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Ip Man 4: Donnie Yen, Scott Adkins, Grace Englert, Mark Strange, Chan Kwok-Kwan, Jim Liu (2019)


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32 minutes ago, DragonClaws said:



Now that was a cool double kick, l believe Scott's forte is those flying kicks especially the spinning ones.

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The nunchucks section of that fight scene received some unintended laughter due to it being sped up the way it was during the obvious Bruce impression part. But there’s also some intended laughter too as we obviously get some nunchucks comedy moments ripped out of Way of the Dragon. Not everyone can just use them. I know I am being vague but for those that have seen it will probably know what I mean. And if you haven’t seen it then go if at all possible.

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Already on torrent websites. One hour after the release, already 1000 download on a single platform. Well they will not, afterwards, complain if the movies are shit because they can't find enough money to make decent ones. I'm pretty sure that many of the thieves 1) complain that movies are too expensive 2) They have a $1000 phone in their pocket 3) never contribute in any way in the asian film fan community. See the irony? That's exactly what Scott Adkins told me at a convention.

Edited by Rodolphe Dux
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2 hours ago, Rodolphe Dux said:

Already on torrent websites. One hour after the release, already 1000 download on a single platform. Well they will not, afterwards, complain if the movies are shit because they can't find enough money to make decent ones. I'm pretty sure that many of the thieves 1) complain that movies are too expensive 2) They have a $1000 phone in their pocket 3) never contribute in any way in the asian film fan community. See the irony? That's exactly what Scott Adkins told me at a convention.

I agree with this 100%. well said, this is sad cause when I went to watch this at the cinemas, only 15 people showed up? and this was during xmas break holidays, kids are out of school on the weekends and still not sold out? Man, I bet if this movie came out in the 90s, it be sold out no doubt about that. Screw those leechers!!! 

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3 hours ago, Rodolphe Dux said:

Already on torrent websites. One hour after the release, already 1000 download on a single platform. Well they will not, afterwards, complain if the movies are shit because they can't find enough money to make decent ones. I'm pretty sure that many of the thieves 1) complain that movies are too expensive 2) They have a $1000 phone in their pocket 3) never contribute in any way in the asian film fan community. See the irony? That's exactly what Scott Adkins told me at a convention.

While I do agree with most of what you said I think the situation is a bit more complex. I'm not trying to point fingers but distribution is also doing their part in having piracy thrive. I'm not sure which part of the world you live in but here it is sheer impossible to watch these movies on the big screen. I happen to work at a cinema myself and when asked for acquiring the legal rights, the distributor (europe) couldn't even be bothered. See the problem here? Look at most of the posts... I would argue many people (fans) would be more then happy to pay money to watch the movie. Heck give it the chance and other people might start enjoying these movies as well. But let's face it, you can count the cinemas outside of asia which actually (can) show these on one hand. And honestly I don't have the luxury to travel to the UK or US just to watch a movie. Although I did consider this option before. I'm just trying to see the bigger picture here. Not every pirate is just a cheap ass douchebag. The distributors need to change their attitude towards potential markets as well. It's no secret that most if not all asian productions find their way to the WWW after 1-2 months of their initial release. So why not give us fans the option to buy it in time? I mean if you don't give us the chance on the big screen, give us the legal means to rent, stream or buy it. Just my two cents.

Edited by laagi
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16 minutes ago, laagi said:

While I do agree with most of what you said I think the situation is a bit more complex. I'm not trying to point fingers but distribution is also doing their part in having piracy thrive. I'm not sure which part of the world you live in but here it is sheer impossible to watch these movies on the big screen. I happen to work at a cinema myself and when asked for acquiring the legal rights, the distributor (europe) couldn't even be bothered. See the problem here? Look at most of the posts... I would argue many people (fans) would be more then happy to pay money to watch the movie. Heck give it the chance and other people might start enjoying these movies as well. But let's face it, you can count the cinemas outside of asia which actually (can) show these on one hand. And honestly I don't have the luxury to travel to the UK or US just to watch a movie. Although I did consider this option before. I'm just trying to see the bigger picture here. Not every pirate is just a cheap ass douchebag. The distributors need to change their attitude towards potential markets as well. It's no secret that most if not all asian productiosn find their way to the WWW after 1-2 months of their initial release. So why not give us fans the option to buy it legally in time? I mean if you don't give us the chance on the big screen, give us the legal means to rent, stream or buy it. Just my two cents.

I agree completely.  I’m in France and asian distribution sucks big time and the only time they distribute asian movies it’s only with a stupid French dubbing. But you are right, there are many problems with distribution, the whole rights business is a racket, the minimum guarantee fees, the exclusivities by countries, that’s just a gigantic racket. I used to run a movie theater and I tried to released legally some titles in dvd, it was a financial and legal nightmare. That being said, even when you succeed to get the rights, only a couple of folks pays for the movie, for one disc sold one thousand dudes will leech it let’s be honest. For example Shaolin Soccer and Taking of tiger mountain were a nightmare to release but it has been released in theater, they were massive financial failure but a success on torrent platforms, despite a good dvd release. So now even movies like accidental man are just released as straight to stream, it’s a shame. My point is distribution indeed sucks, but even when a release is done properly, douchebag leechers is a reality, and the biggest problem is that piracy is becoming a standard, easier and more flexible than the dvd (when they’re not out of print) and the gigantic scam that is bluray, it just costs a fortune to release, mainly to pay the fee to just use the blu ray format.So I guess it’s 60-40, as a consumer we have a moral reponsibility it’s even more true for asian release some publishers released obscure movies like angel terminators, they sold 100 copies on blu, the complete blu has been downloaded 2000 thousand times the first month on avistaz only. You can’t compete with free, that’s a moral dilemma on the watcher’s behalf. And nowadays, illegal movies downloading is not considered as a crime, it is a standard, that’s a problem. But like you said, the industry failed to offer a good alternative, because of the all copyright racket.

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So I rewatched this again at home. It wasn't as good as the first time I watched in the cinemas. I really think the crowd reaction helped a lot. When you watch it at home you get cynical af. The fights looked CGI for some reason, might be my tv, I don't know? :BL-Emotional: Don't get my started on the acting, HOLY SHIT!!! 

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On 2/9/2020 at 9:59 PM, Rodolphe Dux said:

I agree completely.  I’m in France and asian distribution sucks big time and the only time they distribute asian movies it’s only with a stupid French dubbing. But you are right, there are many problems with distribution, the whole rights business is a racket, the minimum guarantee fees, the exclusivities by countries, that’s just a gigantic racket. I used to run a movie theater and I tried to released legally some titles in dvd, it was a financial and legal nightmare. That being said, even when you succeed to get the rights, only a couple of folks pays for the movie, for one disc sold one thousand dudes will leech it let’s be honest. For example Shaolin Soccer and Taking of tiger mountain were a nightmare to release but it has been released in theater, they were massive financial failure but a success on torrent platforms, despite a good dvd release. So now even movies like accidental man are just released as straight to stream, it’s a shame. My point is distribution indeed sucks, but even when a release is done properly, douchebag leechers is a reality, and the biggest problem is that piracy is becoming a standard, easier and more flexible than the dvd (when they’re not out of print) and the gigantic scam that is bluray, it just costs a fortune to release, mainly to pay the fee to just use the blu ray format.So I guess it’s 60-40, as a consumer we have a moral reponsibility it’s even more true for asian release some publishers released obscure movies like angel terminators, they sold 100 copies on blu, the complete blu has been downloaded 2000 thousand times the first month on avistaz only. You can’t compete with free, that’s a moral dilemma on the watcher’s behalf. And nowadays, illegal movies downloading is not considered as a crime, it is a standard, that’s a problem. But like you said, the industry failed to offer a good alternative, because of the all copyright racket.

I feel you on that. For a niche like this, the current realities of the market make things difficult. People get inundated with content, so the individual viewing must be cheap. Flat-rates rule. It's not that people don't want to pay, they can't pay for everything that is on offer without picking and chosing. And that's the hard part, the picking and chosing, because digital has made us collectors more than viewers. We do exist, though, people who pick the films they want to buy. Everyone uses the alternate routes for one reason or another, that doesn't mean they don't buy films. I bought those Angel Terminator releases from Spectrum (bless them).

Don't get me started on distribution. Cinema, disc, streaming, whatever. I can't pay for it if it's not on offer. Ip Man 4 isn't playing here. Then there's the medieval practice of staggered international release dates when things do play locally, which doesn't work anymore in a global information infrastructure. The main issues for paying customers are if a movie is available at all, and where, and which code, which DRM, which work-around, which hack until I can pay and watch. Alternate routes offer much more than a free ride. We made that mistake with music, and we're making it again.

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On 2/17/2020 at 1:38 PM, Liersi said:

I feel you on that. For a niche like this, the current realities of the market make things difficult. People get inundated with content, so the individual viewing must be cheap. Flat-rates rule. It's not that people don't want to pay, they can't pay for everything that is on offer without picking and chosing. And that's the hard part, the picking and chosing, because digital has made us collectors more than viewers. We do exist, though, people who pick the films they want to buy. Everyone uses the alternate routes for one reason or another, that doesn't mean they don't buy films. I bought those Angel Terminator releases from Spectrum (bless them).

Don't get me started on distribution. Cinema, disc, streaming, whatever. I can't pay for it if it's not on offer. Ip Man 4 isn't playing here. Then there's the medieval practice of staggered international release dates when things do play locally, which doesn't work anymore in a global information infrastructure. The main issues for paying customers are if a movie is available at all, and where, and which code, which DRM, which work-around, which hack until I can pay and watch. Alternate routes offer much more than a free ride. We made that mistake with music, and we're making it again.

You have a point, the new business model of streaming platforms is very twisted. I mean having to subscribe to all the services to have a complete catalogue is obscene. But I have to admit that nowadays we want to have to possibility to watch an infinity of movies, very often the same movies though, for a ridiculous fee. That hunger for movies is definitely a nightmare to fulfil without exploding the budgets. That's what I like in videostores in the 80s and 90s, you had to watch what was available and you enjoyed it or not. Nowadays you’re are craving for more of the same movies you're asking for (so there are no surprise), without paying what it costs. Or, to make a movie that you'll watch for a few cents on netflix, the movie makers had to employ hundreds of people, that ain't free...

I think bluray was a mistake, it is a nightmare technically speaking, the whole aacs thing is a pain in the *ss and the movie will land on torrent anyway. Another wrong decision by the distribution market. Like you said, same mistake with the music. Nowadays, only a few artists can live with their records. The huge ones.

Edited by Rodolphe Dux
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I hope they release this on demand on cable so l can watch it properly, they release things on demand before on disc so it should be soon if there gonna do it. 

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1 hour ago, CT KID said:

I hope they release this on demand on cable so l can watch it properly, they release things on demand before on disc so it should be soon if there gonna do it. 

Not sure about on Demand on cable but it will be coming to streaming services (itunes, Vudu, Amazon, etc,) on April 7th,  that is 2 weeks before the physical media release (April 21th).

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Thanks for the info, was hoping it would premiere sooner but it will be worth the wait to see it in such better quality than the crappy camcorder clips they had on YouTube. 

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I watched it On Demand yesterday. I actually enjoyed it. The racial tensions really was the heart of the film and while it was done in some way in Ip Man 2 (Western Boxing vs. Kung Fu), it brought back the classic Karate vs. Kung Fu rivalry that was a staple of classic 70s HK kung fu films but updated quite well. I think this was the best action I've seen yet from Chris Collins and Scott vs. Donnie was pretty good as well. I also liked the subplot of Ip attempting to connect to his son via Kent Cheng's Bob character. Overall, IMO, a pretty worthy finale.

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I finally got it back. In this chapter, history seems more important than the struggle; and that's not really a bad thing.  Here Donnie manages to reach peaks of unique sadness and melancholy. With this character, he probably succeeded in his best performance as an actor. He has the usual flaws related to patriotism, the repression of the Chinese masses, the overly ostentatious pride, some characters who look like little spots (Scott Adkins is he exaggerates a bit, even though I thought it had less space ), a contradictory character (as well as others) who admire other Asian arts such as karate and hate the Chinese, the obstinacy of playing Bruce Lee always inserting the screams he did in his films as if he did them in real life, the subplot of the little girl who wants to be a cheerleader; but it has some epic moments that have rarely been seen. The fights won't be at the level of Ipman vs. ten people, but he has great moments to have fun :Bruce's brawl in the street and the last fight between Adkins and Donnie (probably the most violent of the series). A worthy conclusion to a saga that hasn't always been respectful of the original story.Ipman has become their batman that they reproduce in every way; Yen's character "should" have found his end.

Edited by JackieRome
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On 2/18/2020 at 12:37 AM, OpiumKungFuCracker said:

My Ip Man movie ranking:

1. Ip Man part 1

That's it, that's all you really need to see. The rest are forgettable. 

Controversial, but I can see where you're coming from with that.

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On 2/17/2020 at 1:37 PM, OpiumKungFuCracker said:

My Ip Man movie ranking:

1. Ip Man part 1

That's it, that's all you really need to see. The rest are forgettable. 

Controversial indeed, although to an extent I agree. I would argue though that all you need to see is Ip Man followed by an edited compilation of fight action from the sequels. The elevator/stairwell fight from 3 and purely from the fact I can't believe they did it, the Tyson fight too, not to mention Yen vs Adkins in 4.

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Loved this,great choreography and all the people that performed in the fight scenes were fantastic.Scott Adkins is a worthy opponent but for me the stand out fight sequence was the Chris Colins challenge,great variation of different styles (especially Zhou Xiao-Fe)then Donnie joins the party.A worthy finale to the series. In order Ip Man 1,Ip Man 4,Ip Man 3,for me the less said about 2 the better.🤜🤜


Edited by sym8
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On December 5, 2019 at 11:22 AM, OpiumKungFuCracker said:

That principal's office scene might be my most anticipated of all the bunch, I love it so much. 'So, you're a teacher?' 'I am a teacher, I teach Chinese Kung Fu.' hahahahhaah I love that dialogue!!!  Fuck that I wanna see Fastimes at Ip Man High!!! 


No seriously, think about a teen comedy movie with Ip Man as the freaking teacher??? Dude it will be glorious!!! Come on man petition that shit!!

Just go watch Big Brother, the teen scenes are somehow even less cringey than they are here. Plus a really fun locker fight and agile looking Yen.

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Having rewatched this I was struck by how long it takes to get to the action. Half an hour until the first big Ip fight. I'm really not as big a fan of it as I remembered. I still love Ip fighting off the bullies but otherwise it's just Ip Man 2 with more over the top acting. Yen vs Adkins really is worth the wait though, I forgot how properly brutal it is (it's also about five minutes too short, they could have gone another couple of rounds!)

I then rewatched 3 and remembered why it's my favourite. Here the fights have such personal stakes for Ip, when he's battering people to get to his son you really believe he will hurt as many as it takes. Similarly the elevator fight where he parries the blows away from his wife is a brilliant way to distil Ip's moral and ethical stance down to a single fight.

Tyson while iconic and fun to watch it isn't as good as the end fight with all the weapons.

Edited by SamSeed
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Okay, I watched this the other night.

Of the 4, it's not the best. While it ranks above Ip Man 2, the superior films are Ip Man 1 & 3 in both choreography and story.

It has some interesting aspects, such as the portrayal of Bruce Lee, and I thought those fight scenes were actually pretty good.

The dual between Ip Man and Master Won has its moments, but honestly I thought it had similarities with the restaurant fight scene in 2. It wasn't that bad, but it got close.

Chris Collins, as Adkins' right hand man, has some fairly good fights, and his fight with Yen was good. This is probably the first thing I've seen him where he actually impressed me as a screen fighter.

The Adkins vs Master Won fight is alright. It's brutal, I'll say that.

But what we're all here for, as genre fans, is the Yen/Adkins fight. It was solid. It was good. But I found it lacking. It's brutal, full of some good exchanges and impacts, but I just didn't see any of the WOW! moments I was hoping for. 

And while there's no goofy wire-work, there is some heavy, I mean heavy, reliance on wire-assisted moves. Even Adkins is wired up for some moves in his fight with Won. That seems to be dialed down some in the Yen/Adkins fight fortunately, but why was it even necessary?  Oh well.

Honestly, the most annoying thing to me about the whole film is the racism. There are the expected "Karate is better than Kung Fu" & "The Chinese are weak" themes, as to be expected. But every white character in the film is a racist hellbent on persecuting anyone not white, especially the Chinese. Talk about painting with a broad brush. You may say it was apropos for the time, but it wasn't. And I'm not saying there weren't any racist white people. I just see it a ridiculous pandering. (You know, the Chinese were racist, too. Can't teach martial arts to anyone not Chinese, ya know.) And Adkins' character is the worst. He sells it as an actor, and you gotta hate the character for it. I don't see how he could bring himself to "act" like that, but he did it, and quite well. Still, the racism theme becomes so belabored throughout the film that by the end I felt like I was just getting chain-punched with it.

I don't know. Maybe I need to watch it again, but it sure won't be anytime soon. 


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Like @ShaOW!linDude, I also just watched this movie and also like him, I found the racist white people eye-rollingly terrible. The family with the angry cheerleader have absolutely atrocious dialogue, "What are we going to do about those Chinese savages?" "Why are they even allowed to go to school here?" "You people are only meant to follow, not lead!" OH MY GOD I GET IT! The rest of the film is the Chinese characters lecturing on the racist history of America and that there is no equality or fairness in the country.  UUUGGGHH.  If I wanted this level of televangelist preaching, I'd stick to Hollywood films. These movies are supposed to be my escape from Hollywood, but nope, guess I need more sermons about America....thank you, Utopian China.


At least the fighting delivers.  The Alley fight with Bruce is aces and the final fight with Yen/Adkins didn't disappoint.  The introduction of Scott Adkins' Drill Sargent is interesting. I feel like he's trying to channel R. Lee Ermey from Full Metal Jacket in this scene.  Of course, the difference is Ermey's Drill Sargent makes it clear that he does not discriminate against race because he sees everyone as "equally worthless," whereas Adkins' character let's it be known, loudly, that he's extremely racist and doesn't allow any foreign ideas into his army.  Unless it's karate.  That right there is the difference between an actual character with depth and an empty, silly cartoon whose purpose is to prop up the sermon they are trying to tell.


In the end, all of this really diminishes the replay value for me, which is too bad because I LOVED Ip Man 3 and I really wanted to enjoy Donnie's final go as this character. I'll have to watch Ip Man 2 again to see if it matches the silliness of this one.  I think Twister comes off a lot better, mainly because he says less things. Personally, I prefer less pretentious efforts like Big Brother which, ironically since it's about a teacher, has far less lecturing.  I'm sure I'll enjoy Enter the Fat Dragon whenever I get a chance to watch it as well. 

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