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Fortune Star "Operation Condor" problems...

Drunken Monk

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Drunken Monk

So, last month I decided to buy the Fortune Star remaster of "Operation Condor" since I'd heard it was uncut and it actually has an original language version, unlike the US release. I bought tis version...


I pop it in the DVD player, it gets about 40 seconds into the movie and it just freezes. Not only does it freeze but i literally have to unplug my DVD player and re-plug it back in in order to get the disk out of the player.
I tried multiple times and the same thing happens. I have a multi-region DVD/Blu Ray player that, up until now, has played everything I've put in it.

So, chalking it up to being a manufacturer error, I buy another copy of the same film. It arrived yesterday. I pop it in my DVD player and BOOM. the same thing happens. It freezes in exactly the same spot.

As you might imagine, I'm pretty pissed off. I have two useless copies of "Operation Condor". Has this happened to anyone else with this film and, more importantly, does anyone know where I can get a different, uncut version of the film from? On either DVD or Blu Ray?

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Drunken Monk
1 minute ago, kami said:

Since I don't have any problems with the same dvd I'd guess your disc is defective.

But for both to be defective is so weird. It must be my DVD player. Although why it would stop in exactly the same place after playing a good 40 seconds of the movie is beyond me. It's such an unusual problem.

I suppose I'll just have to wait for a good Blu Ray version to come along since the Hong Kong Blu Ray looks to be out of stock everywhere.

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6 minutes ago, Drunken Monk said:

But for both to be defective is so weird. It must be my DVD player. Although why it would stop in exactly the same place after playing a good 40 seconds of the movie is beyond me. It's such an unusual problem.

I suppose I'll just have to wait for a good Blu Ray version to come along since the Hong Kong Blu Ray looks to be out of stock everywhere.

Try to make a copy of the disc with a program like dvd-shrink where you can get rid of the structure of the disc and only the movie itself remains.

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Drunken Monk
3 minutes ago, kami said:

Try to make a copy of the disc with a program like dvd-shrink where you can get rid of the structure of the disc and only the movie itself remains.

Thanks for the recommendation. I might look into DVD Shrink.

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Sorry to hear that bUT I'm almost positive the reason is that movie is just too freaking epic for your dvd player.

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Drunken Monk
38 minutes ago, Iron_Leopard said:

Sorry to hear that bUT I'm almost positive the reason is that movie is just too freaking epic for your dvd player.

The uncut version obviously is. My US version plays like a dream.

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Do you know anyone who has a region free player you can test the discs on? Or a computer place that will test it? It seems really strange that both discs act up at the same spot. Can you not get a refund? Because, you know, burn me once, shame on me; burn me twice...you owe me some freakin' money, man!!!

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Have you tried the disc in a different player? I've had the same thing happen to me before, I bought Warrior King (Premier Asia) and it froze about half way through the film so as it was relatively cheap I grabbed another copy but that also did the same thing. Anyway I later took the discs around to my dad's to try in his player and both worked fine! I did a little research on the net at the time and found many people experienced similar problems with certain films and it seems to me that some machines simply handle dvd's slightly better than others. My PS3 struggled with quite a few discs and occasionally wouldn't play extras but the same films played fine on my £30 Toshiba player.

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Drunken Monk
10 minutes ago, ShaOW!linDude said:

Do you know anyone who has a region free player you can test the discs on? Or a computer place that will test it? It seems really strange that both discs act up at the same spot. Can you not get a refund? Because, you know, burn me once, shame on me; burn me twice...you owe me some freakin' money, man!!!

I actually have an old region free player i might fire up tonight to test the disc on. I agree, it's weird that both stop in exactly the same place. I'm not too bothered about a refund. The DVD's only cost me about $8. If it comes down to it, I can just trade them or give them away.

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Some of my HKL discs would pause slightly due to a layer change at a certain point but at the same point on my PS3 would stop completely, this could be why it's at the same place on different discs and the laser is unable to continue reading it.

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Strange that it does that, but my copy works fine on my computer. Don't currently own a region free player, but I should get one at some point. No sense in wasting dvd-rs for tv viewing. I assume it is probably your player having trouble with that movie.

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It`s not related to Condor but have problem with UK release of "dragon fighter" aka "struggle throught the death", John Liu flick. Hollywood DVD disc loads to title page then nothing happens. Freezes. In my old players worked fine but not in current dvd or BR...and still does play ok on pc disc drive..


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