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Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode VIII)


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Have seen this twice at the cinema and just watched the blu Ray.The more I watch the more I appreciate it.When I saw it at the cinema I liked it but thought it didn’t feel like a Star Wars film but apart from the odd couple of scenes(Leia floating in space,Snokes death and Reys parent stuff)I’m getting more of a Star Wars feel to it.My favourite scene is the finale with the millennium falcon being chased through the planet,that coupled with the John Williams score for me are a goosebumps moment.👍👍

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On 11/04/2018 at 10:38 PM, sym8 said:

Have seen this twice at the cinema and just watched the blu Ray.The more I watch the more I appreciate it.When I saw it at the cinema I liked it but thought it didn’t feel like a Star Wars film but apart from the odd couple of scenes(Leia floating in space,Snokes death and Reys parent stuff)I’m getting more of a Star Wars feel to it.My favourite scene is the finale with the millennium falcon being chased through the planet,that coupled with the John Williams score for me are a goosebumps moment.👍👍

i never went to cinema as people were so negative about it and not the keen on rogue one.Did not like the woman leader.& how they made donnie yen blind guy.. I liked characters better & it  is much moreentertaining. I think if you take the myths and stuff in star wars very seriously maybe that is where criticism coming from .  I did not think it deserved the backlash  it got  . Alot of marvel films have been nowhere near as interesting and the special effects and  aliens weres also  better done too. . I especially like the scene were luke got is milk  from  sea cow  and then went fishing. i also  liked the little pogs. Chewbacca was awesome as usual.  Maybe i only thought rose was a weak character . .  

Edited by robbie
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open-uri20150608-27674-qaje66_0dd58201.jpegI really liked it. It still leaves questions that are needed to be answered, but its Star Wars. We never really knew much about Maul until the tv shows, Sidious in the prequels (which still was shrouded in mystery), and even why Vader never really sensed Leia since she was force sensitive. Like come on, they just had to make her Lukes sister at the last minute. So yeah I could live with Snoke being a minor character. 30 years between Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens leaves a lot to be explored, and the novels have only been able to fill a small gap of it. I think its a bit silly to make every political on both sides (even Kathleen Kennedy is too), but hopefully it wont be a demise for the series. Seriously though, nothing in this movie could harm my eyes more than this scene above...

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Drunken Monk

I re-watched The Last Jedi recently (a film I enjoyed in the cinema) and disliked it, massively. I don't really care about pot holes. To me, it's just a bad film. The whole casino planet thing isn't needed, Leia coming back from the dead was immensely silly and even Luke and Rey on the island was mundane and tired.
I enjoy Poe's spaceship shootout at the beginning and that's it, really. I found it to be poorly paced and just not engaging at all. I'm really happy for those people that can find enjoyment in it. I envy them, if I'm honest. But this was a massive step down from The Force Awakens.

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4 hours ago, Ah_Tao said:

Seriously though, nothing in this movie could harm my eyes more than this scene above...

Just forgotten about that scene and you've gone and reminded me dude, lol. Never watched any of the prequel's since I saw the first two in cinemas, and the third on DVD. Despite what people said, I still didnt bother with Episode 3, after seeing the first two.


4 hours ago, Ah_Tao said:

30 years between Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens leaves a lot to be explored, and the novels have only been able to fill a small gap of it.

Personally I think they left it too late, though I'm not sure if that was down to them?, or trying to get some of old the cast members back. Prefer the Heir To The Empire series, part of extended universe books released in the 90's, I think they were better written than these new movies. My biggest gripe with the new movies is the story telling/direction, there's some really amazing visual stuff. The props and sets have clearly been done very well, and actors have been cast well. While I wasnt so keen on Daisly Ridley in the first movie, that wasnt the case with her performance TLJ, which I think was much better. Taking on the lead in such a big movie, must have lead to a lot of pressure and nerves for the actress.

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@DragonClawsDragonClaws Man the Thrawn novels were off the hook. You think they could still fit Thrawn after Rebels was added in? It would leave the character of Ezra Bridger to be explored also. I think if they want tk win back the fans that didnt like it, they should bring back Ahsoka and Ezra, even though i know that wont happen. It alao wouldnt make sense to the film series in general.

Imo, Revenge of the Sith is the second best of the movies right before Empire Strikes Back. Take that with a grain of salt though because im not too sure of your taste in Star Wars

@Drunken Monk I feel like they could've done more with Canto Bight. On the contrary, I know I have the unpopular end when I say this, but I didnt think it was bad that Luke was the way he was in this one. He gave his heart and soul in the original trilogy, and when his own loved ones turned on him like Vader did, he saw no need in continuing the cycle of "bad Skywalker blood." Sure, he didnt have to leave the entire galaxy in the hands of Snoke and Ben, but he was against what contradictions the Jedi had. For instance, they took out Lukes third lesson, which showed that the Jedi wouldnt have helped the weak, because it would "disturv the balance." I wish they kept that. In a way I do understand what you're saying, im just glad that its better the prequels (which i dont really hate, but find annoying)

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On 12/04/2018 at 10:20 PM, Ah_Tao said:

Imo, Revenge of the Sith is the second best of the movies right before Empire Strikes Back. Take that with a grain of salt though because im not too sure of your taste in Star Wars

It's that long since I watched the original theatrical cuts of the older trilogy, I cant say which is my favorite. I love Episodes 4-6, but they still have their faults, and I'm not on of those fans that thinks those movies are perfect. Though as a teenage fan I though they were pretty much perfect as films. Also enjoyed seeing the extra footage as a teen, in the SE's, now I dont quite view them the same for some reason.

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15 hours ago, DragonClaws said:

It's that long since I watched the original theatrical cuts of the older trilogy, I cant say which is my favorite. I love Episodes 4-6, but they still have their faults, and I'm not on of those fans that thinks those movies are perfect. Though as a teenage fan I though they were pretty much perfect as films. Also enjoyed seeing the extra footage as a teen, in the SE's, now I dont quite view them the same for some reason.

It's kinda like Star Trek these days. With the new movies, you can't keep up with the parallel. They were better off continuing after Voyager. I really loved all the shows and movies, just like Star Wars (and yes I'm both a Star Wars fan and Trekkie, I don't choose sides). I'm just glad we're getting new content, unlike the sequel trilogy Lucas had, which was in development hell for God knows how long. Even if so, a good number of novels that were made (besides Thrawn which was something else) were very mediocre. I could live with a movie that's not perfect, this just opens doors for more to come.

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Star Wars: The Last Jedi (USA, 2017) [BD] - 3.5/5

I made a mistake seeing Rogue One in theatre. And I made another mistake not seeing this one. The uneven film has been partly rightfully criticized, though. Firstly, there's a long plot thread that leads absolutely nowhere. Secondly, the new cast is largely uncharismatic and playing superficial characters. This is also what makes the film's much talked about gender equality approach stick out in a bad way. While some of the males are able to hide under an unshaven beard and benefit from the "soldiers = male" association, the equally uncharismatic women too often seem like they ran off from a fashion show and were cast simply to comply with a new gender quota. Finally, there are some frustrating deus ex machina moments. All that being said, you do get used to it, Adam Driver is terrific as the villain, Benicio Del Toro is the new Han Solo, the whole island segment with Hamill is great, Fisher is cool as the only female you actually buy as a resistance leader/fighter, and the film is visually much nicer and the action better than in Rogue One. Quite a bit of fun despite its issues.

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On 8/3/2018 at 8:59 AM, Takuma said:

Star Wars: The Last Jedi (USA, 2017) [BD] - 3.5/5


I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on Solo, which featured a feminist robot called L3-37. Not sure if thats a slight nod to the feminist grunge group L7?.

I enjoyed Solo more than The Last Jedi, Ive only seen both on the big screen once. That said, Alden Enherereich, is no Harrison Ford, but it helps when you are Steven Speiberg's attorney's son. Though the public story is he discovered him at a Bar Mitzah.

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On 12/25/2017 at 8:49 PM, Drunken Monk said:

Put simply, the first 30 minutes was great, the next hour is interminable dross. Then the last hour kicks is and it’s FANTASTIC stuff. It really makes up for the middle hour.

Because of the balance of great and shit, I’d say the film is good. Nothing more, nothing less.

That reminds me of the good ol' days of HK cinema where a movie starts off great, the quality lulls during the middle before the movie regains what it established just in time for the final act.

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30 years between Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens leaves a lot to be explored, and the novels have only been able to fill a small gap of it.

I love the '90s sequel novels. They were my kind of fan fiction.

Edited by Cognoscente
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I'm not a fan of what they did with the "Sequel Trilogy". The entire time I was watching them, it felt like I was watching something that was completely unnecessary and rather pointless. On top of that, any potential it might have had was ruined by fools that didn't know what they where doing. The characters are bland or under used, the story is a mess, and its just not that fun to watch. Say what you will about the "Prequels Trilogy"(Yes, they have their own problems, but I personally love them, plot holes and all), but at the very least they were fun(For the most part) and had a coherent plot(And they also felt like Star Wars, something I cannot say about the Sequels). The only Disney Star Wars film that lived up to its 6-predecessors was "Rogue One". Now that film was damn good. Haven't seen "Solo" and I honestly don't want to. 

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By cranking out so much in a small period of time (every two years instead of every three), the ST felt rushed, and you don't get the sense that the characters have aged like was the case with the other two trilogies. It takes away from the epic scale. Every five years would have been even better.

Disney's other mistake was in trying to do their own version of Marvel, but Star Wars is meant to be a once-in-a-while event...not an annual thing. Rogue One was one thing, but Solo was another. I might have watched Solo if they actually hired the young Harrison Ford lookalike/soundalike who became an internet celebrity.

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7 hours ago, Cognoscente said:

Disney's other mistake was in trying to do their own version of Marvel, but Star Wars is meant to be a once-in-a-while event...not an annual thing. Rogue One was one thing, but Solo was another. I might have watched Solo if they actually hired the young Harrison Ford lookalike/soundalike who became an internet celebrity.

Which is kind of funny, considering Disney owns both Star Wars and Marvel. Not sure what they were thinking. 

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