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Master Z: Ip Man Legacy (2018) - Max Zhang, Michelle Yeoh, Kevin Cheng, Dave Bautista, Tony Jaa


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3 minutes ago, One Armed Boxer said:

Where we at the same session?  I was at the 8:40pm one on George Street in Sydney CBD.:smile

Damn it, you guys beat me to it.  Stayed up 'till 2:00am writing that straight after coming from the screening!  For those who want to check out the full review, here's the link -


Look forward to hearing what everyone else on here thinks of it!

I was at the 4:30 session in Liverpool. I'll normally go to George St (or Burwood) since these films don't normally play elsewhere, but I figured I'd support it playing closer to home :)

I'll check out your review. Always nice to hear a different opinion!

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On 12/20/2018 at 8:46 PM, One Armed Boxer said:

Where we at the same session?  I was at the 8:40pm one on George Street in Sydney CBD.:smile

Damn it, you guys beat me to it.  Stayed up 'till 2:00am writing that straight after coming from the screening!  For those who want to check out the full review, here's the link -


Look forward to hearing what everyone else on here thinks of it!

Went to see MASTER Z all by myself yesterday in a totally empty cinema - and that was on its opening day in China !! - and I must say I got a lot more pleasure out of this joint than you, OAB. I agree with your judgement on the utter ridiculousness of the bamboo scaffolding and neon-sign hopping fight scene (that also made me think about CHOCOLATE for a  hot minute or two), but for the most part I truly relished Woo Ping's oftentimes exhilerating fight choreo. Certainly the most creative he coughed up in years! And no, didn't mind mucho wire assistance all that much. Besides the numerous fights MASTER Z also benefits from inspired casting. Finally Zhang Jin could prove that he really can carry a film as a lead actor, what an improvement from his miscasted and underwritten part in the tepid THE BRINK. And anybody who, like me, thought that Michelle Yeoh wasted her talent for dumb shit like CRAZY RICH ASIANS, here she lit up the screen everytime she appeared and also proved to be fairly convincing in her big fight scene with Zhang ('nuff doubling for Madame though!). Unfortunately the great Philip Keung (actor-of-the-year candidate for me for his recent lead part in in TRACEY !) had way too little screen time as an upright Chinese police officer who finds himself constantly humiliated by his racist British superior - until his (admittedly pretty ridiculously staged) comeuppance. Tony Jaa's wordless assassin cameo was the most baffling one: why was he here, what side was he on? We won't know until the sequel, I reckon - and MASTER Z's real downer of an ending literally screams 'sequel' in your face!

Now on to the evil gwailo business that Woo Ping and others seemingly can't do without anymore. Yes, it did grate as much as it did in anything from TRUE LEGEND to CHASING THE DRAGON. And that's irrespective of the reality in 50's Hongkong, that many modern day film buffs conveniently ignore - namely that a lotta white cops were nothing but racist scumbags in those days and drug-peddling wasn't exactly an unknown sideline for 'em either. But if its rammed down your throat in comic-bookish black & white time and again, you can't help to think that this reality is politically instrumentalised these days in order to elevate the Chinese mob to a morally higher ground and ultimately cast them as powerless colonial henchmen.

Another turn-off that should also not go unmentioned: just as with IP MAN III it was quite distracting to see that the film, despite all its relentlessly brutal looking (and sounding!) fight action was surprisingly bloodless, save for the scene where Bautista


finishes off Xing Yu. Even the moment where Cheung Ka Wing's arm is sliced off was only visible for millii-seconds.

Still, bearing all these shortcomings in mind, I believe that if you had a good time with recent fight fests like Teddy Chen's KUNG FU JUNGLE you'll definitely warm to Woo Ping's latest romp as well !


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Xing Yu was really good in this as well, great weapons fight he has Michelle yeoh fight was pure old school, and Dave's character was quite calm which made him quite intimidating as well, story is forgettable but the action is great apart from silly wire tricks especially in the tony jaa fight just was not needed, decent end fight as well max really lets loose here, can see a sequel to this one

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No idea when/if this will get a UK release, either theatrically or DVD, but based on the first twenty or so seconds of that fight scene (I didn't want to see any more than that until the film proper), I'm really, really going to enjoy this!

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8 hours ago, mark187 said:

HK Blu-ray is out on March 14th!

Thanks for the heads up! I just need for it to pop up on dddhouse now and I'll be ordering it immediately. Might even double dip if the Well Go release has better features.

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3 minutes ago, Drunken Monk said:

It's now up on Yes Asia and DDDHouse.


Thanks for the heads up.

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Yes, thanks. I pre ordered it straight away from yesasia. I will watch it as soon as I get it.

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I pre-ordered too and if there are no extras, and I actually like the movie and Wellgo (or whomever) release it with nice bonus features, then I would double-dip too.

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Drunken Monk

I give this one the thumbs up, ladies and gents. The fights are ace. Too short, but really, really fun. In fact, I enjoyed the Zhang/Bautista showdown way more than I thought I would. It’s one of the more enjoyable fights I’ve seen as of late.

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Can't wait for this movie to come out! I would love to see this movie if anyone could point me in the right direction.



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One Armed Boxer
1 hour ago, Ah_Tao said:

Can't wait for this movie to come out! I would love to see this movie if anyone could point me in the right direction.

HK DVD - https://www.dddhouse.com/v3/product_details.php?ProductID=16910&LanguageID=0

HK Blu-ray - https://www.dddhouse.com/v3/product_details.php?ProductID=16911

If you're in the US it'll be getting a limited theatrical run from April 12th thanks to Well Go USA, with a DVD & Blu-ray release date expected to come shortly after.


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Frank Bolte

it was okish at best... can nobody anymore climb up a wall or do anything that requires Jumping or climbing skill without cgi help? 

Damn it Looks sometimes like a bad spiderman movie..the way they move totally un-natural...also I find it too colourful and clean... 

still watchable but man I had higher hopes for this...I didnt get the role of Tony Jaa in this?

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Drunken Monk
5 hours ago, Frank Bolte said:

I didnt get the role of Tony Jaa in this?

His role made no sense whatsoever. Especially the ending.

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It was really good! Plenty of good to great action, it’s true there were a few wonky moments of cgi or wire enhancements that looked a bit off, but that’s nothing really uncommon. Bring on Invincible Dragon and put Jaa in more HK movies too!

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I received my Blu-ray from dddhouse a few days back. Started watching and got as far as when Master Z takes his son to the restaurant and it’s closed, when he first meets Bautista. Nothing but short fights so far but I did enjoy the fight scene right before that landed him in jail, thus making him late to picking up his son. I wondered if Yuen Woo-ping could still direct after that Crouching Tiger sequel fiasco. But, so far, this seems like it’s going to be a decent enough film but with a somewhat generic storyline. I can’t wait to finish this off but have been too busy. I will be sure to stop back by here to check what everyone else is thinking and to avoid any spoilers in the meantime.

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