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Taiwan Guai Tan (1980?) & The Love Stories of Madame (1980) - NSFW Images


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Got this on a French VHS.

Dialogues are in Chinese with overdubbed comments in French (supposedly narrating the story).
The picture - which includes a few  NON-simulated sex scenes  (would be rated X)- comes letterboxed and so the opening credits (The screenshots below are the best I could get as far as readability is concerned).

Ghost women have sex with men and then kill them. A bride and her fiancé are killed by a couple of his servants. The ghost lady will get revenge when she has the muderer butcher his misstress before accidentally killing himself.

I'd like to list this film on the French VHSDB  http://www.vhsdb.org/index.php

To do so I need to know more about this movie (title, cast, country etc...) and I need your help (of course your contribution will be duly credited on the VHSDB page)



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Chen Hung Lieh

It's not in HKFA, HKMDB or IMDb, but I could find some data by google. According some websites it seems to be a TV series. Concerning release year some sites claim 2003, and some other 1980 or 1999. I have no idea...

Title: 台灣怪談 Taiwan Guaitan

Country: Taiwan
Presenter: 申子辰 Shen Zichen (HKMDB = Shen Chi-Chen - this is the only name I could find in HKMDB)
Producer: 金夾山 Jin Jiashan
Director: 頑皮鬼 Maybe not a real name, sounds like a pseudonym "Naughty ghost" or "poltergeist"? If name, it would be Wan Pigui.

Actors according screenshot credits:
歐陽明莉 Ouyang Mingli
司馬貞 Sima Zhen
韓鶯鶯 Han Yingying
呂明志 Lü Mingzhi

More actors according some websites:
黃亞東 Huang Yadong
胡彪 Hu Bao
王小棟 Wang Xiaodong
鄭容容 Zheng Rongrong
李興揚 Li Xingyang

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Chen Hung Lieh

Maybe I was wrong when I said it's a TV-series. Some websites claim running time of around 60 minutes, that's why I took it for a TV-series. However, could be just as well a movie with short running time. Production company is 江羊電影公司, Jiang Yang Film Company. They also produced "Ghoul Sex Squad" (1991) with runtime only 77 minutes according IMDb. IMDB says "Hung Yang Film Company" because they mixed up 江 (Jiang) with 紅 (Hong)^^

Since it has no english title, I would translate 台灣怪談 into "STRANGE TALES FROM TAIWAN".




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Many thanks for the info.

My guess would be a 1980 film since the tape dates back from the early 1990's.

Your translation is quite enlightening but frustrating at the same time :

- Seems they used  fake names (as you already pointed out about 頑皮鬼 ) which is not so surprising considering  the movie shows explicit / not so explixcit sex scenes . The earliest (softcore) shows two (avenging) ghost women turning back into a goat and a sow as two patrons of the Inn are giving them proof of their manliness.
- As for the title : 台灣怪談 Taiwan Guaitan   it appears to be some kind of generic name (hence the various dates you found on different sites) , I picked up this : http://www.worldcat.org/title/tai-wan-guai-tan/oclc/856750326

Now I think  the best solution would be to put a (real) name on the actors and actresses on the photos.



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Chen Hung Lieh
2 hours ago, lelufefar66 said:

As for the title : 台灣怪談 Taiwan Guaitan   it appears to be some kind of generic name (hence the various dates you found on different sites)

These sites with different years were all related to this movie, I compared credits before. Anyway, I think too that 1980 is correct. It was available for download in a chinese forum, the page can be found by google keys "台灣怪談" "1980", but it's only visible in the google-webcache. Furthermore, the Youku stream shows a distributor called 大卯影業公司, this company released another movie called 金瓶艷史 in 1980, too:

I'm afraid we will never find the real name of the director. The actors names contains typical Chinese name characters though, so I don't see a problem with them. They are just not very famous^^


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6 hours ago, Chen Hung Lieh said:

These sites with different years were all related to this movie, I compared credits before.


When I said a "generic name" I had in mind that the producer/distributor  might have used this title to  avoid censorship  not that your answer  was to be questioned!

I've found a few sites that seems to have a link for this film (one asks $200) but there all in Chinese and I unfortuntely can't read it. Moreover online translations are quite dubious.

Anyway, thanks for the information about the distribution company.

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Chen Hung Lieh
9 hours ago, lelufefar66 said:

When I said a "generic name" I had in mind that the producer/distributor  might have used this title to  avoid censorship  not that your answer  was to be questioned!

Sorry, my English is still poor (just "learned" by reading bad english subs from old HK Videos^^)

Regarding the Producer's name (金夾山 Jin Jiashan) I have made another mistake, which I have adopted from a website. There are screenshots for the other movie from the same Distributor (the link I posted), they are much better to read than the painting fontstyle in "Taiwan Guaitan" and they show 金亥山, not 金夾山. I think it's unlikely that they are two different persons, so his name should not be "Jin Jiashan", but rather "Jin Haishan".

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I aksed a Chinese friend of mine who sells adult movies among other movies in his store and he told me that Taiwan Guai Tan is a 1999 movie from director Shen Zi Chen and that the other movie from the link i.mtime above is a movie called The love stories of Madame in 1980.

He sent me the pictures of the two laserdiscs for these movies, but I don't know if I can post them here, since there are explicit pictures...

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Chen Hung Lieh
2 hours ago, ShawAngela said:

I aksed a Chinese friend of mine who sells adult movies among other movies in his store and he told me that Taiwan Guai Tan is a 1999 movie from director Shen Zi Chen and that the other movie from the link i.mtime above is a movie called The love stories of Madame in 1980.

He sent me the pictures of the two laserdiscs for these movies, but I don't know if I can post them here, since there are explicit pictures...

Shen Zi Chen (= 申子辰) also appears in the credits as the producer, so it's indeed possible that he directed the movie himself and used the pseudonym 頑皮鬼. It would be very interesting if the LD cover has better readable credits. Please could you check if the LD cover confirm 申子辰 as director (= 導演 )?


1999 however would contradict this:

23 hours ago, lelufefar66 said:

...since the tape dates back from the early 1990's.


Regarding Production Company: Maybe I was the one who mixed up and took mistakenly for . Most websites claim 羊電影公司, just four websites claims 羊電影公司. To me the credits does still rather look like , but I'm not Chinese, so it's more secure to believe the majority of web data instead of me.

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55 minutes ago, ShawAngela said:

I don't know if I can post them here, since there are explicit pictures...


May be you could pixelate  (or hide in a way or another) the "annoying" parts of the cover and upload them?! - if you can't I could do it for you (if you could send MP with the pics). But my best bet is that you should ask a moderator first.

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One Armed Boxer
On ‎15‎/‎01‎/‎2017 at 7:04 PM, ShawAngela said:

He sent me the pictures of the two laserdiscs for these movies, but I don't know if I can post them here, since there are explicit pictures...

Hi @ShawAngela, please post the pictures on here.  Have already updated the thread title to indicate it's Not Safe For Work, so no issues.  We're all adults.:smile

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On 15/01/2017 at 0:04 PM, ShawAngela said:

I aksed a Chinese friend of mine who sells adult movies among other movies in his store and he told me that Taiwan Guai Tan is a 1999 movie from director Shen Zi Chen and that the other movie from the link i.mtime above is a movie called The love stories of Madame in 1980.

He sent me the pictures of the two laserdiscs for these movies, but I don't know if I can post them here, since there are explicit pictures...

Here are the  laser discs covers - courtesy of ShawAngela (Thank you so much for your scholarly contributions).

The Taiwan Guai Tan laser disc shows scenes that are not  on my  vhs copy of the film  (which I believe is uncut).They must be different films.

The titles  Love Stories of Madame and 金瓶艷史  - mentionned by Chen Hung Lieh above - do refer to the very same film listed by HKMDB here :


You can see screenshots of this movie here : http://hkmdb.com/db/movies/image_detail.mhtml?id=16444&image_id=215622&display_set=eng

and there http://www.yingshigong.com/thread-5599-1-1.html

Seems to me that, at least, the "student" (main male character) and the butler's wife in Taiwan Guaitan (1980) also star in The Love Stories of Madame.

There might be more common credits to be found, but I haven't seen the Love Stories of Madame and I am not able to match any real (1) names and faces and your help  will be much appreciated !

I can provide you with screenshots (portraits) of Taiwan Guai Tan in a PM. Please feel free to ask.

(1) Chen Hung Lieh did a great job  with the opening credits.
Yet I believe that the names used there are pseudonyms a la Mr Smith to put up a smokescreen to lure  the authorities on the identity of the cast. Just as the title would probably have them consider the film as horrific not porn...


LD The love stories of  madame(cover).jpg

Taiwan guai tan 1999.jpg




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Browsing the web I found two  links that are conneted with the films discussed above:

The ADULT ONLY (explicit pictures - NSFW) website is named after a pet rodent.

The films are filed under "Taiwan 80s vintage fun"

#2 shows a different editing from my 台灣怪談-Taiwan Guaitan tape and the (cut) version available here http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTQ5NTY1ODE2.html  

On the web  the sex scenes with the goat and the sow start the film, followed by  the second Inn scenes (first ones 're missing, as well as the encounter between the two girls, the ghost lady and the three patrons. An oral sex scene is missing as well).

On my tape these explicit scenes appear after  the first tavern sequence (lenght similar to Youku's edit) preceded by the opening credits ...

#11 appears to be  金瓶艷史-The Love Stories of Madame


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Could anybody tell me if any of the two sides of sleeve for The Love Stories of Madame laserdisc (pictured above) provide more/different information about this film than what we have on hkmdb.

Thanks a lot!

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