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The Batman (2022) - Robert Pattinson, Zoe Kravitz, Paul Dano, Jeffrey Wright, Colin Farrell


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On 3/6/2022 at 7:25 AM, The Ghost Face Killah said:

Big Batman fan so I really was hoping they wouldn't mess it up, it was a really good take on Batman.

I have Dark Knight as the best superhero movie for me and it was somewhere in the Nolan Trilogy. If some said it was the second best Batman film I could understand.

Great cinematography and style in the movie, a sign it was excellent was that I didn't feel the three hours at all and it kept things moving. Making the Riddler like the Zodiac was brilliant, Zoe had a strong performance and props to Pattinson he pulled it off well. The audience clapped at the end in my showing which was cool.

Exactly. There's a reason why Batman is dubbed the world's best detective. I loved the whole aspect of Batman using his skillsets to solve the Riddler's riddles and clues. The first appearance of Batman coming out the shadows, and the introduction of the Batman mobile were both amazing. I can't wait to watch it again when it hits digital platforms. 

Edited by venom10463
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Drunken Monk

Best Batman movie. Best DC movie.

I’ll come back to say more since I only left my showing about 30 minutes ago. I will say that it’s a 5 star film and I’d be shocked if there’s a better movie this year.

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Its either really good or really bad depending on what angle your looking at it from, definitely understand the mixed reviews. To me it felt exactly like the trailer, which I had been on the fence with all along.  Personally never been a much of a fan of the movie Seven, and the inspiration from that is well mentioned by other reviewers, whether intentional or not it does feel that way. 

I had my problems with it. I dont like how present Batman felt as just a guy in a costume just standing or walking around. Would prefer he was more mysteriously fleeting lurking in the shadows. Not to mention he feels very weak, he takes many blows. A reviewer pointed out that he seems the least like a superhero, does very little extraordinary maneuvers. Been a big pattinson fan for a long time, never expected this kind of resurgence to A list status again. He looks like the revival of emo, and crow inspired batman.

The movie feels a bit like it was made in the 90s to me. Overall I liked it. Mixed feelings on the riddler, revealed that is, but also not crazy about the serial killer esque depiction, and again contradictory political message than what youd expect, what is the movie even trying to say on this? The penguin and tiniest glimpse of the joker look perfect as adaptations, although while watching this was thinking how perfect Joaqins joker would be for this universe with Pattinson as batman.

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Mixed feelings, but more positive than not.

Firstly, Pattinson was brilliant. Seriously I think he's the best Batman I've seen onscreen. His introduction and voice over is electrifying, using the Bat Signal to spread fear among criminals is such a great idea.

Then to my favourite ever setpiece from a Batman film - the Batmobile roaring from the flames and Batman emerging as the music crecsendos was astonishing.

The rest of the film? Well I didn't connect to Selina particularly and Bruce Wayne was pointless with how little character they gave him as himself. I liked Andy Serkis and Paul Dano was fantastic.

The fight scenes were good, only a few choppy cuts and they suffered from being too dark. The sequence with the gunfire in the corridor was original and well staged. I think it's a shame there wasn't a bigger physical threat for Batman to go toe to toe with, it was just goons all the way through.

Edited by SamSeed
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On 8/25/2020 at 7:27 PM, DiP said:

Whoever was responsible for Farrell's makeup... Hats off!!!

Prosthetic makeup artist Michael Marino (recently Oscar-nominated for his makeup work in “Coming 2 America”) is responsible for this fantastic character makeup. Here's an interesting article about it:



On 6/15/2021 at 7:46 AM, laagi said:

If you thought his acting was good there you should check out "The Lighthouse". His performace as well as the one from Dafoe was nothing short of amazing! Pattinson has proven to be a versatile and great actor. The Twilight years are certainly and thankfully long gone.

I agree Robert Pattinson was terrific in THE BATMAN. He's come a long way from the TWILIGHT series (which is decent for what it is- tween romance/fantasy films), and in addition to THE LIGHTHOUSE he also gives IMHO an Oscar-worthy (though apparently the Academy doesn't agree) performance in GOOD TIMES (2017), which is a harrowing, gritty film from the Safdie brothers (UNCUT GEMS).


On 3/6/2022 at 10:45 AM, venom10463 said:

Exactly. There's a reason why Batman is dubbed the world best detective. I loved the whole aspect of Batman using his skillsets to solve the Riddler's riddles and clues. The first appearance of Batman coming out the shadows, and the introduction of the Batman mobile were both amazing. I can't wait to watch it again when it hits digital platforms. 

I agree with everything you said above @venom10463.

My son and I saw it last Tuesday at a special, early showing and we loved it. He's a huge Batman fan (he's into Batman like I'm into kung fu cinema) and he said it was one of the best films ever.

I have a few minor- eh, I wouldn't even say "complaints"- more slight critiques.

- I felt Alfred was given a bit less on-screen time than he should've had.

- The car chase wasn't filmed to my liking. Too much was shot from within the rain-streaked cars and too up-close. It wasn't as exciting as it could've been because it was difficult to tell what you were looking at.

Now here's the good (a lot of which has already been pointed out by others above)...

- The way the Batman character used fear/mystery to affect criminals and the excellent way it was filmed. The opening is perfect.

- The dark, shadow-drenched cinematography.

- The depiction of Batman in only his second year, still finding his way, and taking a beating while giving one.

- The sheer amount of Batman that we see in the film instead of (as other films have done) almost relegating him to a side character.

- The no-nonsense fighting style.

- Robert Pattison's and Jeffrey Wright's performances (though I thought the entire cast was great).

- The lower-tech, but no-less epic Batmobile. I felt like Batman had converted Mad Max's V8 Interceptor Pursuit Special into his new ride. :bigsmile: The engine sounds alone when it's introduced made me grin ear to ear.

- The use of Nirvana's music and the Kurt Kobain-like take on Bruce Wayne.

- The special effects and makeup work is superb. You just accept what you're seeing because it looks so damn real.

- Taking Batman back to being "The World's Greatest Detective" was a nice change. He used his brains and strategy first, and relied on physical prowess only when necessary (still, plenty of brawls in the film!). This makes sense since he is a "superhero" without any superhuman/supernatural abilities.

I highly recommend anyone interested in the film see it in the theater. It's epic in scale (while still feeling intimate character-wise) and is best served on the big screen. And though it runs just 5 minutes shy of 3 hours, it never feels its length. When it was over I already wanted to see it again.

I'm curious: Did anyone else think that the "Batman theme" sounded reminiscent of John Williams' "Darth Vader Theme" at times?

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Drunken Monk

I'm surprised more people (in general) aren't talking about Paul Dano's performance. Despite wearing a mask for most of the movie, he conveys an incredible eeriness and pure insanity. At times, it felt Heath Ledger Joker level good. I'm sure many will see that as an exaggeration but I honestly thought his performance was really powerful. I like how his demeanor changes at certain times. 

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All the praise for the movie is well deserved! What a cinematic experience. I had extremely high expectations and the movie managed to pretty much match or exceed every single one of them. I sincerely hope that this will convince anyone who still has doubts about Pattinson's acting capability. It's done let it go!

The way this movie is shot is truly a sight to behold. The picture is constantly drenched in this red gloomy darkness; making Gotham City look like a total hellhole. I loved it! The soundtrack is very subtle and just compliments this look with its array of string instruments.

The action! oh my god finally a blockbuster just gets it right. The camera is steady and never too close so you can actually see and enjoy what's happening on screen. Minimal cuts and straightforward fist punching which gives you a real taste of impact. Not to mention the movie features one of the most intense car chases I've watched in a long time.

Great story too which is reminiscent of movies like Se7en or Zodiac. It's really more of a Crime Thriller than an actual superhero movie. Which I really appreciated so much after all the glossy Marvel movies of late.

There are few minor things I didn't like although that's really not saying much in terms of quality.

  • How does Bruce change from his Drifter attire into the Batsuit? He only carries a simple backpack with him. Don't tell me he uses a phone booth LOL.
  • I noticed a strange cut during Selina's fight with Falcone towards the end. While wearing her blonde wig, suddenly the lights go out. The next scene she's fighting a crook with her usual hair.
  • When The Batman has his conversation with The Riddler, I thought the entire musical insert from Paul Dano was rather misplaced.
  • The final shot when The Batman and Selina part ways when Pattinson looks in the rear view mirror looked cheap.

BTW, I highly recommend you watch this in a cinema with Dolby Atmos. Finally did it for the first time and got literally blown away!

Last but not least, anybody else notice a very brief moment in the after credits which seems to reveal


another riddle of sorts. It's right after the <?> Goodbye.

Here is the hidden message in the after credits scene. I was pretty close...

Edited by laagi
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On 3/8/2022 at 7:37 PM, Drunken Monk said:

I'm surprised more people (in general) aren't talking about Paul Dano's performance. Despite wearing a mask for most of the movie, he conveys an incredible eeriness and pure insanity. At times, it felt Heath Ledger Joker level good. I'm sure many will see that as an exaggeration but I honestly thought his performance was really powerful. I like how his demeanor changes at certain times. 

Dare I say within an array of outstanding performances, I personally thought Dano's was the weakest. But again that's not saying much nor would I say that his wasn't anything but exceptional as well.

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This movie exceeded my expectations... Direction, editing, music, cinematography, art direction, costume design, action sequences, acting, and the overall set-up of the story. They managed to put together everything in a way that rivals some of the best of what we have seen of Batman to date in all forms. Batman (the 1989 adaptation), The Animated Series (1992), The Dark Knight, then the Arkham trilogy (video games), and now this. Me being a big fan of Batman, and especially Nolan's trilogy, I dare to say that we finally have an adaptation of Batman that's worthy of its' praise, and in many ways have surpassed all these previous adaptations before it.

In short (until I rewatch it)... Exceptionally great performance from Pattinson as Batman proving everyone who doubted him wrong the moment he was announced for the role. What Pattinson's doing for the Batman role is comparable to what Heath Ledger did for the Joker role. Yeah, it's that great and doing the right thing for the whole Batman legacy. Also I'm not gonna forget everyone else in the cast that did great too and held their own: Paul Dano as The Riddler (best interpretation onscreen to date), Jeffrey Wright as Jim Gordon, Zoe Kravitz as Catwoman (no one still hasn't outdone Michelle Pfeiffer, sorry), Colin Farell as The Penguin, John Turturro as Carmine Falcone, and as well as Andy Serkis as Alfred Pennyworth. As far as action sequences go, this is easily superior to Nolan's trilogy. The fighting and fast, intense, varied, refreshing; all shot satisfyingly.

The fate of Batman onscreen used to be in Nolan's hands but we can now be assured that future live-adaptations is in good hands, thanks to Matt Reeves and his accomplishment. Now he has got a much bigger task at hand, just like Nolan did: Doing sequels that are even better. This should be interesting.

Edited by DiP
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Absolutely love this movie! Already seen it 3 times at the moviesand will be going for a fourth time on Saturday. My favorite Batman film for sure.

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42 minutes ago, Drunken Monk said:

Warner Bros. has released a deleted scene featuring The Joker... 




I actually liked what I saw of Barry Koeghan's performance but I think it was the right choice to delete the scene for multiple reasons:

1. It is too on the nose in regards to explaining the parallels between Batman and Riddler as well as the Riddler's motives.

2. It would have made the Arkham scene near the end less impactful.

3. It kind of diminishes hype for the upcoming projects/films since a big deal is made of wanting to see how they portray The Joker , Don't get me wrong I still want more but this sort of spoiled one aspect of it.


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Obviously this was going to be a theater watch.  I had been trying to avoid spoilers and I have had way too many people wax hyperbole my way that I wanted to do my best to avoid a contrarian mood while watching it.  As I’ve told several people already I liked it, but it is about my sixth or seventh favorite Batman.  The more I pondered on this, the more I am solid with this assessment.

The hype surrounding this movie really reminded me of 2008 when the hyperbole with The Dark Knight  was so incredible – and that is a better film.  People were telling me then that it was not only the best Batman, but one of the greatest films of all-time.  It was not even my best film of the year. 

Every single item in The Batman has a better precedent in the other films.  First, I’ll say that I liked Robert Pattinson’s performance, it is just that I liked Michael Keaton and Christian Bale better.  I liked Catwoman (Zoë Kravitz) more than Anne Hathaway, but not as much as Michelle Pfeiffer.  I prefer Danny Devito’s penguin over this one.  I like Christopher Nolan’s direction better overall.

And how do you not think of Prisoners with Paul Dano here?  Prisoners is a much better movie though.

I liked the action scenes.  The car chase was done well, especially compared to the ones I have seen lately.  The fighting was fine, I thought there should have been more of it.  It was nice to see the use of voice over and it started off well, but petered down a bit and was too repetitive.  Batman is a throwback to film noir and I love that style (for fans of film noir you will see much better composition and use of cinematography as well as voice over than in this movie – though it is done better here than most newer movies.)

The first film I had ever seen by myself in a theater was 1989’s Batman.  I’ve seen all of the Batman films in the theater (including the DCU’s usage; not including Adam West) except Batman and Robin and Batman Begins.  I’ve seen many of them multiple times.  So, I was surprised that I liked it (I should not have been, I love the Batman character) and not really surprised that has been blown up to Hyperion status. 

The film easily could have been trimmed.  The dialogue could easily have been improved.  Sometimes I feel that Pattinson’s performance is a bit too emo like Bruce Wayne grew up listening to Falling in Reverse.  But he has shades of acting that I like, but sometimes I feel he is a bit off on this role.  Too sullen and with that type of melancholy that makes you wonder how he even has the energy to not mope.  Some of the political posturing is a bit ridiculous.  Nolan was not always successful with this, as his approach he stated was basically throwing it all in there.  And like Nolan some of it here contradicts what is shown on the screen.

Obviously, I am nitpicking here and there.  It was overall a fun watch.  It just is not going to be in my top Batman films nor top 10 for the year.  But I am glad I watched it and I will see the inevitable sequel.

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On 3/24/2022 at 7:23 PM, Drunken Monk said:

Warner Bros. has released a deleted scene featuring The Joker... 


Lovely take on The Joker, and greatly set up! But I have to be honest here and say that I'm tired of seeing the character onscreen by now as there have been at least 3 other actors to portray the role since Ledger. The rogue gallery in the Batman universe is diverse so would love to see some villains that haven't been given the big screen treatment yet. My personal choices would be Hugo Strange, Hush (rumored to be the villain in the sequel), and The Court of Owls (also rumored to appear in the sequel).

Edited by DiP
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Crazy how Brandon Lee’s Crow influences Heath Ledger’s Joker then influences Robert Pattinson’s Batman. How does that work? Inspire both the bad and good guy in opposing roles.

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On 3/25/2022 at 7:37 PM, masterofoneinchpunch said:

Sometimes I feel that Pattinson’s performance is a bit too emo

Isnt it strange how hes more emo than ever in 2022. Twilight wasnt even that emo, he describes the performance as trying to be emo back then. But youd think this would have sprung an emo revival by how much it seems. Some people try to say grunge-inspired but I didnt really see that lol.

Also seems strange to me the way people talk about the Nolan trilogy now, with far less respect than Id imagine. Seems they almost act as if those movies Arent amazing somehow and dated. I dont get it. Thought Dark Knight at least would always be incredibly regarded by everyone.

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1 hour ago, Koravec said:

Also seems strange to me the way people talk about the Nolan trilogy now, with far less respect than Id imagine. Seems they almost act as if those movies Arent amazing somehow and dated. I dont get it. Thought Dark Knight at least would always be incredibly regarded by everyone

I loved The Batman (2022) enough to see it 4 times in the theater and I think it got better each time. The Nolan films however (particularly Begins and Rises) get worse each time I see them. I would honestly rather watch Batman & Robin over Rises and Begins.
I don't think Dark Knight is a bad film, it's an OK flick with one great performance ( I'm referring to Ledger as I never liked Baleman)

The action sequences in the Nolanverse, particularly the Hand-to-Hand combat is terrible because of two reasons:  either the choreography is clumsy or the way it is shot and edited is terrible (sometimes it's both at the same time). Add to that a Batman/Bruce Wayne performance from Bale that I never really buy into( and not just because of the voice, the whole thing feels very acted and dishonest to me) and the films end up very flawed in my eyes.

Morgan Freeman and Michael Caine are great but they can't save those movies for me.
I haven't even mentioned Katie Holmes and Anne Hathaway yet who are, well ..you know...terrible. Hathaway has done great work (Brokeback Mountain for example) and Holmes can actually act, but man the material and direction they were given was off and performed with zero charisma or screen presence.

A lot of movies are called overrated these days, like say for example Citizen Cane, but at least that film did some groundbreaking things cinematically/technically  that means it has a place in cinema history, even if the actual merits of the story and acting can be argued endlessly ( for the record I haven't seen Citizen Cane but I have studied it in high school from a filmmaking perspective) But The Dark Knight truly is overrated.
For some reason with votes from over 2.5 people (some of those could be bots but still) on the Internet's largest movie website it is ranked as the number 3 films over millions of other motion pictures. That truly is being overrated, as The Dark Knight is simply a decent crime thriller with Batman in it and a great performance from Ledger that helps the film tremendously from being below average.

Sorry didn't mean for this to become a long rant, I wholly respect your opinion, just wanted to share my perspective :)


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I saw it last night with my daughter and one of her school friends. I liked it a lot, but with one big caveat. That said, this was probably my single worst theater experience in my 40 years of living.

Some pair of parents thought it would be a good idea to jettison a traditional birthday party--or so I suppose--and just invite their child's friends to see a movie. As a result, my row and the row in front of me had 15-20 kids aged 8-10 watching what was essentially a 3-hour police procedural DRAMA. Not your typical Marvel action-opus with funny lines and amusing character interactions, but a gritty serial killer film in which one of the detectives is a costumed vigilante. So there were a lot of children getting up in front of me, talking, playing on their cell phones, hitting each other, while the parents sat off to the side on the staircase and handed kids popcorn (in front of my face) or escorted them to the bathroom at regular intervals.

While I liked the movie, it had no business being as long as it was. You could have wrapped it up around the 140-minute mark (or so) and it would have been just fine: a low-key (by superhero movie standards) crime thriller about a serial killer somehow tied to Gotham City's corrupt power structure. But once again, there is a (sigh) MUNICIPAL-LEVEL APOCALYPSE to serve as the climax. While it sort of makes sense in the context of the movie, it overall felt like the director saying "Me Too!" in reference to Nolan's THE DARK KNIGHT trilogy. We've already seen Gotham threatened with complete annihilation several times, less would have been more in this case.

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Super Ninja

I've had a much more pleasant theater experience than @DrNgor and thought the movie was damn near phenomenal. Not perfect, but great and perhaps one of this year's best. Time will tell.

I'm not a big fan of Nolan's Batman movies, though I have to give him credit for really changing the game. I felt as if with Joker and the new Batman, DC finally found a style that suits their superhero universe on film, and they should stick to it. It's dark, it's gritty, it's realistic and it carries a punch. As much as Marvel's output is colorful and often comical, DC is fine with dark and in this case noirish thriller that has a thing or two to say about the society we live in today. You'll notice Reeves being very much inspired with Seven and even Fight Club. Any superhero movie inspired by Fincher and having Nirvana on its soundtrack, you have to admit, is something else.

I cannot agree with those fans saying we finally got a Catwoman that beats Michelle Pfeiffer, but Zoe is a close second. A few moments of her romance with Batman were perhaps unnecessary, even for a movie that long, for me it felt unneeded. Pattinson however, proved he can fit the role well, and I enjoyed his performance. 

Same goes for Riddler. He is great, modern, intelligent and even intimidating in his own way. He makes a nice contrast to Pattinson's Batman who's full of anger and lets that anger take control sometimes. When being cool headed, he's a clever detective type, but clearly a vigilante as well. That's one of the things I liked here. This is obviously a first chapter. Batman is young, full of scars on the inside and on the outside, but he'll soon realize that he needs to, as he says in the movie, become something more. That's a scene that could not have been written better. He sees people of Gotham in need of hope and he feels he needs to change his ways.

The action suits the movie, but I have some complaints. That chase scene is far from being the greatest ever, but the jump through the fire is iconic; Penguin's reaction playing a big part in it as well. As for fighting, I just wasn't convinced Batman could take down ten opponents all by himself. The moves are there, the speed as well, but his punches lacked power. 

Brilliantly shot, well directed and dark as hell, this just might be my favorite Batman of them all and I'm looking forward to the sequel and seeing in which direction it'll be heading. 

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The Batman (2022)

Intro: I went to see this a few weeks back. It took me this long to write my opinions on it, because I left the theater kind of conflicted. So I gave myself time to process what I had seen and now I feel like I'm ready to give my thoughts on The Batman. This was actually my first trip to a theater in about ten years. I hesitated about going, as I'm very busy and don't get out much. But I was very excited to see a new Batman film, and I finally broke down and went to see it. I like to clarify before I start that while there was things I didn't like from the trailer(Like the race swap of Commissioner Gordan) I was more than ready to give the movie a fair chance. So I went, and what I got was a boring slog of a movie, that could easily be the worse Batman movie ever made if not for the likes of Batman Forever and Batman&Robin. I will try my best to explain my reasons for this.

Story/Plot: I didn't really care about anything that was going on. The movie was way too dark, and due to me not liking any of the heroes, I think I got a case of Audience Apathy(I think that is the name). I can take a dark story, but I need someone to latch onto so that I can stay invested. Take Berserk for example: Its one of the darkest stories you will ever read, but Guts is such an easy guy to root for. You want him to win and to finally have a happy ending. I felt none of that here. The way everyone was portrayed here, I just didn't really care(More on them in a moment).  It also felt way too long. The last 30 or so minutes could have easily been cut out and the ending redone. When the "Event"(Trying not to spoil for those that haven't seen it) happened near the end, I just about walked out. I was done. It did feel like the story had potential, but the execution was very poorly done. 

Characters/Actors: This was a mixed bag for me. Robert Patterson was not a very good as Bruce Wayne/Batman. He was channeling his emo Twilight role way too much, and felt to me more like The Crow than The Dark Knight. I actually couldn't stop thinking the whole time that he would be a damn good Eric Draven in a Crow reboot if they ever made one. He was a little better when he was Batman(Which he pretty much stayed as throughout the entire movie, whether or not he was in the Batsuit), but it felt like most of what he did was walked around and stare at things. HIs few fights he gets in where fine, but as I wasn't invested in what was happening, it kind of fell flat. Alfred was forgettable. He showed up a few times and that was about it. Which is a shame, considering how important he is in the Batman mythos. Commissioner Gordon wasn't Commissioner Gordon. He didn't act like him. He didn't look like him. He didn't talk like him. He had no redeeming factors at all. So I will laugh at anybody who tries to defend this casting choice with the whole " They went with the best actor" excuse, because they didn't. Catwoman, save for a few badly worded lines, was pretty good.  No, she was damn good. She truly embodied the character and I've got to say that she gave the best performance in the film. Riddler was a joke. He was so over the top, and Un-Riddler like, that I wish that he was a different character all together. I might of took better to him if he had been someone else. Penguin just felt shoved in and didn't have much of an impact on the movie. Good makeup job on Colin Farrell tho. Shame it was so badly wasted. Finally, I think that Carmine Falcone was missed casted as well. I just wasn't sold that he was a threatening, mob boss.

Sound and Design: Gotham looked as I expect that it should, very dark and gritty, so props to them for that. The movie also had a lot of cool, well shot scenes. I enjoyed the Subway and Dark Hallway fights. They had a horror vibe to them, but that could be said of the whole movie. Which is the way it should be.  I've seen a lot of people compare it to "Seven", but I haven't seen that movie, so I cannot confirm or deny that. Oh, and the music was very good. It felt like it was inspired by the score from the 89' Batman film. Which is a plus.

Conclusion: The Batman sadly falls flat for me. For every high, there is many flaws. And the flaws sadly weigh down the experience to the point that I was bored and being boring is one thing that I cannot forgive a movie for being. I'll rate it a 3/5 due to the look of the movie, the music, and some of the horror and fight scenes. But I cannot recommend it to fans of Batman or even Horror movie buffs. There are just way too many better options to pick over this. 

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Drunken Monk

I plan on sitting down and watching this again tomorrow. Can’t wait. Hopefully I’ll be able to pick up on a few more things I didn’t see in the theater.

This year seems like it might be a good one for cinema, with people raving about Everything Everywhere All At OnceThe Northman and the new Nic Cage film. But I’ll still be surprised if anything tops The Batman for me.

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Started to watch it today on Crave. After the first 90 minutes I was so bored that I simply stopped watching before falling asleep.....Will resume it tomorrow just because I started it!

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