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Help identify movie


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Hey guys. I'm really hoping you could possibly help me identify two, late 80s/early 90s kung fu/action movie I've seen as a child. There is no way for me to search or find these movies again so I thought I'd ask you guys. I dont remember anything besides a few scenes.


movie 1:

1) There was a scene in the beginning where the little boys mother is sick and she's having ant soup to get better. Some other woman almost pukes after seeing the soup.

2) The little boy goes with his dad and his dads friend I believe. Theres a scene at a marina of some sort where he's with his dads friend  who brings him food in a white styrofoam container. think the boy was crying. Also, a few moments later some bad guys come looking for the boy, so he hides underwater, holding onto a wooden post to stay under. Dads friend talks to the bad guys while the boy is under?

3)lots of gunfire in the end i think. Bad guy dies in explosion?



1)Final fight scene. Two guys fight in a room using swords. I believe the dadao was used. Good guy cuts off the bad guys arm as hes reaching for a dropped sword, but bad guy keeps fighting. He was also wearing white I believe. Bad guy eventually gets defeated.



I may even have some of the scenes from movies mixed up... but I hope you can help me identify them anyways. Ive seens these movies when I was around 6 or 7 so I dont remember much. I just remember the fight scenes were badass! Thanks in advance!

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^ thank you so much! I actually saw the trailer for this movie while attempting to search for it... but I hardly remember any scenes and dismissed it. I had no idea it had Jet Li in it haha

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