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Jackie Chan's Dark Side


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Hi everyone,

while reading about Jackie on the Internet you will find out a lot of things about him which you wouldn't have imagined some years ago. He seems to have a Dark Side (like anyone else)I bet a lot of his Fans don't even know.

There are two interviews which reveal a little bit more about his personality and his views than his typical american interviews:

One with Simi Garewal and the other one he did in Bangkok in which he looks like he didn't sleep for 3 days.


Here is some of his bad stuff:

1. Childish answers: When asked about what he wishes for the world his answer to the interviewer is: "peace in the world". That sounds good but lets face it: it's a Miss-Teen- South-Carolina-answer. Then in other interviews when asked what he would have loved to do if he hadn't become an actor his answer is:"a fighter-pilot or someone from the army. this is so cool!" When asked about the diaoyu island conflict his answer was: "i want peace between this two countries......man i wished i'm superman so i an bring the island nearer to china. it definetly beolngs to china." Nothing against personal political views but he contradicts himself. Doesn't he realize that the islands are the reason for the conflict? :D

2. Behaviour towards women: It's not a problem to be a playboy, but listening to him talking about his relationships and selfish behaviour makes him sound creepy. When asked about how his wife found out about his affair with elaine ng he said: "I called her and said if you want a divorce lets divorce, but she forgave me." I another interview he talks how girls chased him when he became a star and he asked himself "who is the best?" watch the interview. he tells it in a creepy way.

3. Affair(s?): He had an affair with Elaine Ng in 1999. She gave birth to Jackies daughter which he doesn't really aknowledge. By the way let's think about it for a moment: He became famous in 1978 with Snake in the Eagle's Shadow. Donnie Yens Stuntteam member Kenji Tanigaki remembered how every girl at that moment wanted to marry him. Listening to him talk about women and the fact that even Jackie himself acknowledges that he has a strange marriage, makes me wonder if this was his only affair. I bet this was the only one that CAME OUT.

4. Ending Anita Yuens career: Anita Yuen was a former miss hong kong (1990) who begann a film carrer. She won two times the best actress HKFA and people thought she would become the next hot star. After Thunderbolt in 1995, Jackie used his power and put her on the blacklist for her bad behaviour. Since then she starred in Taiwanese televison films. But to Jackies defense: She said of herself she upsetted some other people in the business.

5. Lies and exagerations in his autobiography: No Comment... has someone read his new book?

6. The Jian Gomeshi Interview: When asked about Ai Weiwei Jackie answered:"Ai Weiwei? Who's Ai Weiwei?" ...then his english became worse from one second to another: "I am actors... I only know acteeesss..."(sic). Bad way to answer this question

7. Denying Climate change: If Jackie were an American he would surely been a Republican :D. -> loves the military and military planes, isn't sure if climate change is manmade.

8. Always says the same in his american interviews: Maybe it's not his fault that he gets asked the same questions since his Rumble in the Bronx promo tour in 1995 but I don't wanna hear anymore how much bones in his body he broke ("broken...broken...broken....crack...crack...crack...yess poor me! *jackiegrin*. I bet the american audience doesn't realize that today he is persona non grata in hong kong.

9 Hasn't made a good movie since Who Am I? (1998)... no comment


There are much more examples.

Do you guys know one of his "bad moments"?

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The most infuriating thing about Jackie Chan nowadays is his one-sided pro-PRC and anti-HK stance. His political views are uninformed and thanks to his fame dangerous and inflamatory. HK made him a star but he seems happy to forget that in favor of receiving the big PRC paychecks. IMO he doesn't need to be an advocate for political freedom and civil rights but it would be easy for him to at least avoid the subjects in interviews. It's despicable.

But he also was no saint in the past. He was notorious for his drinking and the resulting escapades. If I remember correctly one of these escapades led to a falling out between him and Maggie Cheung in the mid-90s. Mabe something similar happened between him and Anita Mui.

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His political views don't bother me that much. I think what motivates him has more to do with being a patriot than being a communist or whatever you wanna call the chinese government. i think if china would have another government, lets say  a democratic one and the country would still become bigger and more powerful he would also push for their agenda. Some people dislike the scene in Chinese Zodiac were the girl talks about the stolen relics and the evil foreigners but lets not forget that Jackie always put that kind of stuff in his movies. For example in Dragon Lord, Drunken Master 2, Rush Hour ("This art belongs to the chinese people!"; "we have to show the british that we are strong!"). I thinks its funny.


10....Regarding his drinking: Yeah his drinking habit is something he took from his time when he was a stuntman. Back in the 80's he threw up at a party after drinking too much and his wife helped him. newspapers showed photos of this incident. Some years ago he interrupted a concert of a famous popsinger. Later he apologised.


...is there a chance he banged Maggie Cheung? Who knows? :D ...It seems like he is good in hiding "his" women.

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Okay, y'all are gonna have to school me. What does "lei lo mei" mean? And regarding the Jian Gomeshi Interview, I'm unfamiliar with Ai Weiwei or the significance in the sudden change in Jackie's English.

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Google it! With losing his ability to speak english I meant that he is trying to dodge the question and his english gets literally worse at that moment.

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In regards to the opening post, I would like to read his new book but am unsure if there's an English edition.

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Jackie seem to always look down on his son whenever he mentions him in interviews. Although it's quite common among some parents and their kids, Jackie uses his fame as if his comments on his son are valid and the most important thing. It's one thing to lead your kid to his/her own path through your guidance teaching him/her principles and persistence to make it in life, while it's another to use your kid as a blame/scold object to make yourself feel good about it and expecting him/her to be just like you.

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sifu iron perm

Jackie seem to always look down on his son whenever he mentions him in interviews. Although it's quite common among some parents and their kids, Jackie uses his fame as if his comments on his son are valid and the most important thing. It's one thing to lead your kid to his/her own path through your guidance teaching him/her principles and persistence to make it in life, while it's another to use your kid as a blame/scold object to make yourself feel good about it and expecting him/her to be just like you.

well i would not be surprised as his son was a naughty boy this year and may have been doing other stuff with JC knowing so..


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11. Gets all the glory for his stunts, when a lot of them were performed by others. Not only in his new films (Stanley Tongs Jump from the roof to the balcony in Rumble in the Bronx or Chin Gar Lok in his fight scenes in Thunderbolt as well the flying whirlwind kick in Dragons Forever) but also in clasics like Drunken Master (Yuen Biao). In the end credits of Rumble you see Jackie joking around on the balcony making it seem like he did it.

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On 12/25/2015 at 9:26 PM, goldenarm said:

This is the Simi Garewal interview noted above: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zeCSQ3B2Ovk  probably the most unfiltered interview he has done imo.


That's a great interview. It's candid, but it definitely reveals his ego.


As a side note, did he ever do anything with the guy that won the reality show to be his protege? It seems like it was touted at this amazing opportunity, but the kid that won was never heard of again.

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1 hour ago, Drunken Monk said:


That's a great interview. It's candid, but it definitely reveals his ego.


As a side note, did he ever do anything with the guy that won the reality show to be his protege? It seems like it was touted at this amazing opportunity, but the kid that won was never heard of again.


Jack Tu joined Chan's "New Seven Little Fortunes", a sort of kung fu boy band he had created at the time. He even joined up with Chan when he shot the film "The Spy Next Door" and took set photos for Chan's official website. 


Jack appeared on the cover of Kung Fu Tai Chi Magazine last July and discussed his time with Jackie, his work in television and music, and some upcoming films he is planning. 





A transcript can be found here:


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4 hours ago, Kwai said:

11. Gets all the glory for his stunts, when a lot of them were performed by others. Not only in his new films (Stanley Tongs Jump from the roof to the balcony in Rumble in the Bronx or Chin Gar Lok in his fight scenes in Thunderbolt as well the flying whirlwind kick in Dragons Forever) but also in clasics like Drunken Master (Yuen Biao). 


And a LOT of them are him sacrificing his body for our entertainment.  So what if he didn't do every single kick and fall?  Also, there's not much he could do about Thunderbolt.  He was hurt and they were on a tight schedule.  


4 hours ago, Kwai said:

In the end credits of Rumble you see Jackie joking around on the balcony making it seem like he did it.


This is just as much on Stanley Tong as well wanting people to think Jackie did the stunt.  He was trying to give respect to Jackie by doing this.  Of course, in this day and age of behind the scenes info and filmmaking coverage, he should've known that he couldn't get away with that.  Bad move.

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On 12.1.2016 at 6:03 PM, Kwai said:

11. Gets all the glory for his stunts, when a lot of them were performed by others. Not only in his new films (Stanley Tongs Jump from the roof to the balcony in Rumble in the Bronx or Chin Gar Lok in his fight scenes in Thunderbolt as well the flying whirlwind kick in Dragons Forever) but also in clasics like Drunken Master (Yuen Biao). 


And a LOT of them are him sacrificing his body for our entertainment.  So what if he didn't do every single kick and fall?  Also, there's not much he could do about Thunderbolt.  He was hurt and they were on a tight schedule.


No Problem with that. I know about Thunderbolt. But he should give credit to the other stuntman. Specially when he sees them as his own family (Sing Ga Ban and Hung Gar Ban). Why didn't he say that he didn't do the fights in Thunderbolt because of his injury. Instead he just stayed silenced and every fan could clearly see it was someone else. I agree you have to give credit to Jackie for his stunts. ...regarding Rumble: At that time Jackie didn't go to the talkshows to promote the movie. They did it the other way. This movie together with First Strike and Mr Nice Guy were used to promote Jackie Chan "The man who does all his stunts". That was the frase you heard everywhere at that time. And the marketing worked. Ask anybody who was around at that time.

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On January 15, 2016 at 9:50 AM, Kwai said:

Rumble: At that time Jackie didn't go to the talkshows to promote the movie. They did it the other way. This movie together with First Strike and Mr Nice Guy were used to promote Jackie Chan "The man who does all his stunts". That was the frase you heard everywhere at that time. And the marketing worked. Ask anybody who was around at that time.


Oh yes, I remember well.  The marketing/propaganda machine was in full force.  The big tagline was "No stuntman, no equal."  But again, that was New Line Cinema toting that, not Jackie.  Of course there was no way he could back that up, already in his forties by the mid-90s.  Why didn't he refute the propaganda machine?  There was probably some ego there, sure.  America missed his best years when that tagline was more true than not.  Also, New Line was building a brand and probably encouraged him to roll with it.  Who cares, the man earned his recognition IMO.  Yes, sometimes he needs stuntman.  Yes, the jump outtake was faked, but so many other outtakes weren't.  Even though there were stuntmen, he certainly has no equal.  But that's just my view.  


Also, I don't know why the formatting is messed up on the last line and I don't know how to fix it.  

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I'm not saying that it was Jackie. He just rolled with it. In another forum, members were speculating if other outtakes weren't also acted. Especially Project A2 looked sometimes overacted. Another example similar to the Rumble outtake, was the fall from the chains to the ground in Armour of God 2. That was a stuntman who lost control but when Jackie saw what happened, that Stuntman was taken care of in another room and Jackie put dirt in his face and acted like he was in pain for the reel so in the end this stunt went also  to his "account". I forgot which extra told that story, I will try to find it.

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Ya it's definitely is disappointing that Jackie Chan is a jerk in real life. I had heard before he was a drunken womanizer. Although I still enjoy his movies to death. I try to remember that  what see you see on the screen is a character and not the actor's real personality.

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12. Jackie said the people from HK protest to much. On the other hand he was part of a lot of marches in HK which leads me to...

13. He claims he is one of the only people who fought back against  the triads. In 1990 actress Carina Lau was kidnapped an forced to take her clothes off. It is widely believed that businessman Albert Yeung was behind this because Carina refused to participate in a movie produced by Yeung. Then the triads took pictures of her. Years later a magazine which Albert Yeung is the boss of published the pictures. Jackie reacted by surronding himself with famous HK-Stars (including Lau) to protest against this. The Editor of the magazine was fined and they took the magazine down. Unfortunately Yeung is the chief of the Emperor Group and him and Chan are business partners these days...

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