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Blade Runner 2049 (2017)


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This movie is almost 3 hrs, like seriously? What am I suppose to do in-between, my taxes,hahahahah! Oh I'm only kidding. I still need to see IT for godsakes. and Dunkirk.

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4 hours ago, OpiumKungFuCracker said:

This movie is almost 3 hrs, like seriously? What am I suppose to do in-between, my taxes,hahahahah! Oh I'm only kidding. I still need to see IT for godsakes. and Dunkirk.

It didn't drag at all. I felt like I went on a mini-vacation to the future, and actually, the next morning I was already thinking "I want to see that again."

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I'm lazy to write in more detail so I'll just copy-paste my mini-review.

Blade Runner 2049 (USA, 2016) [DCP] - 4/5
Ambitious sequel is better than it has any right to be. Here's a film that refuses to cater to mass audiences, with limited action, beautifully patient pacing that allows shots to breathe, and a soft R-rating that is there just to support mature storytelling (it's less violent than the original). The challenging storyline also refuses to recycle the original movie, and there lies a bit of a problem as well. While Scott's film had a rich, existential world entwined around a tight plot taking place in very few locations, the sequel expands the world to so many distinctive places that it ends up having a weaker identity. It is grander, but less intimate and more plot driven. It also lacks some of the peculiarities of the original, such as the magical Vangelis score, an unforgettable villain, and the odd ways people were being hurt (sticking your fingers into an opponent's nose?), replaced by a Hollywood score and a one dimensional villain underling throwing standard martial arts moves. None of that makes the film bad; it simply prevents it from reaching the level of its amazing predecessor. It is, in fact, an excellent film and comes with some fantastic new ideas, such as a holographic girlfriend who seemingly develops real emotions, but is unable to express physical love since she lacks a body - a fascinating idea that gives birth to the film's very best scene.

I must say I love this beautiful 15 second TV spot, even though it doesn't really present the film's mood accurately.

I actually saw the film twice, and I must say seeing trailers for Marvel (Thor) and DC (Justice League) films before 2049 was (an even more) depressing experience (than usual). Even with its flaws, 2049 is something to be grateful for.

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Shocked to see how little discussion there is about this film. Surely the most important new theatrical release of the year (?), and everybody's just what, waiting for Star Wars?

Oh, and everyone should also check out the 15 minute Black Out 2022 Blade Runner anime (by Shinichiro Watanabe of Cowboy Bebop and Samurai Champloo) which depics a key event that took place between the original film and Blade Runner 2049. It's in Youtube for free.

There are also two live action shorts (Nowhere to Run and Nexus Dawn, directed by Ridley Scott's son), which however play out more like deleted scenes than short movies, that are in Youtube.

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