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Miyamoto Musashi 1944

Guest strutr74

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Guest strutr74

Well I'm not the best at giving reviews by any means, but I'll give it a shot.

This movie was made in 1944 and gives us a little insight in Musashi, Which we all know was a real person.

The version of the movie I watched is in fullscreen and has been fan subbed. This movie is SUPER rare, so tracking down a copy, the only way is to find someone with it or buy from a samurai collector. The picture is actually quite good for its age. Alot of light spots and some audio pops but other then that its VERY good. My only problem tho is the fan subs run a little fast at certain places. So you have to be watch close or you'll miss a few lines, But it doesn't take away from the movie at all.

on to the movie,

It starts out with Musashi walking down the street, being followed by a "School" of clansman. Who want to give him a challenge. You can tell Musashi is bad ass too, just by the way the actor has that swagger..lol

So the school gives him the challenge and he walks off. All the time being followed by 2 teens- a boy and girl. I'm guessing they follow Musashi to his house? They finally meet up with him and try to get Musashi to be their teacher. Their father was killed by two bad guys from another clan, So they want revenge. Musashi says " The WAY of the sword is not revenge" and says he won't teach them. Meanwhile he is carving a Buddah and getting his mind set for the " Challenge".

The kids won't give up tho and follow Musashi to the " Challenge", Which he wipes the whole School out with furious 2 sworded skill. Now you can see the true skill of Musashi.

So the kids follow him again and continue to ask him to teach them, he says no again. But they pled they want to know the REAL WAY of the samurai. So Musashi agrees to teach them. Now as he is teaching them the 2 killers of the kids Father sees them being taught by Musashi. They know he is bad ass and they can't even try to kill him or the kids.

So they come up with a plan to get this other samurai on their side to kill Musashi. This other samurai is the self proclaimed best in the land. And he knows Musashi's rep. So he agrees to help these 2 bad guys, Not to help save their clan/school but just so he can get more props as being the BEST in the land...Bad idea...lol

So for whatever reason Musashi goes off to somewhere else, Back to his house I believe? And the 2 bad guys find the 2 teens/ now Musashi's students. They end up killing the young guy and they slap around the girl a little. So the girl hauls ass to Musashi's house, where is is still working on the buddah and painting. He tells the girl that samuai not only use the sword but other things as well...A little more drama, Then she tells Musashi they killed her brother/ his student.

Now Musashi is mad, Going against his own thoughts of the Sword is not revenge he takes the " challenge" of the other Samurai. They plan to meet up on the beach on an island ( If you seen Samurai 3) this shows us why the final duel went down on the beach.

So in the meantime he ends up killing the 2 bad guys, and tells the girl she no longer needs to worry about them...lol

So Muasahi heads out to the " Duel" on the beach. More Drama- Him on the boat ect!!!! He makes it to the Duel- see Samurai 3. Takes out the other bad guy with one blow, I believe with a wooden sword, like Samurai 3. Looked like a boat oar to me tho...lol

Then it shows him walk off and it fades out showing him back on the " main land" He is talking to the girl and says he will never marry, That she is his bride in spirit. She says something to the fact she no longer needs the way of the sword and she is becoming a nun. Musashi then says he needs to get more skill and they part ways...With Musashi walking off....The end...

Of course there's alot more details going on in the movie, but like I said, I suck at reviews...lol....

The movie is really short, at only 60 mins, But it's right to the point. Dead to the point.... A VERY good movie indeed. I highly recommend finding this movie.. It's fantastic. 8 1/2 out of 10 for me


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Guest Daisho2004

strutr74, Its funny you asked me about this movie and I didn't even realize that I just received it, when I watch it I'll give my review on it.

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Guest vengeanceofhumanlanterns

I saw this film somewhere and thought it may be worth pickin up. After hearing your review I'm definitely getting it.

Thanks bro.

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Guest Daisho2004

I got to watch this movie last night and it was a very good movie, short about 60minutes but as Strutr74 stated it gets right to the point.

If anyone is looking to pick it up here is where to get it:


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