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You'll be able to get the footage this week or the 'scene by scene breakdown' this week?

LOL Just re-read that post.

I meant the scene by scene break down. I wish I meant the footage:squigglemouth:

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I asked because it didn't make sense to me that you would ask for the "scene by scene breakdown" but you're getting it this week. See what I mean? So you were asking for something that you're getting this week. :ooh:

And just my opinion, but I'd rather not know what it contains. It'll just make it more painful painful. :(

I'd rather no know if I can't see it.

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I asked because it didn't make sense to me that you would ask for the "scene by scene breakdown" but you're getting it this week. See what I mean? So you were asking for something that you're getting this week. :ooh:

And just my opinion, but I'd rather not know what it contains. It'll just make it more painful painful. :(

I'd rather no know if I can't see it.

LOL Two vultures are sitting on a tree and one says to the other; "F*ck patience I want to kill something!" Ring a bell?

I can indeed get the information this week but I want it now. I'm impatient:wink:

If I get it I'll post it. If you see something that looks like a breakdown, posted my me then toggle away from it. Just incase anyone else wants to see what it contains.


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Yep, the poster on Bruce's office wall.

And you know if you post it, I won't be able to resist peaking at it. 'lol


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i agree with what u say but private collectors/fans will pay the money for this stuff - u sell to the biggest bid as ahna did. fred weintraub is known as a scrooge - he was offered the god dailies stuff from golden harvest back in early 90s for curse of the dragon doc but wouldn't pay to use it - bey later found it in 1996 at media asia, yeah its a shame private collectors would rather keep it hidden than share. i wouldn't pay much for that footage but it's good. i heard that peter archer (parsons) shot stuff on the set. don't know what the score is on that one.

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Yikes! They knew about the GOD footage before 1999?! And they gave up trying to sell it after

dumbass Weintraub refused it. :neutral: They could have put their own documentary together consisting mainly of the GOD footage with a voice over commentary or something.

Christ, didn't Golden Harvest have any BL fans working for them with a little bit of motivation?!

If not for Bey, that footage probably would have rotted away.

Let's face it, there's plenty more footage of Bruce out there. Be it private 8mm footage or tv appearances. But the owners of it don't seem very interested in putting it out there.

Sad. For us. :sad:

Hell, I'd happy to see more behind the scenes photos but people don't share them either!

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I don't have many KFM mags. I do have all the JKD mags from late 70s/early 80s (i think)

I really should dig them out and read them because there's tonnes of articles in them and interviews and all sorts.

What exactly did KFM use their Golden Harvest contact for?

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i was looking at the rare unseen bl footages part that he was the source for in their articles on original god etc. kfm 13 & 14 if i remember right - 1974/5.

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For my fellow Bruce Lee fans, I just finished watching most (possibly all) of Ahna Capri's behind the scenes footage of Enter The Dragon at www.network54.com/Forum/256969/ ; I've been waiting years to see this stuff Warner Bros. didn't have the good sense to include in their special editions of ETD, & it is pretty cool. It includes behind the scenes shots of Bruce & Bob Wall's fight scene (including a normal speed, alternate angle shot of Bruce sidekicking Bob into the extras), Bruce & Bob's playful sparring, blown takes of Bruce's multiple kicks against Han's help, Bruce demonstrating kicks on Yuen Wah... too much stuff to mention here, just check it out if you're a Bruce fan! Hopefully it won't disappear, I don't know who actually owns the rights to it.

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i loved it , it`s only flaw being the quality. hope someone does this footage justice someday and release it in all it`s heavenly glory.:bigsmile:

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