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Secret Agents 2 (1977) - Kung fu Ballet!


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I found this clip on YouTube a long while ago, but I still have no idea what this movie's called. If anyone knows the name of the movie or even if you recognize any of the actors from the clip, please let me know. It looks like a movie that I'd like. Thanks in advance!

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One Armed Boxer

Hey KenHashibe...unfortunately I don't know the title for this one.  However what I do know is - the girls who run out of the room, at the beginning of the clip, are all wearing hanboks, and the drums on stage are also Korean, so you're definitely looking for a Korean production.  Hope that helps to narrow down your search!

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Yes, that's what I was about to say : the dresses of the girls made me think of Korean ones and the guys' costumes make me think of Japanese ones, so, maybe it's another movie telling a story of Korean versus Japanese.


It looks like an interesting movie and this scene is very funny. I hope that someone will be able to give us the title of this movie.

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@One Armed Boxer @ShawAngela Thanks for the help. Since this clip came from a Chinese video website, I immediately thought this was a Chinese movie. Also, I can't really identify the language that the characters were speaking in either.


All of the info that I have about the movie is that it's very likely a Korean production and that it was released in/after 1976. Also, someone on YouTube said that movie is called "Silly", but I can't really find anything still.


I feel like I'm a step closer to finding it now. Thanks again for the help.

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Morgoth Bauglir

That was very weird Ken, but I liked it.  It's definitely Korean.  The guy in the white suit is Kwan Il Soo I'm pretty sure.  

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After one quick search of "Kung Fu Ballet Movie" in Chinese, I found the clip on YouKu. From there, I read in the comments that the movie's called 密令客续集 which directly translates to "Candidate Passenger Sequel"(?). It is an out-of-print Korean movie presumably from the mid-late 70's. I found this video which supposedly has the entire movie, but I can't verify because it says that I need to enter some password to watch it.


http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XODkzNzI5MjUy.html (Movie)

http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTIxNDU4NzA4.html?from=s1.8-1-1.2 (Clip)


No idea what the Korean title is, but still I'm still a whole lot closer to finding the movie.



That was very weird Ken, but I liked it.  It's definitely Korean.  The guy in the white suit is Kwan Il Soo I'm pretty sure.  

That helps a lot too. Thanks, Morgoth! Do you know anywhere where I can find his filmography? Does anyone know where I can find a Korean equivalent to HKMDb? Thanks again.

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One Armed Boxer

All of the info that I have about the movie is that it's very likely a Korean production and that it was released in/after 1976.


Yeah I'd agree, the person who said that is probably going off the same logic I was - the music playing is 'A Fifth of Beethoven' by Walter Murphy and the Big Apple Band, which was released in 1976.


That helps a lot too. Thanks, Morgoth! Do you know anywhere where I can find his filmography? Does anyone know where I can find a Korean equivalent to HKMDb? Thanks again.


Here you go, his filmography at the Korean Movie Database (note the page links to his main profile, to view his entire filmography just click on the tab next to 'Main') - http://www.kmdb.or.kr/eng/vod/mm_basic.asp?person_id=00000171

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Yeah I'd agree, the person who said that is probably going off the same logic I was - the music playing is 'A Fifth of Beethoven' by Walter Murphy and the Big Apple Band, which was released in 1976.


Here you go, his filmography at the Korean Movie Database (note the page links to his main profile, to view his entire filmography just click on the tab next to 'Main') - http://www.kmdb.or.kr/eng/vod/mm_basic.asp?person_id=00000171

Found it!


It's called Secret Agents 2 (비밀객(속) in Korean) from 1977. The poster for the movie has the ballerina girl on it. I have no idea where I can find a copy of it, but at least we've finally found the title. Thanks!

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Don Wang & Hwang Jang Lee! (He's listed on the Korean Movie Database as Hwang Jeong-ri)

Now I really need to watch these movies, but I still have no idea where to find them.


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One Armed Boxer

Now I really need to watch these movies, but I still have no idea where to find them.


To watch these would most likely involve venturing into the world of Korean kung-fu VHS collecting, which has quite a considerable sized niche market.  There's a group on Facebook called KUNG FU MOVIES TEMPLE which has several members who are Korean VHS collectors, that would probably be your best starting point.

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@One Armed Boxer Cool. I wasn't expecting these Korean VHS's to be readily available. I wonder if some of these treasures will ever make it to DVD. 

There is VHS rip of this floating around somewhere. I will try to make it more available.

Awesome! I'd be very happy about that. There simply aren't enough movies with Kung Fu Ballet these days.

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One Armed Boxer

There is VHS rip of this floating around somewhere. I will try to make it more available.

I second KenHashibe, it would be great it we could see these, even if they're unsubbed, I can potentially get them subtitled in English.

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I second KenHashibe, it would be great it we could see these, even if they're unsubbed, I can potentially get them subtitled in English.

I would be willing to make custom subtitles for these movies if I could. I have a few friends who know Korean who could translate for me.


Of course, I would do this if I could get the opportunity to watch these movies/if I knew how to make a DVD. Maybe someday. Actually, even without subs, I'd love to watch these movies.

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One Armed Boxer

Hey @KenHashibe, not sure if you're still looking for this one, but a Korean VHS collector over at the Kung Fu Movies Temple page on Facebook posted that he picked this one up today.  Happy to pass on his contact details to you if you'd like to pursue it, just let me know & I'll send you a PM. - 



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Wow !! Great news !! I'm also as interested as KenHashibe is in finding these mivies and watch them !!


Thanks for all the searches and informations !

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