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Won Jin


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This might of already been mentioned but:

Taken from IMDB: "Martial arts director Liu Chia-liang asked Korean martial arts director/action actor Won Jin to work with him on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III. But Won Jin was unable to get a US visa in time, so was unable to participate."

I'm not sure how much that would of changed things due to the more kiddy friendly feel to p3.

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@PandaPawPaw Yes, I put that info there, along with all everything else on that Won Jin page ,though others have deleted some things and probably changed other bits too, even though they are clueless about it, just IMDB editors on a power trip, one of the many reasons I left them :angry. But I got that bit of info (along with many more interesting bits) from @One Armed Boxer's interview with the man himself and there's a link to it in this thread on an earlier page, it's well worth checking out:



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Still going....:P

Crown Wood International Film Festival official selection Best Director (Short)



Official Selection 2023 Urban Action Showcase - International Action Film Festival As you can see below it's got a bit of competition, but if it wins it'll be up there with some of the greats. Apparently there'll be showing on the 11th of November in New York, wish I could be there.






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Yet more...

Singapore International Short Film Festival winner Best Director For Short Film



Dreamz Catcher International Film Festival [India] winner Best Actor



Gives me hope for an Operation Scorpio 2 :D 


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Another award presented to Won Jin for Jump Senior, this time it's Best Actor winner at Lulea International Film Festival Sweden


But it seems it's not only WJ receiving due praise for his hard work. Fellow martial arts director/actor Ham Cheol-hoon who was Jump Senior's DOP has also been raking in the awards including: Rohip International Film Festival - Best Cinematography winner Jump Senior / Bharatha Desam International Film Festival India - Best Cinematography honorable mention award Jump Senior / FICOCC Five Continents International Film Festival Venezuela - special mention editing short film Jump Senior




Great to see these lads still working together after all these years.

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I'm happy that Won Jin's doing so well, but damn I'm getting exhausted keeping track of them all :P 


Birsamunda International Film Awards winner Best International Short Film



Global Independent Film Festival winner 2nd Best Actor

Global Independent Film Festival winner 3rd Foreign Short Film





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J.J. Hayden

I won't bet any money on it but these might be the final awards, as I've seen the short trailer that now displays a bunch of them, but we'll just have to see. Either way it's been quite the journey!

HODU International Film Festival winner Best Director Short Film




ROME International Movie Awards winner Best Director

ROME International Movie Awards winner Best Action

ROME International Movie Awards winner Best Actor





Congrats Won Jin!!!




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J.J. Hayden

Well, it's finally here. The OFFICIAL release date (of sorts, as there's no DAY,) for the Wang Ho (Casanova Wong) and Won Jin movie Tiger's Trigger will be towards the end of March. It's great to see these two sharing the screen together again since all the way back on Enter The Invincible Hero, but this time they're enemies. Should be good stuff and hopefully it will make it's way West.....eventually :P 


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J.J. Hayden

Well it seems I saved some dosh :P Another year another bunch of awards:









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J.J. Hayden

And some more :o 






Phew. Yes I've stopped writing in all the award detail to save time. You can read can't ya :P 


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J.J. Hayden

Two more Won Jin items.

First we have the latest trailer for Tiger's Trigger


And then, we have yet another award for Jump Senior




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J.J. Hayden

Looks like it's really happening, Tiger's Trigger is actually going to see release. Things are looking exciting at the press conference with Won Jin showing off some moves and plenty of Korean martial arts cinema royalty showing up to give their support.




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J.J. Hayden

Well, I said I'd get round to doing this.....eventually :P And here it is. I've went back over my Won Jin collection and got the best images I possibly could. Some of these are the same shots that I'd uploaded earlier, but the quality is improved, sometimes it's so slight you won't notice, but it's there (believe me, it's there), every little bit counts.



As I'd said back then, some of the earlier pics were just place holders while I got things organised, so these are much better. Some earlier pics were already good, but some needed cropping and/or brightening a bit and I was more selective with which would be tagged as portraits. I also hadn't taken one for each outfit in the films, a practice I've been doing for a while, not only because it's useful, but also means there's even more pics to enjoy.




Note: While working on Operation Scorpio [1991] I also changed Kwon Seong-yeong's credit from [Thug] to [Mr. Sandakan / Wang's bodyguard] and added portraits for both roles too. :D




I also took some more screenshots too, catching some action or some shots that I just thought looked good.




Finally I also added a production still from The 18 Amazones [1979], I thought I had already, but I'd used a cropped version as a portrait. So here's the full image.




I hope people like the new pics, but that's not all. I also have a few extra credits to add to the filmography too. No new films unfortunately, but some extra roles:


#1 Legend Of Peach Blossom [1980]: I'd mentioned before that there were a few more possible Won Jin roles to add to the already large number here. Well I was finally able to confirm one of them. As suspected, he is one of the guards in the dungeon fight scene.



These next two were new discoveries while looking over these films for other actors, they're literally blink and you'll miss them roles, once again proving the need to keep your eyes peeled at all times.


#2 The 18 Amazones [1979]: There's a few seconds scene where the heroes are in a market area near a sign board, Won Jin walks past wearing a fake tash. As if playing an amazon and doubling for the rest of them wasn't enough, they got their money's worth out of him here.



#3 Duel Of Ultimate Weapons [1983]: Yet another blink and you'll miss him situation. Though this film featured one of Won Jin's more significant early roles, he actually also plays a waiter in one of the early scenes.




And now, I've finally found a good time to take a break from my research. I've been burnt out for a while, I was actually intending to take a break about two months ago, but I wound up doing more and more :P . Then I set a hard deadline for taking a break....I passed that two weeks ago :P Then I set a harder deadline....I passed that one week ago :P :P :P But finally I've found a good point where I can switch my brain off from it all without losing where I am with things. Don't worry, I'll be back, there's several of my projects that are near completion and always plenty more for me to do. But It'll probably be for about a week or so, I'm going to play it by ear.




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J.J. Hayden

Seems like it's not over yet. Yes, Jump Senior is still getting awards :P




But even with the success of Jump Senior Won Jin is not resting on his laurels, seems he's always working on new projects, the man never rests.




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J.J. Hayden
Posted (edited)

Won Jin's “Jump Senior” UK screening 07-Sep-2024


Great news for martial arts fans in the UK. Won Jin's directorial debut short film (in which he also stars) is being screened in London at the Hackney Picturehouse, as part of the Fighting Spirit Film Festival's short films session. The “Short Films in Competition Part 1” will begin at 11AM on Saturday the 7th of September and ticket prices vary, depending on how many of the various festival events you wish to attend.



Unfortunately, I won't be able to attend (typical!), but this is a great opportunity for martial arts fans to see something that normally wouldn't see the light of day outside of Korea. For those who are interested, here is the site for the Fighting Spirit Film Festival.






p.s. I might as well add this here too. Jump Senior won yet another award.


Edited by J.J. Hayden
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