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Chiang Sheng

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Some call him cutie-pie ... and others, "the student" but Chiang Sheng will always be one of the boys - a Venom, true and through.

This Tuesday, August 18th, will mark his 17th death anniversary.

Thought it would be nice to start up some dialogue about the actor / the man.

Most know him as the opera kid who trained with Kuo Choi and Lu Feng but I got some bits about:

His wedding/wife, Chang Cheh's reaction to his passing, and other tidbits that you can only find here ...

WKFF! Your super-station for the kung fu aficionado ;)

OK, let's get the ball rolling (the best way teako knows) .... with some pix:

Always loved this pic with the trio and V-boy backups


From Southern Screen - does anyone on this board READ Chinese??


Calendar photo from 1981


Props to Kioko (aka VenomsFan) for these pix. A very young "student"


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Chiang Sheng was never (and still isn't) my favorite venom to be honest. Nonetheless I appreciated his skill more after seeing most of his movies, and it is of course a sad loss whenever someone from our beloved industry loses their life. His action style didn't appeal as much to me as the others did, but he made up for a lot with his charisma.

It is not certain what would have become of the man if he hadn't died when he did, but I hardly believe he would have disappeared completely, although he supposedly had hit close to the bottom before the incident. His contribution to kung fu movies goes without saying though, with sublime action choreography along with his fellow opera colleagues.

By the way, anyone think Lu Feng looks a bit like Jackie Chan on the first picture? Not used to seeing him without the scowl!

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...but he made up for a lot with his charisma.

Indeed, charisma. Each Venom, alone, were far from extraordinary.

Together though - as a collective - is what truly made them shine and made their films stand out.

Each brought to the table something unique and this was CS's contribution, his charisma, along with his incredible acrobatic skills

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Chiang Sheng was (apparently) a very good friend of Kuo Chui's and the latter was purportedly devastated when he Chiang was found dead. He drank himself to death. Apparently, he never got over the hey day filming with all the other venoms. Kuo claims it was of a broken heart over the dissolution of the venom's and their working together on choreographing and participating in their distinct style of martial arts cinema.

All the venoms were particular of the characteristics each unique. Chiang Sheng was indeed a light skills specialist (as stated by his character in the beginning of Invincible Shaolin) and he always shined best as the light hearted, fun loving, joker. He was certaintly an amazing talent captured by Shaws.

I'll be doing a few shots to him tonight. Oh ya, if ya didn't figure it out all ready, he loved drinking. Good man!

Cheers brother! You'll never die.

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Apparently, he never got over the hey day filming with all the other venoms. Kuo claims it was of a broken heart over the dissolution of the venom's and their working together on choreographing and participating in their distinct style of martial arts cinema.

I think about that sometimes (alot actually). I watch a movie and see whatever actor (especially extras) and think that he/she must think some times themselves about the good ol days. I look at what the genre degenerated into and consider that some/many of them ended up working everyday square jobs. "Five years ago I got massacred by ninjas and now I'm washing dishes." I wouldn't be able to live it down either. Shaw made so many larger than life characters (if it were up to me, alot of them would have been made statues)...but I hear they have a different level of appreciation over there. Some of Chiang Sheng's last works were just goofy as hell. Chopsticks vs Bowls?

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chiang sheng was great acrobat and shined on action scenes but on dialogue..I think he was not able to create any tension or atmosphere unlike other members of 2nd team...do not lynch me,this is just opinion.

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I think Crippled Avengers was his favorite role of mine, he also showed diversity playing the villain in Sword Stained with Royal Blood. It's a true shame you don't and probably won't see a team put together like the Venoms again, I agree the three of them together were something special. The first pic is awesome Teako, great thread to pay respect to the man.

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He always made me in a good mood, whenever he came on screen! Sick acrobat skills too.

Does Lung Tien Chiang have a tattoo on his leg in that picture?

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He was in the first fu flick I had ever seen, 5 Fighters From Shaolin. As a Venom he was my favorite, as well as the most well rounded on screen.

His best role was Invicible Shaolin.

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Does Lung Tien Chiang have a tattoo on his leg in that picture?

I certainly hope that's not a tattoo, for his sake. ;) Looks more like it's something printed onto the photo. I might be wrong though.

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I like that first picture. Who's the guy on the back right, beside Kuo Chui? I take it they're just goofing around and it's not a production still from a movie. It doesn't look familiar. It kind of reminds me of this:


Are both groups referencing some earlier photo?


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Back right looks like Chin Siu Ho mate.

Chiang Sheng had skills as an actor and is under-rated IMO, he was usually cast as the goofy one but often got out goofed by Kuo Choi who always took the lead roles. He stood out for me in his villainous roles, a very capable actor IMO not given much chance to show his range. RIP geezer

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Any death is tragic but Chiang Sheng's came too soon and it's quite possible that it could have been avoided if he had cut back on the drinking.

Last year at Phillyfest, Lo Mang was telling me a tale on how he tried to always get CS to ease up but he wouldn't have any of that. He actually had little interest in Kung Fu. He was into drinking and having a good time instead - though he did enjoy directing and working behind the scenes.

Towards the end of his life his best mates were Lu Feng, Tin Chee, and Robert Tai. It was Tin Chee who found him dead. He told this to Toby who relayed this to me. Toby was in HK with Robert Tai when he died. They got a call from Tin Chee, then Tai called Chang Cheh and said they'd meet up at the usual place (Meridian Coffee Shop) for tea.

When Chang Cheh heard the news of CS's death, he just smiled, shrugged his shoulders and carried on drinking his tea. No doubt he knew of his downward spiral (the drinking and marital problems) but I'm sure he was hurting inside.

CS is buried in Taichung - a large city located in west-central Taiwan. Of the Venoms, Toby believes only Lu Feng attended. I never got the chance to ask Lo Mang this. (I think talking about the dead is a bit taboo in Chinese/ Asian culture?)

Anyhow, more bits to come....

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I looked on hkcinemagic to see who you were talking about... and out of Austin Wai Tin Chee and Ricky Tien Chi... I'm guessing you mean Ricky? Robert Tai didn't ring a bell either and I looked him up and I'm surprised I couldn't recgonice him despite him having been in so many films.

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Robert Tai is more known as an action choreographer than an actor. He's only had a few big parts on screen, one of them being Incredible Kung Fu Mission.

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I looked on hkcinemagic to see who you were talking about... and out of Austin Wai Tin Chee and Ricky Tien Chi... I'm guessing you mean Ricky? Robert Tai didn't ring a bell either and I looked him up and I'm surprised I couldn't recgonice him despite him having been in so many films.

Yes, Ricky is correct.

Tai Chi Hsien is the man. Without him, the V-flix would not be the same.

Tai and Chiang Sheng on the set of Shaolin Chastity Kung Fu


Tai (shirtless) on the set of Brave Archer I


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Shaw Scope Guy

I hate to get technical; however, Chiang Sheng is not a Venom as he was only a student. The Five Venoms were:

1) The Toad

2) The Snake

3) The Centipede

4) The Scorpion

5) The Lizard

The Venoms are technically as follows:

Kuo Chui - Lizard

Lu Feng - Centipede

Lo Mang - Toad

Sun Chien - Scorpion

Wei Pei - Snake

Just wanted to point this out for those newbies so they are not misled by false information that Chiang Sheng was Venom.


Shaw Scope Guy

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I hate to get technically, however, Chiang Sheng is not a Venom as he was only a student.Just wanted to point this out for those newbies so they are not misled by false information that Chiang Sheng was Venom.


Shaw Scope Guy


Because of the movie THE FIVE VENOMS this entire crew of actors (and latter, others) became known as "The Venoms".

Chiang Sheng is a Venom.

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