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December Mutual Movie Review *INTEREST* Thread


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So, for our December Mutual Review Thread, the theme will be Secret Santas!!! Anybody who is interested can demonstrate their interest by a simple post in this thread. Around the second week of november, there will be a drawing (somehow) to determine who will be whose Secret Santa. The Secret Santa will give their pick a movie to review, which review they will post in the appropriate thread.




1. Each Secret Santa should recommend two movies: one that can be purchased and a second that is available on Youtube, Youku, or a similar site. That way, nobody will be punished for financial reasons.


2. If you feel like White Elephanting the person and choosing the worst movies imaginable (i.e. Hot Potato; Sunland Heat; Kindergarten Ninjas), feel free to do so. Just don't complain if your own Santa does the same to you.


3. I realize this is objective, but *do* try to be creative in your choices, unless you pick someone you *know* hasn't seen The Drunken Master and feel you need to remedy that.


4. If the person you pick happens to feel some sort of moral objection to both movies suggested (like if the "pok gaai" assigns the person Crazy Lips*** AND The Untold Story), then the Secret Santa should offer up an alternative roster.


Remember, this thread is for expressing interest and asking questions. When December comes, a new thread will be opened in the reviews section.



*** - Crazy Lips is a Japanese film that mixes horror, kung fu, and rapesploitation in one incoherent package.

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I'm in. Not too sure how this gonna work, but I think we can all agree that whoever gets DrNgor will recommend some Billy Chong movies. Preferably one of his better movies.

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DragonClaws: Is that a "Yes"?


KenHashibe: Well, I was planning on filling in that gap in the near future, so it might not be necessary...but who knows?


Secret Executioner: Awwwwwww...well, each church his own Buddha....

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I think I will take this as who wants to read an overlong "academic" review from me from the movie of their choosing.  Hee hee, count me in. If I'm choosing expect to be something annoying.


Now if anyone is on any type of online list site: I am on https://www.icheckmovies.com/profiles/masterofoneinchpunch/ (icheckmovies) you can see what I have seen and what I have not.

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Master of One Inch Punch - Excellent.


Secret Executioner: How would you like to be the guy who draws names out of a hat and sends the PMs to people informing them of who their secret friend is?

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DragonClaws: Is that a "Yes"?


KenHashibe: Well, I was planning on filling in that gap in the near future, so it might not be necessary...but who knows?


Secret Executioner: Awwwwwww...well, each church his own Buddha....

Count me in.

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Morgoth Bauglir

I'm gonna have to say no.  It's a good idea, but I don't want to watch a movie on YouTube, and I'm not going to try to get someone else to watch a movie on YouTube.  

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Well, the Youtube option is more of a second option in case the person lacks the funds to buy the first choice.

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Well, the Youtube option is more of a second option in case the person lacks the funds to buy the first choice.

Even if you have the money for the disc it might not turn up in time for reviewing. I prefer to watch a film on DVD, but YT has come in very handy sometimes.

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Morgoth Bauglir

Actually I was more worried about someone having to buy the movie than watch it on YouTube.  I'd rather save myself the frustration of having to ask over and over again "can you get ahold of this movie."

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Actually I was more worried about someone having to buy the movie than watch it on YouTube.  I'd rather save myself the frustration of having to ask over and over again "can you get ahold of this movie."


Good point, I'm sure we can work something out to make Doc's idea work.

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I think what I plan to do is pm whoever I get, and see what they may already have or have access to that they haven't seen yet, and then base my selection according to that. That way, hopefully, they won't have to drop any cash, or maybe they could at least view it on Netflix or something like that.

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I'm sure we will get/give secondary and tertiary choices.  The big issues if the selection is OOP or relatively expensive (or not available Netflix/Hulu or if you do not use that service etc...)  Youtube is a last choice for me, but it has been quite valuable over the years.

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Secret Executioner

I've been giving some thoughts about this, and I figure the parties involved should have to list the films they own so that we can avoid the problems - good luck though if you literally have 100s of DVDs and no list of what you have.


Another idea I figured could work out better (and would be closer to the original concept) would be that instead of imposing movies, the Secret Santas would pick a topic (actor, director, choreographer, a specific fighting style...) and the other person would choose one or more movies that fit the bill. Just my $0.02. 

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I've been giving some thoughts about this, and I figure the parties involved should have to list the films they own so that we can avoid the problems - good luck though if you literally have 100s of DVDs and no list of what you have.


Another idea I figured could work out better (and would be closer to the original concept) would be that instead of imposing movies, the Secret Santas would pick a topic (actor, director, choreographer, a specific fighting style...) and the other person would choose one or more movies that fit the bill. Just my $0.02. 

That could work Secret Executioner. 



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So, what does the collective say?


1. Choose a specific film(s)?

2. Choose the secret friend's topic?

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Morgoth Bauglir

I'm in doc.  Either one works for me but I might want to back out right away just to save myself any headaches.  You know I'm dying for a Chang Shan month.  I have a one track mind so there's nothing secret about this, whoever I get will be watching a Chang Shan movie.  So you better have all of his movies otherwise I will be shocked, offended and very very angry.    I'll be so goddam mad I may just have to send you a movie in the mail.  

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Lady Jin Szu-Yi

With my funds tied up now, not sure I can participate unless someone wants to Secret Santa me a film they know is on YouTube. If that's okay, count me in. If not, I look forward to reading this thread sounds great. 



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I, Dr. Ngor, move that we change the format from recommending specific films to picking themes (not too specific, mind you, as it would be unsporting to say "Your theme is 'Movies that feature David Chiang fighting his father-in-law using animal styles'") for your secret friend. All in favor, say "I"!

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Lady Jin Szu-Yi

LOL.. no I won't lob Shaolin Mantis at anyone...so  I. 

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