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What's your style? (Which martial arts do you study?)

Chinatown Kid

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And I feel your frustration... the city I live in, is one of the most violent cities in Denmark. It is almost impossible to go clubbing or just out for a drink in the weekend, without being confronted with violence. I also live just a stones throw away from the worst ghetto in the country. Mostly arabs. And they act like wild animals, and have been terrorizing the inner city for decades. I grew up in that ghetto, and being a skinny white kid in a school that was 80% foreigners, was not always fun. But you probably have similar problems in Norway. You just can't escape the violence.

It's not really a huge problem here, but stuff like this happens, and it seems to become more and more frequent. Like in your case, and alot of the incidents do indeed involve foreigners. Why this seems to be the matter is probably something that shouldn't be debated here though. There are a lot of reasons why people act as they do.

Then you have the kind of troublemakers I really hate, which is wannabe-gangster kids. I mean, kids do stupid stuff, but when you are like 17 or 18 years you should really start getting your act together and start behaving like a grown up. What bothers me is that they just can't seem to realize that all actions have consequences, although they are not necessarily immidiate nor direct.

There are theories about genetic factors as well as environmental that can cause certain behavior issues. Like you said, it kinda feels like you're dealing with primitive animals at times, as some people just seem to lack basic moral values and principles. It is indeed a strange world we live in.

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Chinatown Kid

The chances are the younger a thug or punk is, the more likely they will try to pick fights or bully someone because they are immature. It is true that some adults seem to have the mentality of adolescents as well.:rolleyes:

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Endsang- I also commend you on your self control, I dont think I would have been able myself to do the same after the head butt...wow...much respect dude, I would have open hand strike to the nose and tryed to break it...just to return the favor of the head butt..

"for every action ..there is a reaction"

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The pride hurts though, and it really bothers me that he will get the feeling he won this.

Again I say!

Showing off is the fool’s idea of glory.” - Bruce Lee

Some of the truest words ever spoken. We have to keep ourselves in check sometimes. By the way, he may've just been REALLY LOADED!

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Chinatown Kid

I will say this, no one has the right to put their hands on you or physically harm you. When a person does this you have the right to defend yourself to prevent them from causing you further harm. That's not to say once you have subdued them or stopped their assault that you can continue to beat them or fall in to an overkill mode because then the Law will prosacute you, especially if they find out you have a Black Belt or serious Martial Arts training. But don't ever let someone harm you without defending yourself, protect yourself at all times! :)

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Again, I wouldn't hesitate to defend myself if I felt a somewhat serious threat towards my health, like if the current situation had kept escalating. It may sound a bit strange, but I am a bit afraid of hurting people over stuff like this. My conscience heals slower than bruises and cuts.

Either way, I won't take crap from anyone, but in this case I felt it just wasn't worth it. Overall satisfied with the outcome I guess, but principally shouldn't have happened at all. Should something like this happen again, I would probably be a bit more defensive, and hopefully a little less drunk. :)

Well spoken, Chinatown Kid. I know what you mean and you'll probably know what I mean. :)

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Endsang while that was awesome self control, why did you let him hit you and headbutt you twice! If you had hit him after he headbutt you it was self defence and he was asking for it! Dosnt matter if you could get in trouble hit him and run, don't wait around and let him hit you. If you ever see him again go after him and fuck him up, but make sure no one else is around.

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Endsang while that was awesome self control, why did you let him hit you and headbutt you twice! If you had hit him after he headbutt you it was self defence and he was asking for it! Dosnt matter if you could get in trouble hit him and run, don't wait around and let him hit you.

I was just really confused by the whole situation.

If I was sober I probably would have reacted after the first hit. Maybe not punched back, but atleast subdued him. Then again, I don't think this would have happened in a sober envirronment. I don't know.. at the moment I just didn't seem to care. :)

If you ever see him again go after him and fuck him up, but make sure no one else is around.

Heh, you're kidding right? That would go against all my principles.

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Why Sloth Style Kung Fu, of course.

I'll cop to flirting with a few McDojo's back in the 80's. Then I wisened up and realized, despite what all the martial arts films told me, stuff like horse stance and "monkey boxing" wasnt really applicable in the real world. Though, it sure is pretty! If I had a good back (and wasnt so lazy), I'd like to be active kickboxing, submission grappling, and some kendo, but, yeah, I'm strictly sloth style ;)

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I study Shaolin Chuan Fa Kung Fu and San Shou. It's a system developed by the Tsai family. It's a mix of 5 Animals and Mei Hua Chuan. Awesome system.

Before it, I studied Hapkido, Muay Thai, Grappling, and some JKD. None of my training before compares close to my Kung Fu training. My punches and kicks are faster and stronger. I'm more accurate, and am better conditioned.

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I wrestled for 4 years in High School.

I started taking Kung Fu the first week in January. I've pretty much been a walking sore person since. I love it, but my 35ish yr old body was way out of shape.

I go twice a week, but I practice at least twice more. I'm alright with my first form, and most of the hand movements, but I'm pretty weak still on the kicks. I'm a lot more limber, but I have a long way to go.

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I want to learn Hung Gar, not sure if there are any instructors near me. However there is a fellow who teaches the Bak Mei style. I've been considering starting that, if it's not too advanced.

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I did Shotokan karate for about 2 years...i would like to start learning Wu Shu Kwan but it's difficult to find a close club for that and plus my laziness doesn't help at all :(

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Chinatown Kid

Hey fight off that laziness man, studying a Martial Art will give you confidence and a sense of inner peace/tranquility to your life. Sometimes I get lazy and feel like skipping class but when I do go I always feel better after class and am glad I did go. :)

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I study Hung Gar Kuen,actually learned already the whole system but do a lot of research..currently me and a friend translating a chinese book from the 1920s,this book is a wong fei hung autobiography which is partly fictional partly true...hard work as this is the old style writing (according to my friend)

I have a club in Manila,Chinatown where I teach Hung Kuen..teaching is also learning,I learned many things through teaching...

as for getting into fights,I had many when I was younger but over the years I find ones awarenes grows big and you easily can avoid critical situations..however Im absolutely posetive about my ability in using the arts..gotta say if you dont train hard in Kung Fu its really difficult to use it..so if it only was for being able to fight you are better off with thaiboxing,bjj etc.

kung fu is long term...thats why many master are fit even in high age...

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Hey fight off that laziness man, studying a Martial Art will give you confidence and a sense of inner peace/tranquility to your life. Sometimes I get lazy and feel like skipping class but when I do go I always feel better after class and am glad I did go. :)

I'm jus lazy in general lol...i think if i had a suitable club very closeby i would definitely go as i'm not lazy in things i like

problem is finding a nearby club

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I also study Submission Grappling, and will either start BJJ or Shidokan to complement what I already train.

I've fought in Kickboxing, Boxing, Karate, and Grappling. I'm hoping to fight in MMA soon.

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Pfft.. I practice iron skin kung fu. :D

Yeah, it's called getting calices :D

I'm hoping to fight in MMA soon.

Don't you find it annoying though how everyone acts like they "discovered" MMA, or that it's a new thing, with all the popularity surrounding UFC right now :rolleyes:

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Yeah all the garage training "ultimate fighters" really get on my nerves. I consider myself a martial artist first, and a fighter second. I use my Kung Fu in the ring.

It's quite a nice thing. It gets boring to see "cut and paste" thai boxing/jiu jitsu. To see some excellent TMA MMA fighters, check out Cung Le (San Shou) and Lyoto Machida (Karate).

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In response to your being headbutted...

The first person to raise their fists in anger is the person who's run out of ideas.

You are a REAL man. You were NOT defeated. Only a man's own foolish ego can truly defeat him.

Or a woman...LOL. There's no defense against heartbreak without shutting down, eh?

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