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What's your style? (Which martial arts do you study?)

Chinatown Kid

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Chinatown Kid

I had a thread like this a few years ago at the old Kung Fu Fandom and decided since we have picked up alot of new members since then to do this again. If any of you members currently or have ever trained in a Martial Art please list the style or styles, it would really be cool to see what arts other members of this forum have done. Even if you didn't study for long or didn't achieve any kind of rank, please feel free to list any training. I personally watch these Martial arts movies we talk about on here to help keep me motivated and inspired in my on training. Anyways, here's what I've studied over the years:


Taekwondo-this is what I currently study and have so far reached second degree Black Belt.


I've also dabbled in Wing Chun and Judo.


So guys, what's your style? :)

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I want to get back into MA as soon as I can.

I did take up Goju-Ryu karate and freestyle karate when I was a teen at a self-defense course in school, plus learned muay thai and a little jiujitsu.

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I have a Goju ryu Karate Do-black belt. Right now Im training Northern Kung Fu and Shotokan Karate. Other arts i've done: Taekwondo, Muay Thai, Jun Fan gung fu, Tai Chi, Judo.

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When I was younger I learned a mixed martial arts, not MMA like today, just a mix of styles that consisted of various Kung Fu, Karate, Judo, Jujitsu, and Taekwondo, I reached a brown belt.

Then I moved on to some Wing Chun then Muay Thai. I haven't took anything for over 6 years but still practice what I've learned at home and get to a yoga class every once in a while (don't laugh there's usually 20 women to 2 men in those classes;)), I'd love to get back to some Muay Thai again, it's one hell of a workout.

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I've trained...


Muay Thai

Wing Chun

Currently training...

Tibetan White Crane Kung Fu

Kickboxing as a supplement and for the exercise!

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Chinatown Kid

Cool variety of styles so far, thanks for posting guys. It's nice to know there are other fellow martial artists on this forum. :)

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I've trained in Tae Kwon Do, Karate, Wushu (Sanda & Ditan Quan), mostly train in acrobatic "tricks" (flips & kicks) now at a gymnastic club.

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Taekwondo-30yrs, some Muay Thai & Wing Chun, a little Jujitsu. Haven't done anything in a while & I would like to go back into training.

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Chinatown Kid

Wow 30 years of TKD training, that's cool. What is your rank if you don't mind me asking? I'd like to at least attain the 4th degree BB which is considered master in the art.

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Wing Chun - approx 2yrs

Judo approx - 7yrs

Tai Chi Chuan (Traditional Yang Style) - approx 16yrs

Muay Thai - 4yrs (full time whilst living in Thailand)

Jeet Kune Do / Jun Fan Gung Fu - approx 16yrs

The only arts I currently train in are Jeet Kune Do / Jun Fan Gung Fu and Tai Chi Chuan.

I do still like to mix it up with the Muay Thai Boxers when I go back to Thailand every year.

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Chinatown Kid
Freestyle Karate, Hapkido and Muay Thai. Would like to get into Tai Chi too :)

I would love to train in Hapkido myself, altough TKD has similar kicks, Hapkido has alot of throws and joint locks that TKD doesn't have.

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Chinatown Kid
Wing Chun - approx 2yrs

Judo approx - 7yrs

Tai Chi Chuan (Traditional Yang Style) - approx 16yrs

Muay Thai - 4yrs (full time whilst living in Thailand)

Jeet Kune Do / Jun Fan Gung Fu - approx 16yrs

The only arts I currently train in are Jeet Kune Do / Jun Fan Gung Fu and Tai Chi Chuan.

I do still like to mix it up with the Muay Thai Boxers when I go back to Thailand every year.

I am a big fan of Bruce Lee and respect him alot, I would like to study Jeet Kune Do as well but unfortunately nobody in my area teaches it.

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Not your traditional art but I have my degree in...

Couch-Fu, 5th dan black belt.

Some unfortunate grasshoppers try to take my remote.

Some unfortunate grasshoppers are no longer with us.

Taekwondo-this is what I currently study and have so far reached second degree Black Belt.
Actually I did study this for a while. Was on my first college's karate team but lost interest as Frat-Fu and Beer-Fu took over.

Then later Marriage-Fu, which eat up all my Money-Fu, so now all I have left is DVD-Fu (...hence the Couch-Fu).

...see. It all comes full circle now doesn't it? :)

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O Dan

First started training more for protection.

My first instructor was a nut & I loved him. He would train us & have us fight other kids or pick fights & let us defend ourselves. For me starting off - it was full contact, no pads, no rules & protect yourself at all times. You bleed on the floor - you clean the mess. It was real fighting & afterwords we go & have ice cream, snacks..etc together. My trainer did not believe in Oaths or Tenets. He was a little mentally unstable but a good/feared fighter. He spent some time in a Korean prison - what happened in there I don't know & didnt dare asking. He taught us how to fight & to protect our self.

I stopped going to "Dojos" after I saw how students were receiving their advancement.

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Chinatown Kid
O Dan

First started training more for protection.

My first instructor was a nut & I loved him. He would train us & have us fight other kids or pick fights & let us defend ourselves. For me starting off - it was full contact, no pads, no rules & protect yourself at all times. You bleed on the floor - you clean the mess. It was real fighting & afterwords we go & have ice cream, snacks..etc together. My trainer did not believe in Oaths or Tenets. He was a little mentally unstable but a good/feared fighter. He spent some time in a Korean prison - what happened in there I don't know & didnt dare asking. He taught us how to fight & to protect our self.

I stopped going to "Dojos" after I saw how students were receiving their advancement.

Hey man nothing wrong with that, as long as it helped you to protect yourself, that's the most important thing.:cool:

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Damn.... im 30, and thought that I was one of the older members on this board! But either you guys have been training since you could walk, or your older than me:)

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Damn.... im 30, and thought that I was one of the older members on this board! But either you guys have been training since you could walk, or your older than me:)

I will be 41 this year & I thought I was one of the spring babies.;)

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Damn.... im 30, and thought that I was one of the older members on this board! But either you guys have been training since you could walk, or your older than me:)

I'm 29yrs old but began my first martial arts training in Judo when I was 5yrs old and have been constantly training ever since.

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I am a big fan of Bruce Lee and respect him alot, I would like to study Jeet Kune Do as well but unfortunately nobody in my area teaches it.

Well unfortunately there is A LOT more bad Jeet Kune Do out there than good Jeet Kune Do.

Most people think they are learning the art but are learning a mish-mash of other arts cobbled together which is then as labelled Jeet Kune Do.

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