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What is The Most Disturbing/Scary Horror Film You've Seen

Hei Meigui

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I saw A Serbian Film. I was disgusted at first but then I just got bored. Does the violence have a point? Probably, but that didn't stop me from having my brain numb from all the grossness. Will I watch it again? Dunno. Something will have to sway me to do so.


I remember someone saying that Visitor Q was disturbing and disgusting so when I watched it for the first time, I was bored. But when I watched it the second time, I found it fucking hilarious. Maybe if A Serbian Film had a dark sense of humour like the latter or Killer Joe or American Psycho throughout the film, (besides the climax, where it finally showed some), I probably would've like A Serbian Film. But it just left me numb and tired.

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The original Texas Chainsaw Massacre, especially that dinner scene...total madness!

Yeah, I agree. And it was the little things, like the arms of the chairs were made from arms. That movie so screwed up my poor little mind. I knew there were bad people in the world, but I had never contemplated there were bad people this messed up.


Also saw The Exorcist when I was 13 at the Midnight Movie with my girlfriend. Her older sister got us in and left it to us. To say that move made an impression on me is something of an understatement. I thought we'd see a "scary / fun" movie and I'd have to keep her safe for the rest of the night. That's not how it went down.


After the movie, she decided to go do some stuff with her older sister instead so I got to walk home from their house to my house at around 2am after having just seen The Exorcist. I was doing the Bruce Lee "walk" the entire way home. Real windy night and every time the wind came up, rustled bushes and the like my cat stance and cross leg walk got a little lighter.


By the time I got home I stopped across the street and hid in the bushes and scanned my house for goblins, demons and other potentially bad things for nearly a half hour before climbing back in through my bedroom window. Slept with the lights on for a couple nights and read a lot of books before I could fall asleep.

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Secret Executioner

I use to be into horror but fell out of it when cgi took over, I think the genre really lost it when the first Scream came out, still to this day don't see how that movie or it's sequels are any good, it was a downhill slide from there, hate the torture porn flicks, they turned Vampires into whiny emo's, and ran zombies into the ground.

Agreed on all accounts, man - and don't forget the genre being reduced to the idiotic repetition of creepy shit jumping at your screen.

On a sidenote (since you're bringing up the way overrated Scream films), sad that whenever I read something on Wes Craven after his passing, he'd be portrayed as a two-trick pony - A Nightmare on Elm St. and Scream.  :(

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Wait..you actually saw this film? What was that like? How did you feel after that? Were you able to get those things out of your head? I'm really curious.


I have seen the film. I was not all that shocked by what took place, because while watching it, I never forgot it was just a "film". 


Now, I have seen videos online, of true, real live events, that made me feel faint while or after viewing them. Knowing that they were "real" is what gets to me more than anything. It took sometime to get over the sensation I felt after watching one video in particular. I just kept thinking, how on earth, could anyone be capable of such a thing, and then go about their day. I will not even mention what that video was about, nor would I ever send a link (even if I could still find it) to someone, as I wouldn't want to be responsible for embedding the visuals into someone else's brain. 


So basically, after seeing horrific real life videos, I don't think any content of any movie could ever truly shock me, but I still would find them disturbing, as I do with A SERBIAN FILM.


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Cannibal Holocaust. I've yet to finish it because I am an animal lover and anytime you watch a movie and don't finish it because it frightens you, that's the movie.

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Secret Executioner

Cannibal Holocaust. I've yet to finish it because I am an animal lover and anytime you watch a movie and don't finish it because it frightens you, that's the movie.

A lot of those Italian cannibal movies were pretty strong on the animal cruelty, so I see your point. :monk_concerned:

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I have seen the film. I was not all that shocked by what took place, because while watching it, I never forgot it was just a "film". 


Now, I have seen videos online, of true, real live events, that made me feel faint while or after viewing them. Knowing that they were "real" is what gets to me more than anything. It took sometime to get over the sensation I felt after watching one video in particular. I just kept thinking, how on earth, could anyone be capable of such a thing, and then go about their day. I will not even mention what that video was about, nor would I ever send a link (even if I could still find it) to someone, as I wouldn't want to be responsible for embedding the visuals into someone else's brain. 


So basically, after seeing horrific real life videos, I don't think any content of any movie could ever truly shock me, but I still would find them disturbing, as I do with A SERBIAN FILM.


Yes I was on some website somewhere and they were talking about watching real life things that were filmed as they were happening and no thank you I'm good. It's just like the Faces of Death video's I remember hearing about when I was a kid, I never had any urge to watch those. I deal with a lot of horrific stuff in the course of my work working with severely abused children and I don't need to see something like that for fun. If you have seen or see the description of the movie "Precious", that is the type of children/adults I do therapy with. Had no urge to see that when I work with it.

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It takes a lot to scare me nowadays due to my extensive intake of horror films throughout  the years has made me somewhat numb to fright.It takes a psychological build up and a pre-setting of the ambience to achieve that.But disturbing me,It seems that envelope has always been pushed further and further.To make my point,I have recently watched Salo' aka 120 days of Sodomy and I had to immediately watch a kung-fu flick afterwards to reset my mental faculties.


Directed by Pier Paolo Pasolini in 1975,this movie explores the evil that humankind is truly capable of committing against themselves.It focuses on the Italian fascist dictatorship that actually took place in Italy around 1944-1945 and continued through the 1970's.


I don't want to go into a full review but I can tell you this much...This movie is not for the squeamish or the faint of heart.Yeah,I know you've heard that before right? Well,if your curiosity gets the better of you then check it out.This movie basically shows a group of wealthy,powerful people who use their influence and of course their money to subject young men and women to inhumane and nefarious acts of submissive behavior and torture all for the sake of their sexual fulfillment and pleasure.


If you've ever seen or heard of the movie Hostel then here's where they were inspired.If you've ever heard of the marquise de sade then you get a basis of the depravity that awaits you.There's a scene where a group of young women who are being "disciplined "for not following the rules,forced to sit tied and bound together in a huge vat( for stomping grapes to make wine)filled with their own feces for hours.Another scene where a young man is forced to wear wedding dress to be deflowered by one of the lords of the manor.Another scene where a starving girl was finally offered a biscuit and eagerly gobbled it up to find it was filled with miniature nails.And that's just the beginning.


This movie was such the controversy that the director was assassinated not too long after its release.If you're still interested then so be it.But as the song goes...?"play at your own risk!"?

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Secret Executioner

Yes I was on some website somewhere and they were talking about watching real life things that were filmed as they were happening and no thank you I'm good. It's just like the Faces of Death video's I remember hearing about when I was a kid, I never had any urge to watch those. I deal with a lot of horrific stuff in the course of my work working with severely abused children and I don't need to see something like that for fun. If you have seen or see the description of the movie "Precious", that is the type of children/adults I do therapy with. Had no urge to see that when I work with it.

Had to check IMDb, cause the movie you're bringing up sounded familiar (probably because it played at the artsy theatre I go to, it was released around the time I started going there on a regular basis). Boy does that film sound depressing - the worst part being that this is happening in real life, so I can see why you'd rather not watch it.

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Cannibal Holocaust. I've yet to finish it because I am an animal lover and anytime you watch a movie and don't finish it because it frightens you, that's the movie.

It a nasty exploitation film despite looking dated in parts. A lot of people at the time of its release thought the film was a snuff movie and the director appeared in court over it. There was no need for the senseless animal cruelty that's heavily featured in the film. I haven't seen this since my teens but its one of the few films I can recall seeing for the first time. The soundtracks very haunting and its a stark contrast to the horrors displayed onscreen.

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Lady Jin Szu-Yi

To this day, I refuse to see Salo... and several other films mentioned. I unfortunately went through my Italian cannibal / ultra violent horror phase in my late teens to see just how graphic a film I could get through. Never again.  I suppose I should have mentioned these in lieu of my original choices (The Beyond and the ending of Prince of Darkness), because I can still sit through The Beyond as creepy as it can get.


I just remembered seeing Demons and The Black Cat during that binge swore me off to Dario Argento until the mid-aughts (I know he only produced it now but...and there are still some Argento and Fulci I won't see.)


The further from reality a horror movie gets, the more I enjoy it.  The closer to reality it is, the less I do. So no to Henry, Salo, A Serbian film etc. 



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If I watched something scary when I was young I would stay up with the lights on and read the sillies fairy tales I could to get my mind off of it!! I kinda think I am still the same way I'm a real scaredy cat with horror films but I do like the "reality" ghost shows!!

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To this day, I refuse to see Salo... and several other films mentioned. I unfortunately went through my Italian cannibal / ultra violent horror phase in my late teens to see just how graphic a film I could get through. Never again.  I suppose I should have mentioned these in lieu of my original choices (The Beyond and the ending of Prince of Darkness), because I can still sit through The Beyond as creepy as it can get.


I just remembered seeing Demons and The Black Cat during that binge swore me off to Dario Argento until the mid-aughts (I know he only produced it now but...and there are still some Argento and Fulci I won't see.)


The further from reality a horror movie gets, the more I enjoy it.  The closer to reality it is, the less I do. So no to Henry, Salo, A Serbian film etc. 



I went through the same phase in my late teens too. That's when I watched the most Italian horror films. Ive only watched the odd one over the last few years and that's usually at friends houses.

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I watched The Untold Story over the weekend, and that was the most appalling, disturbing film I've personally ever seen.


The dream transmissions in Prince of Darkness freaked me out as a kid.

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I watched The Untold Story over the weekend, and that was the most appalling, disturbing film I've personally ever seen.


The dream transmissions in Prince of Darkness freaked me out as a kid.

Ive never seen this film but read about it in a CAT 3 poster magazine special that came with another publication. They listed some of the most shocking films and this was one of them.

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Yeah, after watching this, I'll just stick with your average HK horror/comedy/kung fu hybrid film from here on out.

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Yeah, after watching this, I'll just stick with your average HK horror/comedy/kung fu hybrid film from here on out.

FYI...Anthony Wong won his first Golden Horse award(Hong kong's version of the Oscars) for his portrayal of the depraved and nefarious killer in that movie.It's loosely based on what had supposedly happened in HK during the 70's I think.I said it once and I'll say it yet again...The Asians have the horror genre in a stranglehold right now.The U.S. are rebooting their movies too nowadays.

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The Japanese film AUDITION really freaked me out, and THE SHINING. I've never been able to watch it all the way through without covering me eyes. Those twin girls really got to me. 

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I find that for some reason the Japanese and Korean horror films are very disturbing (not in a italian cannibal film kind of way!!) I think it is because they always seem to have a deep theme to them not just blood and gore for it's sake. I was reading the descriptions for the movies you all have been describing and I came up with this series. I wish I could watch it but I know I wont be able to. If anyone has seen it or watches it please tell me how it is.



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Lady Jin Szu-Yi


The dream transmissions in Prince of Darkness freaked me out as a kid.

yeah those dream transmissions still freak me out when I watch Prince of Darkness.  



Think you're onto something. From what little recent Asian horror I've seen, these films tend to play more with the mind than Western horror does, at least, that's what my scant viewings have been. 

The last Asian horror film I watched was The Eye 2, because of Kwok Choi's cameo as a modern Buddhist monk and he was fantastic* - no fighting, just acting. This was definitely more of a haunting / ghost type horror (not scary to me per say but since I haven't been in the lead's situation I suppose that is why. 


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"A Serbian Film" has a very shocking scene where a character rapes a newborn baby but I think the violence towards the end teeters on being comical. It's just that silly. But the film is the most graphically disturbing I've ever seen.


I think another would be the fake snuff film from Japan, "Guinea Pig: Flowers of Flesh and Blood". There's no plot whatsoever. It's literally just a woman being tortured and hacked to pieces for an hour. Rather shocking if you're particularly squeamish.

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My first post, here!

Most disturbing movie I have ever watched is, "Eraserhead".  I forced myself to watch it twice (about 10 years apart).  The last time I saw it was over 20-25 years ago & if I think of the title, I still get disturbing flashbacks of the movie.  Here are some reviews:  http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0074486/reviews


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My first post, here!

Most disturbing movie I have ever watched is, "Eraserhead".  I forced myself to watch it twice (about 10 years apart).  The last time I saw it was over 20-25 years ago & if I think of the title, I still get disturbing flashbacks of the movie.  Here are some reviews:  http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0074486/reviews


Welcome Lazardlady!

I remember hearing of that film when I was younger but now even though it may horrify me I have to look it up!! (I'm like a moth to a flame!! I can't watch them but can't keep from reading about them online!!)

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Scariest film I ever saw was and still is Night of the Living Dead (original). I get creeped out just thinking about it. No other film has ever done that to me.


Most disturbing is a tossup between Eraserhead and Cannibal Holocaust, for different reasons.

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