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Gymkata (1985)

Guest dager in the cotton

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Guest dager in the cotton

this film has some wicked moves in it, the villains were totaly ott , i liked it, shame kurt did not do HK movies he was tops,

Anyone know if Mitch Gaylord did any movies?

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Anyone know if Mitch Gaylord did any movies?

Or maybe Olga Korbut.

I remember seeing Gymkata after a steady diet of Saturday afternoon Drive-In-Movie. It is a memory best left to serious nostalgia buffs.

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Guest Chinatown Kid

I liked the part where Kurt just happens to find a stone pommel horse in the middle of that town of crazies and precedes to use it to kick the @#%$ out of the nutzos. There's no denying the man was a great gymnast and he pulls off some pretty amazing moves in the film. Not the case with his martial arts skills but I thought he did a decent job considering he was a non-martial artist. I wish Conan Lee had been given more to do and I hate how his character ended up. The girl that played the princess was hot!

I remember seeing Mitch Gaylord in a film back in the 80's called American Anthem, from what I vaguely remember it was a drama about gymnastic competitors.

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You know, a lot of people really bash this movie, but.....ummm......well, ok---they're 100% completely right. (Of course that didn't prevent me from watching it 4 or 5 times on HBO in the 80's) :lol

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Guest Chinatown Kid

Just got this yesterday and it brought back some good memories! Couldn't stop thinking how much Kurt reminded me of a smaller Richard Dean Anderson from the tv show McGuyver, you know, the guy who could make an atomic bomb out of an ink pen. :lol

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Guest Dion Brother

According to Richard Norton, Kurt needed absolutely perfect conditions to pull off his moves. That's probably why you'd never see him in a Hong Kong movie. This movie is more evidence that Robert Clouse was a lucky hack when he made ENTER THE DRAGON. I remember the hero being given 007-style gadgets, yet he never used them in the film.

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Guest dager in the cotton

it is, did anyone ever se Clous's Ultimate Warrior, this would have made a great martial arts film, I wonder if this film was written with Lee in mind for the lead???

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Guest Daisho2004

It is totally amazing that people actually liked this film it was a total piece of Garbage, and anyone who thinks this film is a cult classic has no idea what a classic really is. They should give this movie away for free that's how much it Sucked.

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Guest Chinatown Kid

I've never actually seen The Ultimate Warrior and have no

idea if Bruce Lee was originally intended for the role dagger, but the infamous Ric Meyers claimed that Gordon Liu was originally up for Brynner's role and that movie came out in 1975 before Liu ever became famous as he was still a bit player for Shaw at the time. Guess you can chalk it up as another one of Ric's Tall Tales. :\

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I just noticed someone asked if Mitch Gaylord was in any films and American Anthem was mentioned. Gaylord was also in a film called American Tiger in 1990 as a college student framed for a murder and he teams with an Asian witch to clear his name.

He was also in Batman Forever. He did double duty. He had a brief role as Dick Grayson's brother who is killed by Two-Face and he was also Chris O'Donnell's gymanstics double. That was Mitch doing the pole bar flip when Dick slides into the secret room that leads to the Batcave. Michael Worth was O'Donnell's fight double and was the 1st runner up to nail the role of Robin. Imagine if Worth did get the role of Robin...LOL

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Christ!Remember also in Batman Forever,they totally ripped off Yuen Biao's move from Dreadnaught(the part where he is doing laundry).

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Gymkata, great film for watching with friends, we watched this on a DVD projector at a small theater my friend is opening. I had a blast, this movie is pure 1980's cheese. I was surprised to see it was an MGM film, it seemed kind of low budget for them.

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Guest Anonymous

I think Gymkata is a movie that everyone should see.

Watch the trailer:

Enough said...badassssss!!! One of the best campiest crazy movies I ever saw back in the day of TNT when they showed random movies like this.

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Guest Anonymous

I always thought gymnastics could be a deadly fighting art as a kid when I watched the olympics. This movie only confirmed it.

Oh and Richard Norton plays the main bad guy in this.

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This film came out at a time when I thought the aerial stunts and flips in ninja movies were thrilling. I would often re-enact those types of moves with my action figures, and couldn't see enough of that stuff. So based on the HBO commercials it seemed like GYMKATA was destined to become my new favorite film. But when my best friend and I watched it, we thought it was just okay.

Years later I saw it on DVD and grabbed it. It seemed like one of those films that would have tremendous camp appeal, and entertain for sure. But I still kind of felt that it never utilized it's gimmicks to their full potential, and was disappointed.

It's funny how we all enjoy films differently. There are many bad films that I enjoy a lot- THE MIAMI CONNECTION, FURIOUS, THE LAST DRAGON- but some of them just don't work for me. :thinking I recently watched NINJA III: THE DOMINATION and loved it (in appreciation of it's quirk, goofiness, and MA scenes), but hated AVENGING FORCE and MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE. Go figure, right? :laugh

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This film came out at a time when I thought the aerial stunts and flips in ninja movies were thrilling. I would often re-enact those types of moves with my action figures, and couldn't see enough of that stuff. So based on the HBO commercials it seemed like GYMKATA was destined to become my new favorite film. But when my best friend and I watched it, we thought it was just okay.

Years later I saw it on DVD and grabbed it. It seemed like one of those films that would have tremendous camp appeal, and entertain for sure. But I still kind of felt that it never utilized it's gimmicks to their full potential, and was disappointed.

It's funny how we all enjoy films differently. There are many bad films that I enjoy a lot- THE MIAMI CONNECTION, FURIOUS, THE LAST DRAGON- but some of them just don't work for me. :thinking I recently watched NINJA III: THE DOMINATION and loved it (in appreciation of it's quirk, goofiness, and MA scenes), but hated AVENGING FORCE and MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE. Go figure, right? :laugh

No love for Masters Of The Universe :sad .

Never watched Gymkata before but the presence of Conan Lee & Richard Norton cant be a bad thing surely?.

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No love for Masters Of The Universe :sad .

I know, right? I thought I would love it! But... no. My buddy, assuming, based on my broad tastes in films, that I was a big fan,even sent me the new BD as a gift. But... no. :worried I was not amused.

Never watched Gymkata before but the presence of Conan Lee & Richard Norton cant be a bad thing surely?.

They're okay in it, as is Tadashi Yamashita and Sonny Barnes. But it just seems that no one gets to show off anything exciting, nor indicative of what they are capable of. Hopefully you'll enjoy it more than me though. I know it has a lot of fans, WhiteDragon included.

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I know, right? I thought I would love it! But... no. My buddy, assuming, based on my broad tastes in films, that I was a big fan,even sent me the new BD as a gift. But... no. :worried I was not amused.

They're okay in it, as is Tadashi Yamashita and Sonny Barnes. But it just seems that no one gets to show off anything exciting, nor indicative of what they are capable of. Hopefully you'll enjoy it more than me though. I know it has a lot of fans, WhiteDragon included.

When I first watched Masters Of The Universe as a child it really impressed me. If I watched the movie now for the first time I'd most likely not rate it so highly.

If I see a cheap copy of Gymkata I'll pick it up. The lead looks pretty impressive in the trailer if that's him doing most of the moves/stunts?.

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Guest Anonymous

Yes in Gymkata the lead is a real gymnastics champion so he does all of the stunts. Legit. Its hilarious gymnastic fighting!!! This movie is about the lead, not anyone else but what is funny is the lead never did any movie after this. Too bad. At least he got to make out with that hot filipina actress. lol

This movie is hilarious and highly entertaining. They portray the bad guys like they are ninjas, but don't mention if they are ninjas or not, but they totally took advantage of the ninja craze of the 80's with their costuming.

Also Masters of the Universe was great as a kid!! I mean a MOVIE ABOUT HEMAN!!! The cartoons and action figures! Amazing, also the music to open up the portal is still stuck my head today. Lots of lasers too! The 80's was all about lasers!!

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As a kid when I didn't know any better and thought that being able to flip and tumble would qualify you as ninja or at least put you in the running to be one was why I liked gymkata.That and the fact I thought because the same guy that directed Enter the dragon(Robert Clouse) it was gonna be one for the record books.Boy was I wrong!

Still...This is okay to have in your collection because this movie has the warrior of warriors Tadashi Yamashita,Richard("Painful?")Norton,and Even Conan Lee.Hell the Indonesian Chick is hot too.Kurt Thomas shows why he won the gold for the USA with his feats of upper body strength and wondrous acrobatics but seriously,Why couldn't somebody call up Benny the Jet Urquidez,train Kurt for a few months in a real martial art and get either Corey Yuen Kwai or Tony Leung Siu Heung to do the fight choreography and guaranteed you would've had a movie on par with say the last dragon or no retreat no surrender.Instead you get gymkata.SORRY but we all know Kurt ain't beating up Richard Norton on his worst day with a herniated disc even.Yet it's cool campy,silly stuff.Just try not to pay over $ 10  bucks for this even if it's on blu ray with extras.

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