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In The Blood (2014)

Guest Anonymous

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Guest Anonymous

In The Blood is the second movie I know off starring ex-MMA fighter Gina Carano, former women's MMA champion.

Honestly, this movie sucked. There was about 2 or 3 good fight scenes where she tears up some guys and girls. The rest of the movie is about her trying to find her husband who disappeared. It is the typical "stupid American tourists in tropical resort location listen to local and then get scammed/kidnapped etc." movie.

There are so many potholes and nonsensical occurrences in this movie it is not even funny. It also has a low budget and looks like someone filmed it with their HD iphone camera. Or maybe a Gro Pro.

The movie is rated R for some violence and some language. Honestly, the violence was not that bad just blood, throat slash, gun shots etc. The language has a few F words or whatever.

But what is funny is there is sexuality yet it really had 0 purpose. So they are newly married and they show them making out and up close of her ins kimpy clothes like bra or underwear or t-shirt and underwear but nothing graphic at all. SO what is the point?!!? It is rated R and you dont show ANY boobs or anything?!!? I guess they were banking on the fact MMA fanbys will get a close up of Carano's thick womanly body. She has a fighter's body, a real athletes body and not a skinny model figure. She looks good and is healthy.

ANYWAY...they could have used her so much more with more awesome fights. This movie is nowhere near as good as Haywire. Gina probably needs more acting lessons because she cannot survive in the film industry just by her smile. She has the fight scenes down good, the fierce angry action face when she is shooting guys, but she needs more depth for other kinds of scenes.

Her husband is kind of a dork but he has a rock hard body but he is not a warrior fighter like her, but he is no pussy either which was good.

They have this whole thing about her character being some girl who had a rough life and trained under some old crazy instructor teaching her some street fight survival stuff. Honestly that part was not even explained. Who was he? Why was she with him? Who was her dad? Who were the guys bothering her as a child? It made no sense!!!!!

The story would have been so much cooler if it was just about that master guy and her. This whole newlyweds get into trouble in the carribbean was sooo boring.

Also there was a part with CGI gun shots and bullet holes. Extremely dumb looking. Even Godfrey Ho had better special effects.

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This movie stunk like feet, anchovies, a cretin fart, beef Ramen noodles, and bolo's b's after he swam for freedom

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Guest Anonymous

HAHA! I know! This movie sucked so bad because it was so illogical. It made no sense and pissed me off. Especially when

she either kills the police chief, or makes him commit suicide in his bathroom. How morally depraved and evil is she? No conscience? It was backward.

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This movie stunk like feet, anchovies, a cretin fart, beef Ramen noodles, and bolo's b's after he swam for freedom

:thinking (trying to figure out how he knows what a cretin's fart smells like!!) :thinking:shaking

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Creatine.. mistake sir.. Bet your parents know about those :dull everybody knows what I meant.. keep on with the attempt at insulting me

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Creatine.. mistake sir.. Bet your parents know about those :dull everybody knows what I meant.. keep on with the attempt at insulting me

Whoooa Just joking :sad ! Not trying to insult you :worried , and it's ma'am not sir.

That went from 0-100 quick. :whew:shaking

So I looked it up and since I'm not a body builder I wouldn't think about Creatine - but I would think about a Cretin http://www.thefreedictionary.com/cretin Which is a thing, and why your statement would be funny. :coveredlaugh

I like the forum rules as stated above "Keep the peace; have patience; and forgive offense."

and my parents are dead so no, they don't know about those.

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Whoooa Just joking :sad ! Not trying to insult you :worried , and it's ma'am not sir.

That went from 0-100 quick. :whew:shaking

So I looked it up and since I'm not a body builder I wouldn't think about Creatine - but I would think about a Cretin http://www.thefreedictionary.com/cretin Which is a thing, and why your statement would be funny. :coveredlaugh

I like the forum rules as stated above "Keep the peace; have patience; and forgive offense."

and my parents are dead so no, they don't know about those.

I didn't take it personally and hold no grudge against you. I just don't let people insult me without insulting them back. I'd expect the same from anyone I would insult. I know what a cretin is. People are quick to throw rocks then hide their hands.

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I didn't take it personally and hold no grudge against you. I just don't let people insult me without insulting them back. I'd expect the same from anyone I would insult. I know what a cretin is. People are quick to throw rocks then hide their hands.

Okay then here is your insult back :wink , how ( :laugh I had misspelled that as hoe instead of how :laugh !!!!) DO you know what a Cretin fart smells like?? :tongueout

takes one to know one!! :laugh

But the main thing I learned from this is Not to see the movie and who Bolo was!! :rofl

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Guest Anonymous

FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!! I think this can only be solved with a challenge match, on a stage, with lion dancers introducing you, with me as a judge sitting on a throne type chair. Bus, if you defeat Hei Meigui I will allow you to marry her. But if she defeats you, then you must bow 100 times and stand in horse stance over a spike lit on fire under you for 3 hours straight, then clean the stairs to my palace. Deal?

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FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!! I think this can only be solved with a challenge match, on a stage, with lion dancers introducing you, with me as a judge sitting on a throne type chair. Bus, if you defeat Hei Meigui I will allow you to marry her. But if she defeats you, then you must bow 100 times and stand in horse stance over a spike lit on fire under you for 3 hours straight, then clean the stairs to my palace. Deal?

:shaking:coveredlaugh:shaking No because after beating him I would have to avenge myself by killing you for trying to force me to marry!

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Guest Anonymous

:shaking:coveredlaugh:shaking No because after beating him I would have to avenge myself by killing you for trying to force me to marry!

If I was going to FORCE you to marry, I would force you to marry ME.... :devil:love but then you would want to probably because....I dress well....and I am a distinguished expert.

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Guest Anonymous

I love this thread. Keep fighting its entertaining! And I WILL force the winner to marry me!!!! bus or hei meigui, I dont care. I am lord of the freaking martial world. I do what I want! FIGHT!!!

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No, there won't be any more fighting, despite efforts to instigate one. WhiteDragon- we don't play like that here. :shaking

Bus, you're too cool for that. Thicken up your skin a little brother, it was just a joke. :whew

Miss Hei- consider yourself lucky that you don't know what a Creatine fart smells like. As Bus' comment indicates, it is most unpleasant! :puke

We enjoy cinematic fighting only. If somebody is looking for a place to argue, insult, and type without compassion for their fellow human beings, they are in the wrong place. Lets 'have each others' backs here people', okay? :nodding

Now, back to the subject of the thread...

For me, the film suffered from amateurish filming, obvious budgetary restrictions (WhiteDragon, you said it man- those CGI bullet hits were terrible! ), and it needed more fight action for sure. But still... and you guys will probably laugh... I enjoyed it. :blush LOL I must admit, I find Miss Carano to be quite captivating, with a magnetic screen presence, the unmistakable eyes of a true fighter, mad martial arts skills, and a stunning body. Though she is far from being a great actress, for me, there was something very natural about a lot of her performance in this film. I thought that she was realistically frantic while searching for her husband, and when her father-in-law suggested she may have been up to something I totally felt her pain and anger.

But what is funny is there is sexuality yet it really had 0 purpose. So they are newly married and they show them making out and up close of her ins kimpy clothes like bra or underwear or t-shirt and underwear but nothing graphic at all. SO what is the point?!!? It is rated R and you dont show ANY boobs or anything?!!? I guess they were banking on the fact MMA fanbys will get a close up of Carano's thick womanly body. She has a fighter's body, a real athletes body and not a skinny model figure. She looks good and is healthy.

Hey, I'm not going to lie- I would love to see Carano naked. I have a deep appreciation for the human form, and... without sounding too piggish I hope- I think Carano's 'form' is exquisite. But not every actor and actress is comfortable or willing to be nude on-screen for the whole world to see. She's a fighter, and now an action film actress- that doesn't automatically also make her a nude model. So as sad as that may make me, I respect that. :laugh

Still- the fact that it was rated R instead of PG-13 meant that we didn't have to have phony "Oh darn it!" dialogue and watered-down violence. So I'm grateful for that.

They have this whole thing about her character being some girl who had a rough life and trained under some old crazy instructor teaching her some street fight survival stuff. Honestly that part was not even explained. Who was he? Why was she with him? Who was her dad? Who were the guys bothering her as a child? It made no sense!!!!!

He was her father, and obviously a man struggling with his own demons and someone that was poorly suited to properly show his daughter love. The best he could do was teach her to survive by what I'm sure he considered 'tough love', but which was actually clearly physical, psychological, and emotional abuse.

HAHA! I know! This movie sucked so bad because it was so illogical. It made no sense and pissed me off. Especially when

she either kills the police chief, or makes him commit suicide in his bathroom. How morally depraved and evil is she? No conscience? It was backward.

That guy was supposed to be upholding the law, but instead his 'business' was kidnapping innocent people to use like spare parts for a filthy gangster! He was basically 'feeding off of them' like a vampire, and this human garbage was making it happen. The world needed him gone for good in my opinion. A total scum!

Despite the film itself being very poorly made, Carano's charisma was enough to keep me interested throughout. And I absolutely love seeing her in action! Unlike many screen fighters (both male and female) she never looks like she is just 'going through the moves' or following choreography. She always looks 100% committed, and extremely dangerous!

So I would say, on a 1/10 star rating, that the movie itself is about a 3 1/2, but Carano takes it up to a 6 for me.

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Guest Anonymous
No, there won't be any more fighting, despite efforts to instigate one. WhiteDragon- we don't play like that here. :shaking

Bus, you're too cool for that. Thicken up your skin a little brother, it was just a joke. :whew

Miss Hei- consider yourself lucky that you don't know what a Creatine fart smells like. As Bus' comment indicates, it is most unpleasant! :puke

We enjoy cinematic fighting only. If somebody is looking for a place to argue, insult, and type without compassion for their fellow human beings, they are in the wrong place. Lets 'have each others' backs here people', okay? :nodding

Now, back to the subject of the thread...

For me, the film suffered from amateurish filming, obvious budgetary restrictions (WhiteDragon, you said it man- those CGI bullet hits were terrible! ), and it needed more fight action for sure. But still... and you guys will probably laugh... I enjoyed it. :blush LOL I must admit, I find Miss Carano to be quite captivating, with a magnetic screen presence, the unmistakable eyes of a true fighter, mad martial arts skills, and a stunning body. Though she is far from being a great actress, for me, there was something very natural about a lot of her performance in this film. I thought that she was realistically frantic while searching for her husband, and when her father-in-law suggested she may have been up to something I totally felt her pain and anger.

Hey, I'm not going to lie- I would love to see Carano naked. I have a deep appreciation for the human form, and... without sounding too piggish I hope- I think Carano's 'form' is exquisite. But not every actor and actress is comfortable or willing to be nude on-screen for the whole world to see. She's a fighter, and now an action film actress- that doesn't automatically also make her a nude model. So as sad as that may make me, I respect that. :laugh

Still- the fact that it was rated R instead of PG-13 meant that we didn't have to have phony "Oh darn it!" dialogue and watered-down violence. So I'm grateful for that.

He was her father, and obviously a man struggling with his own demons and someone that was poorly suited to properly show his daughter love. The best he could do was teach her to survive by what I'm sure he considered 'tough love', but which was actually clearly physical, psychological, and emotional abuse.

That guy was supposed to be upholding the law, but instead his 'business' was kidnapping innocent people to use like spare parts for a filthy gangster! He was basically 'feeding off of them' like a vampire, and this human garbage was making it happen. The world needed him gone for good in my opinion. A total scum!

Despite the film itself being very poorly made, Carano's charisma was enough to keep me interested throughout. And I absolutely love seeing her in action! Unlike many screen fighters (both male and female) she never looks like she is just 'going through the moves' or following choreography. She always looks 100% committed, and extremely dangerous!

So I would say, on a 1/10 star rating, that the movie itself is about a 3 1/2, but Carano takes it up to a 6 for me.

By now you should undestand that all of the stuff I say is a joke. It is in jest, it is to be funny and not at all serious. To have fun and joke with each other. Why is this place so serious all the time?

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By now you should undestand that all of the stuff I say is a joke. It is in jest, it is to be funny and not at all serious. To have fun and joke with each other. Why is this place so serious all the time?

Yes, everyone knows that you joke a lot. But when two people are obviously NOT joking, and getting mad at each other, your 'joke' was not appropriate, and was instigating further discord. That is not funny, and is more akin to 'trolling', which will not be tolerated. Please be more thoughtful.

If you think people are too serious here, that is a shame, but I'm sure there are 'comedian forums' out there that you might enjoy.

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Guest Anonymous

Yes, everyone knows that you joke a lot. But when two people are obviously NOT joking, and getting mad at each other, your 'joke' was not appropriate, and was instigating further discord. That is not funny, and is more akin to 'trolling', which will not be tolerated. Please be more thoughtful.

If you think people are too serious here, that is a shame, but I'm sure there are 'comedian forums' out there that you might enjoy.

Well to me it appeared their misunderstanding was resolved and I was making light of it to add humor and enjoyment. And no it's nothing close to trolling at all.

And no this forum is just fine for me. I don't think I need a comedian forum.

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I wasn't ever mad brother. Just messing around with her a little about spell check hawking. Gina has the ability and definitely looks to be a action movie star

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I wasn't ever mad brother. Just messing around with her a little about spell check hawking. Gina has the ability and definitely looks to be a action movie star

Okay, cool.

Seems like a lot of people were divided on the film HAYWIRE, but I liked that one a lot too. It had some plot-holes, but it was still a good movie.

Thought she had a killer fight in FAST & FURIOUS 6 too, though her acting in it was the worst I've seen her do.

I would like to see Carano and Scott Adkins in a MR. & MRS. SMITH/ TRUE LIES type movie that focused on martial arts instead of firearms. Maybe seeing them have a 'martial spat' along the lines of HEROES OF THE EAST at some point in the film... :nodding

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I would like to see Carano and Scott Adkins in a MR. & MRS. SMITH/ TRUE LIES type movie that focused on martial arts instead of firearms. Maybe seeing them have a 'martial spat' along the lines of HEROES OF THE EAST at some point in the film... :nodding

Okay, that's genius!!!!! :thumbsup

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I wasn't ever mad brother. Just messing around with her a little about spell check hawking. Gina has the ability and definitely looks to be a action movie star

Yes Kung Fu Bob me and Bus are cool he even promised not to fart on me and I won't call him a cretin!! :laugh

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