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LW&C Remake is no more!

Guest limubai2000

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Guest limubai2000

Darren Aronofsky just stated in a CHUD.com interview for his new film The Fountain that the LW&C remake is off as Paramount did not get the remake rights, he did however complete a script for it. It is sorta bad in that we will never get to see his take on the material because Fountain was brilliant, but I guess it's good that they can't ruin the classic films for us either.

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I have to say I'm kind of glad, Aronofsky doesn't seem like the kind of director to pull this off, I haven't seen the Fountian yet(which I've heard is brillant), but imo Requiem for a Dream was seriously overrated.

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Guest Chen Zhen

r u kidding tosh? requiem for a dream is one of the most powerful movies ive seen in recent memory...hes a fantastic writer/director...havent seen fountain yet, but i hear its great, and Pi was exceptional as well.

i think he could definetely do LWaC justice, provided the right ppl starred in it.

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r u kidding tosh? requiem for a dream is one of the most powerful movies ive seen in recent memory...

Yeah, I know I'm going against popular opinion here, but I just didn't think it was that great, it wasn't bad, but I wouldn't watch it again, unless it was for the nakedness of the beautiful jennifer connely, now that's one piece of hot whitness I could get behind:evil , for drug/heroin movies, I'd take Trainspotting anyday.

Arfonsky has never shown that he could do the action that would be required to pull off LWaC, I think it should stay in Japan if they were to do a remake anyways.

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Guest Chen Zhen

but, to me at least, the lone wolf and cub movies were about more than just the action. with a solid action director at his side, i think he could make a magnificent film.

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Guest limubai2000

I'm with CZ, with a decent budget of say $25 million, a good director, a good actor - say maybe Ken Watanabe, and I think it could be redone very well. But in Hollywood that's known as "dream casting" and probably would not have happened as Aronofsky is an "indie" director.

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