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Django Unchained


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Im surprised we dont have a thread on this already!!

If u havent seen this, which, if u r places such as Australia like myself u probably havent (unless u r naughty :coveredlaugh like me) I HIGHLY SUGGEST U GET OUT & SEE IT ASAP!!!

Best work Tarantino has done period

well, in my opinion anyways :clappinghands

Im a big spaghetti western fan & this nailed it pretty damn well, even with the moments of cool that verge on parody that QT just cant help but do

the only thing that I would have changed is to have put Brian Dennehy in there somewhere, I just kept feeling like he was going to pop up :rofl

glad the rape scene that had garnered so much hype in the lead up to its release was cut. Although I personally dont think it would have been so wrong to have it in there, I dont think it would have added anything to the depth of the story or any one characters place

at almost 3hrs long I was ready for another inglorious snoozefest but was pleasantly surprised to find the film roll along smoothly without lagging in any place

the BIGGEST surprise tho was QT's cameo, as in it wasnt as grating and hammed up as usual. It almost was, but he had John Jarrett to bounce off of & as he IS Australian (albeit screen sterotype dundee style) QT made his small part work

Jamie Foxx did a great job in the lead, but the real masters of this film were Waltz & DiCaprio who brought a life to their characters that truly made the film more than your average 'homage' or 'grindhouse' type of experience. These characters were truly from the era of western gold

enough rambling

whats y'all thoughts?

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First as being "naughty" I know exactly what you mean, I've seen it once in the theaters, and another time "not in theaters" :wink

I also feel this is QT's best film thus far. I have never been into Western films of any type, but I really did enjoy this film. The movie was a lot more humorous than I thought it would or could have been. It was a perfect mix of humor, story, violence, acting, etc. Great film overall. Highly recommended even if you are NOT a QT fan, (Yes Michael I am talking to you brother).

I am looking forward to whatever genre of film QT decides to make next. :smile

Just came across this interview QT did with Howard Stern back on December 5 to promote the film, should be interesting. Going to listen to it in a bit.

[bBvideo 620,385]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVo8WfALdaY[/bBvideo]

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I also found the hype surrounding the 'n' word to have been flipped in this films use. Not only did I find it used less often than expected, but the ideology behind its use became less of a racial slur than a social one...kinda had Clerks Randal pop in my head a few times "Im taking it back"

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I also found the hype surrounding the 'n' word to have been flipped in this films use. Not only did I find it used less often than expected, but the ideology behind its use became less of a racial slur than a social one...kinda had Clerks Randal pop in my head a few times "Im taking it back"

Anyone who complained about the use or the amount of times the "N" word was said in the film, is someone who just likes to complain about something.

I didn't see a problem with it at all, those were the times.

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