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Drunken Master - Ultimate Version


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This is one of my favourite old school classics, so making this ultimate version was a labour of love. I've taken the French DVD with Cantonese audio, to which I've added custom Mandarin audio (from the HKL DVD), English dub audio (from the HKL DVD), and the original Rank VHS English dub audio (all synced to the French print using Sony Vegas). Finally, I found English subtitles on the internet and I re-timed them to match the French print. The finished result is Drunken Master (2:35:1) remastered, with four audio tracks and removeable English subtitles (in both white & yellow colours).

This is a totally free project, and can be obtained from ADC. Enjoy!






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Beautiful work you've done here KB! Thank you so much for investing your time, energy and knowledge, and giving us fans something to get excited about. Making it a FREEBIE is a nice touch, especially for us unemployed folks. :clappinghands

I am looking forward to watching this one. :movie

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Definitely :thumbsup something I would pay for... In fact I'd rather pay for a kung fu dvd nowadays rather than downloading it because I get to have the artwork cover/disc and possible footnotes along with it... I don't mind downloading it but sometimes there are movies that you need to purchase... Thanks for making this available to the public kaleyboy.... :rockon

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Definitely :thumbsup something I would pay for... In fact I'd rather pay for a kung fu dvd nowadays rather than downloading it because I get to have the artwork cover/disc and possible footnotes along with it... I don't mind downloading it but sometimes there are movies that you need to purchase... Thanks for making this available to the public kaleyboy.... :rockon

I fully agree with you on this one. If only one of the lazy arsed DVD companies would put something like this together. But even if they did, I'm sure they'd find some way to ruin it, sadly.

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buddy how can i get a copy of the drunken master ultimate version this is my all time favourite kung fu movie and to have this version would be a dream come true

kind regards

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buddy how can i get a copy of the drunken master ultimate version this is my all time favourite kung fu movie and to have this version would be a dream come true

kind regards

Where are you located? If in the US, I'll be glad to send you a DVD-R copy of this version. :smile

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and if theres anything you have been after i will be happy to send it to you as i have been collecting kung fu movies since the 70's


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36 deadly styles superb print Manderine & English Dubb

Dragon Claws superb picture with english & Mandarin

Warriors Two original english and Cantonese & Mandarin

prepared to swap for drunken master let me know


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