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Link- https://generationiron.com/bruce-lee-bodybuilding-connection/



Now I know what you’re thinking. Bruce Lee wasn’t a bodybuilder nor did he have the massive figure associated with the sport, but that doesn’t mean he wasn’t a major influence. Lauded for having zero percent body fat, the man was clearly a workout machine who used many different methods to get in shape including traditional bodybuilding lifts like squats and bench pressing.



Posing for the camera with friend Unicorn Chan, on the the set of Fist of Unicorn. He still looked pretty healthy here, and hadn't yet attained the extreme shredded look he had in ETD.



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Pair of matching five-pound iron Weider dumbells with silver exterior, owned and used by Bruce Lee. Protective outer layer worn off in several places, exposing part of the interior, which has subsequently rusted; with other rust spots on surface, otherwise about good. Those who engaged in weight training in the early 1970s were almost certain to be using Weider products, made by the company founded by the father of modern bodybuilding, Joe Weider. While the field has expanded greatly, the company is still going strong, and its metal dumbells differ only slightly in design from those Bruce Lee used. This item comes with a certificate of authenticity signed by Mark Ashton-Jackson, son of Herb Jackson, to whom Bruce Lee presented this item. Estimate HK$ 4,000 - 6,000


Martin cast-iron dumbells with silver exterior, each cast as a single piece, with ovoid ends. Brand and weight cast on grip. Moderate oxidation of surface, else quite good condition. Bruce Lee may have acquired these due to chips in the surface of his other set. Today’s versions are often coated in neoprene for comfort and protection. This item comes with a certificate of authenticity signed by Mark Ashton-Jackson, son of Herb Jackson, to whom Bruce Lee presented this item. Estimate HK$ 4,000 - 6,000


Click on the link below for a top notch Herb Jackson article and displays of authentic Bruce Lee training gear

Source- http://www.kelleherasia.com/pdfs/25.pdf



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Anyone own a copy of this publication co-wrote by former Bruce Lee student Leo Fong?. I'm interested to know if it does feature a section on Bruce Lee training method's?. When this book first came out in 1974, there was still a lot of debate regarding the use of weight training alongside your Martial Arts studies.



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John Little – The Time Saver’s Workout Part 1 (Pod-Cast)

Link- https://highintensitybusiness.com/podcast/john-little-the-time-savers-workout-part-1/


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Author, Producer, Writer John Little in Hong Kong during the making of In Pursuit of The Dragon.




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Bruce Lee's former training partner Bolo Yeung, helping his competitive bodybuilder son David train triceps. Both Bolo and Bruce Lee helped change the perception of Asian men in movies and popular culture.





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Bruce Lee's weight from 165lb back down to 135lb


"The every-other-day workout allowed for the often neglected aspect of recovery to take place. Lee coordinated his bodybuilding workouts in such a way so as to insure that they fell on days when he wasn't engaged in either endurance-enhancing or overly strenuous martial art training. The program worked like magic; increasing Lee's bodyweight from an initial 130 pounds to -- at one point -- topping out at just over 165 pounds! According to Glover, however, Lee wasn't particularly pleased with the added mass; "I noticed that he was bigger after he was weight training. There was a time after he went to California that he went up to 165 pounds. But I think it slowed him down because that was real heavy for Bruce. He looked buff like a bodybuilder. And then, later on I saw him and this was all gone. I mean, one thing that Bruce was [about] was function -- and if stuff got in the way, then it had to go. Bruce wanted his weight training to complement what he did in the martial arts. A lot of what Bruce was doing was about being able to maintain arm positions that nobody could violate in a fight. Like, if you take most people who are into bodybuilding or weight training, most of them are interested in simply building up their muscles to a bigger size, particularly the major muscle groups -- not much attention is paid to the connective tissues, like ligament and tendon strength. Well, Bruce's thing was 'let's build up the connectors and we won't worry so much about the size of the muscle.' Again, Bruce was about function."

Source- http://rosstraining.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=57674


I think the above article has been taken from John Little's Art of Expressing the Human Body book.



Did Davis Miller ever release the book he mentioned in this Interview?.



DW Forum - Was Linda Lee in on the death or not??? Bruce's weight loss was apparently caused from overwork from ETD, if this not true, was poison a part of this??? Whats the REAL reason why the coffin/clothes were swopped because I don't buy the story of blue dye leaking from the suit when he was dressed in white, was the HK funeral set up, was that REALLY Bruce??? I know its hard for you to answer these questions without saying too much, If you say too much it would spoil the book, but my final question is, is ANYONE responsible for Bruce's death, in other words had nobody done anything would he be alive today or did he die from hashish or some other self infliction??? My initial theory I posted was simply what I myself have gathered, I can see now that I'm far from discovering the truth.


Davis Miller - He was strung-out. This was a very sensitive man, who didn't handle the perceived pressures of stardom at all well. He was getting what he'd thought he wanted -- and was finding out it didn't work for him. I'll write pretty much about the weight loss in the new book. (There's some stuff about it in TAO OF LEE, too.) For now, suffice it to say that the weight loss and lack of body fat was one of many serious factors that lead to Lee's death. I'll answer your questions one at a time, DM. WIth regards to yur previous questions, first, his wife wasn't in on anything. It amazes me she apparently didn't see it or something else calamitous coming, though. In the nearly thirty years since his death, I'll bet she's figured out a lot of what happened to him, though. It's not, however, in her best interests to share those details. There will be lots of information in LAST DAYS that Linda Lee-Cadwell was not privy to, and that will surprise her. Regardless of what she says publicly about my work, however, she'll understand that I got it right.

Source- http://www.bruceleedivinewind.com/davismiller.html

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(Below)Bruce Lee's Game of Death(1972) co-star and former Mr Taiwan the late Chieh Yuen. He also introduced Bruce Lee to Hong Kong bodybuilder and actor Bolo Yeung.




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"Bruce Lee spent a lot of time doing a type of dumbell curl that was called the zottman curl. It was done by curling the dumbell up like normal, then at the top you rotate your wrists so your palms are facing down, then lower the dumbell down"


Source- https://ezinearticles.com/?The-Incredible-Forearm-Strength-of-Bruce-Lee&id=2676345

The Incredible Forearm Strength of Bruce Lee


Zottman curls are named after the inventor of the exercise George Zottman.


"Known for his impressive arm strength, George Zottman was a 19th-century (born 1867) strongman from Philadelphia who invented the Zottman curl. As the strongest man in the US during the 1890's he set numerous records, such as a 175 pounds clean and press with a dumbbell while sitting on a chair."

Source- http://www.mountmuscle.com/articles/tips-to-build-bigger-biceps-ever-heard-of-george-zottman/


The Surprising Benefits Of Reverse Curls:Reverse curls can be your secret weapon in your quest to build bigger arms and a bigger body. We explain why and how to do them

Link- https://www.coachmag.co.uk/exercises/arm-exercises/3716/the-benefits-of-reverse-curls


Posing for the camera, on the rooftop at Golden Harvest studios Hong Kong.


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You must have a very strong lower back and abdomen in order to perform these advanced style leg raises. I recall David Yeung posting some images of him performing the exact same Leg Raises, Sylvester Stallone and Bruce Lee are performing in the images above. It's not something anyone should try, if you are just getting into exercise. At least not before you have mastered other basic abdominal/upper thigh/lower back related exercises.


(Images currently un-available)

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John is considered to be one of the world’s foremost authorities on Bruce Lee, his training methods and philosophies. Selected by the Bruce Lee estate, he is the only person who has ever been authorized to review the entirety of Lee’s personal notes, sketches and reading annotations and to edit books on the subject of Lee’s martial art and its far-reaching philosophical underpinnings.


Here are a few more John Little Pod-Cast appearance links, that feature Bruce Lee's training among other questions & subjects.


Link- https://highintensitybusiness.com/podcast/john-little-how-to-find-your-purpose/


Link- https://highintensitybusiness.com/podcast/john-little/




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Sometime around 1961, Bruce attended a karate demonstration at the Air Force judo championship held in Tacoma, Washington. He was particularly impressed by the kicking and leg control of a karate practitioner named Hidetaka Nishiyama. Lee talked about Nishiyama’s kicking all the way home from the tournament and bought all the karate books he could find on leg training and stretching

Source- https://www.colorado.edu/ethnicstudies/sites/default/files/attached-files/article_publication-maeda.pdf


Image source- http://jkdlessons.com/jkd-kicking-set-1/





Hidetaka Nishiyama's personal path began even before his birth, around the 17th or 18th century when the Way of the Empty Hand (Karate Do) first took root. In 1939 Gichin Funakoshi, pen-named “Shoto”, established a dojo to teach modern-day karate which he called Shotokan. At age 15, Nishiyama began training with Funakoshi and proceeded to dedicate the next 65 years of his life following the path of Traditional Karate.

TxT/Image source- http://www.hidetakanishiyama.com/


Hidetaka Nishiyama.


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The Life and Workouts of Martial Arts Legend Bruce Lee (2013)

(By Steve Kerridge)

Link- https://www.muscleandfitness.com/athletes-celebrities/news/life-and-workouts-martial-arts-legend-bruce-lee/



Movie star, martial arts innovator, philosopher, cultural icon—Bruce Lee was all of these and more. A singularly complex man, Lee holds our attention in his vicelike grip just as strongly today as he did back in 1973, the year most Americans were formally introduced to him as the star of Enter the Dragon and also the year he tragically died at the age of 32.


Image source- https://bruceleetraining.com/bruce-lee-lats-workout/


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Perhaps you have heard a lot about EMS training and are wondering if it is all that it is cracked up to be. If you are, the answer is yes, and the proof is, Bruce Lee used EMS training! As you probably already know, Bruce Lee was an amazing athlete who was known for accomplishing superhuman feats, as well as having the near-perfect body. To achieve these, many people know that he performed hundreds or even thousands of reps of gruelling exercises daily, but few know that he also used Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS).



Bruce Lee, a pioneer of modern-day martial arts, knew the benefits of EMS and used it in his exercise regimes as is illustrated in a movie based on his life, “Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story”. There are many ways that you can also integrate EMS into your daily routines and workouts to reap the benefits of this process. Some are listed below:

Source- https://www.eu.sixpad.com/2020/05/bruce-lees-secret-training-technique-ems/


Was Sonny Chiba's use of the EMS device in Soul of Chiba(1977), inspired by Bruce Lee?.

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Joe Lewis Weightlifting Workout For Karate

Link- https://neckberg.com/joe-lewis-weightlifting-workout-for-karate/



Nearing his eighteenth birthday, he decided to build his own gym. He purchased a 400 pound York Olympic set, several more duplex sets, a squat rack, a couple of multipurpose benches, and other weightlifting equipment. He kept generous amounts of supplements on hand to aid his diet.



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