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Guest strutr74

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Guest Daisho2004

strutr74, this eBay seller is booting legit releases also which you shouldn't promote such as "Criterion and Adness" stuff JFYI.

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Guest strutr74

This shouldn't bother you for a minute since you promote a guy who sells boots of Criterion, Animeigo, and Masters of Cinema.

Harakiri (Criterion), Ashura (Animeigo), and Masters of Cinema (Assassination) , oh Ninja Wars ( Adness), Street Fighter series( BFI)

Looks like we got just about every company covered?, there are more then 1 title each from them but this is a good start


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Guest Daisho2004

strutr74, not that I'm going to debate with you but its funny that you'd support eBay Bootleggers over the Guys who brought us these movies with English Sub-T's in the 1st. place , that just don't make no sense to me. Buy Hey that's just my own opinion.

"You know what people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw rocks"..

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Guest strutr74

Dash I won't get into a flame war with you, I like you even tho I don't know ya. You pass good info along and I like reading your reviews, but Your quote "You know what people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw rocks"

Is basically the thing I've been saying about your guys the whole time. Those cats have no way to point fingers at anyone. Here's my quote for ya

" Don't cast judgement, Unless the be judged"

think on that, I know you'll stand behind your vendors thick and thin but the fact of the matter they are NO better then any Scav the thing is in the most part they are the ORIGINAL scavs. Yeah they brought over some great films but also have ripped off companies for a long time. I said it a million times" If it quacks like a duck, It's a duck":D

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Guest Mr Dragula
This shouldn't bother you for a minute since you promote a guy who sells boots of Criterion, Animeigo, and Masters of Cinema.

Correct me if i'm wrong, but the versions said vendor sells are from completely different sources and in most cases were available well before the official English subbed releasings.

Your right, infringement is infringement. There's no arguing that. Still in my mind there's something far more respectable about someone who originates the effort to make something available to the masses. Most often subbing it themselves, or going through the effort of hunting down tv rips that arn't already readily available to the majority of English speaking fans. As opposed to someone who does nothing but place someone elses work in a burner, then slap a cheaper price tag on it to undersell the originator and nab their customer base.

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Guest strutr74

Oh My another Fanboy, Lets get a few things out there since SO many that Are DOJO " Followers" and have no clue but what is pumped into them.

"Correct me if i'm wrong, but the versions said vendor sells are from completely different sources and in most cases were available well before the official English subbed releasings. "

So if someone is the first to release a movie with english subs that person has the right to sell it? I know exactly what Robert Woodhead (AnimEigo) thinks about this.

"hunting down tv rips that arn't already readily available to the majority of English speaking fans."

Why not trade or get them for the price of a .50 dvd-r? It you are paying money for these types of things you are being SERIOUSLY ripped off!

"As opposed to someone who does nothing but place someone elses work in a burner, then slap a cheaper price tag on it to undersell the originator and nab their customer base."

Where did you get Bushi no Ichibun from?

MY Ichibun question sums it up, yeah?? It's a no win battle, your preaching to the wrong person. Like I said before, " The original Scavs"

For your " guys" Translating, Subbing ect!!! Have a look at this.


I can't tell you how many times I've heard" It takes hours and 1000s of $ to hire people to translate, BLAH, BLAH BLAH, If you " Followers" believe that then you truely are lost. The subs are STOLEN off already subbed copies. And the NEW prints are STOLEN off offical DVDS. But to you all that believe eveything " they" tell you know the real facts. Keep Trusting the lies, and keep on sending your hard earned money for all THE HARD WORK, Boy I'm sweating already...LOL

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Guest 1budz4u

Anyone know the dvd quality of that Ebay seller "93zx2girl"? My friend is looking to purchase the Nemuri Kyoshiro series since the one he bought last year on Ebay was a crappy set. The person he bought it from did a horrible transfer from vhs to dvd. I'd appreciate any comments about that Ebay seller 93zx2girl.;):D

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Guest Mr Dragula
Oh My another Fanboy

Fan of good films, yes.

So if someone is the first to release a movie with english subs that person has the right to sell it? I know exactly what Robert Woodhead (AnimEigo) thinks about this.

I already answered this in my initial post, there's no defending infringement. Just saying, at one time those releases likely were all that were available. Most consumers, my self included will always go with an official sanctioned release once it's made available unless it's of inferior quality.

Why not trade or get them for the price of a .50 dvd-r? It you are paying money for these types of things you are being SERIOUSLY ripped off!

Obviously, that wouldn't be profitable for the seller. As for myself, if someone didn't put them out in the first place they wouldn't be there to trade for. I'll continue to support the one who continue to make them available to me and (in their words) "scavs" in the first place.

Where did you get Bushi no Ichibun from?


your preaching to the wrong person

Not preaching, just stating why I choose to support those who originally make the films available. I care not what you do, and have no problem with you personally, nor would I expect my views to change anything for you.

The subs are STOLEN off already subbed copies.

Ha, you got me on that one. :lol Yet like i've said before, if they didn't go through the effort to rework the subs into the new prints as was done here likely no one else would. At least not to the point that someone else like myself could easily get my hands on it, you certainly wouldn't be seeing hoards of them on eBay.

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Guest strutr74

Most consumers, my self included will always go with an official sanctioned release once it's made available unless it's of inferior quality."

Those movies I mentioned are STILL being sold.

"if someone didn't put them out in the first place they wouldn't be there to trade for. I'll continue to support the one who continue to make them available to me and (in their words) "scavs" in the first place."

I think you have limited your sources too much. There are lots of people out there that have recorded this stuff off of the tele. It is just a simple free trade away.

You got Ichibun from yesasia.com...good...the problem is the scavs your defending are doing the exact thing in putting out dvd-r copies and underselling the originator for this movie. Haven't you seen the recent special sales?

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Guest Mr Dragula
Those movies I mentioned are STILL being sold.

You're absolutely right, and I won't defend that. Nor will I purchase them, except in cases where the original is inferior to the vendors print.

I think you have limited your sources too much. There are lots of people out there that have recorded this stuff off of the tele. It is just a simple free trade away.

Possibly. If someone were to put a broadcast print out first, i'd be more than willing to work a deal with them. Like I said, I just prefer to back the individual who continuely makes the films available in the first place.

the problem is the scavs your defending are doing the exact thing in putting out dvd-r copies and underselling the originator for this movie. Haven't you seen the recent special sales?

Yep. Thing is, not everyone has the multi region capability. To them, a dvd released in Japan is just a good as no dvd ever being released at all.

I'm not going to defend the vendors every little business practice, just stating why I prefer to support them over someone on eBay whose waiting on them the same as me to put the film out in the first place.

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