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Post your most interesting/unusual Bruce Photo


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float-lefthttp://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/hs288.snc6/181615_165088656871823_151960294851326_315691_6289767_n.jpgGreat Images guys !

The only other one I have of Bruce & Steve is the color photo in you know who's book ( Ric Meyers) ..

Here is my favorite :heart Bruce ABS :heart photo ! Not a RARE but never the less a GREAT Image !

Thanks for sharing :love ! ~Athena

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Thanks Jadedragon....heres some you may not have seen of Bruce when he went for traditional photo shoots, these shots were at Golden Harvest not Shaw Brothers. I am sure some footage must have been shot and not just photo's...??





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I've been waiting for some good soul to post the pics of Bruce and Danny on the beach... I haven't seen those in years. In fact, the only place I EVER saw the entire collection was in "Who Killed Bruce Lee?"

Anybody got them?



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Here are some more...Bruce With Shaw producer Mona Fong, Traditional photo at Shaws , on set of Fist Of Unicorn with a young Meng Hoi and breaking boards with James Garner (Marlowe).





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No problem, my cousin is Steve Kerridge who is one of the ultimate authorities on Lee, you should see some of the pics he has!! If theres any Lee pics someone want to see i will try and dig it out, im sure there is one i have from the film A Walk In The Spring Rain which Lee choreographed the fights for.

Here is one i found of the deleted scene from Big Boss with the burning cart...


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Heres some more the first is Game Of Death outdoor scene (Bruce WAS filmed here i know someone who has seen it) either side of him are Lam Ching Ying and Yuen Wah. Others are offset Big Boss.




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