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New Movies from CK

Guest Daisho2004

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Guest Daisho2004

You know the funny thing is that you will support the Super Skell's as I would call them the ones who steal all of CK & Merlin's hard work after they finish subtitling these movies but you don't support the Guys who did all the hard work in the 1st. place.

As stutr74 stated:

"Any retard with dvdlab and a few hours can do the same thing as CK".

But there not doing it and that is the point and I don't believe that you will really see anyone else who loves this genre spend the time to do it. So I'll just leave it at that. So just stick to getting movies like "Lone Wolf & Cub" and (10) different versions of the "Seventh Samurai, because that's what it seems like you want.

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Guest Robert Ian Teller

I personally don't agree with what you just said Daisho2004 and I almost never agree with whatever strutr74 says either. :D

Haven't bought a boot in literally years and never bought a boot of a boot either. |I

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Guest Daisho2004

Robert I'll say this to you, I don't feel these Guys are Bootleggers, they aren't taking movies from legit sources and calling them there own, and granted they do have a few movies they have been put out on a legit release but those movies they have had before they were even given a legit release. So I agree they should just remove them from there site but as far as them saying that this movie is from an Hawaiian TV broadcast there aren't any surprises there and if they say its from a new remastered print that is where it is from, like I said a 1000xs already most of those movies you will never see get a legit release from most major companies and that is the shame for buyers like myself and a few other die hard fans of this genre. So I'm glad for fansubbers plain & simple. Now what pisses me off is the ones who boot there hard work when all they do is buy from them and reproduce there hard work but I never see anyone here complain about those guys most of you praise them that doesn't make no Damn sense period!!!! Like I said before how many different versions do you want to see of the Seventh Samurai?!!! Because that is what these companies keep doing is making a remastered version over&over again. And I support AnimEigo, BCI 100% thank goodness for them, I just wish they would found out what the fans want to see and stop putting out movies that aren't selling that well.

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Guest Mr Dragula

They do far more good than bad, anyone just taking a casual glance can see at least 90% of their innovatory is unavailable via an official English friendly release.

Before shadow warriors was ever released by BCI, there were plenty of boots scattered about available for purchase. Yet still it was picked up, and just about anyone I know who was a fan of the series or had been longing for a legitimate release for years picked it up just the same.

If they were flooding the market into major online chains, or into retail stores ala: redsun leaving great dvd supplers such as Celestial/IVL in the cold I could see cause for alarm. But as they are now, they're merely keeping the jidai junkies and eBay leaches afloat.

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Like I said before how many different versions do you want to see of the Seventh Samurai?!!! Because that is what these companies keep doing is making a remastered version over&over again.

Amen to that, wait and see how many versions of 36th Chamber we're going to get over the next 10 years now that there's a region 1 out.

I'm sick of this, all this crap on here because

someone IS butthurt from another site.

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Guest 1budz4u

Daisho2004 wrote:

Well unfortunately I don't have the NGN here in NY so yes I will buy from CK and Merlin, and also if some of those movies are from region 4 and they don't have subtitles and these Guys do there own subtitling great. Like I said there are tons of movies that we will never see here get a legit release, but I won't do anymore promo sale's for CK, Merlin, on this site I'm done with that.

I have no beef w/you Daisho2004 but I gotta say this. CK & Merlin can do the subs on those region 4 dvd movies but remember it's still going to be considered a bootleg because TOEI didn't release those movies w/english subtitles. CK & Merlin didn't pay TOEI the royalities or the rights to release these movies with english subs.

Yah, know I started the this discussion a long time ago regarding CK & Merlin. And the beef I had w/CK was because he was charging big $$$ for those movies. We all know how much a blank dvd disc cost and how easy it is to record from a TV then burn a dvd disc on a computer. We all know he has his Hawaii source to record movies from NGN movie station.

And yah I can understand why members here wanna buy the movies from them since they will never be legitimately released by TOEI w/english subtitles. ;):D

With regard to those Ebay scavengers remember Ebay allows these sellers to continue to peddle their goods because Ebay makes money from those sellers everytime they sell a dvd. A suggestion to stop these scavengers is to report those sellers to Ebay.;)

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Guest KageShogun

Ibuz, getting rid of the fansubbers will result in one thing only, less subtitled samurai movies for us all to enjoy (you and Strutr included), and you know that. Not very smart. There's no way these discussions will ever change anyone's minds about where to get their samurai titles, so they are a waste of time, but pretty fun to read. I don't know why there always have to be this "war" when Daisho puts up a simple little promo link. Use it or not, it's that simple. The only problem I have is when people (personal crusade?) who has done no samurai fan-subbing acts like if they know it all and try to rack down on the dudes who actually do. How the fan-subbers is out to ripp you off, how they steal from legit and Toei etc, how there's no work and money behind it, and how easy it is. Why isn't there more people doing it, if it's that easy I mean? Well it's easier to just download it and let someone else do the work... right? The funny thing is that these people bash/rant about it, but the own and deal with boots in someway themselves, we know that. And the discussion of the "new prints / redux" of certain titles. Have you seen the difference in video quality on those? Doesn't that count for anything? Well many people do think that's great. A great movie in the best available video quality. Why not? What's wrong with that? They are actually going through the effort at transcribing the subs, enhance them and re-time the whole movie, do menus and extras. When they could chose to just deal with TV recs. I mean common, give the dudes a little credit for crying out loud. And why would they do all that and give the stuff away? Makes no sense. Remember, these guys gave you hours and hours of great flix to enjoy. I say it again, if there's a legit R1 DVD, buy that instead of any fan-subb.

Calling the Dojo Boot city... If you want to be pissed over anything regarding stealing from the legit US companies. Get all the Criterion, AnimEigo etc on DVD-R here:


Go on now, go preach there!

That really sucks!


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Guest Daisho2004

You know the sad part (billyboy) who really cares what name he goes by he is the ones who is bringing us the movies that most of us can't get and believe me he has a lot of followers that love to get these movies including all you SKELLS who can't wait to pick up his movies to sell on eBay also. Bottom line is don't buy from him, but believe me he's not going to Cry because you didn't buy one of his movies he has many others that do.

Again this forum is getting to be a total f@#king joke, when you can't even give people a heads up about new movies being released or about Fansubbers putting out Great movies that you can't find anywhere else, because I don't see AnimEigo dropping as many Great titles as these Guys here are doing and I don't feel like waiting maybe 5-10yrs for a possible legit release so you should stop you Crying and support these Guys or Shut up if you have nothing else to say.

Again I just like to share the info with a few really cool Guys here who love this genre, and I really don't have the time or want to hear the BS from people that don't even buy movies in the 1st. place. If you want to discuss certain movies when I post them Great because myself and a few others here are the only ones who really contribute to this site doing most of the postings regarding Samurai/Ninja films.

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Guest KageShogun

Billy, the facts remain the same. People who do something to bring out stuff deserves some credit. Don't you think? Not very many people around doing that, but lots of guys dealing and watching them. And adding someones real name is pretty uncool.

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Guest pressureworld

ok,ok,we should focus on the great movies all this arguing is silly, lets talk about Seventeen Ninja

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I agree Pressure, this is Kung Fu Fandom, things that happened on some other site shouldn't be brought up every post, I want everyone to take a look back a couple pages and see who contributes positively, and who comes here to take a dump on every topic that gets created on this part of the forum, how many threads need to get locked over this? It's just blahblahblahblah, it's going in circles.

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Guest Mr Dragula
KageShogun is chiba2000/ichiban/

Sorta like how strutr/billy and who knows how many others are likely the same person?

I post over there under 2 different names-sometimes.

And that's just the use of two other names you admit to.. obsessed much?

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Guest Daisho2004

Tosh, Pressure you know I agree with you more than anyone else on this site, I just like to give info and get it back and you can see how I started this thread and who went way off topic as usual. But maybe we should just start a KFF Kiddie Section that would solve a lot of this Baby BS that is always going on. Like I said lets just stick to the topics! If you have nothing to contribute than don't say anything at all Period End of Story!!!!!!

And Linn1 PLEASE JUST EDIT all the BS from this thread or just Delete it all together!!!!>:

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Guest KevinClo

First, this thread should have been in the buy/sell area, but whatever.

There is a problem here that didn't just start recently. This has been going on for a few years. It used to be people were more friendly in trades, but now it is becoming more obvious there is a lot more tricks and deception involved. I've even seen some of my own movies I purchased long ago mysteriously pop up on these type of sales. It's just sad, but it's a lesson in how things are when there titles are not released legally.

I would suggest that these types of threads should not be posted anymore, but people are going to do what they want


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Guest Daisho2004

KevinClo you know your right, I didn't think about putting this topic there in the buy/sell area only because when I post something like this here we always start to discuss the movies and all that, and its the few that ruin it for the many. I don't like to get into any battles with anyone over anything here I'm not on anyone's payroll, I just like to contribute info and get feedback and I do a lot of postings here, more so than half the other Guys in this section.

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Guest KevinClo


I know you mean well. I think we are in an endless cycle though that will continue. That is all I am saying and this is the last I will say anything in this thread.



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Guest 1budz4u


I like the bottom of the link where it says: "not to post the url or promote on the web. It's a private club of collectors only"! I guess they're afraid of getting busted for copy right infringement.

KageShogun: I could care less whether anyone buys their movies or not. Because I've always said bootlegging is gonna be around no matter what. I didn't say to get rid of the fansubbers. I'm clearly stating how they don't always do their own subtitles. I know for a fact that CK & Merlin use the NGN subs for their so called newly remastered prints. It's easy to just take the subs from the movies that are recorded off NGN then use it with their newly remastered prints that come from the region 4 dvds.

Feel free to delete this post mods. I state my opinions like anyone else on this forum. Because you know that I was the first one to stir up @#%$ on this site because of the movies CK & Merlin sell. It was only then the owner of this site changed the rules in the buy, sell & trade section. ;)

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Guest fabhui

The only real issues I have with CK, Merlin etc is the following:

1) Charging a lot of cash for a movie on a DVDR and bad quality DVDRs at that!! If you haven't done so already then back up anything you have bought from them!!!

2) Passing off other people's hard work as they're own. Apart from adding subs and in a lot of cases just taking already existing subs and adding them to remastered versions of the movies that have been released elsewhere, they do bugger all!!!

4) Selling movies that have been recorded from the TV. I mean what the hell is that about?? I'll have to start recording and selling copies of episodes of Eastenders!!

3) The whole double standards issue regarding them not allowing collectors to trade 'their' releases but they don't mind bootlegging and selling existing DVDs of movies.

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enough. The rules of this site do NOT ban fansubbed releases. The topics banned are copies of films that have legit, English friendly releases for sale or trade, and promotion of bootleggars who are in the legit marketplace like Best Buy, Wal Mart,FYE, etc and in turn help destroy the marketplace for these films. These are practices that do not support Japanese or Chinese films, which is what these forums were created to do. Fan created versions of films have been the way most fans and companies could see films that have never had a legit release in an English friendly manner. Companies that operate from their own site and sell versions of films that are not available, are fine to post about on these forums. And yes, this should have been in the buying, selling forum. But if a fan wants to "talk" about dvds from these folks, that's fine as well.

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