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Opinions on a Couple of Old School Movies - Death Fist & Karate from Shaolin Temple

One Armed Boxer

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One Armed Boxer

These couple of titles have my curiosity, but it appears there's zero information about them on the web. Has anyone here seen either of these?

Death Fist


Karate from Shaolin Temple


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Karate From Shaolin Temple? Weird title eh? Looks like Yu Young as the hero...looks interesting.

Can't play the other title:-(

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Death Fist looks like it had the better fighting, though it almost had a basher quality to it.

The choreography and execution in Karate from Shaolin Temple looked horrible. I'd skip that one.

Never heard of either of these. There's nothing on HKMDb for the first film, but there is for the second.


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One Armed Boxer
Karate From Shaolin Temple? Weird title eh? Looks like Yu Young as the hero...looks interesting.

Can't play the other title:-(

Hey Carl, must be those Scouse internet connections....check the link here -

The choreography and execution in Karate from Shaolin Temple looked horrible. I'd skip that one.

C'mon ShaOW!linDude, doesn't everyone have a soft spot for clips that start with a guy hanging onto the roof of a moving car that then segues into a fight scene....or is it just me?

There's nothing on HKMDb for the first film, but there is for the second.


Interesting, from that link it looks like this is actually a Japanese production with a mostly Hong Kong cast (except for the lead). Great title though.:wink:

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Death Fist is a Korean production with a lot of Kwan Yung Moon kicking. There is some novelty in seeing some of the henchmen do monkey stances in this one... That's really it. You have to really like kicking. Fans of Korean bashers know what they want.

Karate from Shaolin Temple has had a number of people coming out of the woodwork to look for it over the years. I'm not sure why the film has a small reputation but it probably has to do with Kazuma Kenji or the fact that Henry Yu Yung did not have many starring roles but still left an impression on viewers. Even more likely is that it just had a good run on the grindhouse circuit. It's kitschy fun but not that many notable fight scenes. It also has a Japanese director and production team... but I don't remember that being so noticeable.

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One Armed Boxer
Death Fist is a Korean production with a lot of Kwan Yung Moon kicking. There is some novelty in seeing some of the henchmen do monkey stances in this one... That's really it. You have to really like kicking. Fans of Korean bashers know what they want.

Thanks odiustrident! Another member also clued me into this being a Korean movie, so your comments seal the deal. You're right, and as a fan of Korean bashers I'll count myself in for this one....throw in Kwan Yung Moon, and I'm sold. Those growls!

Karate from Shaolin Temple has had a number of people coming out of the woodwork to look for it over the years. I'm not sure why the film has a small reputation but it probably has to do with Kazuma Kenji or the fact that Henry Yu Yung did not have many starring roles but still left an impression on viewers. Even more likely is that it just had a good run on the grindhouse circuit. It's kitschy fun but not that many notable fight scenes. It also has a Japanese director and production team... but I don't remember that being so noticeable.

Thanks for the input. Sounds like one of those movies which is more interesting to read about than to actually watch. I'll skip this one.

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