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The Foreigner (2017) Jackie Chan & Pierce Brosnan


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10 minutes ago, muppetdanny said:

Same goes for me. This looks like a VERY promising film.

It might turn out to be his best Western production?, love the gritty feel and look off the movie with the odd nod to Chan signiture style.

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I think him playing a guy with the all encompassing 'special forces training' is a good way to go. means he can still be a badass but his age can be taken into account to.

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looks decent bit of a nod to the classic movie blown away in there.

wonder if it will have a scene with the chanster making bombs while u2 plays in the background :D


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I haven't been so excited about JC film since...Who Am I, probably?

Trailer doesn't show anything extraordinary, but the idea of Jackie bringing hell to the bad guys is very appealing

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The trailer already looks to have more action than the book did. Looks to be pretty grounded, too. I could watch this.

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Though Jackie is looking really old in the trailer, the trailer looked better than most of his movies that I have seen over the last few years. If he just lets the director direct and make a good movie, this could be something interesting. But, yeah, finally a JC trailer that makes me want to see the movie. Though, I figure that the movie itself will be a lot more generic than the trailer hints at. Hope it is a balls-out kick-ass film. But, it almost seems that they gave the whole plot away in that trailer, unless there is more to it. 

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Hell yeah! This is what I was hoping for ever since I watched "Shinjuku Incident". I haven't been this excited for a JC movie in years. If the movie can deliver what the trailer promises we're in for one hell of a ride. I can't wait :smile

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Omni Dragon

Like what others have said; from the trailer this looks like it has the potential to be the best Jackie Chan movie done in awhile.


16 hours ago, DragonClaws said:

 really hope this one gets a U.K theatrical release.

I'm hoping for the same. Surely an English language Jackie Chan movie with a former Bond, shot in London has a good chance.

If it does get shown theatrically here, I might try and persuade @Fightingfist to go see this one with me.


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Seriously you guys, this looks like the old Jackie Chan from the 90s I was obsessing over constantly. Any word on the hype so far? I want this to blow the fuck up!!! This is the Jackie Chan I want. No I haven't seen New Police Story, Shinjuku Incident,The Myth, the Johnny Knoxville one or whatever. This is the Chan I need!

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I've been waiting for Jackie to do something along the lines of this. Really showcase both his acting talents and action skills. Instead of going from one extreme or another, this looks like the balance of acting skills and action that now at 63, that he needed and probably has been wanting to do for a long time now. And he finally gets to go solo in an international picture and not team him up with anyone...Thank God!

I hope this comes out around where I am in October.

Edited by AlbertV
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I'm basically gonna retread everything everyone has been saying about this trailer. I loved it. This is probably the first Jackie Chan movie in a long time that I've genuinely been looking forward to (Police Story 2013? Kinda. Dragon Blade? Looked crappy. Skiptrace? Nah. Railroad Tigers? Looked okay. Kung Fu Yoga? Ha! No!) I'm actually excited to see this movie. I'll probably see it when it comes out in theaters. It seems Chan hasn't made a critically acclaimed movie in a while and this looks like it could be a hit (both financially and critically).

It's also the first time in a while that we've seen Chan as an anti-hero, which is great. And it's great to see him in the brief glimpses of the action scenes. Sure, he's not as quick as he used to be, but he's probably ten times more agile than I am (and he's almost four times older my age).

Also, that final line gave me chills: "You have no idea who you're dealing with!" "Yes, I do. Do you?"

There's also the debate if this movie is gonna be PG-13 or R, as brought up by @mark187. Based off the trailer, it looks like something that should be R, but PG-13 is more likely.

Regardless, I'm pretty pumped for The Foreigner. Definitely looking forward to it.

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2 hours ago, AlbertV said:

And he finally gets to go solo in an international picture and not team him up with anyone...Thank God!

Recently watched a 2001 interview, where he said he wanted to do a serious movie without the aid of a co-star. When the interviewer asked if he'd like to do that now, he said he wasn't quite ready yet.

I'll find the interview, and post it in the U.S T.V Jackie Chan videos thread.

14 minutes ago, KenHashibe said:

There's also the debate if this movie is gonna be PG-13 or R, as brought up by @mark187. Based off the trailer, it looks like something that should be R, but PG-13 is more likely.


7 hours ago, mark187 said:

So the next question is, will it be rated R or PG13? I'd hope for R for this type of thriller but bet on PG13

I'd agree with what @KenHashibe said, most likely a PG-13 so they get the widest possible audience.


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I don't want to ruin everyone`s wet dream regarding this release but come on people, you know there will probably be only a few short fight scenes and maybe a somewhat extended fight scene if at all. This is not going to be DM2 though it would be awesome if it was. Probably that shoot-out in the house might be about it. Really, I hope that I am wrong but I would guess that this might be more drama with a little bit of action sprinkled about to appease the JC fans out there. Any other action will probably be explosions and car chases, etc. I really want to like this as the trailer suggests that it could be a better film. But, I am not going to get my hopes up at all. I really don't know if Jackie is capable of delivering a good film anymore. I hope the director has a stronger will than Jackie and can keep him on track and under control; ala the way Sammo does. Keeping the fingers crossed. 

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1 hour ago, reason108 said:

I don't want to ruin everyone`s wet dream regarding this release but come on people, you know there will probably be only a few short fight scenes and maybe a somewhat extended fight scene if at all. This is not going to be DM2 though it would be awesome if it was. Probably that shoot-out in the house might be about it. Really, I hope that I am wrong but I would guess that this might be more drama with a little bit of action sprinkled about to appease the JC fans out there. Any other action will probably be explosions and car chases, etc. I really want to like this as the trailer suggests that it could be a better film. But, I am not going to get my hopes up at all. I really don't know if Jackie is capable of delivering a good film anymore. I hope the director has a stronger will than Jackie and can keep him on track and under control; ala the way Sammo does. Keeping the fingers crossed. 

The thing is though I have no expectations of it being a new DM2 because this isn't a martial arts film. I actually want to see this for the story, and how it incorporates the action seen in the trailer, the best thing I can say about some of Jackie's modern films is that you know it's good when you don't notice the lack of action for being involved in the story, a la Shinjuki Incident

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5 hours ago, reason108 said:

I don't want to ruin everyone`s wet dream regarding this release but come on people, you know there will probably be only a few short fight scenes and maybe a somewhat extended fight scene if at all. This is not going to be DM2 though it would be awesome if it was. Probably that shoot-out in the house might be about it. Really, I hope that I am wrong but I would guess that this might be more drama with a little bit of action sprinkled about to appease the JC fans out there. Any other action will probably be explosions and car chases, etc. I really want to like this as the trailer suggests that it could be a better film. But, I am not going to get my hopes up at all. I really don't know if Jackie is capable of delivering a good film anymore. I hope the director has a stronger will than Jackie and can keep him on track and under control; ala the way Sammo does. Keeping the fingers crossed. 

 It's not that I'm looking for the old skool HK Jackie Chan films of yesterday. This is something completely different than what I'm seeing from him in the last 20 years??? I don't care if it has just one fight scene tbh. This to me has a different element that I don't usually see, is the dramatic chops. The emotional pull, the role that he was born to play and at the perfect age too. If this is a straight up drama with acting, I'm down with that cause I get to see some real fucking acting from Jackie Freaking Chan!! How are you not excited about this bro?

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6 hours ago, reason108 said:

I don't want to ruin everyone`s wet dream regarding this release but come on people, you know there will probably be only a few short fight scenes and maybe a somewhat extended fight scene if at all. This is not going to be DM2 though it would be awesome if it was.

I'm not expecting this movie to be the next Drunken Master 2, he's taken a risk and tried something a little different. If there's less action thats no problem either.

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40 minutes ago, DragonClaws said:

I'm not expecting this movie to be the next Drunken Master 2, he's taken a risk and tried something a little different. If there's less action thats no problem either.

I agree with that. I actually want to see a Jackie film in the vein of showing a side that's not his everyman or martial arts hero. I want to see him as a emotional person who goes through tragedy and dealing with that tragedy and even if the action is sparse, I'd still be all for it because a true fan of an actor would accept any range of acting/action he or she can display. The days of DM2 are gone...He's 63 now and it's time for him to really showcase his range of acting and if he can balance his action with an emotional range, like this film looks to display, then count me in.

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I'm not sure where I read the quote from or heard but someone said it has the look and feel of a Korean out for blood vengeance type film. I love Korean thrillers and if it's anything close to that feel??? Sign my ass up!!! Jackie is a bonus! 

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On 6/28/2017 at 2:22 AM, reason108 said:

I don't want to ruin everyone`s wet dream regarding this release but come on people, you know there will probably be only a few short fight scenes and maybe a somewhat extended fight scene if at all. This is not going to be DM2 though it would be awesome if it was. Probably that shoot-out in the house might be about it. Really, I hope that I am wrong but I would guess that this might be more drama with a little bit of action sprinkled about to appease the JC fans out there. Any other action will probably be explosions and car chases, etc. I really want to like this as the trailer suggests that it could be a better film. But, I am not going to get my hopes up at all. I really don't know if Jackie is capable of delivering a good film anymore. I hope the director has a stronger will than Jackie and can keep him on track and under control; ala the way Sammo does. Keeping the fingers crossed. 

I for one hope he doesn't do his usual fight scenes that he has been doing like forever, let's get down and dirty with some different kind of action and do some brutal hand to foot action. I'm kinda hoping this is a moody dark and violent film, but like some people have said, this will probably be a PG. But I still can't wait ??

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The Foreigner will be released in the U.S Cinemas on the 13th of October. The Chinese theatrical run starts on the 30th of September, there's no European release date that I know of?. This British/Chinese co-production is directed by Martin Campell(Goldeneye).


Edited by DragonClaws
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Cue broken record :wink:: I'm rolling with the majority opinion on this one.

Trailer looks great, JC is finally playing an age-appropriate role, the director has made some impressive movies, and action-wise I only want to see JC doing what makes sense within the context of this story. I don't expect, nor want, any extravagant, show-stopping martial arts scenes. Um... did I just write that last sentence? :ooh: I better take my temperature... I might be coming down with something. :tongue:

One more thing... what's up with this last poster (above, that @DragonClaws posted)? Terrible. What the hell is the point of it? The scaffolding, etc? I think it's Bad (with a capitol B).

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