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Donnie Yen

Guest vlade2002

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there was 10years+ ago article of donnies first visit to uk in Eastern Heroes magazine.I dun remember who other guests&hosts were but am pretty sure liu chia hui,mark houghton and one black martial artists who has been in some movies were involved(maybe pete is 1st name)...directly they did not say donnie is hard case but they said everything went smoothly so I guess they were expecting donnie hard to deal with.

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a few things, 1. "Any person/race trying to look like another race is downright pathetic." - it worked for Jacky tho'! helped him make some millions!:) 2. i think it's important to remember that Donnie DOES COME from the American EAST COAST, (Boston, Mass, i believe.), and thus has some E. COAST ATTITUDE!!! while he may have spent a considerable amount of time in H.K. & China, he's still from the E. Coast!!! 3. Jet's OBVIOUSLY from the Mainland, so yeah, there will be a difference in how they come off. 4. the REAL "Crux of the Biscuit", is WHO's making/made MORE quality flix, than the other?! "the proof is in the pudding!!!"

altho, i must say, i have enjoyed Donnie's last couple of films, SPL & FLASHPOINT. which isn't sayin' much!!!:P

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I met Donnie Yen in Boston about 10 years ago (his mother was a kungfu teacher there, and I think he grew up part of the time in Boston). He was giving a free showing of his movie "Ballistic Kiss", and it wasn't really promotoed very well. There was probably only 12-15 of us in a small room where the movie was shown. After the movie, he talked a lot about filmmaking and answered questions for about 45 min. or so. But anyways, my impression was that he was a VERY self-confident, motivated person---but he did not come across at all like an arrogant jerk. He seemed to be somebody who LOVED filmmaking. He just talked a lot of the details of shooting, funny stories about when they didn't have police permission to shoot in certain locales, so they had to do it on the fly, setting up action scenes and camera shots. He just seemed to be really upbeat and positive, and genuinely enthused about all the aspects of making movies. I did have to ask him one nerd question, though---I asked him, since he had worked with Jet Li in OUATIC2, how would he fare against Jet in a real fight. He just shook his head and smiled, and said "ANY day!......" So yeah, he definitely seemed like a Type-A, competitive person, but he didn't seem self-absorbed or demeaning towards other people.

So anyways, maybe in other contexts Donnie Yen would be a jerk, but for what it's worth, that's not how he came across when I met him.

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a few things, 1. "Any person/race trying to look like another race is downright pathetic." - it worked for Jacky tho'! helped him make some millions!:) 2. i think it's important to remember that Donnie DOES COME from the American EAST COAST, (Boston, Mass, i believe.), and thus has some E. COAST ATTITUDE!!! while he may have spent a considerable amount of time in H.K. & China, he's still from the E. Coast!!! 3. Jet's OBVIOUSLY from the Mainland, so yeah, there will be a difference in how they come off. 4. the REAL "Crux of the Biscuit", is WHO's making/made MORE quality flix, than the other?! "the proof is in the pudding!!!"

altho, i must say, i have enjoyed Donnie's last couple of films, SPL & FLASHPOINT. which isn't sayin' much!!!:P

My point is, they are still asian and look asian no matter what kind of cosmetic surgery they do. Those 2 have skill in their own right and I doubt if they didnt do the cosmetic surgery, they wouldnt be where they are at now. I guess thats subjective. Take a look at this. This is Robert Tai trying to look Spanish!


Just kidding

I know its highly common in asian culture these days to look more americanized but i personally dont think its necessary. Trying to niptuck some eyelids, enhance cheekbones, chop off part of a nose to look more americanized is like michael jackson trying to look white.

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One factor in this conversation that I feel is being grossly overlooked is, Donnie seems to be supremely confident in himself and his abilities. Usually when a successful man possesses these qualities, quite often it is perceived as arrogance. Many a successful person has been accused of this characteristic, and often it's an oversight, until you learn more about the individual, up close, and personal. I've been called that myself in the workplace for being very confident in my abilities to handle my position, and appearing to others as if nothing "rattles" me, or bitching about problems instead of finding resolutions...

It's all about perception, and interpretation. However, if you allow yourself a broader perspective, sometimes you're capable of seeing matters differently.


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An interview with Yen in an issue of Asian Cult Cinema (complete with a "Vogue" style spread replete with Yen posing shirtless) he made some odd comments about Woo Ping saying that fights that would take Woo months to do, he could do them in a matter of time (as well as numerous other brazen bits of info). Since then, I have PERCEIVED and INTERPRETED Mr. Yen as an incredibly vain, egotistical braggart with little regard or much respect for anyone else he works with. This comes through on his numerous commentary tracks and his self serving comments are always mentioned over the films/tv shows being reviewed.

I've never met the man (don't want to) nor have I ever been on a set that the man has worked on but his attitude is consistent from one chat to the next. He is HONEST and OPEN in his opinions but it is a BLIND honesty. He cannot produce an entire product by himself. It takes a number of technicians reasonably proficient in their trade to pull off a halfway decent movie. It's no wonder very few people in the HK industry want to work with him.

Yes, (he seems to be) a great (movie) fighter. His mother anyways, is supposed to be quite famous for her martial arts skills. But regardless of whatever skills he has, judging by his interviews and speech, he totally lacks discipline, humility and reverence for anyone save for himself. He has also said at one time that he wanted to break into America. I didn't realize he had really BROKEN into HK yet. Judging by his limited billing in US productions, it seems obvious they don't want him either.

Up until SPL, I refused to watch anything else that the man was in and the only reason I bought the HK disc was because I was told his character died in the end.

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Hey Venom... Why beat around the bush? Tell us how you really feel about him? Lol, I guess we can scratch the surprise DY film Boxset gift for you eh?

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Hey Venom... Why beat around the bush? Tell us how you really feel about him? Lol, I guess we can scratch the surprise DY film Boxset gift for you eh?

:D I'm sorry, I know a lot of people like him (including Bey Logan) and maybe they see a side of him no one else does but it is obvious he is a difficult personality and that is what disenchants me with him and his movies.

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Chinatown Kid

Well I will say it's better when people show a little bit of humility even if they are truely talented and respect others input and efforts in a project because filmaking is a collaborative effort. To me Donnie is just someone who is really confident in his abilities though and isn't afraid to let people know how he feels or what he thinks. I have no idea what he said derogatory about Jet Li but with his(Yen) abilities he shouldn't really feel the need to cut one of his fellow action stars down. Sometimes it's probably not a good idea to say everything you feel or put others down because you can come off as vain, jealous or narcisistic but instead just let your abilities speak for itself. Bruce Lee used to get in the same trouble for putting things so blunt and letting people know how he truely felt. I respect Donnie for his talent and innovative fight scenes, his ego is something that is just part of his personality that I don't really focus on.

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When Donnie is talking about Jet Li, it seems to me like he doesn't think Jet Li deserves his breakthrough, and is maybe jealous because he hasn't had the same success even though his martial arts are "better". I kinda got the same impression from some behind the scenes clips from Hero.

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I've never met the man and can only judge him based on the few interviews and audio commentaries I have heard but there is a difference between self confidence and arrogance and I feel he slips into the latter on too many occasions. I remember on one of the audio comms he did I think it was for the edited down Tai Seng release of the Fist of Fury TV series where he basically said his co-star Eddie Ko wasn't a martial artist and couldn't fight worth a shit, now I will stack Eddie's filmography up against Donnie Yens any day of the week and Eddie wins hands down, it is this kind of disrespect for his fellow actors which makes it very hard for me to like Donnie.

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Guest Yi-Long
When Donnie is talking about Jet Li, it seems to me like he doesn't think Jet Li deserves his breakthrough, and is maybe jealous because he hasn't had the same success even though his martial arts are "better". I kinda got the same impression from some behind the scenes clips from Hero.

Hmmm... I feel Jet Li is a way better martial artist than Donnie is. So if he feels that way, he is way overrating himself...

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Chinatown Kid

Jet Li a better Martial Artist than Donnie? I have to disagree, I think Yen is a better all around Martial Artist but I do like Jet. His best films to me were Fist of Legend and Danny the Dog.

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I don't know the man ,. and hate to go on media for truth. so if he's arrogant ,.. perhaps he needs to be in this industry ,.. who knows.?

all i can say about him ,.. his movies are HIT or MISS... example i liked Iron Monkey but REALLY hated Iron Money 2 , to me complete rubbish !!

I would buy Steven Sagal movies before i grab his ,.. atlest i can expect a titty or two poping out in a Sagal movie,.. i don't know what to expect with him. his moves are fast , yet seems soft. ?

just my opinion

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Eh I can take the arrogance from someone like Yen, it's these little runt rappers and rockstars that get my goat thinking they're something.

There are a lot of arrogance and egos in any entertainment business - artists/musicians can be the worst along with sportstars. And someone had a point with the East coast attitude:p

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silver hermit

i met a black guy from the US that claimed he beat donnie yen in some kind of match most likey TDK. he was a big time fan of kung fu films. i thought he was full of it so i didn't pay that much attention to details.

as far as actors,singers and sports super stars being cocky that doesn't bother me they have a reason (talent). its the fat PC geeks that have done nothing worth remembering that are cocky that bother me.

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as far as actors,singers and sports super stars being cocky that doesn't bother me they have a reason (talent).

Yes, but there are many other HK stars both past and present that have talent equal to, if not better than Yen but do not disrespect their colleagues, at least not as vocally as Yen. I think Yen is just jealous and with his attitude, cannot comprehend why others have "ascended the mountain and left him at the bottom of the hill".

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Chinatown Kid

Donnie Yen overrated? I think the same could be said about Jet. I like them both but Yen looks more powerful on screen to me. Yen is definately more cocky where Jet seems to be more humble and quiet. Guess Li is more in keeping with the way a martial artist should conduct himself according to the traditional code. Donnie definately doesn't follow the traditional way of thinking though, just like Bruce didn't.:cool: Maybe donnie does have a jealousy thing going but I don't know why he would, he does just fine stacked up to the other action stars on the scene imo.

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silver hermit
Yes, but there are many other HK stars both past and present that have talent equal to, if not better than Yen but do not disrespect their colleagues, at least not as vocally as Yen. I think Yen is just jealous and with his attitude, cannot comprehend why others have "ascended the mountain and left him at the bottom of the hill".

agreed, but donnie is the best thing going now. in the past his sttitude was the problem but like someone said before he was raised in the US

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Donnie Yen overrated? I think the same could be said about Jet. I like them both but Yen looks more powerful on screen to me. Yen is definately more cocky where Jet seems to be more humble and quiet. Guess Li is more in keeping with the way a martial artist should conduct himself according to the traditional code. Donnie definately doesn't follow the traditional way of thinking though, just like Bruce didn't.:cool: Maybe donnie does have a jealousy thing going but I don't know why he would, he does just fine stacked up to the other action stars on the scene imo.

Still, I think Jet has been and will remain alot more versatile than Donnie Yen as a performer. I really don't think Donnie Yen will keep doing more costume films and traditional kung fu, and instead go on with the more realistic MMA until it's worn out. It was good in SPL and Flash Point, and it has become HIS style, but I fear it will just be recycled over and over again.

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I may be biased but, I had the privilege of meeting Donnie Yen back in 2000 in Florida. He gave a lecture on Asian cinema to UCF film students and Lisa Stokes (author) invited me to attend. To put it briefly, the man is a class act. He was supercool as he patiently answered all questions and autographed my magazine. A wonderful experience. Arrogant? IMO, Perhaps, confidence may come off as arrogance. Either way he is who he is and he made this fan's day. My 2 cents...

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