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Donnie Yen

Guest vlade2002

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Guest limubai2000

Didn't I mention I hate cats? :P

And I'm Buddhist, I don't believe in the western concept of God...

But then again I'm killing kittens and that ain't very Buddhist of me... :rolleyes

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Yes, he is mad talented. And he can choreograph excellent action. But a lot of what I've heard about him is that he's vain and can be a prick. I just watched SPL and on the commentary, he certainly doesn't shy away from any credit at all. Or talking. In fact, if you weren't paying attention, you'd thought he directed the movie himself.

So what's the deal? Is he really like that or is just playa hatin'??

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Guest Yi-Long
Yes, he is mad talented. And he can choreograph excellent action. But a lot of what I've heard about him is that he's vain and can be a prick. I just watched SPL and on the commentary, he ceratinly doesn't shy away from any credit at all. Or talking. In fact, if you weren't paying attention, you'd thought he directed the movie himself.

So what's the deal? Is he really like that or is just playa hatin'??

Yeah, he's an arrogant SOB alright. Also check out what he has to say on some interview about him working with Jet Li on OUATIC...

Plus I feel his choreography is wildly overrated. He's a great martial arts performer, nothing more.

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I've no problem listening to him, as he knows what he's talking about when it comes to action filmmaking. I think the way he's putting his words is what provokes and offends people, whether there's truth in them or just opinions. I'd say it's worth paying alot of attention to his statements as people can easily miscomprehend his words.

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I remember hearing him talking about his fight with Jet in OUATIC 2 & he certainly gave the impression that the fight was great because of him & only him. I seem to think he said it was his idea to use the rolled up sheets as staffs & also that Jet was using a lighter staff than him so his moves were much harder to perform. His interview re Iron Monkey was similar with Donnie taking full credit for the films success. I'm sure he does contribute alot with ideas & fight choreography but it wouldn't hurt for him to acknowledge that a films success is due to a collective effort from all cast & crew.

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Yeah, I get that vibe from him. It's hard when someone has that amount of talent (and experience) to tell them to back off. Or at least chill out. I mean, I like arrogance to a certain extent and he's earned himself a place in the pantheon of movie fighters. But it seems like he can't help himself when he gets to talking.

Plus, he doesn't seem to have the best taste in picking productions but that could be another topic!

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Guest Yi-Long

Well... like I said, I think he's a terrific action-PERFORMER so he deserves respect for his skills etc.

I just think he comes across as very arrogant, and it's kinda misplaced, cause I'm not that fond of his acting skills, his directing skills, or his choreography. In fact, I quite dislike his choreography a lot of the time.

Jet carries himself way more gracefully and 'wise', when doing interviews etc. He's a lot more humble and friendly, and as far as I'm concerned, also a lot more talented and skilled.

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Jet carries himself way more gracefully and 'wise', when doing interviews etc.

that's a good one... 'wise'...

jet grew up in a different background with different values and ethics so there's nothing 'wise' with his interviews, just him being himself. same goes for donnie (no matter how he sounds and behaves).

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Guest Yi-Long
that's a good one... 'wise'...

jet grew up in a different background with different values and ethics so there's nothing 'wise' with his interviews, just him being himself. same goes for donnie (no matter how he sounds and behaves).

Well... I think it's 'wise' to not run your mouth too much, just answering the questions etc without boasting, etc.

He seems to be more in control of how he wants to come across to the audience and the people he talks to, while Donnie just says whatever comes into his mind, truth or not, and doesnt give a shit about how people might perceive that.

Maybe it's another one of those 'things' he picked up from Bruce Lee, but still...

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He seems to be more in control of how he wants to come across to the audience and the people he talks to, while Donnie just says whatever comes into his mind, truth or not, and doesnt give a shit about how people might perceive that.

it's called openness. there's no reason why certain individuals should be concerned what others might think once they've expressed themselves the way they wanted to express things, they can say whatever they feel like saying. no matter the words he spits out that you consider shit, it's still has truth and logics in them cause it's his own opinions.

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Chinatown Kid

Donnie is similar to Bruce in that he may come across as arrogant but he can also back it up. I think it's cool that he honestly expresses himself and the way he feels without worrying about what others think.

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I have no doubts that Donnie can back up a lot of what he is saying. But when you "say" a lot, does that necessarily mean everyone has to listen?

The problem with brashness like that is that while it can be refreshing and honest, it can also be self-serving and close-minded. I think Bruce Lee had the same quality, maybe even more so. He believed in himself to the nth degree and was a phenomenal performer. He also put himself above anyone he knew and had little respect for others as time went on (maybe also due to roid rage...)

Donnie does too (believes in himself) but I wanted to open the discussion because sometimes people can come off wrong on camera or because they piss the wrong people off. And the world needs people like that but on the other hand the world needs people to tell you sometimes STFU and for you to take that into consideration.

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Guest Yi-Long

There is nothing wrong with arrogance and openness and honesty etc... but like NuttyToad says, in Donnie's case it's mostly selfboasting and arrogant. Guys like Muhammad Ali and Bruce also had intelligent stuff to say, and could be honest and open positive about other people as well.

Also, the dude is just a very talented martial artist, and everything else he is pretty mediocre and he's still learning etc... yet he comes off as he's the bee's knees.

And about backing up his stuff? What stuff? He's a talented performer. You think he's a brilliant fighter in real life? He's a guy who does the same 4 gorgeous kicks over and over again in every movie he makes, including the same angle and slo-mo.

I really wish he would back down on slagging other people off, and just proof himself with a long list of quality movies, instead of having 5 shitty movies for every good movie he makes.

Talk is cheap: show it on the screen, Donnie!

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Chinatown Kid

What stuff? Have you even seen Flash Point and SPL? He does a helluva lot more than 4 pretty kicks. He has showed great versatility in those movies with a nice mix of Jiujitsu moves combined with strikes/kicks and flashy stuff. He has combined these different techniques/styles well imo and has some of the most interesting and entertaining fights going today. If you don't like him that's your perogative and I want fault you for that, but I like his talents so don't fault me for that either. And if you don't think he can fight for real go challenge him and find out, I bet you'll find out different. I can understand everyone may not like him and have no problem with that, but I don't have a problem with him myself.

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I heard Donnie has had plastic surgery to look caucasian-ish. That's kinda crazy. That's like if Linn had an operation to help him look like Simon Yuen.

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Well, as much as I like Donnie's work, his coming off as arrogant is a bit irritating. I mean, look at Corey Yuen, Yuen Wo-Ping, Jackie Chan, and Sammo Hung. These guys are some of the top names in action choreography, and yes, Jackie may be a perfectionist, but they don't come off as saying "I am all that and a bag of chips". As long as Donnie respects some of the other choreographers' works, then I don't have a problem with that, which I'm sure he does considering Corey Yuen choreographed that fight between him and Jackie in Twins Effect II and Jackie choreographing their first fight in Shanghai Knights.

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I heard Donnie has had plastic surgery to look caucasian-ish. That's kinda crazy. That's like..

Any person/race trying to look like another race is downright pathetic.


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I don't really mind his arrogance, I guess that's just the way he is. He shouldn't try to make others look bad though, like Jet Li in OUATIC 2 and criticize him just because they do different types of movies and different types of action.

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