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Railroad Tigers (2016) – Jackie Chan


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Jackie Chan is gearing up for a $50 million project titled Railroad Tigers, an action comedy that reunites the legend with director Ding Sheng (Little Big Soldier, Police Story 2013) for a 3rd time.

Railroad Tigers is set in wartime China in 1941 and features Chan as a railroad worker who leads a team of freedom fighters who use their knowledge of the train network to disrupt Japan’s wartime engine and steal food for the starving Chinese population.


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Secret Executioner

Sounds interesting. Nice to see Jackie Chan branching out too, as I didn't really expect this before reading this thread.

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Jackie and Ding Sheng have made some good films together, but comparing it to DM2 20 years after the fact has me a little concerned.

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And I thought that Jackie was done with action pictures? Did he get bored with doing only drama? :monk_concerned:Yeah, it is odd to say that this new film will be comparable to DM 2. Maybe they meant DM 3, instead. :laugh Of course, I would love for it to equal DM 2 or even surpass it. But, Jackie was pretty much useless in Police Story 2013. No disrespect to Jackie, but the choreography was shit and JC`s fight scenes could have been done by anyone. The commentary on that dvd even stated that they had to force JC to add some action scenes and that he really did not want to do it. And, you could really tell. But, even if we get another classic out of JC, we still have another Chinese vs Japanese movie. I think that storyline has been done at least a zillion times by now and needs to be put to rest. Is there no other way to express Nationalism than to regurgitate the same old tired idea?

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To me Jackie Chan is a god but he hasn't done a good fight scene for many years.I think because of his age and the injurys he's had he just can't do them anymore,the fight scene in Chinese zodiac was ok but it looked a bit of a struggle at times and dragon blade was just dull so unless he's got twenty years younger I don't think it will be comparable to DM2.For me he reminds me of a world class boxer who can't fight at the top anymore but can't let it go and just keeps going.

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To me Jackie Chan is a god but he hasn't done a good fight scene for many years.I think because of his age and the injurys he's had he just can't do them anymore,the fight scene in Chinese zodiac was ok but it looked a bit of a struggle at times and dragon blade was just dull so unless he's got twenty years younger I don't think it will be comparable to DM2.For me he reminds me of a world class boxer who can't fight at the top anymore but can't let it go and just keeps going.

While none of his recent fights are comparable to "Drunken Master 2", I still think the final fight scene in "Chinese Zodiac" is solid.

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While none of his recent fights are comparable to "Drunken Master 2", I still think the final fight scene in "Chinese Zodiac" is solid.

I agree. I also like the Shanghai Knights market fight, makes me smile every time. Not a classic perhaps, but more in that vein, same with New Police Story.

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1 hour ago, One Armed Boxer said:

I got through watching this one last night....a solid third collaboration between Jackie Chan and Ding Sheng.  I gave it the full review treatment here - 


I saw it yesterday as well and my full review will be posted on Christmas Day. :) I totally agree with OAB on this one. 

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Agreed that Jackie and Jaycee had great chemistry.

I liked the film. I'm still coming to terms with a way to describe accurately how I feel about it, but I walked away liking it.

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Didn't like it... or at least not nearly as much as I thought I would. The constant slapstick and overall silliness just didn't work for me. Not to mention that once again the japanese army got portrayed as total dimwits. For me I guess the movie would've worked a lot better in a more serious tone, with occassional comedy. I think JC has overdone it this time.

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One Armed Boxer
2 hours ago, laagi said:

I think JC has overdone it this time.

You're going to have a blast with 'Kung Fu Yoga' if you haven't seen it yet.:tongueout

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6 minutes ago, One Armed Boxer said:

You're going to have a blast with 'Kung Fu Yoga' if you haven't seen it yet.:tongueout

:monk_laughing: I've been trying to avoid that one so far...

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According to a few articles I've seen, netflix is adding this to their lineup on the 22nd of July. If you haven't seen it.

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