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Hard Boiled (1992)

Guest Ministry88

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Guest shaolin student

I'm looking for the best DVD copy to buy. If anyone have information on the best copy, please inform. Thank you.

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Guest stormybman

The new DD 2disc SE is out and I picked up a copy today. It looks really great with nice audio selections. There's an Eng. dubb, which I did not listen to. Print looks very good over the Mei Ah disc, and it appears to be uncut, however, I haven't compared it yet. :)

" Now you listen to me, I'll only say it once, we are NOT sick men!!!"

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Guest stormybman

Thanks for the correction... :)

"Tell me the truth, no more lies... If I turn myself over to you, will you leave the school alone?"

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Guest dndcollect

they didnt remaster it? wow, i was expecting this to be the best video available.

what is the version with the best possible picture?

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Guest Yi Long

Incredible that they still managed to @#%$ up Hard Boiled... this time with DUBtitles (!)

Anyway, I have the HK dvd and I'm happy with it. It aint perfect and I'm sure it can and will look better, but I bought it for 4 bucks when I was in HK, and it serves me fine untill someone finally decides to not be idiots and release a perfect version.

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Guest wudawg

And to think I almost picked this up yesterday. Glad I waited. I'll just wait for the price drop to buy it so I won't feel cheated. I'll stick the the DVD I have now. Thanks for the info everyone.

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Guest Ministry88

Phew! Good thing I didn't pick up that Dragon Dynasty release of Hard Boiled! What a mess! Dubtitles and a stretched image...yuck.

Anyways, I'm thinking about taking the plunge and just buying the Tartan Collector's edition, which seems to be the best option (good image quality in original Aspect Ratio, original Cantonese track, subtitles translated from the original Cantonese).

*My only question: is it FULLY uncut? I'm a little cautious considering this a UK release and how fickle the BBFC can be with violent films.


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Guest drunkenmantis13

So the DD isn't that great? Shame. I guess the PS3 Stranglehold collector will include the same version simply upconverted to 1080p?

Guess i'll still try to hunt down the HK Video release...

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Guest The Running Man

I actually already started a thread on this way back when I wrote a review.

Here it is.

I put it in the General Cult section because it isn't a martial arts film.


I would appreciate some dialog with me on this rather than just quietly dismiss my review in your comments on this page and on the home theater forum website.

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Guest Vanian

Sure thing. I didn't dismiss your review. Not sure why you thought that.

My review says that the image is cropped and stretched. How sensitive somebody is to that varies. I don't think it's as extreme a distortion as HKL's Magnificent Butcher. I see it and know it's there. I don't like it but I know that for a large number of people, it won't bother them. Just reading the reviews at Amazon shows that some people don't notice.

I think people should rent it or try to see it before buying it. I don't tell people to run out and get it. For those who are limited to Region 1 and don't buy imports, as sad as it is, it's the best they have. My review was geared toward those in Region 1. This is why I don't mention the other releases. I haven't seen them personally so i can't say how they are.

Before I even viewed the DVD I told Bey Logan that there was a lot of negative publicity about this and he said people can send him their comments. He's spoken to Brian White about this as well. His e-mail address is on the Dragon Dynasty and he does write back. I got the feeling he wasn't happy with it. He did say they were limited to the source materials they had. I asked him to make sure that Dragon Dynasty did not use the subtitles from the English dub of the Dimension Fist of Legend DVD and he said that it would be a new translation.

I do encourage people to write him with your comments. If enough people complain about the picture maybe something can happen. I doubt they will create new subtitles but I don't think a new transfer could be beyond reason. The Blu-Ray version with Stanglehold isn't officially a release in the true sense of the word. It's feasable that they would use a new master for an HD or Blu Ray official release. If they do that it probably wouldn't be to dificult to fix the standard definition release. Of course anybody who bought it already is out of luck.

For the dubtitles I thought it kept the same spirit of the ones I just saw on the theatrical print a few weeks ago. I would have liked a new translation but these didn't alter any plot points or character motivations.

You are welcome to e-mail me at matt@loveandbullets.com if you like. I didn't mean anything as a personal attack or dismissal of your review. I tried to state how it looked and let the individual decide.

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Guest tigerstyles

just seen the D D trailer for this on LAst Harrah DVD and its alot better than the HK Mei Ah version quality wise better colours and cleaner image, didn't seem stretched atall

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