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Boyka: Undisputed 4 (2016) - Scott Adkins, Teodora Duhovnikova, Alon Aboutboul, Brahim Achabbakhe, Martyn Ford


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Guest Anonymous

You might ought to watch some of his films again. Adkins is not an XMA style martial artist, and Jaa uses far more tricking in his films than Adkins does. What you describe appears in more Thai films than it does in Adkins' filmography. I'm not saying Adkins doesn't throw an extra spin or twist in there, but I believe you're over-exaggerating a bit regarding it being a crutch of many fight scenes in his films. He's a dynamic kicker, and able to pull off aerial maneuvers most MA's wouldn't undertake, but I find his screen fighting far more grounded than Jaa's, and more on par with his contemporaries. He's actually one of the few Caucasian screen fighters to breath life into the genre, and actually try to keep it fresh. His fight against Kane Kosugi at the end of Ninja: Shadow of a Tear is one of the best screen fights in the last 5 years.

Not an XMA martial artist? Maybe he didnt join an XMA gym or compete in XMA but he really does the "tricking style" an Jaa does not do as much as him. I am just going to have to disagree.

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WhiteDragon, we welcome varied opinions and points of views; that's part of the fun of this forum. However, in four of your posts (in a thread with only 17 posts) you mention your dislike of Scott Adkins XMA tricking, so your point has been heard. This thread was made primarily for fans of the series, and for those excited about the new entry to express their excitement about it. So please don't make this thread into a place where the UNDISPUTED series' fans feel they have to wade through a lot of negative comments- it's takes away the fun. :wink

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I have been waiting over 6 years for this movie!! To hear how excited Scott Adkns is to play Boyka again and how hard he pushed himself in the fight scenes...I am counting the minutes until this is released!!

Great to see you here brother! :clappinghands

I'm with you- can't wait for this! I hope that the new line-up of fighters they are using in this entry are just as good as those for the previous films. No doubt director Isaac Florentine's real martial arts training and film work in the genre gives a unique and educated eye for choosing his action actors. I wonder if he lets Adkins have a lot of say in that kind of casting? I would guess that he probably does- it would make sense.

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Hello brother Bob!!!

Yeah I'm confident the level of talent will be on par with the previous series and Tim Man did a great job on choreography for Ninja 2 I'm excited to see what he brings to this movie!!

White Dragon thanks for your views on Adkins as well...always great to get a different perspective on things. I will admit to having a man crush on him the likes I have not had since seeing Yuen Biao in The Prodigal Son so I'll be getting this DAY ONE!!

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The teaser trailer is up...getting goosebumps...a full trailer will be out next month. The official title of the film, according to Isaac Florentine, is simply Boyka: Undisputed


The plot kind of reminds me of Blood and Bone, where here Boyka, after accidentally killing a fighter, decides to save his opponent's widow by fighting in a series of battles. I'm only taking a wild guess here but I think the lead fighting villain is going to be played by bodybuilder Martyn Ford, who looks like a beast in his own right. 

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31 minutes ago, D1 Ma said:

looks too low budget, but not bad overall. Hopefully it delivers the goods

 Yeah, hopefully that's not the downfall of the movie. Extremely low budget for sure. I hate the fact that movies like this don't get any kind of funding that's worth a damn.

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11 minutes ago, OpiumKungFuCracker said:

 Yeah, hopefully that's not the downfall of the movie. Extremely low budget for sure. I hate the fact that movies like this don't get any kind of funding that's worth a damn.

We're lucky that this got made at all. Apparently UNDISPUTED III was bootlegged and torrented so much that it made no money for the filmmakers! If I were a betting man, I'd have said no way a part 4 would ever get made.

When I watched the trailer I wasn't thinking "low budget", I was thinking "YES!!!:clappinghands Can't wait to see it. :wink:

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I loved the trailer and for me it looks about the same budget as Undisputed 2 and 3 which are some of the best western martial arts movies of the past decade!!  The story seems like natural progression for the character and the fights look amazing!! 

This is easily my most anticipated martial arts movie of 2016 and I can't wait!!


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23 minutes ago, OpiumKungFuCracker said:

 Yeah, hopefully that's not the downfall of the movie. Extremely low budget for sure. I hate the fact that movies like this don't get any kind of funding that's worth a damn.

This has always bugged me too OKFC.

8 minutes ago, KUNG FU BOB said:

We're lucky that this got made at all. Apparently UNDISPUTED III was bootlegged and torrented so much that it made no money for the filmmakers! If I were a betting man, I'd have said no way a part 4 would ever get made.

When I watched the trailer I wasn't thinking "low budget", I was thinking "YES!!!:clappinghands Can't wait to see it. :wink:

Far too many people now think its fine to never pay for films or music. A team of people put all their time and effort into a film and in some cases risk their lives. Only too many people don't feel they have to put anything back and just enjoy it for free. Like there's a whole industry that's just their to entertain them for free. Would those same people go to work without getting paid?.

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1 hour ago, KUNG FU BOB said:

We're lucky that this got made at all. Apparently UNDISPUTED III was bootlegged and torrented so much that it made no money for the filmmakers! If I were a betting man, I'd have said no way a part 4 would ever get made.

When I watched the trailer I wasn't thinking "low budget", I was thinking "YES!!!:clappinghands Can't wait to see it. :wink:

Me too Bob, I was thinking this looks great! It's what i'd expect budget wise from these movies as it's really the non stop action that makes them so watchable and Adkins & Florentine tend to deliver in that department. Agree with the comments on piracy killing the industry, pretty much everyone I know seems to watch new films without paying nowadays, I don't on principle and I continue to pick up blu rays/dvds especially for movies like this just to support them and so that future releases will continue.

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Looks ok, hope the fights gave some decent exchanges and not just fancy tricking! Ninja 2 was awesome so will keep my fingers crossed :)

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3 hours ago, Ramji said:

Looks ok, hope the fights gave some decent exchanges and not just fancy tricking! Ninja 2 was awesome so will keep my fingers crossed :)

I'm hoping for the same. They've always been fantastic movies, but they really stepped their game up with Ninja 2. Ninja 2 belongs up there with your In the Line of Duty 4's and your Yes, Madam's. It's their masterpiece, and most of that has to do with the choreography. Love tricking, and I hope they keep doing it, but exchanges are the meat and potatoes of martial arts films. I hope they keep it up. The trailer looks fantastic, and I'm glad they've changed things up a bit. (Did I see Boyka fire a gun?) Nice to see them moving forward. I did, however, just find out Florentine's not directing this one, Todor Chapkanov is. But all signs point to the man totally knowing what he's doing.

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One Armed Boxer
1 hour ago, ToryK said:

I did, however, just find out Florentine's not directing this one, Todor Chapkanov is. But all signs point to the man totally knowing what he's doing.

Florentine isn't in the directors chair for this one, how on earth did we all miss out on that minor detail!?

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Excited for this and boyka with a gun? he levelled up lol, After Ninja 2 I'm looking forward to seeing some great action scenes but most importantly the story (though same same but different) seems strong in this one - alot of character development for boyka, which is why I felt Undsiputed 3 was awesome to begin with. Hoping the Badguy tests boyka, the mask definately had a 'oh snap, this should be good' vibe :)

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10 hours ago, One Armed Boxer said:

Florentine isn't in the directors chair for this one, how on earth did we all miss out on that minor detail!?

He may not be directing, but he is the producer. Maybe this Chapkanov is a protege of Florentine and while this is quite a project to tackle, Florentine must have had a hand in showing Chapkanov how to go about shooting the film :)

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I started the trailer feeling distinctly "meh" and, by the end, I was all "WOOHOO! Boyka's back!" One thing that stood out of for me was the camera work. It looks like there might be some nice shots in this one.
I'm hoping they're "hiding" a lot of the action as, what we see in the trailer, looks a lot like the previous films. Although, it's nice to see Boyka laying the smack down outside the ring in this one.

I'm reserving judgement. I'm excited for this one and it looks to be a nice addition to the series but, admittedly, it could end up not being as goo as we'd hoped. Still, I'm keeping the faith!

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Showed the trailer to my parents and both were totally stoked! They were like "Yes, we have to see this!" 

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Annoys me that Hollywood throws big money into making and advertising re-makes/reboots . Whilst films such as Boyka:Undisputed struggle to get a theatrical release or even make a profit in some cases. My hat goes off to people in the independent film industries, who continue to make films such as this one despite the odds stacked against them. 

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4 minutes ago, DragonClaws said:

Annoys me that Hollywood throws big money into making and advertising re-makes/reboots . Whilst films such as Boyka:Undisputed struggle to get a theatrical release or even make a profit in some cases. My hat goes off to people in the independent film industries, who continue to make films such as this one despite the odds stacked against them. 

That's exactly why I support independent martial arts films and indie films as a whole. :)

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