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Phantom Kung Fu (Taiwan, 1979)


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Q #1(Possible minor spoiler) -

Okay, about halfway through, there's a scene I don't fully get: Cha Te Lu is sitting in his room of candles, and he's reflecting on his encounters with Shao Yu Pai, and he's also picturing this book or paper with writing on it. Evidently, these memories cause him to suddenly come to the conclusion that Shao doesn't know Magic Spiritual Kung Fu, as he had previously thought. What the heck does he realize that makes him think that? What is that book/paper? Are we supposed to have seen it before? Also, he never explains this or mentions it again, or explains what he thinks is really going on. This is really bugging me :mad: and I'd appreciate ANY insight into this! Thank you!

Q #2 - I have the Video Asia version of this, is there a better one out there, possibly widescreen? Thanks!

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Moongirl, don't waste your time picking apart the piece of **** that is Phantom Kung Fu. Its the worst movie to have the names Tommy Lee, Chang Yi and Wong Tao attached to it. i could not believe how bad this one was. After reading the favourable review on this site I thought I had got the wrong impression - no way. This **** stinks. My copy is the UK release on Vengeance, but you should DEFINITELY not seek it out.

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I loved this movie! One of my favorite Chang Yi roles(apart from Bells of Death of course). But there is some confusion, I'll have to rewatch this again soon.

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Tosh, HOW can you say that?!! I find this movie despicably bad. I dont see how anyone could like it. The fights are dreadful, so low budget its unbelievable, hardly any fights for Chang although he is pretty cool in an over the top way. And the ****ing ending! Stupid and ****. Come on people, who else is gonna agree with me?

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Well this is another one you either love or hate, out of all the one dimensional villains out there I thought Chang Yi put some real flair into his character, and the Palms of Death has to be one of the coolest moves ever, I thought there was some great fight scenes between Yi and Don Wong Tao, but the best was him going at it with Tommy Lee.

Certinaly not as good as The H-C-V but better than some of Lee Tso Nam's other works imo.

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I had to own it. All Tommy Lee films (no matter how bad parts of his films are) are must haves. Tommy Lee is certaintly one of the kings IMHO.

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Morgoth Bauglir

This movie is one of my favorites. Definitely my favorite performance from Chang Yi, and I loved the fights between him and Wong Tao . The one and only thing I didn't like abotu this movie was the final fight, but since I loved the entire movie up to there I can't complain too much.

And Moongirl I wouldn't let that scene bug you. I don't know if you will find an explanation for it, but hey you never know.

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...Cha Te Lu is sitting in his room of candles, and he's reflecting on his encounters with Shao Yu Pai, and he's also picturing this book or paper with writing on it. Evidently, these memories cause him to suddenly come to the conclusion that Shao doesn't know Magic Spiritual Kung Fu, as he had previously thought. What the heck does he realize that makes him think that? ...

In my opinion, he is imagining the supposed manual he has never seen, which contains the secrets of Magic Spiritual Kung Fu. He does not reach the conclusion that Shao doesn't know the technique. Rather, he is trying to convince himself rationally, by stating emphatically that it is not real, even though his senses are telling him that it appears real.

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Bruce, thanks for your insight. I hadn't thought of looking at it that way, but it makes a lot of sense.

Tan, I understand what you're saying, but I've got to say, I love this movie. I really love Chang Yi, and I think he's completely outrageous and out of control in this film. It was also cool to see Tommy Lee as a good guy (I've always seen him as a villain). I also really liked the mysterious/supernatural element in this film, too. I thought it was a blast, but I wish I had a better copy!

Thanks everyone for your comments.

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Secret Executioner

Anybody knows if/where one could find this wonderful little film in its original Mandarin dub ? I know the English dub is part of why it's so enjoyable, but I guess it must be nice in Mandarin too.

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Killer Meteor

Wasn't a fan of this one, but the awful dubbing didn't help, Chang Yi is normally fairly restrained, but his OTT Richard III hamming and Inspector Clouseou moustache makes him look silly.

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thundered mantis

wasn´t this one released on mandarin by fortune star on dvd back in the days? Or am I mistaking it with phantom killer?

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Ninja Sinai

I remember actually kinda enjoying this when I first watched it years ago.. Loved Chang Yi's role in this.. def gonna have to watch this again!

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