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SPECTRE (James Bond - 2015)


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Sweet! I'm interested to see this. I just wasn't all that impressed with Skyfall.

I'm a HUGE Bond fan, but I wasn't impressed with all the "novelty" BS of Skyfall. Didn't hate it, but it's my least favorite of the Craig Bonds.

But I'm still excited for Spectre!

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I'm a HUGE Bond fan, but I wasn't impressed with all the "novelty" BS of Skyfall. Didn't hate it, but it's my least favorite of the Craig Bonds.

But I'm still excited for Spectre!

I know, right? And it seemed like everyone I talked to or review I read were raving that it was the best of the 3 Bond films Craig had done. I just didn't get it. Sooooooo, bring on Blofeld! :nerd:

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I hope their smackdown will be as good or even better than Skyfall's fight between Bond and Patrice. Liam Neeson's fight choreographer of the Taken films, Olivier Schneider, is the choreographer for the fight scenes. So there is definite hope. At least there won't be any crappy shaky cam.

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Was Patrice the one Bond fought on the train? That was good but it was more about the spectacle than the choreography, and in their next fight it was in the dark. But it is great about Mendes being behind the camera, he knows how to frame a good action scene. Hopefully this time there'll be an all out brawl.

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Well, I really have no idea where to start with describing what I saw in that film - if you have high hopes after Skyfall, forget it - Spectre holds the familiar formula from the franchise, however it was one of the most bland, blunt and uninspired presentations I've seen since Die another day with Pierce Brosnan.


At first I have no clue who decide to put such horrible voice in the opening credits, the music composition may be spot on, the lyrics somewhat good, but this Sam I-forgot-his-surname is a pain in the ears in glorious 3D. The high notes were hurting my brain and that CGI octopus wasn't getting things right either. The film has good techical side - cinematography and locations were quite good, Bautista was decent combination between Oddjob and Red Grant, there is small touches all over the movie in homage to the old classics from the beginning of the Bond era, but the good for me ends here.


The whole film looks bored and tired, Daniel Craig was like a flat wine in expensive wrapping (or bottle), both Monica and Lea were like cardboard characters - plain and colorless, not a hint of emotions, not a small amount of impulse, not even a touch of screen presence. Wasted potential of Waltz in the villain section, the action is not that exciting, some laughable scenes were scattered throughout the movie as if to make it entertaining - it is painful to watch them actually. For me this is the weakest Bond on Craig's side and one of the weakest in the whole franchise...


Pity really as it could have been so much better...



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Secret Executioner

Read/heard some reviews and it seemed like the "James Bond girls" were rather bland (Léa Seydoux was really uninteresting and the romance came out of nowhere, while Belucci was reduced to a 5-minute cameo), though I heard Waltz did a solid job as Bloefeld and Bautista made for an apparently very threatening guy. Personally, I wasn't too fond of the trailer and it doesn't seem like something I could sit through for nearly 2 hours (I do have a few Bond movies on DVD, but I wouldn't consider myself a fan of the franchise).


On a sidenote, what's the consensus on Skyfall ? I recall reading alot of bad things (on here notably), yet I also heard it's considered an improvement over Quantum of Solace (which itself was weaker than Casino Royale).

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I think Casino Royale is a great film, although it doesn't feel as much like a Bond film as maybe it should.. I'd consider it one of the best non Asian action films of its decade.


Skyfall is a good movie, but I didn't find it nearly as good as most critics.


Bummer to hear Spectre has turned out to be a bit of a dud.

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I liked Spectre.  It could have been tightened up a bit...while a few scenes could have also been fleshed out more.  The SPECTRE organization needed a bigger intro and more comprehensive tie-in to the previous installments.   I feel like they may be saving something for the next film.  We will see.  I disagree with people who say the Bond girls were uninteresting or bland.  I liked them just fine!  Fantastic long-take opening.  Great fight on the train.  The plane verses car was also nice.   Could have been better, sure, but it was still very good in my eyes.


Skyfall was a hit with critics, but reaction was mixed with longtime Bond fans.  Spectre is an attempt to do an old-style Bond film in the Craig era.  Personally, I think Casino Royale is still his best movie, but this one might be second best.  I'd need to see it again to be sure, though.  Had a bad experience at my movie theater...someone behind me actually took a damn phone call during the movie.  I almost got out my chair and smacked him....

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I liked Spectre.  It could have been tightened up a bit...while a few scenes could have also been fleshed out more.  The SPECTRE organization needed a bigger intro and more comprehensive tie-in to the previous installments.   I feel like they may be saving something for the next film.  We will see.  I disagree with people who say the Bond girls were uninteresting or bland.  I liked them just fine!  Fantastic long-take opening.  Great fight on the train.  The plane verses car was also nice.   Could have been better, sure, but it was still very good in my eyes.


Skyfall was a hit with critics, but reaction was mixed with longtime Bond fans.  Spectre is an attempt to do an old-style Bond film in the Craig era.  Personally, I think Casino Royale is still his best movie, but this one might be second best.  I'd need to see it again to be sure, though.  Had a bad experience at my movie theater...someone behind me actually took a damn phone call during the movie.  I almost got out my chair and smacked him....

Glad to hear this Yoda. Also nice to see others agreeing with me on Skyfall, although we may have talked about this on the old forum, my memory fails me. Actually, you have made me want to see Spectre in the theatre now, haha.

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For myself, Skyfall bored me. I actually find QOS preferable to it. Haven't seen Spectre yet, but I'll probably wait till it hits Netflix.

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Just saw Spectre yesterday. I thought the action was amazing (the opening for this movie was top-notch), but everything else was mostly boring. During every scene that didn't have any action, I kinda zoned out and didn't pay attention. While watching this movie, I thought "This movie should be ending soon. (checks time) Nope, there's still an hour and a half left."


But still, the action is suspenseful and sometimes mesmerizing, so I didn't really care. I thought it was still a good spy movie.

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Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace is the only ones I've seen of Daniel Craig. So the verdict is to skip it??? I saw 10 mins of Skyfall and I thought it was damn good when he got shot off the bridge and landed in a river and the music cues in. 

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Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace is the only ones I've seen of Daniel Craig. So the verdict is to skip it??? 




No, but you should see Skyfall first.  Important things happen that carry over to Spectre.  Have you liked the Craig ones you've seen?  Are you a big Bond fan?

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I actually liked SPECTRE. :)  A lot. (huge Bond fan, BTW)


It reminded me a lot of a Lewis Gilbert-era Bond flick (Spy Who Loved Me, etc). The cars. The over-exaggerrated villains. I like how they brought the gun barrel opening sequence back to the start of the film! Brings back memories. I can't complain one bit. I was even contemplating on seeing it again. 


That's what's crazy about the Bond franchise. So many different Bonds, themes, directors, styles, etc... you get a bunch of Bond fans together and they can argue for days on what's the best or worst of the series. 


As it stands, here is how I rank the Daniel Craig Bond flicks...


1. Casino Royale – Perfection. In a way, I wish they all had this feel. But it's nice to see how the franchise got back into being classy (i.e. Goldfinger) again. 


2. Skyfall – I didn't like this when it first came out. Felt gimmicky. Very Christopher Nolan-esque. But it was only during a second viewing that I recognized its brilliance. I'll still never care for the Staw Dogs-like finale. 


3. Tie: Quantum of Solace/SPECTRE – QOS gets a bad rap, but there's still more good than bad. And that opening sequence is classic. 


I want Martin Cambell to direct the next Bond again.  And I want to see Craig back as well. 


But still, the best Bond flick I've seen in the last 10 years is still Kingsman: The Secret Service!



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No, but you should see Skyfall first.  Important things happen that carry over to Spectre.  Have you liked the Craig ones you've seen?  Are you a big Bond fan?

  Not the biggest but I've seen all the movies not including skyfall and spectre. 

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I caught SPECTRE this week and found it to be another decent and entertaining entry in the Bond series. Fans who disliked Skyfall may not take to this latest installment either. I just wish they hadn't toned it down to get a PG-13/12-A. They made good use of Bautista and he makes for a formidable opponent for Bond. I liked the opening credits sequence apart from the song they used which was really bland.

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Wow. Grand-scaled, explosive, dramatic, amusing, depth, gimmicky. This one has every sort of classic Bond spread across the picture. Done and mixed with the new-gen Bond traits, and to the point of being appropriate homages. I love how they have kept raising the bar for each new Bond, and keeps that momentum with this one reaching even further. More question marks answered, imaginative action, and danger for our protagonist(s). Bond vs Mr. Hinx, fantastic showdown and easily the action highlight of the movie. Gritty, intense, and a lovely tribute to the Red Grant fight scene. Waltz's Blodfeld, just wow. Came off Tarantino-ish at times with the dialogue but it worked, and the twist in the last act was brilliance establishing a bit of the character from the classic Bonds (a hint of more Blofeld appearances to come?). However, why did they have to dress him like that? For such a world threatening character with a great sense of leadership with plenty of resources, intelligence and connections, it was more comical than anything that all the costume designer could come up with was that. Overall, I really like it more than QoS and Skyfall.

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Truly baffled when I read some of the above commentaries. Saw it just before New Year's eve and thought its a mediocre romp - at best!  What I liked about CASINO ROYALE was that it marked a fresh reboot of an ageing franchise, it took chances, broke with tired taboos (the Bond gal being offed, for instance), had an outstanding parkour chase scene at the beginning and the energy level didn't really sag afterwards. And considering that it came with the required PG13 tag, director Martin Campbell really pushed the envelope and even went for some moderate brutality (a tough toilet brawl shot in black & white that somehow reminded me of a similar scene in Johnnie To's MAD DETECTIVE, a neckbreak that, I think, was cut for some territories and the Bond 'torture chair' scene).

SPECTRE is a far cry from that. Yes, it kicks off with a truly phenomennal opening set-piece, props for Gary Powell and his crew for keeping the action grounded and the CGI at bay here, but for the rest of its over-long run time the film never comes even remotely close to the excitement of that scene again. Fairly decent but too short train fight with Bautista, tedious car chase in Rome through deserted streets, and finally it all peters out with a perplexingly trite showdown in a seemingly police-less London. But it wasn't just that the action didn't deliver - save for the one-take bliss of the Mexico City entry - , it was the merciless predictability of its ridiculously overwrought save-the-world plot as well as Waltz'es wacky villain turn and his his stilted speeches that I found hard to swallow. Also, despite another solid Daniel Craig performance that ol' style JB humour just grates the longer the film runs. SPECTRE is certainly still better than spoofs like KINGSMAN: THE SECRET SERVICE (all silliness with zero substance), but for me at this point its difficult to see where they'll take the franchise from here.

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SPECTRE (2015) - It's pretty astonishing that a movie whose budget was estimated to be between 250 and 300 million dollars could bring you so little bang for your buck. It's also astonishing that after the great SKYFALL and the magnificent CASINO ROYALE, that such an underwhelming 007 movie could be made.
The EEVIL plot is very reminiscent of CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER, which came out the year before, but switching Hydra with Spectre. Speaking of the name Spectre, the revelation of the organization's name is so casual--they don't even bother to tell us what it's an acronym for: Special Executive for Counterintelligence, Terrorism, Revenge and Extortion--and barely mentioned again that I wonder why they even bothered.

But there's the story thread about Franz Oberhauser, a figure from Bond's past that haunted him from the shadows without Bond realizing it. It's not convincing, as the movie needed to spend more time with that subplot to make us believe that 007's sort-of adopted brother was a born psychopath with jealousy issues who would go on to found a worldwide criminal organization. And why bother to do the "my new name is Ernst Stravro Blofeld" bit if there's no dramatic accompaniment to the revelation, or anything done with it afterward. As Keith Allison of Teleport-City said, it's a film that's simultaneously too long *and* too short at the same time.

And yes, this film has some of the least interesting action in a 007 film since THE MAN WITH THE GOLDEN GUN (1974), and at least that one had a young Yuen Qiu beating people up with kung fu. There's really no excuse for the action to be this perfunctory. The set-up's are there, but the execution lacks any OOMPH at all.
In the end, I think I cared less for this one than I did QUANTUM OF SOLACE, and I know a lot of people hate that one. That one had a few good fight scenes, a couple of good character moments, Olga Kurylenko, and a great final scene. This one has a great opening song, some good performances and great production values, but doesn't know what to do with them.
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