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Shaw Brothers Free on Hulu


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Hulu has recently added a few SB movies to their catalog. They have six films online to watch for free. They're all in remastered, English dubbed:

The Blood Brothers

36th Chamber of Shaolin

Disciples of Shaolin

Executioners from Shaolin

Shaolin Prince

Return to the 36th Chamber

Hopefully more will be added soon. Enjoy!

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Ugh, why dubs? It's 2015, my god.

What samurai films are on Hulu?

You can see a lot of them by looking at this link. You can see they have a bunch of Criterions including ones that will eventually be released (both parts of Mizoguchi's Loyal Ronin.) All the Zatoichis, all the Hanzos.

Zatoichi list.

Chambara search

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A few more titles have just popped up:

Disciples of the 36th Chamber

Heroes Two

5 Shaolin Masters

Invincible Shaolin

Martial Arts of Shaolin

Shaolin Martial Arts


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Ugh, why dubs? It's 2015, my god.

You make an interesting point because Hulu has many international films in their native language with subtitles. Maybe it was just less expensive for them to buy the English dubs to stream (possible sub-license from El Ray network?), or maybe there is still a perception that all fans of the genre only like the dubs.

I actually can enjoy either, although I prefer subtitles. Though there is still a lot of charm in the old school dubs for me!

Either way, it's nice to see more legal options and more exposure for these films.

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Noelle Shadow Kick
You make an interesting point because Hulu has many international films in their native language with subtitles. Maybe it was just less expensive for them to buy the English dubs to stream (possible sub-license from El Ray network?), or maybe there is still a perception that all fans of the genre only like the dubs.

I actually can enjoy either, although I prefer subtitles. Though there is still a lot of charm in the old school dubs for me!

Either way, it's nice to see more legal options and more exposure for these films.

I see that Hulu and Netflix are getting better about offering subtitled options, but I don't agree with the "hey at least you can see it somehow" attitude. That seems to be perpetuating the problem of sub-par releases. If today they put up dubs, then no one will be attempting to put those out in the correct language for years because now, in 2015, it was just released in a new way. They won't come back to these films.

I know that I'm pretty much alone in this on this forum, but I have no soft spot for dubs.I think everything should be viewed in its original language, as it's meant to be viewed by the creators of the work. It's a work of art, and for someone else to come in and change how it's presented is wrong on a fundamental level for me.

For example, the anime Cowboy Bebop is widely considered to an excellent dub. However, things are still lost in translation. In one episode, a character Andy shows up and he's supposed to be a Clint Eastwood cowboy-type. In the dub, he's of course just called Andy, but in the original Japanese it's pronounced "on-dee" because he's supposed to be an homage to Blondie from The Good, The Bad, The Ugly. You don't get that reference in the dub. A small example, but I like to use it because it shows how even a "quality dub" loses much in the translation, and dubs are rarely quality.

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I know that I'm pretty much alone in this on this forum, but I have no soft spot for dubs.

No, you're not alone on this. I couldn't care less for dubs.

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Hulu plus has been nothing but amazing so far. Jesus, they are killing it in the streaming service.

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I see that Hulu and Netflix are getting better about offering subtitled options, but I don't agree with the "hey at least you can see it somehow" attitude. That seems to be perpetuating the problem of sub-par releases. If today they put up dubs, then no one will be attempting to put those out in the correct language for years because now, in 2015, it was just released in a new way. They won't come back to these films.

I know that I'm pretty much alone in this on this forum, but I have no soft spot for dubs.I think everything should be viewed in its original language, as it's meant to be viewed by the creators of the work. It's a work of art, and for someone else to come in and change how it's presented is wrong on a fundamental level for me.

For example, the anime Cowboy Bebop is widely considered to an excellent dub. However, things are still lost in translation. In one episode, a character Andy shows up and he's supposed to be a Clint Eastwood cowboy-type. In the dub, he's of course just called Andy, but in the original Japanese it's pronounced "on-dee" because he's supposed to be an homage to Blondie from The Good, The Bad, The Ugly. You don't get that reference in the dub. A small example, but I like to use it because it shows how even a "quality dub" loses much in the translation, and dubs are rarely quality.

I agree.:smile:

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Blood Brothers on Hulu seemed to be in a different format from all the other releases? Does anyone have any info on this? It's much larger on Hulu? I'm really happy to see Blood Brothers in a larger format, yes?

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Secret Executioner
I see that Hulu and Netflix are getting better about offering subtitled options, but I don't agree with the "hey at least you can see it somehow" attitude. That seems to be perpetuating the problem of sub-par releases. If today they put up dubs, then no one will be attempting to put those out in the correct language for years because now, in 2015, it was just released in a new way. They won't come back to these films.

I know that I'm pretty much alone in this on this forum, but I have no soft spot for dubs.I think everything should be viewed in its original language, as it's meant to be viewed by the creators of the work. It's a work of art, and for someone else to come in and change how it's presented is wrong on a fundamental level for me.

For example, the anime Cowboy Bebop is widely considered to an excellent dub. However, things are still lost in translation. In one episode, a character Andy shows up and he's supposed to be a Clint Eastwood cowboy-type. In the dub, he's of course just called Andy, but in the original Japanese it's pronounced "on-dee" because he's supposed to be an homage to Blondie from The Good, The Bad, The Ugly. You don't get that reference in the dub. A small example, but I like to use it because it shows how even a "quality dub" loses much in the translation, and dubs are rarely quality.

Amen to that.

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Dub snob invasion!

*puts on flame retardant clothing*

But really, I like both, depends on what mood I'm in at the time. I'm sure the people who made it are glad to reach a broader audience if dubbing helps achieve that....

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I don't agree with the "hey at least you can see it somehow" attitude.

Help me out here. Where did I actually say that?

I know that I'm pretty much alone in this on this forum, but I have no soft spot for dubs.I think everything should be viewed in its original language, as it's meant to be viewed by the creators of the work. It's a work of art, and for someone else to come in and change how it's presented is wrong on a fundamental level for me.

Nothing wrong with respecting the work, and as I mentioned, I actually prefer subtitles. But to be so ridged in your viewpoint that you can't even see or appreciate why someone may enjoy the old dubs is really a shame. You have to remember that many people grew up with the old dubs so they hold a special place in their hearts. After all, that is how they were introduced to these classics.

For example, the anime Cowboy Bebop is widely considered to an excellent dub. However, things are still lost in translation. In one episode, a character Andy shows up and he's supposed to be a Clint Eastwood cowboy-type. In the dub, he's of course just called Andy, but in the original Japanese it's pronounced "on-dee" because he's supposed to be an homage to Blondie from The Good, The Bad, The Ugly. You don't get that reference in the dub. A small example, but I like to use it because it shows how even a "quality dub" loses much in the translation, and dubs are rarely quality.

Playing devil's advocate for a minute, what about subtitles then? Subtitles are also filled with "lost in translation" moments and do not always convey the original thought or feeling. Many of the English subtitles on Shaw Brothers movies are terrible! So does that mean that subtitles should also not be allowed? And let's take your thinking a step further. What about literary works? Should they never be translated into other languages so that other people can enjoy them?

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Dub snob invasion!

*puts on flame retardant clothing*

But really, I like both, depends on what mood I'm in at the time. I'm sure the people who made it are glad to reach a broader audience if dubbing helps achieve that....

I agree. The fact that it's on Hulu plus to me that is amazing. It's reaching and Kung Fu Cinema or world wide cinema is pretty soon going to be mainstream!!!!!!

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I agree. The fact that it's on Hulu plus to me that is amazing. It's reaching and Kung Fu Cinema or world wide cinema is pretty soon going to be mainstream!!!!!!

Yeah we can only hope so! I have seen almost all of these much like most here I am sure..

But I finally get to see Vengeance thanks to this!

Hulu also introduced me to Samurai flicks (those are all original language with subs btw)

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Noelle Shadow Kick
Help me out here. Where did I actually say that?

“Either way, it's nice to see more legal options and more exposure for these films.”

Though, I wasn't actually directing that comment at you specifically. I was commenting on the general attitude I've seen on the forum, which has been repeated after my comment.

Nothing wrong with respecting the work, and as I mentioned, I actually prefer subtitles. But to be so ridged in your viewpoint that you can't even see or appreciate why someone may enjoy the old dubs is really a shame. You have to remember that many people grew up with the old dubs so they hold a special place in their hearts. After all, that is how they were introduced to these classics.

Oh no, I totally understand that there is a nostalgia aspect to it. In fact, I see no reason why they shouldn’t be included on the releases for those who want to revisit them. I just feel that under no circumstances should it be the default, let alone the only version available.

Playing devil's advocate for a minute, what about subtitles then? Subtitles are also filled with "lost in translation" moments and do not always convey the original thought or feeling. Many of the English subtitles on Shaw Brothers movies are terrible!

I feel equally strong about shitty subtitles, absolutely! I hate when a lazy distribution company picks up the rights to a good film and I know the subtitle quality will be shitty.

So does that mean that subtitles should also not be allowed? And let's take your thinking a step further. What about literary works? Should they never be translated into other languages so that other people can enjoy them?

I’m certainly not against subtitling anything, so not translating books is absolutely not furthering any point I made. My point is that companies should work to put out quality releases, which one would think I'm not alone in. There are bad translations of many books as well, and there are excellent ones. Do you know how many different translations of Homer’s epics there are? They are all quite different, some great and some terrible. (Side note for any interested, I always loved this article from The New Yorker comparing 4 different Iliad translations: http://www.newyorker.com/books/page-turner/englishing-the-iliad-grading-four-rival-translations). What I want is better quality releases, keeping the original language, soundtrack, edit, etc.

Dub snob invasion!

*puts on flame retardant clothing*

But really, I like both, depends on what mood I'm in at the time. I'm sure the people who made it are glad to reach a broader audience if dubbing helps achieve that....

I agree. The fact that it's on Hulu plus to me that is amazing. It's reaching and Kung Fu Cinema or world wide cinema is pretty soon going to be mainstream!!!!!!

I don’t really believe that a dub is going to help reach a wider audience. I've also read many interviews where the filmmakers do not like the dubs (Jackie Chan has been particularly vocal about this). The movies that do well internationally are certainly not dubs. The people who are offput by a foreign film wouldn’t watch the movie anyway, and those who are interested will be dissuaded by the dub.

Long story short? I just think that as fans, we should demand better quality and not be okay with subpar releases and diluted versions of these films. We should hope for better.

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I believe all of these films are available elsewhere with og language and subs. If you "demand better quality" (assuming you feel the quality is bad because you personally don't like dubs) buy the IVL releases and don't use the cheaper alternative that is Hulu. Hulu is doing us a favor by making these films readily available with good picture quality for cheap... So nothing they're doing should be scoffed at, as little as we get for these classics as far I'm concerned.

Not all fans have the same standards you do, and you can't expect them to.

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... I don’t really believe that a dub is going to help reach a wider audience. I've also read many interviews where the filmmakers do not like the dubs (Jackie Chan has been particularly vocal about this). The movies that do well internationally are certainly not dubs. The people who are offput by a foreign film wouldn’t watch the movie anyway, and those who are interested will be dissuaded by the dub.

Long story short? I just think that as fans, we should demand better quality and not be okay with subpar releases and diluted versions of these films. We should hope for better.

First I tend to prefer subs (well-written ones) much more than dubs.

Now technically a dub can help reach a wider audience. There are a couple of reasons for this: some people do not read fast (or have trouble reading in general) and have trouble with subtitles. While this is anecdotal I personally know quite a bit of people of all nationalities who use dubs of various sources and prefer the dub in their language over the one film was originally done in. For example I tend to lend out films quite a bit, the norm is if the film is foreign then their needs to be an English dub and this is even with friends who speak several languages. What is interesting is that how many Hong Kong and South Korean series (soaps) I have seen dubbed into Khmer and Vietnamese. The series will get passed from family to family. None of them want to hear the original language because their language dubbed is much easier to deal with.

But also how many English films are dubbed into a different language that the audience prefers over to reading it in their own language and hearing the English soundtrack. Many of these films have done quite well internationally.

I think audiences now tend to be more accepting of subtitles, but it wasn't always the case. There have been successful English dubs of foreign films here. The once highest grossing foreign film LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL had both an English dub and subtitled version. I am curious now to see what the BO take of the most popular "foreign films" here have done and what sub/dub was shown.

It would be a little weird for Jackie Chan to say that since he has done so many post-dubbing performances into English himself.

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It would be a little weird for Jackie Chan to say that since he has done so many post-dubbing performances into English himself.

I think there's a featurette on the R1 New Police Story release where Jackie talks about the arduous process of dubbing and how he isn't much of a fan. From what I remember of it, he would try to change the "dub script" here and there so it would make more sense for the movie. Even though he doesn't like it much, I think this is just something he does for the fans (and probably the studio) that still prefer a dub.

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Another film has been added:

New Shaolin Boxers

And about the "dub or sub" dispute that had been going on, I typically don't have any big problems with old school dubs, but if I had the option to, I would watch a movie subbed.

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Another Shaw Brothers movie (still dubbed) has been put up:


I actually really like this one. I already own it on IVL VCD and I've seen it twice. It's a great action drama. I've only skimmed through the dub and it ain't that bad.

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Four movies movies have been added (the underlined movies are subtitled):

Bare-Footed Kid

Behind the Yellow Line

Justice, My Foot!

Man of Iron

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