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Kingsman: The Secret Service (2015)


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Apologies if there is already a thread for this, I searched but I couldn't find one! Anyway, this is becoming one of my most anticipated films of the year, just read this review: http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=article&id=58071 where Colin Firth is described as "a gentlemanly martial arts master" and that there are plenty of fight scenes. Mixed with Vaughn's style and the fantastic cast I cannot wait!

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Reel Power Stunts

That review: "Honestly, the real breakout star of this film may very well be Vaughn himself. With "Kingsman," the director proves himself to be one of the best action directors working today. Each fight scene, and there are many, is infused with palpable excitement and adrenaline-pumping originality. Vaughn's incredibly visceral staging and execution of each altercation deserves as much credit as Firth's performance in turning the actor into a gentlemanly marital arts master."

A lot of credit must go to Brad Allan ("Gorgeous"), who was the Second Unit Director. I think a lot of folks here at KFC will like the action scenes in this movie.


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Just saw the trailer for this at the theater tonight. I'm intrigued. Don't know that I'll take it in on the big screen, but I'm interested to see it for sure.

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Just seeing Colin Firth doing some action should be cool (well I suppose he had those two fight scenes in the Bridget Jones films but they were, shall we say, not as cinematic as this looks set to be!)

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Just got back from seeing this and honestly? I had an absolute blast, one of the best cinema experiences I've had for a while. If I had to describe it in one word, that word would be fun. Everything from the overall style to the in jokes about 'old spy movies', to seeing Colin Firth beating people up ith an umbrella.

And believe me, the violence is really quite something to behold. I won't go into too muh detail but I will say that when Firth is in a Church surrounded by angry fundamentalists, what follows is one of the most awesome scenes of ass kicking I've seen in a mainstream film for a while. I would really urge you to go and see it. Apart from it being great film, projects like this need all the support they can get!

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Brad isn't the only one involved :) Brad's stunt team cohort Zhang Peng helped with the fights as did another former Jackie Chan Stunt Team member, Paul Andreovski, as well as Rudolf Vrba, who was the fight coordinator for Captain America: The First Avenger. I would rather see this than some movie with a "50" in it LOL

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Secret Executioner

As usual, the SHTRI review is interesting. But clearly I'll pass this film (while I got curious about it), it doesn't sound like my cup of tea and the comparisons aren't helping as I found Kick-Ass was utter crap (and possibly the most overrated and stupid comic book film ever).

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Just sat through this and, truth be told, hyperbolic comments about KINGSMAN being the totally great must-see film of the moment are only explainable if you’re hankering for the wackiness of ol’ time James Bond flicks or similarly designed spy capers which KINGSMAN: THE SECRET SERVICE spoofs. But the film certainly does qualify as a breezy lil’ time waster with its two hour plus run time passing by surprisingly quick.

The hilarity of the set-ups as well as some of the humor is really of the hit or miss variety, and über-villain Sam Jackson’s fake lisp begins to grate after the first half hour. Still, some of the wit here is just dead-on and makes you chuckle hard, particularly if you, like me, enjoy your humor as black as your morning coffee; the fake dog killing scene was a particular highlight!

The action, albeit heavily CG assisted, was partially quite innovative and generally very well framed, edited and executed. Still, I don’t quite understand commentaries about the action being “excessively brutal“ or the violence being ”something to behold“. I mean, really? OK, compared to a PG 13 joint like THE AVENGERS it possibly was. The church filled with white supremacist lowlifes butchering themselves (great choreo here!) and Michael Caine takin’ a cap in his dome at point-blank range afterwards, yeah maybe, that one scene earned the film its BBFC 15 tag. But since everything took place at Bugs Bunny speed and was really played for laughs, to call it “excessively brutal” is stretching it a bit far.

Other scenes, like slicing a man into half from the top down (looking hokey in a 90’s HK wuxia type of way) or Taron Egerton’s bout with Jackson’s blade-legged bodyguard Sofia Boutella (which somehow reminded me of Jackie Chan’s showdown with a gang of high-heeled, high-kicking transvestites in ARMOUR OF GOD) are equally guaranteed to tickle your funnybone, but wouldn’t even mildly irritate a 12 year old.

Bit of a letdown for me was the grand finale littered with some incredibly cheesy special effects (the FX in the ‘exploding heads’ scene were particularly naff), but then again, the superhero live action cartoon that KINGSMAN is designed to be probably calls for a predictable wrap-up like this.

Amusing fluff, no more, no less.

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Kick-Ass was kinda irritating. It had some great scenes, and it was enjoyable a lot of the time, but it also had a lot of that regrettable "look, we don't have the balls to make a genre film or even do discreete self-irony because we are too afraid someone will take it seriously and think we're stupid so we'll make an apologetic and overly-obvious parody that pretends to be the love letter that we're too afraid to make" attitude.

I'm pretty much expecting the same from Kingsman.

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Morgoth Bauglir

I felt that Kick Ass was what the filmmakers were trying to make. In what parts do you think they were holding back? (I may be misunderstanding you) You have a little girl killing countless people. Not only that but she has a final fight with the main villain where he beats the shit out of her and throws her all around the room. I think they went over the edge with Kick Ass which is one of the things I love about it. I'm not a fan of comic book movies like Spider Man and Iron Man, so maybe that's why I found Kick Ass so refreshing.

Needless to say I'll be getting Kingsman day 1 on DVD. Vaughn was the producer on Snatch and I've been looking forward to seeing him direct a British movie (even though I didn't like Layer Cake).

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Kick Ass was adapted pretty closely from the comic, Some scenes were even shot for shot the same so I would say it was made the way it was intended.

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I felt that Kick Ass was what the filmmakers were trying to make. In what parts do you think they were holding back? (I may be misunderstanding you) You have a little girl killing countless people. Not only that but she has a final fight with the main villain where he beats the shit out of her and throws her all around the room. I think they went over the edge with Kick Ass which is one of the things I love about it. I'm not a fan of comic book movies like Spider Man and Iron Man, so maybe that's why I found Kick Ass so refreshing.

If I end up seeing it again, I will explain in more detail. I haven't seen it since 2010. But just to give a few examples of scenes I really dislike:




In both scenes music is used in an excessively obvious way to make sure the audiences don't miss the humour. I think that takes away the wittiness. It's like telling people that you're about to tell a joke, then reminding them in the middle of the joke that it's a joke, and finally telling them when is the time to laugh... it's no longer clever and witty then.

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Morgoth Bauglir
If I end up seeing it again, I will explain in more detail. I haven't seen it since 2010. But just to give a few examples of scenes I really dislike:




In both scenes music is used in an excessively obvious way to make sure the audiences don't miss the humour. I think that takes away the wittiness. It's like telling people that you're about to tell a joke, then reminding them in the middle of the joke that it's a joke, and finally telling them when is the time to laugh... it's no longer clever and witty then.

I meant to mention that "I don't give a damn about my reputation(?)" song in my earlier post. It's the only thing I really don't like about the movie. Shame because they were doing so good with the music.

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Morgoth Bauglir

Needless to say I'll be getting Kingsman day 1 on DVD. Vaughn was the producer on Snatch and I've been looking forward to seeing him direct a British movie (even though I didn't like Layer Cake).

Well I didn't get it on DVD day 1. I really wanted to get the Blu Ray for $25 but I'm a real cheapass so I waited for it to drop in price a couple times. It's a good movie, nothing too special. The church massacre was nice. I drank a lot of beers with friends and this added a lot of enjoyment I think. The music was ok. We all started bumping our heads to techno music before the music had even started in the parkour scene:rolleyes:

It was worth getting for $3 on DVD but I would be pissed if I paid $25.

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Major news: Matthew Vaughn and Jane Goldman are working on the Kingsman sequel and they plan to start shooting in April. The only issue may be Taron Egerton's schedule because he is scheduled to work on Robin Hood: Origins in February. However, Lionsgate and Fox may plan something to accomodate him working on both films. 

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I'm definitely late to the "Kingsman" party, but I finally got around to watching this movie last night... and oh man, I thought it was a fun ride. Loved everything about it. I will be watching the sequel tonight. Can't wait.

cheers wink GIF

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16 minutes ago, SMK said:

I'm definitely late to the "Kingsman" party, but I finally got around to watching this movie last night... and oh man, I thought it was a fun ride. Loved everything about it. I will be watching the sequel tonight. Can't wait.

cheers wink GIF

I watched it on the French TV 2 years ago and I enjoyed it so much that I bought the DVD and it's sequel a few days later and...I still have to watch the sequel...

And yes, I'm late to this thread too !!🤣🤣

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On 10/26/2020 at 12:29 PM, SMK said:

I'm definitely late to the "Kingsman" party, but I finally got around to watching this movie last night... and oh man, I thought it was a fun ride. Loved everything about it. I will be watching the sequel tonight. Can't wait.

cheers wink GIF

LOVED  It when it 1st came out,  it felt very fresh... though the bit with the princess at the end kind of ruined an otherwise stellar film.  Sequel is decent, though i prefer the first even being a bit burnt out on it.

Edited by nectarsis
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