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Everly (2015)


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I'm about seven years late to the party, but I finally watched this as a "Everybody's asleep but me" film pick. I was surprised that this was a chamber piece. I thought it'd be "Salma roams the streets of NY (played by Serbia) while offing Yakuza underlings en masse." (I admit that I didn't watch any of the trailers)

It certainly didn't pull any punches in the violence department, nor did any character have any plot armor: anybody could die at anytime here. I didn't like the torture stuff, although the characters involved in that sequence were certainly memorable. Despite Akihiro Noguchi being the credited action director, there isn't any martial arts (some people do get killed with katana and sai swords, though) and the action could have come from anyone. That said, there is quite a bit of carnage on display, almost always played over the top with a touch of black humor to each kill. 

The film also play the "he's not dead yet" card, but with a character didn't expect in a way I didn't see coming.

In the end, the film is a bit too unpleasant for me to want to watch again. We've gotten a lot of female-centric action and/or spy films starring Hollywood A-listers as of late and this is one of the earlier examples of the trend. Everly is probably the most original of these films, so I'd give it that.

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