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Adam Cheng's movies


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Dangerous seventeen 1968


Adam Cheng plays a rich playboy who chases several girls at one time. The movie begins when he is in a night club with an hostess called Sha Li and he receives a phone call form Tu Chuan. After a quick fight in the club where he is helped by Wu Fung, he reunites with Tu Chuan. Later, we discover that Tu Chuan is Wu Fung's sister.


Wu Fung helps a young girl against some rascals and we also discover that this girl is Adam's sister.


As the movie is in Cantonese, I didn't understand a word, so, I don't know why, but Tu Chuan is chased by Adam after telling him something. Sha Li witnesses that and she stops Tu Chuan from committing suicide and she tells Wu Fung (for whom she has fallen) about what has happened to his sister.


When he learns that, Wu Fung is furious and he goes to Adam's house in order to kill him, but he then discovers that the girl he has saved is Adam's sister. As Adam offers him a lot of money, he decides to keep it and he seduces Adam's sister as a way to get revenge for his own sister.


The two girls meet and Adam's sister presents Wu Fung as her fiancé to her friends and family and when Adam discovers that it's Wu Fung, he is furious and they quarrel. Wu Fung tells everybody what Adam has done to his sister and he leaves. Adam's sister tells him that she loves him, and when Adam quarrels with her, she tells him the same thing. Adam pays some rascals to fight with Wu Fung.


Meanwhile, Wu Fung quarrels with his sister and he leaves. When he remembers all what he has shared with Adam's sister, he finally realizes that he loves her and he goes to Adam's house in order to apologize, but they quarrel once again and Adam sends the men he has recruited to fight with him. While he is looking at the fight, he remembers his sister's words and he hurries to help Wu Fung just when one of the guys tries to kill Wu Fung with his knife and the two boys unite against the rascals.


Then, Adam tells Wu Fung where his sister is hiding and the two couples finally reunite.



A good movie, with a lot of old 60's rythms and three beautiful songs sung by Lee Kwan Yi.

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A sweet girl 1967


Siao Fong Fong (SFF) and her friends (among them, there is Ma Kei, who seems to be in love with her, and Alice Au) are used to dance in a club in order to win a kind of contest.


If I'm not mistaken, Wu Fung plays a kind of artistic director who arrives in the town with his friend Adam Cheng and he looks for a new star.

So, both of them spend many days walking in the streets or going in bars in order to find the rare pearl, but they only find ugly women or not interesting ones.

One day, they meet SFF, but she doesn't want to listen to them and they are chased by her group of friends (hence a few fights in the movie).

Finally, they find where she dances and Wu Fung falls for her, while Adam falls for Alice Au, but there is a big fight between Wu Fung and Adam and SFF's friends, and they are all arrested.


Later, Wu Fung and Adam find that SFF is now a dance teacher and they go to see her and they want to give her some money to compensate what has happened, but she refuses and she leaves, because her own teacher is ready to keep the money.


Then, Wu Fung discloses his identity to the members of the jury of the dance contest and they organize another contest, in which Wu Fung and Adam Cheng are also candidates and the two friends win the contest, together with their respective lovers. The same night, Wu Fung is seriously hurt by SFF's friends and he is in the hospital, where she goes to visit him and witnesses that he doesn't want to recognize her friends on the pictures shown by a policeman. She goes on visiting him and she finally falls for him.


The day she presents him to her parents and they have dinner in a restaurant, Ma Kei comes with two female friends of the group and with the women Wu Fung had met at the beginning of the movie and they all tell lies about him, which makes SFF's father being mad and chasing Wu Fung.


SFF is desperate, but she accepts to follow her parents in a dinner organized by the members of the jury of the contest, and finally, her friends come to apologize and tell her that they have lied, and Wu Fung tells her and her parents his true identity and he asks her to marry him and that's the happy end of the movie.



A good little entertaining movie, with a little bit of everything : fights, dances, songs, humor. Enjoyable, and it's so strange and funny to discover a very young Kwan Hoi San playing something else than his roles in martial arts series/movies !

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Silver knife scarlet blade 1969


Shih Kien and his " brothers " thieves are used to attack small towns in order to rob and kill people. After having attacked Ke Chia village and made some prisoners, one of them being a relative to the chief of Pai Chia village, they plan to attack Pai Chia village, but the people there resist and Shih Kien decides to ask for his brother's help.


His brother (who is a hunchback) arrives with a female bandit called Swallow and they come to Pai village disguised as street performers. They are so good comedians that the naive chief of the village takes them to his house and asks them to help him to destroy the bandits.


Fung Bo Bo plays White Horse Hero, who wants to get revenge on Shih Kien for " his " (she plays a man here) father's death and she discovers the truth and kills the fake street performers. However, they have had the time to send a message to Shih Kien and they planned to kidnap Pai's young son.


While FBB is fighting in a temple in order to save the boy, she meets Adam Cheng, who is Pai's elder son being back at home after studying in the capital, and when he learns that the men she fights are Shih Kien's men, he helps her and they decide to have a duel with Shih Kien.


This latter's men are supposed to set free the prisoners of Ke Chia village against the corpses of the fake street performers, but as soon as they get the coffins, they kill the prisoners, and Adam Cheng and FBB fight with them and kill them all.


Then, Shih Kien finally arrives and he has a duel with FBB, who finally gets her revenge and cut his head, as she had promised to do.


That's too bad that Adam Cheng appears at only around 1h 10mn and has only a few scenes in the movie, but it's always a pleasure to see him in a swordplay movie...


Very good movie, worth watching.

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Last night's lights 1982


Ye Kang ( Adam Cheng ) and Xue Ko ( Idy Chan ) first meet each other at Xue Ko's father second wedding and, instead of staying at the banquet, they go to dance and they become friends.


Later in the campus, Xue Ko meets Tang Wang Li (Fei Xiang, aka Kris Philips), who is a student and also a singer in a group and she becomes his girlfriend..


On her father's birthday party, she is so angry against Tang Wang Li because he sings for the other girls and doesn't pay attention to her that she goes to the garden and she meets Ye Kang and, once again, they decide to escape and he leads her to the top of a hill where they admire the lights of the town. When she returns at home, her father, Wang Li and her mother are waiting for her and they are angry, but she doesn't want to explain them where she were.


During the following days, she goes on meeting Ye Kang and they finally admit that they are in love, but Ye Kang tolds her that he doesn't want to marry her nor anybody else and that he doesn't want to get rid of his convictions even for love.


Xue Ko splits up with Wang Li, but she often argues with Ye Kang each time she wants to make him understand that she wants an usual life with her husband, their children and their grandchildren. Ye Kang is so mad about that that he chases her and insults her and she suffers a lot, but she wants to understand why he acts this way.


She finally meets Yi Ping and learns that 7 years ago, Yi Ping lived exactly the same situation as she lives now and that when he had learnt that she was pregnant, Ye Kang had asked her to have an abortion and, as she didn't want to and he didn't want to marry either, he had left her and had fled to the States. And then, she tells Xue Ko to come to see the child and she discovers that he is abnormal mentally and physically and Yi Ping explains her that Ye Kang's mother had a mental disease and that if Ye Kang is so rude with her, it isn't because he doesn't love her, but because he is afraid that the same situation might be reproduced if he marries Xue Ko.


Then, Xue Ko returns to Ye Kang and she tells him that she still wants to marry him and that she is aware of all the truth and he becomes mad when he learns that she met Yi Ping and tells her that he will never be able to make her happy and he leaves suddenly, jumps in his car and dies in an accident under Xue Ko's eyes.


At the end of the movie, it seems that she has become mad, since she walks in equilibrium on the railroad, followed by Tang Wang Li who is desperate to see what she became.



Superb drama.

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shaolin swords

shaw do you know where I can get the silver knifes scarlet blade it looks interested or is it one of those movies that are impossible to find


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Don't call me uncle 1975


Tam Bing Man plays a man whose wife is a little bit like a " general " at home and when she takes the plane with a friend (I'm not sure of that because of the lack of subtitles), he is a little bit jealous but also happy because he is going to have a little while of liberty at home.

The same day, his three friends (Shek Sau, who works with him, Kong Ngai and Adam Cheng) invade his apartment in order to have fun with their respective mistresses and they tell him how they got rid of their wives.

Shek Sau has asked for a delivery of small snakes, which has frightened his wife and lead her to go away for a few days.

Kong Ngai has promised to his wife and her friends who play mahjong all day to give a beautiful jewel to the winner.

As Kong Ngai is a magician, he has plot with Adam Cheng to make this latter wife (Lydia Shum) believe that he has been changed into a rooster after being enclosed in a magician's box.


So, the three friends invite their mistresses and have fun while poor Tam Bing Man is pushed by them in the patio, where he spends the night. Before falling asleep, he discovers that he has a charming young neighbour and he dreams of her.


Later, he meets the neighbour and his three friends are totally charmed by her and try to seduce her, making their mistresses jealous and they have to run after them in order to apologize, while Tam Bing Man stays with the neighbour. As revenge against his friends, he had trapped his house but it's him who is trapped : he is sticked on his chair and while he is changing trousers, the neighbour drinks the wine in which he had put soporific pills and he has to put her on his bed and of course, another neighbour of his sees him at that precise moment.


Later, we discover that the charming neighbour is Tam Bing Man's boss' fiancée and she asks Tam Bing Man to play the role of her father in front of her fiancé.

When they discover each other, the two men are very surprised and Tam Bing Man takes a little bit advantage on his boss as compensation of the way his boss has previously treated him. Of course, the three friends arrive with their mistresses and there are a lot of lies told to the boss in order to explain who is who.


Later, the couple comes to Tam Bing Man's house, where his friends' true wives have been invited and are playing mahjong and when the three friends arrive, they are very surprised to find their wives. Of course, the mistresses also arrive and then, there are a lot of lies and explanations and even a fight and the husbands have to push the mistresses away in order to try to regain their wives. And that's at this moment that Tam Bing man's wife arrives.

Of course, the neighbour tells her what she saw and she is very angry and after his friends have gone, they have an explanation.


Finally, the young couple gets married, Tam BIng Man and his wife take the plane in order to go away and have fun and the three friends stay with their wives, but with the idea to invade once again Tam BIng Man's apartment and have fun later.


That's a nice comedy, with very funny moments, in particular with Lydia Shum and the rooster and with Tam Bing Man's dreams and Adam Cheng is as good in comic roles as in his other serious roles.

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The rats 1973


Four friends ( among them, there are Adam Cheng and Alan Tang ) rob (by accident ) some gold hidden in a car from a big gang of smugglers and they hid the car in a landfill site where there are cars to be destroyed because they are too old or too crashed due to accidents. They decide to wait for a while in order that the smugglers don't find them.

However, the smugglers find one of them and they kill him, and later they find another one who lead them to his friends without knowing that they followed him. The smugglers are helped by Hu Chin, who cheats Alan Tang in making him believe that she loves him, but all what she is interested in is the money.

There is finally a big fight between the three friends and the smugglers and Alan Tang is the only one to stay alive (if I'm not mistaken ; maybe the movie is cut, since we see Adam Cheng fighting and then, he is no more on the screen until the end of the movie...) and he finds that Hu Chin is looking for the " golden " car in the landfill site and she is crushed by cars which fall on her and the police arrests Alan Tang.

Very good movie, with good fights and good plot.

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Joy to the world 1968


Wu fung plays a rich guy who loves music. He discovers Siao Fong Fong dancing in stage play of Snow White and the seven dwarfs and he asks his employees (a woman and a man) to take care of her (if I understood well), and then, Siao Fong Fong is sent to a high school, believing that it's her rich father she never met who has sent her there.

Later, Wu Fung and Siao Fong Fong meet and they become friends and even fall for each other, but Wu Fung's father doesn't agree with his son  and after some twists, the lovers finally reunite.

I was a little bit disappointed by this movie, since Adam Cheng only has three dancing mute scenes in it, the longest one being a charleston dance with Siao Fong Fong.

It's a real pleasure to see him dancing, it's obvious that he loves that, but it would have been better if he had had a better role in this movie...

I found the movie on youtube by searching with the Chinese title and the year, for those who are interested.

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Love competition 1976



I finally got it and I enjoyed it a lot !!

Adam (playing Huang Ta, if I heard well) and Tang Lang Hua (playing Pei Yü) are singers in a club, together with Nancy Yen (playing Mei Ling ) , Pei Ti (playing Hu Jia) and another actress (playing Xiao Ping).

Lei Ming and Fan Dan are both customers of the club, and while Lei Ming is interested in Pei Yü (though Hu Jia seems to be one of his mistresses), Fan Dan is interested in Mei Ling.

This latter doesn't want him and after his men has been bullied by her, Fan Dan sends a mini bomb to the club. Mei Ling is so furious that she chases them and she fights with them, and after a discussion, she finally becomes friend with Fan Dan.

Xiao Ping's father is a gambler and he looses all his money and he wants to kill himself, but his wife and Xiao Ping stop him and Pei Yü, who is Xiao Ping's best friend, asks Huang Ta and Mei Ling for money, but none of them has enough money and she decides to go to Hu Jia's house and asks her for money. Hu Jia sees there an opportunity to please Lei Ming and she sends her to him in order that he gives her some money.

Later, Huang Ta and Mei Ling are attacked by two men and there is a fight between them, and when he returns at home, Huang Ta learns that Pei Yü isn't at home. He goes to Hu Jia and she finally tells him that his lover is with Lei Ming. He goes there and there is a quarrel between the two men, and then, between Huang Ta and Pei Yü, but they finally reconciliate.

However, Lei Ming is so furious, that he decides to get revenge and he goes to the club in order to get Pei Yü, but Mei Ling asks for Fan Dan's help and there is another big fight between Huang Ta, Mei Ling, Fan Dan and his two men, and the athletic man of Lei Ming and they finally get rid of this latter and his man, while Xiao Ping and Pei Yü are performing the song written by Huang Ta.

Very good movie, with superb songs and good fights (but they were too short and not very numerous...).

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A great lover 1968


Wu Fung plays a man working in an office and he bets with his friends that he'll seduce Siao Fong Fong, who is a dancer and a student. As she doesn't want him, he fakes an accident with his friends, making her believe that he saved her from being hurt by a bus and she finally falls for him.

Later, she discovers that she has been cheated by Wu Fung, and also, that she is the daughter of this latter's boss, so, she plans a revenge and, wearing glasses and a different haircut, she comes to the office and takes the " commandment " of everybody, helped by her father's " lieutenant ".

There are a lot of funny scenes when Wu Fung is cheated by Siao FOng Fong playing both roles of the dancer and the boss, and he finally discovers the truth and they reconciliate.

I saw this movie mentioned in Adam's filmography on weebly, and he actually is in it, but only for one, maybe two (but I'm not sure of the second one) dancing short scene, too bad !

However, it's a very funny movie.

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Love in Hawaï 1976


Alan Tang (playing Joe) arrives in Hawaï in order to perform in a club, and he meets an old friend of his, Kai Ling (played by Chen Chen). As he has nowhere to go, Kai Ling agrees that he lives in her house.

When he performs for the first time in the club, Kai Ling is here, with her best friend, this latter's boyfriend and Wei Wei (played by Adam Cheng), her fiancé. When he sees how Joe sings only for Kai Ling, Wei Wei becomes immediately jealous and he quarrels with Kai Ling.

Later, when Wei Wei  discovers, that Joe lives in Kai Ling's house, he is furious again and when he learns that Kai Ling didn't even tell Joe that Wei Wei is her fiancé, he becomes even more furious and he leaves. Joe decides to leave Kai Ling's house and she looks for him for days before finally finding that he works in a gas station.

She asks him to return, but he doesn't want to and when she comes to see him with her friend, the two girls discover that he has gone away and that he doesn't work in the station anymore and Kai Ling is very sad.

One day, Joe comes to her house with an American girl and tells her that he has become a gigolo (if I understood well) and she chases them. When he discovers that the girl has another boyfriend, Joe is furious and she chases him.

Kai Ling has finally reconciliate with Wei Wei, but she isn't the same as before and she is not even interested in buying a house in order to live together with him when they'll be married.

Jo finally reappears in her life and asks her for money in order to return at home. Kai Ling asks Wei Wei for the money, but when he learns that it's for Joe, he doesn't want to give her what she asks for and then , she goes to her grandfather. Though he doesn't agree on the way she acts with Wei Wei and Joe, he finally gives her the money.

While he is waiting for Kai Ling in order that she drives him to the airport, Joe calls Wei Wei and tells him to take care of Kai Ling and Wei Wei goes to see her but she tells him that he ought to find another girlfriend.

Then, Kai Ling drives Joe to the airport, gives him the monehy and he leaves, but she calls him and shows him that she has bought a plane ticket in order to leave with him and they go together.

A good romance, with a few good songs (not performed by Adam Cheng). I wonder what this movie would have looked if Adam has played Alan Tang's role and vice versa...I think that Adam's role was too short and almost all his scenes were quarrels scenes...There is a very short fight scene between Alan Tang and the musicians of another club in the movie, and it's funny to see the musicians performing their song with bandages on the eyes, or the hands, or the arms...

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Pretty swindler 1975


The story tells how a woman cheats men in order to get as much money as she is able to, but finally has to leave all what she got and return to he house she lived before, under Lydia Shum's " commandments " since this latter is the landlady of the house.

Well, I was really disappointed with this one, since Adam Cheng had only a mini scene of a few seconds in it and if I had closed my eyes for some reason, I could have missed him !!


So, if you want to complete your Adam Cheng's collection and to add this one to it, don't even bother to look for this movie, it's not worth spending time and/or money for it...

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The feats of Fong Sai Yuk 1968


Fung Bo Bo plays Fang Shiyu (Fong Sai Yuk, FSY), Margaret Tu Chuan plays his mother Miao Cui Hua, Adam Cheng plays Hong Xi Guan (if I heard and understood well), Sum Chi Wah plays Li Siu Wa and Shih Kien plays this latter's father.

During a lion dance, FSY defeats another clan and he is acclaimed by his people, but Li Siu Wa comes and challenges him. Miao Cui Hua doesn't want him to fight, but he accepts the challenge and he is hurt by Li Siu Wa and his mother escapes with him in order to seek help. They are surrounded by Li Siu Wa's men and Miao Cui Hua is hurt by this latter, while Shih Kien throws FSY away, but this latter is saved by a nun, who helps Miao Cui Hua to escape with her son.

Miao Cui Hua brings her son to the Shaolin temple, where he is cured. Hong Xi Guan is his friend and FSY wants to learn more martrial arts, but the superior monk doesn't allow him to go to a special place. However, FSY fakes an illness and goes to the chamber where there are the wooden men (or bronzemen) and he is defeated.

Later, while Hong Xi Guan is helping him to bring water, FSY goes to a hidden place of the temple and is taken prisoner by a half mad monk. FSY's parents come to see him, but they can't go into the mad monk's cave and when they hear a scream, they believe that FSY is dead and they are totally desperate.

Actually, the mad monk has cured FSY and passed him his kung fu (if I understood well) and FSY returns at home just in time to save his parents from Li Siu Wa and her father.

Then, there is the famous fight on the poles between FSY and Shih Kien, but FSY is hurt and once again, it's the nun who saves him and fight with Shih Kien, while FSY saves once again his parents from Li Siu Wa and her men, and Shih Kien is finally killed.

It was a good surprise to see the beautiful Tu Chuan in something else than her Shaw Brothers' movies and to see her doing martial arts (I don't remember to have seen her in other genre than dramas when she played in Shaw Brothers' movies, but maybe I'm mistaken).

Shih Kien is the same as in his other Cnatonese martial arts movies, playing a villain with conviction.

Adam Cheng has only a few scenes that let guess what he will be able to do in his future great movies and series.

And Fung Bo Bo is also the same as in her other Cantonese martial arts movies...



For those who are interested in this movie, here are the links :






Enjoy !


Here's another link with the whole movie (the beginning was missing, freom what I just discovered) :





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My darling slave 1974 aka My darling love 1974


James Yi Lui, Shek Sau, Adam Cheng and two other men are five friends who work in the same office and who are mistreated by their wives :

Yi Lui's wife beats him, asks him to wash the clothes and other things and don't give him money.

Shek Sau's wife plays mahjong all day and asks him to take care of the baby and the dog.

Adam Cheng's wife (Lydia Shum) forces him to eat a lot of food and to do physical exercises and to eat again.

The 4th wife always bites her husband.

The 5th wife is the only one who don't mistreata her husband, but this latter (called Ho in the movie) has a mistress.


Ho helps his friends to meet girls in order to escape their wives tyranny but Shek Sau's discovers the plot and tell the other wives what happens.

Then, the wives decide to take revenge on their husbands and, with Pau Chang Chung's help (he is the 5th wife's cousin), they make their husbands believe that they have affairs and the 5 friends are so jealous that they try to beat the men, but they make a mistkae and it's them who are beaten by men in a gymnasium.


Finally, there is a big explanation between husbands and wives and, still with Chang Chung's help, the husbands apologize and the wives decide to stop mistreating their husbands and it's a happy ending.


A very funny movie, English subtitled (an exploit !!), with some very funny scenes and gags.


The movie is on youtube under it's Chinese title is you're interested in it.

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I admit, I am not the greatest of searchers, but the "My Darling Slave" movie sounds interesting.  Searched on youtube even went to HKMDB & copied the Chinese title,no luck :(  Watched "The Feats of Fong Sai Yuk".  Thanks!


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19 minutes ago, Lizardlady said:

I admit, I am not the greatest of searchers, but the "My Darling Slave" movie sounds interesting.  Searched on youtube even went to HKMDB & copied the Chinese title,no luck :(  Watched "The Feats of Fong Sai Yuk".  Thanks!


Here's the link for My darling slave. Enjoy !




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