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Wonder Woman (2017)

Secret Executioner

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Here's what we know:

Gal Gadot is going to reprise her role as Wonder Woman

Michelle McLaren has signed on to direct the film. Jason Fuchs, who wrote the upcoming "Pan" (with Hugh Jackman as Blackbeard) is being sought to write the screenplay.

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Secret Executioner

Already a milestone for this one: first major blockbuster to be directed by a woman, and second superhero flick to be directed by a woman after Punisher: War Zone.

I wonder if the cast for WW would have been different had this been made before the Supes/Batman movie...

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Noelle Shadow Kick
Collider reports that Chris Pine is up for the role of Steve Trevor in the movie.

This would be pretty good casting. He's got the right look and he's very charming, so he could bring some likability to the role.

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Lady Jin Szu-Yi
On January 15, 2016 at 1:57 PM, AlbertV said:


Chris Pine talked about playing Steve Trevor and the film's World War I setting



Kind of ironic given the character's WWII birth in the comics, but I can understand how and why they would want to make Diana enter the world at an earlier time.  Really glad to see Pine in another genre film. I lamented he was never cast in a Marvel role, but this could very, very interesting. 


Thanks for posting. 

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Secret Executioner

So... Are they pulling a Captain America here (I mean, with the past setting) ? That kinda makes me interested in this one. But I'll wait for some trailers and probably reviews too before deciding on going to see this.

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I didn't really like Batman V Superman and I kinda hated Suicide Squad, but I think this one actually has a chance of being pretty decent. Trailer looks kinda cool and Gal Gadot is easy to look at to say the least. I will probably end up seeing this.

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The film unfortunately got banned in Lebanon, because of their conflicts with Israel and Gal Gadot as you all know is from Israel and even served in their military and was a combat trainer for two years. (Yet ironically, Gadot was in Batman v. Superman and installments of the Fast and Furious, which did screen there)


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Drunken Monk

Thoroughly enjoyable movie slightly letdown by a weak final act. Great character development and, in my opinion, one of the best action scenes I've seen in some time in a Hollywood movie (Wonder Woman versus Soldiers). Unfortunately the final battles ends up being CGI debris being hurled back and forth which is just boring to me. The bad parts don't quite overshadow the good ones though. It's still a great film.

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What a great superhero flick this is. 

Unexpectedly moving, exciting, intelligent, with a great cast - easily the best of the DCU films so far.

Hopefully, this will set the standard for the other DCU films to come.

Roll on JUSTICE LEAGUE, AQUAMAN and, of course, WW2!

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Finally saw Wonder Woman yesterday. Here are my initial thoughts:

Wonder Woman was pretty good. Head and shoulders above other movies in the DC Cinematic Universe. It was the first DC to make me feel emotions other than confusion or anger. A lot of that has to do with the movie actually being enjoyable. There's some fun fish out of water humor and the tone is refreshingly silly. Gal Gadot is great. She is effortless to look at and she is quite funny. It was also progressive without bringing attention to itself. There aren't any points in the movie where Wonder Woman basically looks at the camera and says "A woman can do anything a man can do." The message that a woman can be a strong leader was done in good taste and was thus more affecting.

Even with a good lead and a fun tone, I did have some problems with the movie. I felt the acting ranged from passable to terrible. Chris Pine was fine in this movie. He basically had the same two facial expressions throughout the entire movie, either smirking or stolid. I struggle to call the relationship between Chris Pine and Gal Gadot a romance. I felt they had nothing going for them. They have some awkward encounters and they argued a lot. They ha some cute moments but nothing that would make them fall in love. The romantic subplot was just awful. The CGI was pretty heinous to look at too. The static landscape shots looked fine, but there was always a fine line between the actual actors and the green screens in the action scenes. Despite these flaws, the movie is still perfectly enjoyable. Nothing too exceptional, but it's still a fun superhero movie, which is much more than I can say about any other DC Cinematic Universe movies so far. Will this movie singe-handedly save this Cinematic Universe? Probably not. But it's definitely a step in the right direction.

Wonder Woman also the first DC movie in color, which is a plus.

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