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Kung Fu Screenings at the New Beverly Cinema in LA


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Sorry I haven't posted anything yet about Tuesday night. I've been very busy to say the least. I should have an in depth post by tomorrow. Sorry for such a long delay.

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Sorry for the long delay, but...


After a long drive through traffic and after eating a sandwich at Subway, my mom and I made it to the box office at around 6:40 (about 20 minutes before the box office opens, 50 minutes before the first movie starts) and there was already a line of about five people already waiting. By the time the box office did open, there was about 20-30 people lined up outside. We got inside, took our seats, and briefly got to talk to Shaolin Patriot about some of the previous Shaw Brothers screenings in Los Angeles. I also talked to a man who was wearing a Shaolin Mantis shirt who asked about the One Foot Crane shirt I was wearing. I’m wondering if he’s a forum member. If so, hi!

Brian Quinn introduces the films and makes sure to point out that the HK screenings have been bringing in bigger crowds recently. The trailer reel is about to start, but before that, we got a bonus Looney Tunes cartoon called “Little Boy Boo” with Leghorn Foghorn. It was a small surprise (even Brian didn’t know that it would play), but shortly after, we got a Miramax release trailer of Iron Monkey, an original HK trailer for Pedicab Driver, and a terribly long/funny English trailer for Fearless Fighters.

The Shaw Brothers logo plays and the infamous Five Element Ninjas opening starts (with the typo, “Elements” instead of “Element”). The movie was very exciting on the big screen. The picture quality wasn’t especially great, but the fight scenes were incredible. The movie was very campy and the audience enjoyed reacting to it. The white costumes with the capes got a chuckle out of everyone (and also the gold ninja suits). There were a lot of wild reactions from the audience. Some people even took the movie much more seriously than I thought. When someone got stabbed, as obviously fake as it would be, there were a few people who might gasp. It was quite an experience.

Of course, the wildest reactions came from the more “extreme” parts of the film. The three biggest reactions were (from quietest to loudest) the entrails tripping scene, the tree ninja dismemberment scene, and the ending freeze frame and all of its glory. The theater was practically packed and the audience was uproariously loud by the end.

The movie ended, the lights came on, and I could tell by the way that my mom was hitting me on the head with the calendar that she didn’t like the movie. To make a long story short, she hated it. I felt kind of bad that while I was super excited, she didn’t like it. Well now I know that this isn’t her kind of film. Actually, after FEN ended, it seemed like about half of the audience had left. It was weird that the movie that she hated was the movie that everyone came to see.

I briefly got to talk to wackiechan and Shaolin Patriot again during the intermission about upcoming projects and some of the Shaw Brothers films. Brian started introducing the next film and asked if the audience would be interested in the fantasy/horror Shaw Brothers films and the audience was noticeably excited for that. He briefly mentioned Pedicab Driver and said that they might screen some of the late 80’s/early 90’s HK films like the Jet Li films and even the Three Dragons movies (which I was extremely excited to hear). As wackiechan said earlier, they plan on bringing in Bolo Yeung and Benny The Jet to the theater as guests since they both live in Southern California. Very exciting news!

The lights start to dim and the second trailer reel starts playing. They had a trailer for Duel of the Iron Fist (which was painfully cropped) and Super Man Chu which looked somewhat interesting, but I’m afraid that the trailer is funnier than the movie itself. The English dubbed version of The Kid With the Golden Arm starts (thankfully in widescreen) and it was actually very interesting. There were some great fight scenes, great characters, and a decent story. Philip Kwok and Chiang Shang were definitely highlights for me. The dubbing, though horrendous, was actually entertainingly bad. The ending especially cracked people up. Even the picture quality looked relatively good.

Phillip Kwok says “I’m going to go get drunk,” the THE END card appears, the lights turn on, and my mom (who hates dubs) said she really liked this movie and that it made up for FEN. My neck was saved. She even said she liked it almost as much as The Avenging Eagle which was surprising. She had to admit the English dub was terrible, but I was surprised she liked it as much as she did. KWTGA is a fantastic movie and watching here was definitely a great way to watch it.

Very fun night again at the New Beverly. It was unfortunate that my mom disliked FEN so much, but we both enjoyed KWTGA. The only other downside was that I only got 5 hours of sleep that night. Next month (which should have a few HK screenings), I’ll make sure to pick out the screenings that my mom would enjoy, mainly because she drives through terrible traffic for me monthly and I am extremely grateful.

Brian Quinn said that there's a chance of more Shaws and other HK movies being shown next month and after, at the New Bev. This could include some special guests. Brian said Bolo Yeung("Enter The Dragon") and Benny "the Jet" Urquidez both live in So Cal, so he'll try to get them to appear. Some Jet Li movies could be shown too(hopefully the uncut HK release of "Black Mask"). This all sounds like exciting news.

There was so much exciting news brought up on Tuesday. I love the late 80's/early 90's HK action movies. I'm expecting films like Wheels on Meals and Dragons Forever if they're talking about bringing Benny the Jet in. They'll probably show Fist of Legend too since it recently got screened at the Cinefamily. I've always wanted the New Beverly to show more of the 80's/90's action movies. They're a lot of fun to watch and react to with an audience.

I don't want to sound like a broken record but I'd love to see Aces Go Places 2 and Burning Ambition as a double feature. Also some Stephen Chow comedies. I can't stress that enough.

Also thank you, Ken and Shaolin P, for talking to me there. Sorry if I was talking a bit too much. I hope you both like the "Samurai Cop 2" postcard ads I gave. Take care.

Don't worry, I enjoy talking to you and Shaolin P about HK movies. Also thanks for the Samurai Cop 2 ad. I did some research and it looks very interesting. I definitely need to check it out. :wink:

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The February calendar has just been released!



Another Shaw Brothers double feature! :nerd: On February 17th, there's The Magic Blade and The Bastard Swordsman, which I'm very excited for. They'll probably both be in Chinese with English subtitles. I hope to see you guys there!

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People really walked out of FEN???? They missed the best part when Chan Wai Man gets to show his Triad Tattoo in full glory in the end fight scene.

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People really walked out of FEN???? They missed the best part when Chan Wai Man gets to show his Triad Tattoo in full glory in the end fight scene.

Oh, I misspoke. They didn't walk out of FEN. After the movie ended, that's when people started to leave. The ending freeze frame got the biggest applause. The theater was packed by then, but people left before KWTGA started. It's kind of a shame that they left, because KWTGA was a lot of fun too.

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Oh, I misspoke. They didn't walk out of FEN. After the movie ended, that's when people started to leave. The ending freeze frame got the biggest applause. The theater was packed by then, but people left before KWTGA started. It's kind of a shame that they left, because KWTGA was a lot of fun too.

Oh, my fault. You were right, apparently I can't read worth of crap, lol. It's a damn shame some people left after FEN. Were people restless and fatigued? Hell, I had 4 hrs of sleep and still would've stayed for a third screening.

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The SB double feature and the Snowpiercer/Mother one look pretty nice. :nerd:

I didn't know there was a 35mm print of Snowpiercer or Hot Fuzz. I would love to go to Hot Fuzz if it wasn't a midnight screening. My schedule doesn't permit sleep later than midnight.

Oh, my fault. You were right, apparently I can't read worth of crap, lol. It's a damn shame some people left after FEN. Were people restless and fatigued? Hell, I had 4 hrs of sleep and still would've stayed for a third screening.

Probably work schedules. Some of the people have to wake up for work. When FEN ended it was about 9:40 (which was when KWTGA was supposed to start) so they might've had to leave. Even if I get 5 hours of sleep, I'm staying for both movies.

By the way KenHashibe, your mom is cool as hell. My mother would not go to the movies with me like ever, lol.

Thanks. I'm very grateful that she takes me to these. She doesn't have a keen interest in them, like I do, but she tends to enjoy most of the movies that we go to see. The only movies she didn't like were Fist of Fury Part 2, A Fist Full of Talons (! :ooh:), and FEN. Sometimes she likes the movie more than I did like Expect the Unexpected and KWTGA.

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Just a reminder, the Magic Blade and Bastard Swordsman double feature is tomorrow night and I'm very excited. According to the New Bev's facebook, both films will be in Chinese with subs (thanks for the info, wackiechan). I'm hoping those who live in the LA area can make it. Here's a cool blog post about the event including trailers of both films:


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I must apologize again for the late response, but I’ve been BUSY, BUSY, BUSY.

Better late than never...

After getting through LA traffic and a big plate of Chinese food, we made our way to the theater. We bought our tickets, sat down, and got to talk to Shaolin Patriot for a bit. I was looking forward to both of these movies, mainly because I hadn’t seen either before. And what a terrific way to watch both for the first time!

Brian Quinn from the Grindhouse Film Festival introduced both films and made less than subtle hints that they’re planning on screening some Shaw Brothers horror movies sometime soon. The trailer reel starts and it actually ended up containing five movie trailers: The Andromeda Strain, Hellraiser, Cut-Throats Nine, Jack the Giant Killer, and The Thing.

The Magic Blade was an original Chinese print with English subs. It ended up being a really good movie. It felt mostly narrative-driven and emotional which was terrific. The fights were frequent but each one was creative and unique. It was a really good movie, but unfortunately the print was a bit defective and the film stopped right after the end credits had just started.

My mom had ended up really liking this movie too and I could tell. This is one of those movies that she usually really likes. The second trailer reel starts playing a HK trailer for Swordsman. The unfortunate (but also quite funny) thing is that halfway through the trailer, it started playing upside down. The trailer stopped suddenly and they just decided to start showing the movie.

We watched most of Bastard Swordsman, but when there was only about 5-10 minutes left of the movie (right before the climactic battle), the screen went black. I was super excited by then, but when the movie stopped, I turned around hoping that someone would come in and tell us that they would show the rest of the movie and thankfully someone did. Brian comes in and says, “Just give us two minutes to get the reel ready to play the rest of the movie,” and jokingly said, “We just wanted to create more tension.” I got ecstatic again when the movie started playing again right where it left off.

Then they showed the second trailer reel including HK trailers for Swordsman and The East is Red.

I was pretty tired by the time Bastard Swordsman was about to start because it was a bit late, but I woke right up when I saw the movie. It was such an exciting, fun, and frankly jaw-dropping movie. The print (which was also a Chinese print) had really bright colors and looked fantastic. It was amazing reacting to this movie with the audience and if you've seen the movie, you know why. The story, characters, and action scenes were all amazing and the movie gave me a huge boost of energy. It was quite incredible and I probably enjoyed it more than The Magic Blade.

Another surprising thing about the print was that the audio quality sounded really good. It was almost as if it was remastered. My mom ended up enjoying each movie almost equally which was great. These movies (Bastard Swordsman in particular) were two of the most exciting movies I’d seen on the big screen and I hope to see both again soon. Brian mentioned that they might screen a Shaw Brothers double feature monthly and I’m going to keep my fingers crossed.

Sorry that this rundown wasn’t as in-depth as usual, but I hope it was still informative.

Also, the New Bev’s Twitter says that they’re planning on releasing the March calendar tomorrow, so I’ll make sure to post about that too.

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Morgoth Bauglir

That would have really sucked to miss the finale of Bastard Swordsman, especially the cocoon part. Bastard Swordsman and Magic Blade on the big screen, I can't imagine. Good stuff Ken.

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Secret Executioner

Sounded like a fun double feature. I can understand you getting a bit tired over the course of the event, but a good movie usually keeps you awake and you stay focused.

Speaking of Cut-throats Nine, there's a Cinema Snob review of this on Youtube. Not my fav' of his review, but I remember there being little to no throat cutting (and the Snob complaining about it). :xd:

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Well, that darn calendar isn't up yet, but the midnight screenings, kiddie matinees, and the first ten days of scheduling are up on their main site. www.thenevbev.com On the 10th, they're screening a Wong Kar Wai double feature: Chungking Express and Days of Being Wild. I might go to this one, but I'll wait to see the rest of the calendar before deciding which screening to go to. On their Twitter, they said yesterday that the full calendar should be up within the next day or two, so hopefully sometime later today. :wink:

That would have really sucked to miss the finale of Bastard Swordsman, especially the cocoon part. Bastard Swordsman and Magic Blade on the big screen, I can't imagine. Good stuff Ken.

Thanks! I agree about the ending. That would've been terrible to miss the cocoon finale. It was quite a sight and the audience was going wild. It was super exciting too. Both were very fun movies to watch on the big screen.

Sounded like a fun double feature. I can understand you getting a bit tired over the course of the event, but a good movie usually keeps you awake and you stay focused.

Bastard Swordsman blew me away. There's no way I could've slept through it. Usually it's the movies with very little music that put me to sleep. That's not to say that they aren't good movies, but the soundtrack somehow keeps me awake.

Speaking of Cut-throats Nine, there's a Cinema Snob review of this on Youtube. Not my fav' of his review, but I remember there being little to no throat cutting (and the Snob complaining about it). :xd:

Oh, Cinema Snob. It doesn't surprise me that he's reviewed it. The trailer that we saw said that it's known as "the most violent movie ever" and the theater provided free barf bags for the crowd (I didn't go to the screening, but they posted about it on Twitter).

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I am interested in seeing the dble features on 3/17/15 of "the killer"/"Once A thief" and on

3/31/15 for "the blade"(Tsui Hark)/"King of Beggars".

I don't think I'm interested in seeing anything else on that schedule.

Since this is supposed to be a tribute to the films of the 1990s, don't you think some obvious choices would include "Fist of Legend" or "Once Upon A Time In China 2"? Or any of the following HK movies(especially if they could replace the midnight showing of "Police Story 3:Supercop"):

"Operation Scorpio"

"Armour of God 2: Operation condor"

"Black Mask"(uncut HK version. Was that version shown only in U.S. chinatown theatres,

or not at all here in the U.S.?)

"Fong Sai Yuk(Jet Li)"

"Enter The Eagles(Shannon Lee's only HK movie)"

"Sha Po Lang"

or Godzilla/Ultraman(These, of course, are not from HK) movies from the '90s

I hope the New Bev request list can be setup in the lobby again soon, unless already setup by now. I want to write down some of my requests there, so customers can read them. Anyway, here's the calendar:


I'm sorry, Ken and Shaolin Patriot, that I wasn't able to be there for last week's Shaw dbl feature. It sounded like good Shaw movies, but again, I noticed a "repeat". I kind of remember already seeing "The Magic blade" at either 2003's Heroic Grace 1 or HG 2 film series in 2005 at UCLA. People need to be a bit more creative w/ the HK movie programming by showing less repeat screenings, and show some different HK movies.

Sorry if this was a long post, and if my opinions bother any of you on the forum.

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Holy crap! The March calendar is not only the New Bev's tribute to the 90's, but it also features 8 HK movies!



There's a midnight screening of Police Story 3: Supercop on the 7th, the Wong Kar Wai double feature on the 10th (Chungking Express and Days of Being Wild), a John Woo double feature on the 17th (The Killer and Once A Thief), Too Many Ways to Be No. 1 is playing on the 24th with Knocking on Heaven's Door (which isn't a HK movie), and The Blade with King of Beggars on the 31st.

I know these aren't really HK movies, but I also think Speed and Rush Hour is a pretty awesome double feature.

I must say again, holy crap! That's awesome. I probably won't go to PS3 because I've seen it on 35mm about two years ago and it's a midnight screening. I'm not the biggest Wong Kar Wai fan so I can skip that double feature. I'm definitely interested in the John Woo double feature and the double feature on the 31st. Hopefully, I'll be able to attend both! I hope to see you guys there again.

Since this is supposed to be a tribute to the films of the 1990s, don't you think some obvious choices would include "Fist of Legend" or "Once Upon A Time In China 2"?

I was surprised that these movies weren't screened too, especially since prints of both are available.

"Operation Scorpio"

"Armour of God 2: Operation condor"

"Black Mask"(uncut HK version. Was that version shown only in U.S. chinatown theatres,

or not at all here in the U.S.?)

"Fong Sai Yuk(Jet Li)"

"Enter The Eagles(Shannon Lee's only HK movie)"

"Sha Po Lang"

I would go crazy if they showed those first two movies you mentioned. Also Fong Sai Yuk is definitely a favorite of mine. I hope they have a print of it to screen though. I know they don't have everything.

I hope the New Bev request list can be setup in the lobby again soon, unless already setup by now. I want to write down some of my requests there, so customers can read them. Anyway, here's the calendar:


We must still keep in mind that they can't show everything, but I'm going to take what I can from their schedule.

I'm sorry, Ken and Shaolin Patriot, that I wasn't able to be there for last week's Shaw dbl feature. It sounded like good Shaw movies, but again, I noticed a "repeat". I kind of remember already seeing "The Magic blade" at either 2003's Heroic Grace 1 or HG 2 film series in 2005 at UCLA.

That's okay. Sometimes I'm against repeats, but there are certain movies (PS3, Enter the Fat Dragon, Fist of Fury, Avenging Eagle, A Fist Full, and Bastard Swordman) that I'd love to see again on 35mm.

Sorry if this was a long post, and if my opinions bother any of you on the forum.

That's fine, but I'm a bit more appreciative of these screenings. I love to see these movies over there. But even if they don't always show some of my favorites, I keep in mind that there are a lot of people who don't get the chance to see these at all in 35mm.

Cool, I haven't seen Operation Scorpio, this might be a good time :)

Actually Operation Scorpio isn't playing this month. It was mentioned because wackie and I both really want to see it there.

I'd like to see some Gordon Liu movies at the New Beverly :bigsmile:

I'd love to see some of his movies there too and they're bound to bring in big crowds!

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Shaolin Patriot
Holy crap! The March calendar is not only the New Bev's tribute to the 90's, but it also features 8 HK movies!

Word has it that Tarantino picked all of the HK films, as opposed to the regular program director! I'm aiming for The Blade & King of Beggars on Mar. 31. Hope to see you guys again.

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Seriously Too Many Ways to Be No. 1, that is awesome. I've just wanted that on some decent DVD/BD release. Watching it in the theater would be quite fun. So would The Blade, King of Beggars , The Killer, and I would be stoked with both Wong Kar-wai films.

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Word has it that Tarantino picked all of the HK films, as opposed to the regular program director! I'm aiming for The Blade & King of Beggars on Mar. 31. Hope to see you guys again.

Between the John Woo double feature and the Blade/KoB double feature, I'm probably more interested in the latter, but I don't want to miss any of these movies. Most of you guys know how much I like Stephen Chow. :wink:

And according to their Twitter, QT programmed the double features and midnight screenings and you can tell.

Seriously Too Many Ways to Be No. 1, that is awesome. I've just wanted that on some decent DVD/BD release. Watching it in the theater would be quite fun. So would The Blade, King of Beggars , The Killer, and I would be stoked with both Wong Kar-wai films.

I probably won't be going to Too Many Ways, mainly because I can only go to so many movies this month and I prefer the other movies mentioned. BTW That's a very clever way to include your review in the post. I do like Wong Kar Wai's movies, but I'm considering the other double features more.

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Wow, this is really late, but here's the theater's marquee when I went to the Shaw Brothers double feature last month:


Also, here's the marquee from the FEN/KWTGA double feature in January:


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I sadly won't be able to make it to the John Woo double feature tonight even though I really wanted to make it. If you're planning on going tonight, you can expect a big crowd (over 100 pre-sale tickets have been sold). I'll probably make it out to the screening of Unlucky Stars and to the other double feature on the 31st though. Enjoy!

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Here's the April calendar:



The Tribute to the 90's continues, but there's only one HK movie double feature this month on the 21st: Big Bullet and Downtown Torpedoes. That's a pretty awesome double feature, but I probably won't be able to make it. This month, I'm still going to be attending the Unlucky Stars screening on the 29th and The Blade/King of Beggars double feature on the 31st which I'm very excited about.

Any thoughts on this month's schedule?

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Wow, that April schedule is pretty weak., it is what it is. There are some good stuff in there but not enough to go drive to a theater to see.

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Yes, Definitely going to Blade! Next month totally sucks.. I'll probably go to Army of Darkness & Darkman. Two of my favorites. Other than that..man. Maybe The Professional. Really gone downhill the last few months :(

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