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Fortune Star / 20th Century Fox dvd's


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Wave 1

- The Magnificent Butcher

- The Magnificent Warriors

- City Hunter

- Naked Killer

- Hong Kong 1941

Wave 2

- Duel to the Death

- Eastern Condors

- In the Line of Duty 4

- Heart of Dragon

- My Lucky Stars

Wave 3

- Prodigal Son

- Young Master

- Royal Warriors

- Operation Scorpio

- Game of Death II

Wave 4

- Mr. Vampire

- Knockabout

- Battle Creek Brawl

- The Postman Fights Back

- Iron Fisted Monk

Wave 5

- Warriors Two

- Spooky Encounters

- Winners and Sinners

- Legacy of Rage

- Hand of Death

Not my list but I think its complete, these were released around 2004.

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This is a good list for reference. Thank you. I believe the Bruce Lee box set they released was considered, perhaps unofficially, "Wave 6", so you can list that one too if you want.

A previous list of these releases (on a forum that no longer exists now) also listed which ones had true subtitles vs dubtitles and which had original mono tracks. Do you have that information to add? It was generally the later releases that got it right.

Wave 1 was the only one that included interviews with cast and crew on the discs IIRC.

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Did some digging and here's my thread from the old ADG forum (minus the screenshots)

Wave 1: Remixes only, and no genuine subtitles - only dubtitles.

City Hunter

- Uncut HK version / anamorphic 1.85:1 / Cantonese DD 5.1, English DD 5.1 / Dubtitles.

- City Hunter has a terrible 'Flintstones' style audio mix - samples here.

- Source: muldoon

Hong Kong 1941

- Uncut HK version / anamorphic 1.85:1 / Cantonese DD 5.1, English DD 5.1 / Dubtitles.

The Magnificent Butcher

- Uncut HK version / anamorphic 2.35:1 / Cantonese DD 5.1, English DD 5.1 / Dubtitles.

- Notes: Magnificent Butcher has a replacement title card. Picture shows original (left) available on the HKL release vs. Fox (right) [1].

- As well as the tampered credits, Magnificent Butcher also has a terrible 'Flintstones' style audio mix - samples here [2].

- Source: 1. www.10kbullets.com 2. muldoon

The Magnificent Warriors

- Uncut HK version / anamorphic 2.35:1 / Cantonese DD 5.1, English DD 5.1 / Dubtitles.

Naked Killer

- HK version (cuts) / anamorphic 1.85:1 / Cantonese DD 5.1, English DD 5.1 / Dubtitles.

Wave 2: Remixes only, and no genuine subtitles - only dubtitles.

Duel to the Death

- Uncut HK version / anamorphic 2.35:1 / Cantonese DD 5.1, DTS, English DD 5.1, DTS / Dubtitles.

Eastern Condors

- Uncut HK version / anamorphic 2.35:1 / Cantonese DD 5.1, DTS, English DD 5.1, DTS / Dubtitles.

Heart of Dragon

- Uncut HK version / anamorphic 1.85:1 / Cantonese DD 5.1, DTS, English DD 5.1, DTS / Dubtitles.

In the Line of Duty 4

- Uncut HK version / anamorphic 1.85:1 / Cantonese DD 5.1, DTS, English DD 5.1, DTS / Dubtitles.

My Lucky Stars

- Uncut HK version / anamorphic 1.85:1 / Cantonese DD 5.1, DTS, English DD 5.1, DTS / Dubtitles.

Wave 3: First wave to feature genuine subtitiles (on Prodigal Son), still remixes only.

Game of Death II

- International version / anamorphic 2.35:1 / English DD 5.1, DTS.

- Notes: Title card is original.

- Source: www.10kbullets.com

Operation Scorpio

- Uncut HK version / anamorphic 1.85:1 / Cantonese DD 5.1, DTS, English DD 5.1, DTS / Dubtitles.

Prodigal Son

- Uncut HK version / anamorphic 2.35:1 / Cantonese DD 5.1, DTS, English DD 5.1, DTS / English subtitles.

- Notes: Subtitles confirmed as genuine, not dubtitles [1]. Title card is original [2]

- Source: 1. www.dvdtalk.com 2. www.10kbullets.com

Royal Warriors

- Uncut HK version / anamorphic 1.85:1 / Cantonese DD 5.1, DTS, English DD 5.1, DTS / Dubtitles.

Young Master

- Uncut HK version / anamorphic 2.35:1 / Cantonese DD 5.1, DTS, English DD 5.1, DTS / Dubtitles.

- Notes: Young Master suffers from extremely bad framing. Picture compares Universe DVD (left) to Fox (Right).

- Source: www.loveandbullets.com

Wave 4: First wave to introduce mono sound, and genuine subtitles for all titles!

Battle Creek Brawl

- Interantional version / anamorphic 1.85:1 / English mono (DD 2.0), DD 5.1, DTS.

- Original mono English soundtrack [1]. Original Golden Harvest title card (prior to retitling by Warner for the US theatrical release) [2].

- Source: 1. luckystars 2. Doug Sulpy

Iron Fisted Monk

- Uncut HK version / anamorphic 2.35:1 / Cantonese mono (DD 2.0), DD 5.1, DTS, English DD 5.1, DTS / English subtitles.

- Notes: Original Cantonese mono soundtrack, title card (see picture), and credits.

- Source: luckystars


- Uncut HK version / anamorphic 2.35:1 / Cantonese mono (DD 2.0), DD 5.1, DTS, English DD 5.1, DTS / English subtitles.

Mr. Vampire

- Uncut HK version / anamorphic 1.85:1 / Cantonese mono (DD 2.0), DD 5.1, DTS, English DD 5.1, DTS / English subtitles.

- Notes: Title card and credits are original.

- Source: Ku Fu Screencaps

The Postman Fights Back

- Uncut HK version / anamorphic 2.35:1 / Cantonese mono (DD 2.0), DD 5.1, DTS, English DD 5.1, DTS / English subtitles.

Wave 5: Return of the remixes. Some genuine mono still. Subtitles remain.

Hand of Death

- Uncut HK version / anamorphic 2.35:1 / Mandarin mono (DD 2.0), DD 5.1, DTS, English DD 5.1, DTS / English subtitles.

- Notes: Hand of Death has a replacement title card [1]. Picture shows original (left) available on the Mega Star release vs. Fox (right).

- Despite missing the title card, the credits are complete, and the Mandarin DD 2.0 track is genuine mono [2].

- Source: 1. www.hkfanatic.com 2. luckystars

Legacy of Rage

- Uncut HK version / anamorphic 1.85:1 / Cantonese DD 2.0, DD 5.1, DTS, English DD 5.1, DTS / English subtitles.

- Notes: Cantonese DD 2.0 confirmed as a downmix of the 5.1 track.

- Source: spannick

Spooky Encounters

- Uncut HK version / anamorphic 2.35:1 / Cantonese mono (DD 2.0), DD 5.1, DTS, English DD 5.1, DTS / English subtitles.

- Notes: Title card is digitally altered [1] Picture shows Fox (left) vs. Mega Star release (right) which was also subject to tampering.

- Cantonese DD 2.0 confirmed as original mono [2].

- Source: 1. muldoon 2. Jappo

Warriors Two

- Uncut HK version / anamorphic 2.35:1 / Cantonese DD 2.0, DD 5.1, DTS, English DD 5.1, DTS / English subtitles.

- Notes: Cantonese DD 2.0 is Downmix of the 5.1 track [1]. Title card is original [2].

- Source: 1. Various 2. www.loveandbullets.com

Winners and Sinners

- Uncut HK version / anamorphic 1.85:1 / Cantonese DD 2.0, DD 5.1, DTS, English DD 5.1, DTS / English subtitles.

- Notes: Cantonese DD 2.0 is Downmix of the 5.1 track [1]. Title card is original [2].

- Source: 1. Various 2. www.loveandbullets.com

Wave 6: First boxset. Genuine mono and subtitles.

Bruce Lee Ultimate Collection:

The Big Boss

- Abridged HK version / anamorphic 2.35:1 / Mandarin mono (DD 2.0), Cantonese mono (DD 2.0), English DD 5.1, DTS / English subtitles.

- Notes: Genuine Mandarin mono, and Cantonese dub. A great release only let down by Fox superimposing the US aka of the film on the title card (see pic).

- Source luckystars

Fist of Fury

- Uncut HK version / anamorphic 2.35:1 / Mandarin mono (DD 2.0), Cantonese mono (DD 2.0), English DD 5.1, DTS / English subtitles.

- Notes: Genuine Mandarin mono, and Cantonese dub. A great release only let down by Fox superimposing the US aka of the film on the title card (see pic).

- Source luckystars

Way of the Dragon

- Uncut HK version / anamorphic 2.35:1 / Mandarin mono (DD 2.0), Cantonese mono (DD 2.0), English DD 5.1, DTS / English subtitles.

- Notes: Genuine Mandarin mono, and Cantonese dub. A great release only let down by Fox superimposing the US aka of the film on the title card (see pic).

- Source luckystars

Game of Death

- International version / anamorphic 2.35:1 / English mono (DD 2.0), DD 5.1, DTS.

- Genuine English mono track, and original title card. A great release.

- Source luckystars

Game of Death 2

- International version / anamorphic 2.35:1 / English mono (DD 2.0), DD 5.1, DTS.

- Genuine English mono track, and original title card. A great release.

- Source luckystars

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Thank you so much for this information! I remember the old ADG thread and was bummed that info was no longer available.

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Morgoth Bauglir

I popped in Prodigal Son last night and it has an original English dub. It got me thinking, are there any others that have an original dub?

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I popped in Prodigal Son last night and it has an original English dub. It got me thinking, are there any others that have an original dub?

That's interesting. The specs are DD 5.1/DTS. Is the dub fully original or messed with (new foley etc)?

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Morgoth Bauglir

I'll check on it. It all sounded original but I wasn't thinking about it while watching it. I'll try to give it another full watch in the next week or two.

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I have a few of these, but don't think I have the experience to tell if the tracks are original or not. (I have Knockabout, Mr. Vampire, Prodigal Son)

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- In the Line of Fire 4

Not my list but I think its complete, these were released around 2004.

I got confused searching on Amazon since it's actually In the Line of DUTY 4, as luckystars pointed out when detailing the individual releases.

Could you fix that in your initial post, as well as add the following so that we have all the info in the very first beginning of this thread?:

Wave 6

- Bruce Lee Ultimate Collection (box set)

(The Big Boss; Fist of Fury; Way of the Dragon; Game of Death; Game of Death 2)


(also, I'm interested in picking up a Fortune Star copy of Young Master if anyone wants to trade)

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shaolin swords

im looking for the warriors two dvd fortune star if any one knows where I can get it at a reasonable price let me know thanks

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Shaolin Swords, I sent you an email on Warriors Two.

Most of these FS/Fox dvd's keep popping up on ebay and used on amazon, just keep your eye out. Some releases are more in demand but they all seem to pop up at decent prices now and then.

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shaolin swords

inframan I never got the email or pm from you for some reason im looking for a new copy sealed if possible I know some one on here sent me a link to ebay for a used copy but looking for new


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Morgoth Bauglir
That's interesting. The specs are DD 5.1/DTS. Is the dub fully original or messed with (new foley etc)?

Sorry this took me so long. I don't have a 5.1 sound system but this is what I came up with. Prodigal Son has the original English dub with some foley sounds added. For the most part the fights have the correct sound effects and it sounds good.

I just popped in Magnificent Butcher to see how the English dub sounds compared to Prodigal Son. It's been a long time since I've suffered through a Fortune Star dub and I could only put up with it for about 2 minutes. The voices are horrible and the sound effects are out of control.

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I fixed that title in the first post.

I have a couple more of these to track down, but I'm not double dipping if I already have the HKL or Fortune Star R3 release of the same title.

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For Prodigal Son, the subtitles are different than what was originally presented on the Universe dvd. I would imagine that it is just an re-subtitling effort. No idea what the original theatrical subs would have looked liked. But, I do prefer the subs on the Universe dvd because it was more descriptive in the forms and techniques training section. I feel that the Fox version used more slang terms that perhaps were added than a real translation of what was being said.

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