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John Wick (2014)


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I haven't seen Safe but I think I saw it already when it was called, "The Man From Nowhere?"

Totally different movies, man.

Seriously, watch Safe! :xd:

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Is their a thread on the movie "safe"

This is the cloeset you'll get to one -


I also reviewed it when it first came out and no one noticed. :tongue:

Funny, looking back now I don't really agree with my review. But that was a first impression. On re-watch, I don't think the second half is bad at all.

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Hot damn this was good. Good. Starts off quick and gets in to it in the first 15. The action in this was really damn good. No shaky cam. No over editing or shot too close or not getting in the whole body in a shot. The story was straight and linear. A lost thing in movies in ages. A reason/cause and it focuses the path of the movie/the effect. 90 minutes and done baby! One of the best paced movies i've seen on ages. This wasn't 2 hours for no reason. Wasn't yammer-y like Kung Fu Jungle and had enjoyable action every scene they did, unlike that as well. The end fight did not bother me, as I found myself more than satisfied.

The action was hot stuff. Tactical gun fire and JUDO! Tons of judo in this. Throws, grips, many chokes. Kimuras, arm bars, triangles. Ho-lee smokes. Loved how it was pretty much strike free until Daniel Bernhardt comes in. He does the striking while Reeves maintains the judo. Great thought process there. Guns and judo. Damn. Great tactical, combat type gun work here. 1 shot pops. Pop and move. Camera catches it all nice and clean. Was actually surprised that it was as bloodless as it was given the violence going on. Blood, yes but not bloody. Not Woo level or gore porn like Garreth.

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Hot damn this was good. Good. Starts off quick and gets in to it in the first 15. The action in this was really damn good. No shaky cam. No over editing or shot too close or not getting in the whole body in a shot. The story was straight and linear. A lost thing in movies in ages. A reason/cause and it focuses the path of the movie/the effect. 90 minutes and done baby! One of the best paced movies i've seen on ages. This wasn't 2 hours for no reason. Wasn't yammer-y like Kung Fu Jungle and had enjoyable action every scene they did, unlike that as well. The end fight did not bother me, as I found myself more than satisfied.

The action was hot stuff. Tactical gun fire and JUDO! Tons of judo in this. Throws, grips, many chokes. Kimuras, arm bars, triangles. Ho-lee smokes. Loved how it was pretty much strike free until Daniel Bernhardt comes in. He does the striking while Reeves maintains the judo. Great thought process there. Guns and judo. Damn. Great tactical, combat type gun work here. 1 shot pops. Pop and move. Camera catches it all nice and clean. Was actually surprised that it was as bloodless as it was given the violence going on. Blood, yes but not bloody. Not Woo level or gore porn like Garreth.

I was so surprised but very happy when I saw Daniel. Keanu really cares for his Matrix alumni. Wish they would have saved him for the end though.

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Gotta say this now, after all hype surrounding it. This, and Denzel's film.

In the words of Flavor Flav.......... "Don't believe the hype!" Good movie, doesn't match the hype.

Have yet to see the Denzel flick.

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Gotta say this now, after all hype surrounding it. This, and Denzel's film.

I still need to see Denzel's film as well (though some have described it to me as almost a Man on Fire type of film, a movie I enjoy quite a bit.)

I think John Wick is worth seeing in the theater (I have a review on this on the second page.) It's actually one film I wouldn't mind seeing a second time in the theater (I won't since there is so much I need to see that's out right now and haven't had much time to get to the theater.) I think there are some issues with the plot and while it is always important not to go too over-hyped into a movie, I was impressed with quite a bit and my enthusiasm remains quite like BaronK's reaction where I quite agree with what he stated especially with the pacing which kept me glued to the screen throughout (not a film to take a restroom break.)

I'm glad this film got a better box office than was expecting.

Is it my imagination of is Keanu delivering lines better and better as he gets older?

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Really impressive film. Keanu was terrific. Stylish and original. If the Raid films raised the bar, John Wick is the first one to clear it. It's the best as action films will get. I will actually say it's better than the 1st Raid.

As for actors improving their craft with age (Donnie Yen, Tony Jaa), I'd have to add Keanu to this list.

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Really impressive film. Keanu was terrific. Stylish and original. If the Raid films raised the bar, John Wick is the first one to clear it. It's the best as action films will get. I will actually say it's better than the 1st Raid.

As for actors improving their craft with age (Donnie Yen, Tony Jaa), I'd have to add Keanu to this list.

Better than the The Raid 1? I haven't seen John Wick yet but I just don' t believe it. I can't, I just can't. Okay I will watch John Wick now.

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Finally saw this tonight and loved the ever lovin' shit outta it.

Everything worked for me - the action, the score, the amazing cast ( holy shit, a Matrix Reloaded reunion!)

It reminded me a lot of the great, unloved Safe, only with more dogs, head shots and sock suspenders.

I want more adventures of John Wick, roaming the world, righting wrongs, taking out the trash.

They can call the next one Lone Wick and Pup.

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Finally saw this tonight and loved the ever lovin' shit outta it.

Everything worked for me - the action, the score, the amazing cast ( holy shit, a Matrix Reloaded reunion!)

It reminded me a lot of the great, unloved Safe, only with more dogs, head shots and sock suspenders.

I want more adventures of John Wick, roaming the world, righting wrongs, taking out the trash.

They can call the next one Lone Wick and Pup.

Hot damn! :nerd: Sounds good. My son raved about it too, so I'm going to do a Blu-ray buy the day it comes out (Feb. 3rd).

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I'm very surprised to read all the praise.

I agree the film looked stylish, I liked the story (although, very unoriginal - the part about dying spouse sending a dog as a gift, I heard it about 20 yrs ago) and I liked the performances.

What didn't impress me was the action. Very generic and not exiting at all for the most part. Repetitive headshots, some bland hand-to-hand combat, more boring shots fired

The bathhouse shootout was OK (the highlight of the film for me), there were some original bits at the end, but it was just not enough. Very forgettable stuff.

As a whole, a mediocre actioner to kill a couple of hours, nothing more

( A few days ago I watched No Tears for the Dead and yesterday I re-watched the first Taken film and I gotta say, after those two flicks John Wick looks VERY disappointing (I'm talking about action only)

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Hot damn! :nerd: Sounds good. My son raved about it too, so I'm going to do a Blu-ray buy the day it comes out (Feb. 3rd).

I envy you, brother.

The UK cinema release is April (!), so no idea when we'll get the BD. :sad:

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Hot damn! :nerd: Sounds good. My son raved about it too, so I'm going to do a Blu-ray buy the day it comes out (Feb. 3rd).

I'm supposed to be getting an advanced copy of the Blu-Ray so I will do a full movie/Blu-Ray review when I receive it :)

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I'm supposed to be getting an advanced copy of the Blu-Ray so I will do a full movie/Blu-Ray review when I receive it :)

Hey Al, I was hoping your sentence was going to go more like this- "I'm supposed to be getting an advanced copy of the Blu-Ray so I will ship it right over to you Bob when I receive it.":tongue: There's still time to edit your comment and change your plans... :wink: LOL

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