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Jackie Chan's son Jaycee detained in Beijing drug bust


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Jackie Chan's son detained in Beijing drug bust

BEIJING (AP) — Hong Kong action superstar Jackie Chan's actor-son Jaycee Chan has been detained in Beijing on drug-related charges, the latest high-profile celebrity to be ensnared in one of China's biggest anti-drug crackdowns in two decades.

Jaycee Chan, 32, was detained last Thursday together with the 23-year-old Taiwanese movie star Kai Ko, Beijing police said late Monday on their official microblog, identifying them only by their surnames, ages and nationalities. It was unclear why the detentions were announced several days later.

Police said both actors tested positive for marijuana and admitted using the drug, and that 100 grams of it were taken from Chan's home.

Several celebrities have been detained on drug charges following a declaration in June by President Xi Jinping that illegal drugs should be wiped out and that offenders would be severely punished. In Beijing alone, more than 7,800 people have been caught in the crackdown, police said.

Chinese state broadcaster CCTV aired footage of a police search of the younger Chan's home in Beijing in which he is depicted, his face pixelated, showing officers where he stashed bags of marijuana. Police said they acted on a tipoff from the public.

Chan is accused of accommodating drug users, an offense that carries a maximum sentence of three years' imprisonment — a far more serious charge than that of drug consumption. Two other people detained in the same case were accused of selling drugs while Ko is accused of drug consumption.

China named the elder Chan an anti-drug ambassador in 2009. Ko, the Taiwanese star, was part of an anti-drug campaign two years ago, CCTV reported, showing footage of the campaign in which he joins other celebrities in a chorus declaring: "I don't use drugs."

On Tuesday, Ko was shown on CCTV, his face pixelated, tearfully apologizing to his fans and family.

"I feel very regretful, very sorry to all the people who support me... I've been a very bad example, I've made a very big mistake," Ko said.

Ko starred in the Taiwanese hit movie "You Are the Apple of My Eye," which earned critical acclaim and instant fame for the actor.

Illegal drug use has ballooned in China in recent decades, after being virtually eradicated following the 1949 communist revolution. Narcotics began to reappear with the loosening of social controls in the late 1980s.

In more recent years, rising wealth and greater personal freedoms have been accompanied by a growing popularity of methamphetamines and the party drugs Ecstasy and ketamine. They are often bought on social media forums and consumed in nightclubs, leading to periodic police crackdowns.


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Either one of the greatest trolls to ever grace the forums or just bearer of bad news. Back to this Jackie Chan son bust thing, it happens to almost every Movie star with kids. They party and do drugs, what else can they do? They have so much money.

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Either one of the greatest trolls to ever grace the forums or just bearer of bad news. Back to this Jackie Chan son bust thing, it happens to almost every Movie star with kids. They party and do drugs, what else can they do? They have so much money.

Why wrong this this topic?

What are you talking about ?

Are you fan of Jackie Chan?

If you not happy ,you can ask the owner of this forum to ban me ,i don't mind.

I have regular posting in other forum without any problem.

Someone here also posted news on drug on Roy Cheung.

Am i unwelcome in this forum?

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Morgoth Bauglir

galvatron it's all good my man. Take a swig of coolant. We all love you. I don't usually respond to your threads but I do find them interesting. You are welcome here.

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I can't say I'm surprised with the news. I read an article from BBC News-Asia in my facebook news feed about it. I reckon the powers that be in Beijing are deliberatley targetting celebrities and making it public in order to set an example to the public that drug use will not be tolerated. USA did the same thing in the 60's and 70's and the UK recently exposed loads of celebrity tax dodgers, a government initialtive to raise awareness that not feeding their greedy pockets with our hard earned cash will not be tolerated. When it goes all over the media that a celeb has broke the law it's a win win situation for the government and law enforcers.

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Why wrong this this topic?

What are you talking about ?

Are you fan of Jackie Chan?

If you not happy ,you can ask the owner of this forum to ban me ,i don't mind.

I have regular posting in other forum without any problem.

Someone here also posted news on drug on Roy Cheung.

Am i unwelcome in this forum?

I waited 5 years for a response, finally!!!! I can mark that off my bucket list!!

1. Why would I want you banned? Do you not have a sense of humor?

2. You post here regularly? What thread?

3. I don't know who Roy Cheung is but you win this one

4. How does humor relate to personal attacks to you galvatron?

Anyways, what are your thoughts on this Jackie Chan son bust article?

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Drunken Monk

"Accommodating drug use" is such an unusual crime, especially when as little as 100 grams were taken from his house.

But then that's the difference in culture, I suppose. Lindsey Lohan could have had enough cocaine charges against her to see her serve some hefty prison time and yet she's still living the life. American cops wouldn't even bother arresting a US celeb found with a hundred grams of weed.

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Depends what State you are in. I know that in California you can get Jail time for possession.
Lindsay Lohan (and a long list of other celebrities) have had multiple drug bust and the likes in California with little to no jail time. And as drunken Monk previously stated, Lindsay is a multiple offender.
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Lock him up, then I'll never have to see his stupid face in a film ever again.

At least now we know why he always looks stoned in photos. :xd:

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Secret Executioner
Ah, man. That weed. Evil.

Chan should rot in prison. Damn sinner.

All your post is missing is quotes from some great movie warning us on the dangers of drugs... Like Reefer Madness AKA Tell Your Children. :tongue:

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"Accommodating drug use" is such an unusual crime, especially when as little as 100 grams were taken from his house.

But then that's the difference in culture, I suppose. Lindsey Lohan could have had enough cocaine charges against her to see her serve some hefty prison time and yet she's still living the life. American cops wouldn't even bother arresting a US celeb found with a hundred grams of weed.

100 grams is about 3.5 ounces, roughly a quarter pound - that's quite a bit. Depending where you are in the US, getting busted with that amount would be facing very serious jail time. In some places, even simple possesion of a joint's worth can be months of jail.

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sifu iron perm

thanks for the news galv, you always come with the exclusives..

this is terrible news..how's the relationship these days with son and pops?

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100 grams is about 3.5 ounces, roughly a quarter pound - that's quite a bit. Depending where you are in the US, getting busted with that amount would be facing very serious jail time. In some places, even simple possesion of a joint's worth can be months of jail.

He's a giving person. =D

“I know this is not a very popular idea. You don't hear it too often any more … but it's the truth. I have taken drugs before and … I had a real good time. Sorry. Didn't murder anybody, didn't rape anybody, didn't rob anybody, didn't beat anybody, didn't lose – hmm – one f-cking job, laughed my ass off, and went about my day. Sorry. Now, where's my commercial?” - Bill Hicks

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Why wrong this this topic?

What are you talking about ?

Are you fan of Jackie Chan?

If you not happy ,you can ask the owner of this forum to ban me ,i don't mind.

I have regular posting in other forum without any problem.

Someone here also posted news on drug on Roy Cheung.

Am i unwelcome in this forum?

I am another forum member that rarely posts in the threads that you write, but I always appreciate when you post news here. :bigsmile: That's why I come to this forum- for info on Asian cinema and the people responsible for it, and to discuss it with friends.

Opiumkungfucracker was only joking around, but I can see why you might have misinterpreted it as an attack. No harm was meant though. Please don't be offended, and I hope you continue to post.

For me the biggest problem with it is the hypocrisy.

China named the elder Chan an anti-drug ambassador in 2009. Ko, the Taiwanese star, was part of an anti-drug campaign two years ago, CCTV reported, showing footage of the campaign in which he joins other celebrities in a chorus declaring: "I don't use drugs."

I hear what you're saying, but sometimes circumstances can force a person who is in the public eye to do some strange things. I know a celeb that was in a similar situation. He likes to enjoy a smoke now and then- like others do a glass of wine or a beer- but he is not someone that you'd suspect as a "drug user". When he was publicly asked if he would take part in an anti-drug campaign he was really put on the spot. If he said yes, then he'd feel like a hypocrite. But if he said no, he'd seem like a jerk, would be expected to explain why, and may potentially risk his private practices being revealed. So he decided that it couldn't hurt to be a part of the campaign, especially since he does think that young people- too immature to do things in moderation- shouldn't be taking part in smoking pot.

When I was younger I had some fun with marijuana. While under the influence, like the majority of people that use it, I never lost a job due to it, committed any violent crimes, started up an anti-government revolution, or thought I could fly. It brought about a mellow, happy, and often creative feeling in me. When I was using it the only thing I hated was that I had to hide what I was doing. This was particularly aggravating when surrounded by a society that allows legal alcohol consumption which basically just impairs a person. I've lost several family members to drunk drivers, watched people all around me suffer from alcoholism, and been witness to the suffering that they caused others. And after being hit by a drunk driver a couple of years ago my son and I are now permanently injured. :tinysmile_angry2_t: Now let me think of all the ways I've seen people suffer, or that I was adversely affected by pot smokers I've known... Hmmm... :neutral: I've known people that used excessively and became burn outs, and others that didn't live up to their potential, were lazy, and ate too much. None of them ever hit someone they "love" while under the influence, drove a vehicle and injured others, or attacked anyone though.

The fact that it is illegal to alter one's own state of being is fucking nuts. China doesn't have anything better to do with their time and resources? How about doing something about it's pollution instead of going after people that want to feel mellow.

What a weird world we live in. :squigglemouth:

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Drunken Monk
100 grams is about 3.5 ounces, roughly a quarter pound - that's quite a bit. Depending where you are in the US, getting busted with that amount would be facing very serious jail time. In some places, even simple possesion of a joint's worth can be months of jail.

But not celebrities. Lindsey Lohan was caught driving whilst intoxicated and in the possession of cocaine and didn't get anything remotely close to a serious sentence.

But I understand that this is western culture and, in time, weed will probably be legal in most places.

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Jackie Chan gave a statement today of Jaycee's arrest:

“Regarding this issue with my son Jaycee, I feel very angry and very shocked. As a public figure, I’m very ashamed. As a father, I’m heartbroken. Jaycee and I together express our deep apology to society and the public. I hope all young people will learn a lesson from Jaycee and stay far from the harm of drugs. I say to Jaycee that you have to accept the consequences when you do something wrong. As your father, I’m going to face the road together with you.”

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