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The Big Boss Part II (1976) with Lo Leih and Bruce Le


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once i transfer magic ring pending on condition of print i will post the opening and soem scenes on youtube'i transfer when i get rid of prints and store them on dvcam in my archives

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And one more thing you sad that you get a lot of money selling movies because you don`t like the, so Big Boss 2 is not lost those guys that you sold it to probably made some copies or something.

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once i transfer magic ring pending on condition of print i will post the opening and soem scenes on youtube'i transfer when i get rid of prints and store them on dvcam in my archives

I would be happy if you do that.

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they screen them and have no interest in transferring it

i have these on reels if u know them

judo saga

karate story

judo for life

orphan girl

black belt fury aka deadly china doll

red phoenix

and more

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Yeah i know for them i have some of them, just wondering if in the world are some more sellers with rare kung fu films. Big Boss 2 was screened in Greece, however i heard that there are some street Kung Fu movies sellers which have Big Boss 2 in this year i`m going to Cameroon i hope i`ll get something nice.

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Thanks for information i was always wondering about that guy from Taiwan who claimed to have VHS, was Magic Ring ever released anywhere?

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If it's Deadly China Doll starring Angela Mao & Carter Wong -then that's another rare tiltle. The only dvd I've seen of it is a sh***y scratched up print that has gone green with lack of decent storage!

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let me put peoples minds to rest here

firstly,no offense to the guy who claims to own the reels in africa and wont transfer due to copyright,thats total trash he does not have a print.the last remaining eng print was in south africa as far as i know and if he is talking about a print then its the same one i sold ,but my bet is he is lying he mentioned bruce le character name in the film

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i am going to put all your your minds at ease and post on you tube the first 5min of the movie in english dubbed soon

That would be appreciated.

i will do the same with female chivalry,supergirl and martial mates sooni have no interest in certain kung fu movies and big boss is one of them.its beyond garbage

You mentioned that to me a while back. Cinema is a form of art and all art is subjective but I'm betting you're correct on BB2.

The fact that it is so elusive to collectors has amplified its desirability and value though it may not be truly worthy of such.

If it were widely available for all these years, there's a good chance it might being seeing a slow death...

...at the local WalMart

...near the bottom of the pile

...with a 99 cent sticker on it.

But one can only speculate.

A few scans I posted at FLK some time ago to whet everyone's appetite until we get the first 5 on YouTube.



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Morgoth Bauglir

Nice Teako. Thanks for the pics.

I'll watch anything with Chan Wai Man, especially when he's the lead villain or hero. he could be amazing in this movie, you never know. It all depends on what the director and action director have him doing...

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I just want to see this damn movie. Widescreen, fullscreen, dubbed, subtitled, in Mandarin with no subtitles... SOMETHING!

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Morgoth Bauglir

Good point OPY!! to whoever has this movie, please, chop off the subs, do whatever you can do to fuck it up and make it pretty much worthless, and I'll still pay money for it! I just want to see it.

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Good point OPY!! to whoever has this movie, please, chop off the subs, do whatever you can do to fuck it up and make it pretty much worthless, and I'll still pay money for it! I just want to see it.

Okay, well don't *intentionally* make it look worse :tongue: I mean, a widescreen subtitled print would be all kinds of awesome. But I'll take a full screen English dubbed transfer too. Beggars can't be choosers, and at this point in this case... we're beggars.

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Lo Lieh (as the Hero......yaaay!), Chan Wei Man (the Villain...Yayy!),cameo by Bruce Le....don't look garbage to me!


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Well this one was my all time favorite rare i would like to see it very much because Bruce Le is there and Lo Lieh also and i`m big fan of Big Boss part I but if Naushad don`t want to sell or trade it we can`t force him and i`m sure that he has his reasons for that. But i also hope that movie will show up one day.

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Thanks for sharing the information. I really hope to have a chance to see this movie in any format available.

I wonder if it is possible to set up a deal similar to the release of "Massacre Survivor", I would contribute to that.

Lo Lieh is very great and the original "Big Boss" film is my favourite, so I like to see about this sequel and what they did.

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Guest Markgway

What kind of ignorant morons walk out a movie because it's subtitled?

English dubs maybe worth more financially, but culturally they're worth shit. It's the original language prints that need to be preserved.

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What kind of ignorant morons walk out a movie because it's subtitled?

Apparantly South Africans.... and most Americans, as far as I know:tongue:

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