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The Big Boss Part II (1976) with Lo Leih and Bruce Le


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I'm tempted to call the cinema and demand some answers :tongue:

VERY intrigued!

You better be. Afterall, you're the real "2nd Big Boss"....

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Yeah Karlos should know all about this. Karlos are you going to this or are you going to watch on a live feed?

lol someone skype it to him. =D

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Big Boss Part 2 has Yuen Cheung Yan on choreo and the finale looks pretty solid. Dynamic movement and joint locks from Chan Wai Man as we can expect. The rare prints mentioned earlier in this thread are currently not available. The reels have either never turned up in collector circuits or are in the hands of uncooperative people that later went MIA. This is one film we can actually get to see.


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Yeah Karlos should know all about this. Karlos are you going to this or are you going to watch on a live feed?

Brother, I wish I could be in attendance!

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I'm more interested in that listed running time for Bruce Lee's Big Boss ;-)

Hey, ANYONE living in L.A. should DEFINATELY charge up their pocket camcorders and do a camjob. Even a fundraiser would be good. This film needs to see the light of day once and for all.

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What exactly are the legalities involved if someone did film this during a showing?

Does anyone actually own the rights to this film? Is it in copyright anywhere?

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What exactly are the legalities involved if someone did film this during a showing?

In the USA: 18. U.S.C.:

§2319B. Unauthorized recording of Motion pictures in a Motion picture exhibition facility

(a) Offense. Any person who, without the authorization of the copyright owner, knowingly uses or attempts to use an audiovisual recording device to transmit or make a copy of a motion picture or other audiovisual work protected under title 17, or any part thereof, from a performance of such work in a motion picture exhibition facility, shall:

(1) be imprisoned for not more than 3 years, fined under this title, or both; or

(2) if the offense is a second or subsequent offense, be imprisoned for no more than 6 years, fined under this title, or both.

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Cheers for that, Rog. :smile:

I wonder, with older films like Big Boss 2, does it actually have a copyright owner?

If it's out of copyright can it then be filmed?

And is owning a print strictly legal?

(I'm in a real questioning mood today :tongue:)

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Cheers for that, Rog. :smile:

I wonder, with older films like Big Boss 2, does it actually have a copyright owner?

If it's out of copyright can it then be filmed?

And is owning a print strictly legal?

(I'm in a real questioning mood today :tongue:)

None of these questions have a clear yes/no answer and would take many pages to go through all the legal technicalities involved. Generally,

(1) older films like Big Boss 2, does it actually have a copyright owner? Many factors to consider. For example, It's a 1976 foreign movie being shown in the USA. Copyrights Laws in the USA changed in 1978. Was the movie «published» in the USA in 1976 with what's called a «Notice»? If not, the movie is public domain as far as the USA is concerned but could still be subject to copyrights in other country (Germany is extremely strict with copyrights laws). Some exceptions may also apply. There's also the Berne Act in the USA adopted in 1989..

(2) If it's out of copyright can it then be filmed? Tricky question. Technically, you are filming a movie without copyrights thus not violating that section 2319B in the USA because there is no copyrights owner. However, there might be local laws prohibiting the use of a camcorder in a public theater.

(3) And is owning a print strictly legal? Owning a print of a bootleg (as this term is defined by law and not as misunderstood by many collectors) for personal use is not illegal in the USA as simple possession doesn't violate any laws or statutes. However, getting caught in the NY streets buying a bootleg from a bootlegger could be an infraction if it can be proved that you knew that you were buying a counterfeit DVD. Also, if a proper registered copyrights owner of a movie would know that you have in your possession a counterfeit copy of his movie in your house, he could legally have it seized but could do nothing against the owner (unless of course the owner tried to and/or used it for any kind of purposes other than personal viewing).

These are basic answers, not a fully researched legal opinion.

To Karlos: Enough questions for today or I'm sending you a bill!!!!

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Well, tonight IS the night.

I was just about to say that. Iron Flag, we're all counting on you to report back to us. I would actually suggest not recording the screen. I can barely stand VHS quality already, I will not stand camcorder quality. Also it's not the most legal thing ever. Just sayin'. :tongue:

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I was just about to say that. Iron Flag, we're all counting on you to report back to us. I would actually suggest not recording the screen. I can barely stand VHS quality already, I will not stand camcorder quality. Also it's not the most legal thing ever. Just sayin'. :tongue:

Honestly, if that reel is legit - and if the theater owns it - maybe we can all think of something and have it transferred to betamax.

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Honestly, if that reel is legit - and if the theater owns it - maybe we can all think of something and have it transferred to betamax.

Here's some interesting stuff I found on the Grindhouse Film Festival's Facebook page. It says, "Don't miss...Lo Lieh and Bruce Le in THE BIG BOSS PART II (1976)...THE BIG BOSS PART II has been considered a lost film for many years, so don't miss this very rare chance to see it on the big screen!"

Pretty freaking descriptive so I'm assuming that they're showing the right film. That's awesome but it gets better. The post continues to say "Both films will be screened in their original Chinese-language versions with English subtitles."

No freaking way! That sounds very unlikely, but who knows. We'll just have to hear from Iron Flag and find out.

Very interesting stuff. I'd love to take this print, transfer it to video, and release it on DVD. I can't wait for the Fist of Fury double feature on the 21st!

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Yes it was The Big Boss 2 with Lo Lieh. Sometimes movies are rare for a reason: they suck. That is the case with The Big Boss 2. It is very bad! There were MANY what I'm assuming are unintentional laughs but other than that nothing memorable. Fight scenes are not good. Bruce Le is in it for the first 5 minutes, Wei Man has a brief fight with Lo Lieh towards the end and thats pretty much it. Any collectors who want this one should definitely not lose any sleep over not having it!

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Yes it was The Big Boss 2 with Lo Lieh. Sometimes movies are rare for a reason: they suck. That is the case with The Big Boss 2. It is very bad! There were MANY what I'm assuming are unintentional laughs but other than that nothing memorable. Fight scenes are not good. Bruce Le is in it for the first 5 minutes, Wei Man has a brief fight with Lo Lieh towards the end and thats pretty much it. Any collectors who want this one should definitely not lose any sleep over not having it!

Makes me wanna see it even more!

Were any of the locations filmed the same place as the original was? (ice factory, etc).

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One Armed Boxer
Sometimes movies are rare for a reason: they suck. That is the case with The Big Boss 2. It is very bad! There were MANY what I'm assuming are unintentional laughs but other than that nothing memorable. Fight scenes are not good. Bruce Le is in it for the first 5 minutes, Wei Man has a brief fight with Lo Lieh towards the end and thats pretty much it. Any collectors who want this one should definitely not lose any sleep over not having it!

Wow, that bad huh. For an alternative take, check out shaolintemple's review of the movie in post #23 here -


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