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Panna Ritikrai DVD Recommendations

One Armed Boxer

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One Armed Boxer

With Panna Ritikrai's recent passing, I've been curious to check out some of his older movies. I know the vast majority of them are only available on Thai VCD, but what I was curious to know is what's worth picking up that actually was released on DVD in the UK & US?

I already have the 'Born to Fight / Thai Police Story' DVD set, as well as his more recent efforts like the 'Born to Fight' remake, 'Dynamite Warrior', & 'Bangkok Knockout'. What I want to know is are the movies listed below in the same style of the original 'Born to Fight', which I guess would basically be awful movie, amazing action.

As every single one of these movies was released with Tony Jaa's face on the cover, it makes it almost impossible to find reviews online which are actually in the context of them being old Panna efforts. Instead there's just rant after rant of how low budget the movies are, and how Jaa is mostly in them for about 10 minutes. I'm fine with that, I'm not buying them for Jaa, I want to know how they measure up as vintage Panna flicks.

Appreciate your help!

Spirited Killer Triogy -

Spirited Killer 1

Spirited Killer 2

Spirited Killer 3


Hard Gun


Battle Warrior


The Bodyguard

The Bodyguard 2


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Okay, let's see what I can do to help you out here.

The 2 Bodyguard films are essentially comedies with action aspects. Jaa actually makes action-packed cameos with some decent choreography in each. To me, they're worth having solely for that. I've really not watched the films in their entirety I will confess.

Battle Warrior has Jaa in a supporting role if I recall correctly with 1 sparring sequence. Don't remember a whole lot about it other than that. It must not have made a very good impression.

Hard Gun is somewhat better. Jaa plays a henchman with a decent end fight. I think I recall this one being okay.

Ah, the Spirited Killer trilogy! These have some really decent choreography throughout them. The 1st one actually has a killer fight between Jaa and Panna with a bit of sword play. 2 & 3 are seemingly never-ending set pieces in the outdoors for fights galore. They tend to get a bit redundant at times but there are some good sequences.

Hope that helps, OAB. I may have BW and HG backwards, but I think I'm right.

I've never seen the original Born To Fight/Thai Police Story. Hopefully I'll luck into those at some point. Is that a 3 movie set also? And is it Panna starring and fighting?

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One Armed Boxer
Battle Warrior has Jaa in a supporting role if I recall correctly with 1 sparring sequence. Don't remember a whole lot about it other than that. It must not have made a very good impression.

Hard Gun is somewhat better. Jaa plays a henchman with a decent end fight. I think I recall this one being okay.

Ah, the Spirited Killer trilogy! These have some really decent choreography throughout them. The 1st one actually has a killer fight between Jaa and Panna with a bit of sword play. 2 & 3 are seemingly never-ending set pieces in the outdoors for fights galore. They tend to get a bit redundant at times but there are some good sequences.

Hope that helps, OAB. I may have BW and HG backwards, but I think I'm right.

Hey ShaOW!linDude, thanks for the info! As I mentioned I don't care if Jaa is in them or not, so how much screen time he has isn't really a factor in my decision to purchase them, I'm going at them purely from the perspective of them being old-school Panna flicks, so in that regard you've made the above movies sound like they could definitely be worth checking out.

I've never seen the original Born To Fight/Thai Police Story. Hopefully I'll luck into those at some point. Is that a 3 movie set also? And is it Panna starring and fighting?

Yeah, you can get these 2 movies as a double-bill DVD (this is the set I have) -


Or as a triple-bill with the first 'Spirited Killer' movie -


Panna is front and center in both of these movies, and they're brutal. 'Born to Fight' has a heap of fight action and stunt work, although the movie itself is nothing special, while I think I remember reading somewhere that 'Thai Police Story' is actually a cut and paste job of a couple of Panna's older flicks, not that this is in any way detrimental, as the result is just over an hour of ridiculously hard hitting non-stop fight action, I think you'd definintely enjoy them.

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Good deal, OAB. Think I'll look for the double bill set so as not to double dip on another copy of Spirited Killer. I've actually seen that one in stores but it's been a while.

BW & HG are not Jaa heavy by any means, and I don't remember Panna being in them at all though he may have had minor roles. I think in both of those films he was showcasing other talent. Guess I should revisit those myself as well as sit through both Bodyguard movies.:tongue:

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I have a few of Panna's films (that star him) on that most hateful of media... VCD. :sad: Unfortunately some of his most famous films were only available that way. So I figured better to see them looking cruddy rather than not at all. And I was right! From what I can remember, there are no English subs, but they're not plot-heavy by any means! :tongue: I've just got in from a friend's party and am too tired to go look right now (it's 4am). But I'll try to look and list what I've got that's worth seeing later tomorrow. Apparently I forgot to add them to my list. :crossedlips:

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One Armed Boxer
I have a few of Panna's films (that star him) on that most hateful of media... VCD. :sad: Unfortunately some of his most famous films were only available that way. So I figured better to see them looking cruddy rather than not at all. And I was right! From what I can remember, there are no English subs, but they're not plot-heavy by any means! :tongue: I've just got in from a friend's party and am too tired to go look right now (it's 4am). But I'll try to look and list what I've got that's worth seeing later tomorrow. Apparently I forgot to add them to my list. :crossedlips:

Thanks KFB! Interesting that it's not his best movies that did get a release on DVD, or perhaps the distributors idea was to just the release the ones which had even a couple of minutes of Tony Jaa in them, so that they could market them from a perspective of him being in them to make them more sellable.

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So of the old stuff, aside from the original Born to Fight, is it only 'Battle Warrior' and Hard Gun than got proper DVD treatment (original aspect, language and English subs)?

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I was wondering the same thing about Panna DVD recommendations. It's a shame there aren't more English subbed/dubbed to choose from.:squigglemouth:

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Are there any custom DVD's with English subtitles of any of Panna's movies only officially on VCD only in Thai ?

Any more opinions on "Hard Gun"? I thought I saw it on Blu-ray but is it worth it?

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Thanks KFB! Interesting that it's not his best movies that did get a release on DVD, or perhaps the distributors idea was to just the release the ones which had even a couple of minutes of Tony Jaa in them, so that they could market them from a perspective of him being in them to make them more sellable.

Okay, I did look, but apparently most of my Panna VCDs were not returned to me. I lent them to a friend a couple of years ago. I have notified him of his "imminent destruction" should their return happen later than a week from now. :tongue: Of the ones I still have here, only one wasn't released (as far as I know) as a retitled R1 DVD, and that's BIBLE OF LOAFER (aka. Aunsuniad). No English subs, full-screen VCD.

Are there any custom DVD's with English subtitles of any of Panna's movies only officially on VCD only in Thai ?

Not that I'm aware of.

Any more opinions on "Hard Gun"? I thought I saw it on Blu-ray but is it worth it?

Unfortunately I can't help you with this. Other than the original BORN TO FIGHT (which I've watched a few times), I've only seen the others once each and I watched them all in a row. So they have all blended together in my memory.

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One Armed Boxer
Okay, I did look, but apparently most of my Panna VCDs were not returned to me. I lent them to a friend a couple of years ago. I have notified him of his "imminent destruction" should their return happen later than a week from now. :tongue:

'7 Days Until Death' - A new movie starring KFB, count me in!

Sorry to hear that buddy, I'm curious to know if the clip at 00:36 of the tribute video which was released by Sahamongkolfilm is a part of any of the movies that made it to DVD, it's a fight on top of a train which looks ridiculously dangerous. Does it ring any bells? -


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Morgoth Bauglir

I would check in with The Stunt People site. I think it was Eric Jacobus or Graeme Noble who did a review for every Panna VCD. I can't find the thread now so you may want to ask them.

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'7 Days Until Death' - A new movie starring KFB, count me in!

We may have to change the title to "DEAD BEFORE HIS PHONE HITS THE FLOOR" as he said "I'm not quite sure where they are. But I'll look for them." :neutral: Oh... you will? That's so considerate of you. :neutral: Um... here are the acceptable places that they should be...

1. On a shelf (where children and animals cannot harm them).

2. Next to his TV (in their cases).

3. In a fire-proof safe.

Where the fuck else would movies you borrow from someone be? :tinysmile_angry2_t: He's done. Banned from borrowing ever again. Every time I get burned like this I tell myself "I'm done loaning films out". But... I love to share them. :squigglemouth: Why can't people act responsibly with borrowed stuff? My son lent his I-Pod to a friend, and when he asked for it back the guy said "I don't have it. I lent it to a friend. But we don't speak anymore, so I can't get it back." :ooh:Say what?! I have two words for this friend: "Get it." :neutral:

I'm curious to know if the clip at 00:36 of the tribute video which was released by Sahamongkolfilm is a part of any of the movies that made it to DVD, it's a fight on top of a train which looks ridiculously dangerous. Does it ring any bells? -

It does look familiar. But I can't be sure.

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Morgoth Bauglir
We may have to change the title to "DEAD BEFORE HIS PHONE HITS THE FLOOR" as he said "I'm not quite sure where they are. But I'll look for them." :neutral: Oh... you will? That's so considerate of you. :neutral: Um... here are the acceptable places that they should be...

1. On a shelf (where children and animals cannot harm them).

2. Next to his TV (in their cases).

3. In a fire-proof safe.

Where the fuck else would movies you borrow from someone be? :tinysmile_angry2_t: He's done. Banned from borrowing ever again. Every time I get burned like this I tell myself "I'm done loaning films out". But... I love to share them. :squigglemouth: Why can't people act responsibly with borrowed stuff? My son lent his I-Pod to a friend, and when he asked for it back the guy said "I don't have it. I lent it to a friend. But we don't speak anymore, so I can't get it back." :ooh:Say what?! I have two words for this friend: "Get it." :neutral:

It does look familiar. But I can't be sure.

I've had this happen to me so many times that I never loan out movies anymore unless they have something to let me borrow as well. I've still had movies not get returned, but at least I got something back for it.

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I've had this happen to me so many times that I never loan out movies anymore unless they have something to let me borrow as well. I've still had movies not get returned, but at least I got something back for it.

That's a good idea. Perhaps I'll hold their house and car keys until my films are returned? :wink:

It's always something that's not easy to replace too. I definitely don't want to have to re-order a bunch of VCDs from Thailand. That's if they're even still available.

Years ago I was given a present- it's a bit like a library card system, and you can list who is borrowing what, and when, and have them sign it. But I thought I'd seem like such an asshole if I did that when I loan stuff out... "Okay, and just sign right here." :tongue: . You know what though... I'm starting to think being an asshole must be both easy and great. :smile: You don't care what anyone thinks, and you get to keep everything you borrow. Hmmmm... not bad. :angel:

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Morgoth Bauglir

I've been an asshole my whole life. I can't imagine how many DVDs I'd have lost by now if I wasn't so strict about letting people borrow them. The last DVD that didn't get returned was The Sword 1980 English dubbed. If I find this person, I think he moved back to Cali, I'm gonna do the same thing to him that I did to the last person that took one of my DVDs. I will sneak up on him and kick him in the head with his back turned. Then we are even.

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If I find this person, I think he moved back to Cali, I'm gonna do the same thing to him that I did to the last person that took one of my DVDs. I will sneak up on him and kick him in the head with his back turned. Then we are even.

How did the person that you DID kick handle it? :smile:

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Morgoth Bauglir

I don't know but I have a good idea. My shin was hurting pretty bad and after I kicked him his friends were in shock and were about to say something to me but I limped away and got out of the mall and drove away as fast as I could. He went to the ground fast after I kicked him but I don't know what happened exactly and I haven't heard anything about it since. I really shouldn't have done this. It was a crazy risk that I took. But I had to do it. I take these movies very seriously. You don't steal my Secret Rivals DVD. At least not the Mei Ah version that has good sound quality.

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I don't know but I have a good idea. My shin was hurting pretty bad and after I kicked him his friends were in shock and were about to say something to me but I limped away and got out of the mall and drove away as fast as I could. He went to the ground fast after I kicked him but I don't know what happened exactly and I haven't heard anything about it since. I really shouldn't have done this. It was a crazy risk that I took. But I had to do it. I take these movies very seriously. You don't steal my Secret Rivals DVD. At least not the Mei Ah version that has good sound quality.

Holy shit! :smile:

I've been lucky so far (or should I say- others have been lucky?) in that seeing me pissed off, along with a few well-chosen words has always sufficed.

Much as I may kid around about it, I wouldn't physically harm someone unless they were hurting others or assaulting me, robbing me, or broke into my house. In fact, after stopping a few guys from mugging me in the '90s, I still felt really bad about it. I know I shouldn't, but I did.

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One Armed Boxer
I'm gonna do the same thing to him that I did to the last person that took one of my DVDs. I will sneak up on him and kick him in the head with his back turned. Then we are even.

My shin was hurting pretty bad and after I kicked him his friends were in shock and were about to say something to me but I limped away and got out of the mall and drove away as fast as I could. He went to the ground fast after I kicked him but I don't know what happened exactly and I haven't heard anything about it since.

Wow, I laughed at that first quote because I thought you were being sarcastic. But you actually kicked this guy in the back of the head? That's amazing.:tongue:

KFB I hope you can get your VCD's back!

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Morgoth Bauglir

It's not something I'm proud of. But I didn't know if I would ever see him again. Something had to be done.

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KFB I hope you can get your VCD's back!

Well, it's that or his feet. His choice. :tongue: LOL Yeah... me too.

It's not something I'm proud of. But I didn't know if I would ever see him again. Something had to be done.

Just so you know, even though I wouldn't have done that myself, I was not being judgmental of your choice of action. And in fact, I emphatically endorse it! :bigsmile: Panna would be proud.

Sorry if I was the cause of this thread's derailing. :wink:

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